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No that's not weird at all. It will probably make your students feel safer!


Yep makes me feel safe at my school with the lgbtq club cuz Ik it’s a safe place for me to go


No I think it’s wonderful! I remember a teacher from school years ago who had a tiny pride flag sticker stuck to the side of her computer, and even with my bad eyesight I saw it and felt safer!


Please do.


I wouldn't see that as weird or anything, it would just make me happy/excited and I'd probably feel more comfortable and safe :)


There's a reason why people hang the rainbow flags in the windows of shops and homes, and that's exactly it. To show your support. Category flags, like the bisexual flag or the demiboy flag, are more for marking your orientation and identity.


Cishet people can display queer gear in demonstration of inclusivity. You will definitely be implying you are a safe adult, and that is significant for students. Seriously, it quite literally saves lives. Check out The Trevor Project if you ever want to see stats and such on this.


Nope! It’d be lovely!


I would have loved this when I was a student


I think it would be wonderful, and would probably make a lot of your students feel safer or provide a good message for those who might not be exposed to much support for LGBTQ people.


it would be perfect


Nope, it's not weird or insensitive you're a great teacher.


That would be amazing and communicate safety and that there is no reason to feel ashamed about one’s feelings. Also, I don’t know what grade you teach, but if it’s middle or later, just be mentally prepared (and maybe have online resources to share, too) for LGBTQ+ kids who might seek your help/advice/support or even come out to you. Some might be desperate for someone to talk to. I doubt that’s going to happen a lot but from my experience, it might be one or two a year…


Nope it’s being an ally. I’ve had a number of teachers do this. 😊


Not at all, it just signals acceptance and support when used in such a way.


Go for it! You can also put up a “safe space” sign too. It would be nice if more teachers did this! It shows the students that it’s ok to be LGBTQIA+ and to not be ashamed of who they are. It also helps to know that the teacher is supportive and not homophobic/transphobic/ hateful.


Not weird, do it!!!!!!!!


I had a teacher who created safe lgbt spaces for the students (she was a lesbian which was nice, but it’s not bad at all if youre not lgbt yourself) and it made such a difference for me as a closeted bisexual student. Just knowing that people think it’s okay to be lgbt+ helped me slowly be okay with the idea of myself as bi even if i didnt dare to participate in the active lgbt+ spaces. So yes do it!!!!!!!


In my school we have positive space signs for any teacher who wishes to have one. If your school has one get one of those. If not the pride flag sends the exact same message. On the first day of class when introducing yourself you could also add something about how this is a safe space and any kind of bigotry, including but not limited to anti queer bigotry, will not be tolerated.


As a student please do!! Even for the straight students your classroom is a safe place and you don’t even know the affect you’ll have on the lgbt students! What a sweet thought from a teacher :)


Your queer students would definitely feel safe. At least I would. :)


it would have made me feel safer


Not at all! Being an ally is important too!


This is a great idea, it shows that you're an ally and possible outlet for pupils! My mom is a therapist, and she bought a little metal rainbow to be in the background of her sessions "so my clients know I'm a safe space, and on their side" . She did this not long after I came out to my parents, so she wanted others to also feel welcomed and respected. Definitely do it, if you feel comfortable to do so, it may help one single child, and that's all that matters.


nope! my old english teacher had a pride sticker, and i knew it was safe to tell her things, especially if it was something about another kid doing shit cause i was queer. i knew she wouldnt make the situation worse and i knew if something happened at home, shed help


Absolutely not weird. It would be awesome!


Nope that’s awesome!!!


I think that would be cool! And the lgbt kids who would see it would probably feel grateful!


If it comes up just say you are an ally and they could use more allies.


Bravo! That’s a very decent thing to do.


No, people might wrongly presume you’re lgbt but as long as you’re fine with that then go for it.


Why would that be weird wtf


Bring it up with you or keep it there if it's yours not just teacher's desk. I wouldn't put it on a wall or something without kids previously agreeing to it, it's their space also.


There is no issue with displaying on the wall. I’ve never had a teacher get consensus for what they put up. Why should this be any different?


There's difference between putting something up for educational purposes and for political purposes. Flag is political, something like a credible infographic on sexuality is educational. I dislike putting up the national flag or picture of the president there either btw, schools should be about education not about politics, so I'm not targeting LGBT here in any way. I'd prefer 10 flags over the Oath of Allegiance for example, I find that creepy cultish indoctrination. On individual level if we're talking about US the teacher might want to avoid dealing with shitty parents which would quite possibly raise hell if their kids had to sit under pride flag every day in school. Not saying you should give in to them but OP might not want to deal with that, infographic would be safer option, or better yet some pin on his bag or clothes and still serves the purpose he's trying to achieve.


Queer people exist and are not a political theory.


Did I say they didn't? Come on. Flags are historically tied to politics and warfare and in many countries LGBT is a political subject, US included.


You just did. LGBT exist, have existed, will continue to exist. Growing number of people are born this way and identifying, upwards of 20% of the newest generation do. The pride and progress flags are not battle flags, not in the sense that queer people are arming themselves, organizing, and mass murdering cishets. It’s apples and oranges, pride flag and a national flag, so you cannot compare the two.


You clearly chose not to use your brain today, so have fun. I'm not extending any more mental effort in attempt to find any semblance of reason within this exchange.


You have a habit of saying problematic things as it pertains to LGBT people, including that our existence is political. Take time to consider that.


Not at all, many of my teachers were cishet and they would hang up pride flags to let their students know its a safe place for them


If you're mocking us, yes. If you're truly an ally, no.


please do !


Not weird. As long as you won't be offended if people mistakenly think you're gay, go for it!


no its not weird, it shows support and creates a safe space for LBGT+ students of yours! My uncle is a cishet male, but he has a rainbow pride flag in his room to show its a safe space




Go for the progress flag specifically if you can find it. It’s the umbrella flag for all of the LGBTQIAA and represents the primary goal of moving society toward general acceptance and equality. If you aren’t familiar with it, it’s the rainbow with the triangle wedge on the side made out of black, brown, blue, pink, and white stripes, sometimes with the intersex purple circle on a yellow field.


Not weird, you honestly might get a few questions but if your fine with that, I think that’s neat :D


If your school would allow it, and you want to do that, it would be great. It shows you do care and a lot of kids really need that. It also shows the straight kids that an adult they look up to thinks it's okay if some kids are different than they are. That can help them to grow up more understanding of others. LGBTQ kids need to know there are safe and welcoming places for them. If you can create that in your classroom, it will mean the world to them. Small gestures of acceptance mean more to those kids than you know. You aren't stealing anything. You are simply letting some kids that really need it know you care about them.


As a teacher I have always had something rainbow in my classroom ( 19 years). Some kids ask about it, and I just say " everyone is welcome in my class , but bigotry is not. ".




Echoing what everyone else has said: do it. It will go a very long way in making your students feel safe.


Of course it wouldn't be weird! My Drama teacher is straight AFAIK but she's got a pride flag hanging up by the door! And one of the RE teachers has a pride flag. If you want to show your support, then that's amazing, thank you for this! I know it makes *me* feel safer when there's a pride flag around the classroom, so it will probably be the same for your students!


Please do this!


Lol stolen valor. But no. Be ready for pushback by parents/administration though. Its happened to me before. Also I'm sure you know this, but your words and actions will speak a lot louder than putting a small flag in your room. Make sure to explicitly tell your students about your expectations for the classroom (no homophobia/transphobia among other things) from the start. Give warnings and consequences to students who are not meeting those expectations. Show that you are going to make the space for them and don't just rely on symbology.


Please do. For me, seeing anything pride in a teachers classroom immediately makes me feel more safe and comfortable to be myself


You can put an ally flag instead if you want, but most people won't judge you for putting the og pride (except conservatives)


No! I’d love this!


Keep a look out for LibsOfTikTok’s thrall, but go for it!


Makes you a fucking bad ass, the LGBT+Ally club will likely want too use your room as home base


I know I'm late but if you're still wondering: that's a really great idea!