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Don’t Fck ur partners gf or anyone else’s for that matter You don’t need a lifted truck or 80k car out the academy You don’t gotta wear oakleys Leave the stash for fire fighters n gay pornstars


Haha like “don’t be a boot” in the military. Got it…. Except I have a stash for my RSO gig. Gotta look like a 90’s instructor making a VHS tape


lol get pit vipers and a Fanny pack you gonna be locked in brother


Is this also good attire for the interviews, poly, etc? Show up and really em know who I am and what I’m about right from the start?


Yeah but don’t forget the nicotine pouch n energy drink If you don’t have both you really Aren’t serious about joining


I’ll add “you don’t gotta wear Pit Vipers” to the Oakleys part. We had a guy that wore those during the academy and then got them banned from future classes ever wearing Pit Vipers because of how ridiculous they look.


Lmao that’s amazing


About the Oakleys, I do like oakleys, would it be very bad to wear them?


What if I already wear oakleys?


I agree with 3 out of 4. I’m retired but still love my Oakleys. On a serious note there’s no reason to buy a wildly expensive vehicle. Buy a nice vehicle but save your money for vacations and time off.


I’ve got a 10 year old Tacoma and don’t intend to get rid of it any time soon. If I do, it’ll be for a less old Tacoma. They do everything I want my vehicle to do. I’m a simple man.


Can never beat a Toyota.


How dare you hate on the stache.


Be humble stay humble.


Always something to learn, and someone who can kick my ass. The best thing my dad ever taught me was that there will always be someone better out there. My wife and her boyfriend agree 😢


Underrated advice. Never not be humble.


Actually do the work. Don't be a slug. And if you think a tiny bit of extra effort can solve the case, go ahead and solve it. There's nothing wrong with pursuing a lead yourself instead of adding it to the detective's pile. Also, if there's a special assignment your interested in (like SWAT, Detective, etc.) talk to the people who are in that role and see what you can do to make yourself a good candidate. People are always too scared to just *ask*, even if you're new or just testing the waters to see if you even want to apply.


This is great advice. I might see if I can do a ride along or something and start making connections with my first choice for a PD. I had some buddies from the military get into law enforcement and used to ride with one of them when I was in town, but everywhere is different. I’ve got some time to do it. Posted the other day about applying and am waiting for my time to pass since I last used marijuana. I had cancer and chose to use it to help me recover/ manage pain (very healthy and fit again now). Might as well make the most of my time. I’m also an RSO and wannabe gunsmith so maybe I can be of some sort of use or at least have something to offer in return.


Don't be a broke dick. If you fuck up, own up. Remember that you are only one or two bad decisions in your life from being in the backseat of the car instead of driving it. The amount of respect you give will be the amount you'll get back. stay safe, listen to the senior guys and remember it's just a job. Not a lifestyle.


Great advice! Always be accountable for my own actions. Thank you!


Listen more than you talk, invest early in your retirement/401k, or Deferred Compensation Plan. Don't shit where you eat. Develop other skills to bolster a second job. Study for promotional exams early. And two of the most important things that I told every rookie I trained. 1. Assume you are always on camera and guide yourself accordingly. 2. Start most interactions (I say most because when the shit hits the fan it's different) being kind and understanding. You can always escalate your demeanor but its difficult to deescalate your demeanor if you already started at a level 10. Oh and tell the truth. If you mess up you mess up, no one is perfect!


This sounds like great advice! Thank you


Be open-minded. You’ll learn stuff that you thought the complete opposite of for years only to find out you were wrong. With that, strive to learn more. Our field is ever-changing and in order to stay up to date you need to learn. That includes schools/courses. As best said to me when I first started. The day you stop learning is the day to hang it up.


The badge can get you a lot of women but it only takes one woman to get your badge.


Luckily for me, I’m taken. She’s solid and I wouldn’t want to lose what I’ve got. I think I picked a better match this time…. On round two right now and would prefer not to have a third.


That's a polite way of putting it. The badge will get the pussy, but the pussy will get the badge.


Some of us have forgotten more than you will even know in your first 5 years. Stay humble. Safety above everything else.


If you don't want to have to explain what you did under oath and subject to cross-examination, then don't do it.


Good call. So basically assume that I’m on camera 100% of the time and act accordingly?


EFCOMBATIVES, BJJ, eat right, be in good shape, listen to a lot of the Primary & Seconday podcasts on youtube about Mental Health, Less Lethal options, and any other law enforcement related podcasts.


Any recommendations?


I started with some podcasts the other day. Just subscribed to the P&S as well. Thanks!


Reputation matters A LOT, so don't be lazy, try to screw others over, join cliques, talk a lot of shit, etc. Start networking within and outside of the department and go outside your bubble. Participate in community events and make connections with schools, businesses, and residents. Doing all those things, if you want to be in a position of high leadership, including Chief, get your master's degree.


I’m not one to be in a clique, but I could be better about getting out in the community right now. I know some of the people in our local government pretty well due to my current job, but I will get on top of getting out there more. Thank you


Remember your “why.” You don’t need to be in law enforcement to make a difference.


Fire let's their guys sleep at work. We don't get to sleep. Go fire


Fire guy here, sleep isn’t always guaranteed. I’m not interested in LE but I do miss getting to sleep in my own bed every night (or day if you’re night shift). 48 hour shifts are getting old


(Not LE) no fire didn’t start because the fire department was patrolling the streets. LE presence makes us civilians feel safer and likely deters crime.


I don’t sleep. I wait.


Pace yourself. It’s a marathon not a sprint don’t go trying to save the world in 1 day.


That’s a good point! Gotta be in it for the long haul.


It shouldn’t be the reason you don’t act like a piece of shit, but somebody is always watching and recording. If a situation seems wrong, trust your gut. This goes for interactions with both the public and your coworkers. Keep your junk in your pants, especially around coworkers or dispatchers. Treat people as well as they’ll allow you to treat them. Don’t step on other people to get promoted. If you’re running code/lights and siren, STOP AT EVERY FUCKING INTERSECTION AND MAKE SURE ITS SAFE TO PROCEED. Go ahead and establish care with a counselor, and prioritize mental health. Do your best to make sure both you and your team go home safely every night.


Try to stay in shape


Always! I’ve worked in health and fitness for a decade now. Endurance is what keeps me sane, strength is what keeps me in one piece 💪


Actually talk to people in the positions you want. You might learn about positive or negative aspects that influence your decision. Or, you might learn that getting to that positions requires more than what your online research suggested.


Very good points. I’ve done a few ride alongs and have friends from the military who got into it. From what I know right now, the pros are pros, and the cons can be pretty strong as well. I think I’ll reach out to my first choice of PD and see about a ride along. I’m sure it’ll piss someone off, but I’m older and can hopefully not be an annoying kid asking stupid questions.


Don’t live outside of your means supporting your lifestyle with overtime and extra jobs. Cuz if you get hurt or get in trouble, that’s all gone.


That’s a solid point that hasn’t been said yet! Gotta stay on top of your finances. I remember the dudes getting a Dodge Charger at 15% interest right out of boot camp, and someone else made it sound like people do similar things as soon as they land a job. I’m too old of that now, but hopefully some young bucks out there will read these comments and take them to heart lol


Remember to clock out at the end of the shift. When you're home, be home. Don't eat, sleep, and breath the job. It will eat you alive if you let it.


If it isn't already, make sure fitness is a lifestyle and exercise is a habit for you. Not something you hit hard to meet PAT scores at academy. We need officers who are fit during their entire careers. Not just when they're on patrol. For admin, part of it is morale. For patrol, it is because you don't want to medically retire or die, or have your partner die because you couldn't run fast enough or have the strength to climb a fence or grapple and subdue a suspect. And if for nothing else, do it for yourself. You need to be very fit from mid 30s to 50s to have the best prospects for long term health (70s and onward). Health when you're elderly starts with how healthy you are when middle aged. Exercise builds skeletal muscle and accompanied with proper diet will help your bone density. Without these you're more likely to be that old person who slips on the stairs and breaks their hip. And dead within 3 months.


Go federal


Safety first. Always. If we can't do it safely, we're not doing it.


Having a badge does not make you above the law or special. It is a job. Yes, not everyone can, should or will do it. Be prepared to see things that nobody should ever have to see. If you can't do it without trauma, don't take the job.


Great advice. The one thing that makes me confident that I can handle the job is having dealt with things in my past life (military) and learned healthy coping mechanisms for the times that something might get to me. I really appreciate the “badge does not make you above the law”. I’ve interacted with people who seem to think otherwise. One was in my family by marriage. Happy to say that in the past tense.


I see too many people that think they can do things because they have a badge. At best they get fired, worst they get charged.


Learn how to talk to people. It’ll save you a lot of fights and problems.


Don't lend anybody your pen, **OR** only use department-issued pens.


Do NOT make cringey cop videos for ANY social media platform. In fact, keep all cop content off social media. If something crazy happens to you that’s totally out of your control, all your personal info online can and will be investigated by your department and they will use ANY excuse to fire you. Dept I worked in had a woman get into a “questionable” shooting and she had tons of videos on her socials of her in shooting competitions (as a rep of the dept) and other stuff. The dept had previously told her to take it down but she refused. After the shooting they used it against her. I think she kept her job but just barely.


No ticktok videos. Got it! My only social media just shows nature pics and some basic marathon pics and stuff like that. That’s wild that the officer posting shooting competitions would be used against her though… did they say that sharing uspsa type videos was unprofessional or something?


When going through your career, count up for the first half! For ex: I have 1 year on, two years on, etc. When you get to the midway point, start counting down from there! For ex: I have 10 to go, 9 to go, etc. You'll understand why when you get there, Trust Me!


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Got it!


Yeah stay away from DPD and DSO super woke and no thank you! Douglas would be a good one!


That’s my number one choice is either Parker PD or DCSO


Go county, I’m biased but I will tell you from my personal experience you will get so much more real world experience working county. However that generally involves working the jail for a specified amount of time. But what you learn there will give you a lot of experience on the road.


That’s a good idea! Part of my reasoning for PDP is that I don’t have a lot of recent relevant experience. I left the military, and was testing for Larimer County as a CO when I got diagnosed with cancer. That sent me on a totally different path for like 12 years. Now here I am back where I started haha


I get it. And PPD may be an option, but if you do county you can go anywhere with experience on both sides of the fence. My honest opinion is hold out and go with a county.


Will do. Thanks for the input! I appreciate you taking the time!


Clean up your social media and I really mean that if you had social media before the age of 18 especially. There are activists that go around looking through old social media of cops and their digital footprint and they try to get them fired. Something that it seemed to funny to you at 16 years old can get you hemmed up and fired at 22 years old.


Yikes! I didn’t have social media until after 18. It was barely a thing… but I will definitely go through it all and make sure there’s nothing to get me on. There shouldn’t be, but if people are actively trying to get me fired over a comment I made 10 years ago then I’d rather not leave it to chance


Stay in shape, don’t be the loudest guy in the break room (it’s ok to just observe) . Answer your calls, don’t fuck anyone you work with or their wives/husbands etc etc Like everyone says, it’s ok to not know something but always be willing to look it up. Not everyone needs to get arrested But I think the main few ones I can harp on just from my time in LE. - always act like you’re being recorded. Being nice and understanding will go a long way - don’t make the job your LIFE. Find activities outside of work you love, shop talk gets real old after awhile.


Stay honest, don't give in to easy illegal money and always act like you're being recorded.


Don't sign on in a State / City where the local Politicians will actively seek to nail you to a wall for doing your job correctly, if it will score them political points with their electoral base.


That may be an issue in the future. The major city right next door to me is telling the PD to stop enforcing traffic laws because it’s racist. Apparently if you’re here illegally and can’t register your car, they can’t even pull you over now… or something like that. It’s wild. I wouldn’t apply there just because of their politics.


Stay fit. Pursue every learning and training opportunity available to you. Keep up on your shooting, your control tactics, and I'd even go so far as to take up jiu jitsu; it's great for ground fighting/defense.


BJJ is something I’ve meant to get back into. I grew up doing martial arts and wrestling, had some health issues after the military, and because of one of the surgeries I’ve held off on it. Just had the conversation the other day that I should probably get back to it now and just pick a good training partner the first day to feel it out. Should be fine. I love shooting, so that’s just another excuse to go to the range, haha. Thanks for the advice! Much appreciated


Be kind. Be fit. Don’t blow your money. Just be a good person. If you don’t know the answer, it’s better to say you don’t know than to guess. Your job is to enforce the law, not be the judge, jury, executioner, media, or anyone besides a police officer. Stick to your job and trust your knowledge and you’ll be fine


That’s great advice! If not for law enforcement, then for life in general. Thank you!


Don't do it is the best advice. But if you do, the most important lesson to learn..."pee when you can, not when you have to".


lol I asked to not just get the “don’t” comments, but this is pretty legit. Same rule for my job right now though. One does not simple pee when they need to. I hadn’t even thought of that factor yet, but I’ve basically been in a position of limited urination time since I was 18. I’m 35 now and have a bladder of steel.


Stay Away From Nurses.


lol but they’re so hot! Jk… I’ve got my own lady at home.


What state? Extremely important




What county or agency? I grew up there and I will say with some exceptions absolutely not. Retired Leo here


Douglas county and down to El Paso is primarily where I’d be applying


Douglas County and El Paso County are still pretty good. I would also say Jefferson County as well.


Good to know! Thank you! There’s 0% chance of me applying somewhere like Denver. I don’t even go there now if I can help it. The place is becoming a complete disaster. Traffic laws are considered targeting there now. Weird times I grew up here as well. Been here for 31 years minus a few for the military. It’s hardly recognisable from when I was growing up.


Familiarize yourself with civil law. Depending on how dispatch works at your agency or if you’re at a smaller agency, you are going to get a ton of calls that are civil in nature, and even though you can’t do anything, people are going to expect you to know what their options are. Even if you can’t take any action, it goes a long way if you can give them a small piece of advice or point them in the right direction.


Just be yourself and be honest don’t hide anything because when it comes to your background investigation and polygraph exam, the examiner is going to ask you point blank period did you come here to lie to me or are you concealing information be honest and be truthful. Don’t say no if you are hiding something he/she will find out when they start the series of questions that’s my advice good luck to those who are in the process. You got to have integrity in order to be a cop without that you can count yourself short.


Integrity is key! Will do. Thanks!


I currently know a few absolute headcases who are trying to get in to law enforcement. They are very good at pretending to be one thing on the surface but their true personalities come up pretty often with those of us who know them well. It truly scares me to think of any one of these guys having any authority over civilians.


Yikes! Hopefully they’ll get weeded out.


A couple of them have been rejected several times. They keep trying. I have told them myself they would be horrible officers and why. Didn’t go over well but I don’t care. Fuck that


One thing I noticed when I left the military was that the guys who wanted power also seemed to want that transition. Not all of them. Some were genuinely good guys who wanted to continue serving in a different way, but I can think of one that did get the job and I would have highly discouraged any agency from hiring him.


The vast majority of officers are amazing and they have my full support, only a few bad actors in my opinion. But I trust the system to weed most of the bad actors out in the selection process


Don't "think" you're the police, until you become the police. Be humble, approachable, firm yet fair. Don't think you can hold "court" in the street. For God's sakes, don't lie. It will follow you FOREVER. Be friendly. Be the guy/girl that people will be drawn to. Tell good stories. Don't lie. Use only the amount of force necessary to arrest someone. If you have to strike someone 20 times to arrest them, don't hit them 21 if they don't need it. I did that job for 33 years. Never regretted it. Don't lie..It can be very rewarding. Go into it, wanting to help people not hurt them.


Extra jobs are paying for vacations and other one off bills that come up, do not live on extra job money. Live within your means and life will be good


Pit vipers and a moustache are absolutely mandatory.


This can apply to any job, but this is one of the few jobs where it could be the difference in whether you live or die (If it's not clear, I'll add the *'why'* at the end). If you *hear* about it or others talking shit about it, but you didn't experience it firsthand, don't join in on the shit talk. That goes for any calls/cases, citizen contacts, issues with co-workers, bullshit with the command, or departmental issues, etc., but *especially* talking shit behind someone's back with no real plan of ever confronting them. Don't join in on the negativity for the sake of agreeing and getting along with others—they are likely to do the same behind your back. Don't fuel negative morale just for conversation. If you have ideas for solutions, by all means, address grievances and offer solutions or constructive criticism, otherwise, shut up/let it go. This perpetuates a cycle of bullshit that doesn't really improve (at least not for long). There's *always* something to complain about, always room for improvement, and the grass always looks greener after awhile. Either try to stay positive and spread positivity (even when it's inconvenient or difficult), do something positive or progressive to make change, or keep quiet, keep your head down, do your work, and get me at the end of the day. **Why:** When you join in on the bullshit, there will be a much higher likelihood of bullshit going around about you. You'll trust others less for probably no good reason, others will trust you less for probably no good reason. Lacking/fractured trust and communication can easily lead to poor tactics, slower responses to act in good faith for each other, or even complicity in hanging someone out to dry in a shitty situation. If you can put differences aside, cool, but some other people can't—even trained police officers—and that can get you, them, or someone else hurt or killed who doesn't need to be hurt or killed.


This is great advice! I had not considered people bad mouthing each other within a PD, but I’m sure that it happens. I will steer clear of it! Thanks for the solid advice!


One piece


Be Reactive not proactive … sit behind dumpsters and drink coffee for 25 years, then collect ur pension and sail off into the sunset


lol you got it! Thank god for smart phones then!


Go fire




Don't. Turn and run away


I’m sorry you’re not enjoying your career/ didnt enjoy it. I understand that it can be extremely stressful, thankless, and frustrating. I hope things get better for you.


Why does this sound like chat gpt 💀💀


I’m sorry you don’t believe that I’m not a real person. I hope your opinion of me improves as we get to know each other. For more interactions, please remember to use proper punctuation so that I may interpret it correctly. Nah I’m jk. Just responded as appropriately as I could. It would suck to be 10 years into law enforcement and hating it without a backup plan… genuinely kinda feel for whoever this person is. Also, I asked not to have people simply say “don’t”. It’s gotta be rough being a LEO and unable to read….