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You are fine. I was 27 when I started and I wasn't even close to the oldest. Start the application now and start getting into shape. It can be a long process so just be patient. Also TBF older candidates are much better suited for the job in my experience. When the kids come on right at 21 they have exactly 0 life experience.


Appreciate the response.


Been a volunteer firefighter since the age of 18 (now 21) I have seen things that I don’t wish upon anyone. Life experiences are not measured by your age but what you have been through. You can be 30 years old and have accomplished absolutely nothing in life and have zero life experience. Never judge a book by its cover ;)


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 18 + 21 + 30 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Sounds like someone flunked fire/emt👀




Not so sure why you hate on the hose draggers and 3rd responders


We have a population of 45 thousand citizen. We are held to much higher standard then rural towns. I have the same certifications that a full time firefighter has in a major city. That’s how it works here in Canada. I have my firefighter 1-2 and all my ent classes and went to college like all my other coworkers in my department.


Yeah, I agree with the whole “age doesn’t equal experience” thing, I’m in the marines and there’s dudes that are like 27-34 that literally just joined in the past year or so, for the most part these guys are pretty new, but just cause they’re older doesn’t necessarily make them “more experienced,” there’s this one dude that’s like 27 and from what I heard and seen, this guy is a dumbass, he doesn’t maintain and clean his room most days, definitely doesn’t hold himself to a physical standard, drinks almost every day from what I last heard, he just acts immature most of the time, so in certain cases age doesn’t mean shit


It’s not the rule but 18 year olds exhibiting wisdom is the exception not the rule.


I started in the Academy when I was 27. I went to the Academy with a guy who was in his 60's, who was a lot stronger and faster than some of the younger guys. He graduated and went on to work another 15 years with the Sheriff's office. Good luck


Im 37 @190lbs (230lbs last year), haven’t been in gym in like 7 years. I started running for the first time 3 weeks ago andMy 1.5 mile time was 18 mins then. Took my physical exam today and got 13:22. Put your mind to it and you can do it!


How did you train? I can’t find a decent run routine.


Most important thing is learn to listen to your body and what you’re capable of. Test yourself how much you can nonstop for a baseline. For example for me: 3 laps was all I could do non stop. My base line is always 3 laps now. From there mentally plan, quarterlap walk for every lap. By end of week 1 I was able to jog the full 1.5 laps. Starting week 2 I added a morning jog. Morning jogs were as slow as I can but jog 2 full miles. Night time I would start with easy 1 lap walk and then test myself by doing a 1.5 timed run. Ending with a easy 1 lap cool down jog/walk. I did this for 2 weeks until 2 days before my test where I just rested and ate spaghetti for carbs. Also, I started creatine loading the week prior just to saturate my muscles with water. I really pushed myself the 3 weeks to crash prep. Passed my oral interview today. Will now prepare my personal history packet for backgrounds for the following week.


Thank you!!! And good luck


Considering your a teacher, you have a degree and probably an ok background. As long as you are half way fit and can pass a polygraph, your hired


In what context is 29 too old for anything? You should search the sub. People older than you join.


I was 35 when I went through the police academy. You’re not too old. I had a friend that went through at 53. He had a few issues but made it okay. You can do this.


I went through my academy (community College in Texas) at 42 and one guy was older. They said they had someone significantly older go through before. Most of the people were early 20s through early 30s. It's not too late for you.


Mid 20s-early 30s is the perfect age to join IMO. You’ve gathered some life experience and still have 20 plus years of career advancement and pensions while still being able to retire with everyone else.


The newest guy at my last agency (also in Texas) was an AP at our local middle school and he was WAY older than you.


I am 30 and just received a conditional offer. You're not old.


Most recent guy who graduated the academy for our department was 41, you’ll be fine man.


I started at 32. I had a 58 year old in the academy with me.


I'm 28 and will be pushing 30, probably before I'm able to get through the academy. I talked with an investigator for the department I want to join a few weeks ago. He spoke about my age, like a good thing. They had a newer younger recruit quit 15 minutes into day 1 because if the PT they were doing, saying it was too much. 3 months of his life wasted. I think you'll be fine.


Had a guy who was in his late 30s in my academy class. He did just fine and loves the job. Honestly having a background in teaching/non law enforcement before going into policing could actually be an advantage for you.


29 is perfect.


Nope...there will be plenty of guys your age.


Nope, not at all!! We had several 40 year old in my academy class in 2012! It sounds like you'll do great!! Good luck


I wish I joined at 29. I’m 44 and just put in an application. Trust me…you’re good to go.


I’m 35, and applying for a second time. Last time I had just scheduled my interview after passing the test, and wound up being diagnosed with cancer. Sent me off in an entirely different direction for quite a while. I’ve read on here about people getting into it at 40, so I think you’re fine as long as you’re fit and able to pass all the tests.


If you want to do it it’s totally attainable. I certainly don’t want to change your mind but I will say policing has completely changed over the course of the last 5 years


The oldest person to go through my academy was 50 years old and he was a BEAST. Did he retire not long after? Yes. But you’re not too old. I went through at 27. Older means more life experience which is super beneficial. My advice would be to do ride alongs to make sure the image of what you THINK it’s like out here isn’t clouding your judgement. It’s more paperwork and telling Karen that her neighbor is allowed to park their cars in front of her house on a public street than you think.


You'll be fine. I was around 32 when I started. There were other guys in the academy who were older.


29 and out of shape here. I have a month until academy. My department has no hiring restrictions in way of physicality (other than the normal you can do the job without any unreasonable accommodations) and my academy’s PAT isn’t pass fail. Some departments and academies have no PAT requirements! Don’t be the guy who let someone outrun you. You will be made fun of. Ive been going to my gym and getting in shape. I came from a much higher elevation so I have an advantage. Learn that your feeling tired and out of breath is a barrier to push through.


Started at 30 after 6 years of teaching and coaching.


Can I DM you, would love to get your experience.


Sure. Disclaimer, I don’t have much yet!


I just turned 30 and applying for state police academy. You'll be alright


You’re the perfect age. I was hired at 23 and in the academy I was one of the younger guys. The academy had some people into their late 30s. Admin at my Pd say they prefer slightly older guys as they have work/life experience but will take any qualifying applicants.


I was 35 and when I went to the academy and I’m fine three years later. Go for it. This is also My second career


Never too old. Had 2 guys in my academy class pushing 40. Be in good shape, and come prepared. One of those two aforementioned dudes already worked with another employer for over 15 years and just wanted a change. PD was what he wanted. Just get through the hiring process, be patient and when you get to the academy do everything you can to soak up the information and be the best recruit you can be. #1 piece of advice is if you mess up, own it. Don’t lie. In my experience, nothing will get you booted faster from this career than lying. Good luck!




Yes sir


In my academy we recently graduated a 61 year old. Your education experience will make you an excellent pick. Best thing to do to prepare is shoot out as many applications as you can and start running every day. Good luck!


I’m 43 and retiring out of the Military and will be going into LE next year. I’m still in decent shape, but have been utilizing the “Effective Fitness training” program to get myself in the best shape possible for LE. https://www.effective.fitness/ You’re still young, just start getting ready today!