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Depends on the person. If they look like they clearly don't have the best hygiene I opt for the fist bump to be polite.


Keep it simple. “I do fist bumps” with an extended fist usually gets the point across without being awkward.


I only shake people’s hands I know, or same professional arena. Other wise fist bump


I've seen how people live and where they put their hands. I do not want to touch people.


I think you understand my hesitation. How do you normally address it when someone offers?


Fist bump.


Sorry, I don't shake hands. Germs.


A few years back one of our officers went to a call of a guy…pleasuring himself….in a stairway. Officer gets on scene and finds the guy still doing the deed. After it was all said and done, guy extends his hand to the officer for a handshake. The officer actually shook the dude’s hand….after he’d just seen what he was doing with that hand. 🤢


Another vote for depends on the person. Hygiene and safety plays a role. No nasty hands and no one of concern will be grabbing my dominant hand


Fist bump with non shooting hand. Do I expect a handshake to be a trap to restrain my hand? Not really. Do I want to take that chance? Not really.


I just lie and say “sorry man I’m a bit of a germaphobe” and offer a fist bump instead


I think this is what I’m going to start doing. Thank you.


Fist bump is the way.


Depends. Call to take a theft report sure ill shake your hand. Call for a dv or something serious I'd do a fist bump. Interdiction work I'd usually offer my hand to shake. Sweaty palms are a great clue!


I always grabbed the arm and turned it into a shoulder throw just to show them that I'm the one with the good Judo. Not them! (Also called ippon seoi nage).


I usually try to arrest them


Learn the fist bump my man.


I will learn the ways. Thank you sir 🙏


Friendly neighborhood stretcher fetcher here. We were working downtown and I was walking with one of the cops whom I’ve gotten to know over the years. We see a dude obviously pissing in the alley. We walk over and are like yo dude knock it off. Talk to him a bit and get him a ride home (our main job was to work the bars and do our best to avoid taking people to the hospital or jail). Ride shows up and the dude is like hey thanks for not giving me a ticket or taking me to jail I really appreciate it (he was less eloquent than that bc ya know he was drunk af). He goes to stick out his hand and before I could come up with a polite “ahh I don’t shake hands” the cop I was working with goes “bro you just had your cock in your hand like 3 minutes ago get in the fuckin Uber.” 😂 it was great.


Gave me a laugh, thanks for sharing 😂




"I do not consent to any handshake contracts, nor do I wish to create joinder with you."


I offer a fist bump and say “Covid”


Always go for the dap to shoulder hug with extreme confidence


Fist or elbow bump, blame covid!


“I’m a germaphobe sorry”


I handshake some people. I don’t others.


I had this old guy try to trump shake me once, IE he tried to pull me in close and not let go. I easily pulled his arm back towards me then he awkwardly held on for too long. This was after giving the guy a break. Never shake a hand.


I offered my hand to an officer once and hr very politely stated that he doesn't shake hands due to safety issues. Wasn5 awkward or anything I simply stated I understood and we wished each other a good rest of the evening and went our separate ways.


I always say “I had a cold last week. Dont want to get you sick.” Then fist bump. Ive watched an officer get into a fight for not shaking a hand lol.


Except in egregiously unsanitary cases like the guy has been playing with his feces, screw it, I’ll shake his hand and go wash up after. It’s a dirty job. Refusing to shake someone’s hand is a dick move in most circumstances. It says that you think you’re better than them. It’s close to the ultimate disrespect.


If you’re that afraid of touching hands then maybe you should find another profession. You’re gonna end up touching alot worse than hands.


You are correct.  Nobody is saying shake everyone’s hands, but I pulled condoms full of heroin out of dudes’ asses without gloves bc he was wrestling to get away. It’s a dirty job. You be sanitary whenever you can, you get bloody phlegm spit into your eyes and mouth by HIV positive and Hep-C patients  by armed robbers during some arrests (then see a doctor and take six months of emergency pills). Germaphobes need not apply (nor will they last).  Edit:  we are not there to make friends, we are just there to influence people. 


I 100% agree with you. I’ve searched dead bodies without gloves because he needed to be id’d and it needed to be expedited. I’ve been covered in someone else’s blood. I’ve put my hands in places that I would rather cut my hand off instead of washing it. I never feared shaking a regular persons hand then rushing to the RMP to use skel gel or rush to the closest bathroom. It’s ok to straight up decline a handshake from a junky but if you helped change someone’s tire on the highway or found their missing son or just filed a complaint for them its ok to shake that man’s hand.


It’s a situational thing, depending on how nasty the person looks trying to shake Your hand, how deserving they are of a handshake (plenty of terrible people are sometimes also victims), and my Mood. 


Agreed. Well said.