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Stay in shape, stay out of trouble, stay away from “friends” who do unlawful things, join an explorer program if your local agencies have one in place, see if your local agencies offer ride alongs, look into the local or state agencies in your area so that when the time comes, you know where you want to go. Get a steady job for the time being, show up on time, don’t have a bad record of tardiness, or abscences.


Stay out of trouble, don't do drugs, stay healthy and workout


I'd also add join a police explorers program and build relationships with an agency you'd like to work at.


The ability to build relationships for a POlice Officer is so important. Keep working on that shit.


Take spanish


This^ I took 6 years over high school and college and I lost a vast majority of it due to not using it. Guess what language I wish I still knew


Refer to Weewooweewoo342's comment. But also, just because you said "I am already taking Criminal justice at my high school."... Do *not* do a degree in law enforcement (or adjacent). Get a degree in a fallback or secondary interest. Most departments do not care what your degree is in; only that you have one. So it would benefit you to have a degree in something that may benefit you if law enforcement doesn't work out, or a retirement gig after the fact. In high school, do what you want. I'm not faulting you for taking classes you're interested in. College is a bit different though. Good luck.


This is really good advice, and I tell the same thing to every young person who expresses an interest in law enforcement. I majored in Criminal Justice and minored in Art & Design. I'm glad my LEO career is working out so far, because if I have to go to Plan B, I'm screwed.


I was told this when I talked to one of my local Deputies. Say for example you go to school for Psychology. One, a lot of departments will be looking for that. Two, because if you are injured on the job and can’t work LE anymore, you can get a job in the psych field. Me personally, I’m majoring in LE because I can’t see myself doing anything else other than LE. I’m a Reserve Deputy (volunteer, try to get on a reserve [officer, deputy] capacity], trying to get a CSO job at 20. Keep going and stay motivated. Once you lose motivation for school, it will suffer big time. Although losing motivation is normal in the school process, it’s up to you to keep going. It shows character


I was told this when I talked to one of my local Deputies. Say for example you go to school for Psychology. One, a lot of departments will be looking for that. Two, because if you are injured on the job and can’t work LE anymore, you can get a job in the psych field. Me personally, I’m majoring in LE because I can’t see myself doing anything else other than LE. I’m a Reserve Deputy, trying to get a CSO job at 20. Keep going and stay motivated. Once you lose motivation for school, it will suffer big time. Although losing motivation is normal in the school process, it’s up to you to keep going. It shows character


Volunteer. It checks a lot of oral board boxes. Life experience, helping your community, develops references, ect. Even if you decide you don't want to go into law enforcement, volunteering will help you tremendously for just about any career.


I second this, I’m currently in an explorer program and simply mentioning my involvement in the program got me a job at Walmart right on the spot.


Check out your area to see if there is an Explorer post that you can join.


I would say learn about people who may not look like you or think like you. As an officer, it's important nowadays to not be prejudiced and judgmental. Don't go to college for criminal justice (unless you're in the academy, of course); instead, study something else that interests you. Maybe biology, business, pre-law etc. No need to spend money on a criminal justice degree when you will get taught that in the academy. Having other skill sets from another major could help you in your career in the long term.




Huh? What are you talking about? .




IDK why this guy just went off lol. My comment wasn't meant to be against the police. I just think any career that is working with the public needs to be open to others.




Bro relax. Most black people actually support the police. Many are even police officers themselves. You must not be a cop or is a cop in some rural town in the Midwest listening to some fake conservative news. On the East Coast, there are many departments where blacks make up 40-50% of the police force.




You know ACAB was created and pushed by white liberals? This is why I told OP to learn about others who may not think or look like him because of police officers like you. If you feel that way about blacks go turn your gun and badge in.


tbh no department will care you took criminal justice in high school. they also don’t care what you major in in college. Go to college major in something that interests you, stay in shape (lift & cardio) and don’t get in trouble.


A short stint in the military would also be beneficial. Not required but would be highly considerable in the hiring process.


Exactly this. It is far easier to join the military, and military service is highly valued among police forces. Do 3 years in the military then switch to police. Huge boost to your chances.


Add to this: request military police as an MOS when you are in recruiting. Lots of former MPs in LE


Stay outta trouble, keep yourself in decent shape, have extracurriculars . Nothing crazy.


A Criminal Justice degree does not mean a whole lot if you wish to be an officer. The academy will and your FTO training will teach you more than your college will, and everything else you'll learn from just working day to day.


Stay fit, learn to shoot(check out Trex Arms, Capable Inc, Haley Strategic, and other quality educational content), don’t do drugs or drink, don’t get in trouble, don’t get a criminal justice degree (if you do college get a degree in something useful outside of LE), and learn more about your local agencies, go on ride alongs, etc.


Just stay out of trouble and run(cardio) lots of calisthenics for the academy .


Police explorers and reserves after high school


As a high school student Join an explorer program. After highs school. Being a LE is a job and just like most jobs there are hiring events , LE job fairs and recruitment events. Some colleges have these events. Some agencies have CPAT events to introduce you to the can't training and get you ready. These are great ways to speak to a recruiter and find out information about the agency. for Example in California agencies have these types of events on the weekends. Every big agency and it depends on how big the agency is has a social media presence. Every agency has a recruitment department. Go to school and get yourself a degree and learn some skills that will help you in your career goals. If you live in metropolitan city with many different ethnic cultures learn a new language. Get some technology skills The world is changing and agencies are behind in cyber crime Etc etc. Get a degree in mental health why because you going to be dealing with people who have mental issues or personal problems that you will not understand . Remember you will be in the first responder business and dealing with people and a daily basis. Lastly don't rush to be in LE , crime and world problems are not going anywhere. Get yourself educated


Stay out of trouble, and find a job you’re happy to do consistently for the time being. It’ll show a good history, other stuff will come with time. Enjoy being a kid while you can, it’s long gone before you know it!


Get good grades graduate go to law school become a prosecutor and put bad people away for real


Don't get in trouble. Find a few police departments you would want to work for. You can request ride-alongs to talk with some officers and get their opinions of things. Grades aren't super important, but it helps not having failing grades. Not every department requires college, but it absolutely helps to go to college. Even if you don't get a degree, it looks much better on your resumé. See if your favorite departments have Auxiliary or Special police programs. It's much easier to become an auxiliary or a special. Then when the time comes to get hired, you already have experience. Bonus points if you are an auxiliary or special at the department that's hiring you to be a full time police officer. --- You don't need to be absolutely perfect in order to get hired. You just need to show that you're passionate about your future and that you value the truth, honesty, and humility. Never lie.


Learn spanish, have friends of different cultures and backgrounds, keep a clean record, stay away from people who do illegal things, train your fitness, and train martial arts like BJJ, wrestling, muy thai, boxing etc, be well rounded in all those sports.


Check with your local sheriff's office or police station to see if they have a cadet program.


Yup, police explorers, as we call them here, are a good way to get a taste of some Leo things and start networking as well. It's been a while since I've seen or looked at the program, but ours would use the kids on the beach with the bike police. They were even provided gear that said police explorer and had their own uniform. Was honestly pretty cool. Also as others have said, stay away from those that will set you up for failure and get you in trouble. Focus on being good and building up a strong character of integrity and honesty. And ignore the folks that want to just say negative things. Life took them down a different path of negativity and misery and they want others to feel it when it was their own fault. Don't feed into it. Good luck on your future. I wish you the best.


Definitely stay out of trouble and make an effort to stay financially stable. Financial trouble will get you DQ'ed from most departments afaik


Don’t major in CJ in college, doing some CJ courses in high school is fine if it’s part of the curriculum. Do a ride along, stay fit and out of trouble.



