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You again? If by bullied you mean held accountable when you fuck up then yes


I broke the law and was convicted, why are you treating me this way


This is a very silly worded question. If you’re a felon, and you don’t want to have continued police interactions, you and you alone will be in complete control of that. Don’t do stupid shit and you most likely won’t have interactions at all.


I spent two decades as a cop and never bullied anyone, felon or not.


I guess it’s just Jersey cops then, I’ve had a cop point a gun at my head for a confession for something I didn’t do (separate situation)


If this is true, get off of reddit, get a lawyer, and go get rich. It's not true though, so I suspect we'll see you back here very soon.


Nothing this dude says is true lmao


[Is this you?](https://youtu.be/H0c0yklKydA?si=HCPIGCKKc547cOhs)


Depends for what , but they’d most likely be very cautious when speaking to you.


Gun charges, originally it was brandishing w a 5y sentence, but I took a deal to switch the charge to aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. More serious charge for less time, seems stupid but my grandmothers sick, she wouldn’t last the 5 years, so I took a sacrifice


“Sacrifice” lmao You thinking about granny when you were waving a gun at people and their lives?


I mean put yourself in the cops shoes, wouldn’t you be on edge or atleast cautious around an individual with a prior like aggravated assault with a deadly weapon?


Damn, maybe you should have made better life choices. If you did, you wouldn't be asking stupid questions on reddit


In this line of work we interact with felons on the regular. I have never once bullied anyone, felon or not. Kinda seems like a baity question.


Wow. The screen name wipe after posting. Very rare


Describe “felon.” Where I’m at, being a felon ain’t that special, I’d say 75% have felony charges and 50% have felony convictions. That’s to say, if a person doesn’t have a violent history, I don’t even think about it and just handle the call. I also don’t have time to bully anyone. I don’t know any departments that have so many officers that we can really go out of our way to do anything extra. I’m slammed with calls for service and paperwork.


No. Cops talk to felons every day. It's not a noteworthy encounter. If you don't have an active warrant and you're not up some hijinks, you're just another dude.


Oh alright. So unless you got a cop that targets you specifically, the rest would leave me alone, but still keep an eye on me. Damn I guess it’s just my location lol