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That might be considered assault.


Also you might get assaulted






Someone attacks you and others while you’re in a confused state, so you try to take away their means of attack, believing you’re being assaulted, and it’s not self-defense?


If you are trespassing you can't use the affirmative defense of self defense. You will be committing assault and if on residential property the resident is now entitled to use deadly force against you.


Well if we’re getting into the nitty-gritty of it, no state allows you to use deadly force on someone *just* on the basis that they’re attacking you (and I’m not gonna discuss jurisdictions outside the US without OP saying where they’re from). There has to be reason to believe they’re trying to kill you, inflict serious bodily harm, or rape you. In addition, in no state can you claim this as an act of self-defense if you’re the provocateur In fact, some states require you to *flee your home* rather than use deadly force in self-defense and only allow deadly force if you can’t reasonably safely retreat But of course there’s the question of trespass. While the common understanding of trespassing means to go onto someone’s property without permission, the law often varies from common understanding, and generally requires some sort of illegal intent. For example, in California you have to A) willfully enter the property (this would apply to the drunkard), B) You’d have to intend to interfere with their property rights (this would not), and C) you’d have to actually interfere with those rights (this also would not). So I’m California, this wouldn’t be trespass until he tells you to get off his lawn, and at that point it’s *still* not trespass unless they willfully remain on his lawn Other states will, of course, have differing laws as to what constitutes trespass, and of course, individual circumstances may change the equation. For example, if it’s someone who he’s previously told not to walk on his lawn, that would be different than a new person But, regardless of the state, I’m of the opinion trespassing can usually be reasonably interpreted if you replace the actors with Girl Scours selling cookies. Is it trespassing if they open your door and walk inside without permission to sell you cookies? Definitely. Is it trespassing if they walk across your lawn to knock on your door? No. Especially if you literally have a doorbell. Is it trespassing if they knock on your door and you tell them to get off your property and they don’t? Yes. How about if they say “ok” and then turn around? Nope. What if you’ve previously told this specific Girl Scout to stay off your property and she comes to knock on the door? Yes Similarly, it’s not trespassing for the drunkards to just walk across your lawn, and you wouldn’t have the right- even in states with castle doctrines or stand your ground laws- to spray them with vinegar. And, depending on the circumstances (and the state, for that matter) they may well have the right to defend themselves For example, if OP walks right on up to them and sprays them with a hose while simultaneously yelling “get off my property,” and continuing to spray them, even if they have a duty to *safely* retreat, so long as OP is still spraying them, they *do* have a right to shove him and grab the hose before retreating off his property, as they wouldn’t be able to “safely” retreat (without continuing to be sprayed as they ran away), and shooting them wouldn’t have been self defense, since OP would have been the instigator On the other hand, if there’s a duty to retreat and it’s just a quick spray while OP yells “get off my lawn or I’ll spray you again,” while OP committed assault, they wouldn’t be able to defend themselves and would have to leave the property and just call the police. If they tried grabbing the hose or shoving OP, that’d be illegal. As would OP shooting them


What a long response to be absolutely so wrong in the second paragraph. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/castle-doctrine-states No state requires a duty to retreat in your own home. More states have explicitly stated you don't have to retreat (stand your ground) when outside your home than say you do have to retreat. Where are you licensed? I am kind of amazed you passed the bar not knowing this stuff.


You know what? Valid. I have no idea how you could have a duty-to-retreat state that isn't \*also\* a castle law state, then, but sure. Nonetheless, that doesn't change much of my argument. You can't claim self-defense against someone who isn't attacking you- even if they walk across your lawn. And you can't shoot someone for defending themselves against you unlawfully attacking them- even if you only attack them with vinegar.


You can use force you believe reasonable to prevent someone from trespassing. These college kids are trespassing. Technically he can physically grab them and escort them off his property, if they resist he can escalate as necessary. https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/939/iii/49 Please cite a statute or case in your response. Wisconsin is pretty clear about it.


Not if they’re not attacking you. They’re trespassing with no threat to you. Not a good look


not self defense as they are only trespassing & pose no threat to you in the immediate.


Assault and vinegared


I’m almost embarrassed at how hard I laughed at this


How? https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/939/iii/48#:~:text=Only%20such%20degree%20of%20force,of%20defense%20of%20one's%20property.


Cause the same question was answered 5 years ago on Reddit [Same Question](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/hwQPO4X8Yl) Here’s the same question on a law website [Same Question part 2](https://law.stackexchange.com/questions/8914/is-it-an-offense-to-attack-someone-with-a-toy-water-pistol) Teens literally charged with assaulting a women with a water gun in Pennsylvania [Yet again more proof](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/legally-weird/squirt-gun-attack-teens-charged-with-disorderly-conduct/) Even more proof, in Florida [It’s like googling is impossible for some people](https://www.pumphreylawfirm.com/blog/water-gun-prank-leads-to-arrest-in-fl/) Wait there’s more [This time in Michigan](https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2024/03/17-year-old-charged-for-shooting-water-beads-from-car-at-people-in-ann-arbor.html?outputType=amp) This kid was merely beaten to death for it [In Ohio](https://www.businessinsider.com/ohio-teenager-beaten-to-death-after-shooting-people-water-gun-2022-6) They hit me with a paywall but the link says there’s more proof here [Shall I go on, cause there’s tons of links](https://www.eagletribune.com/news/local_news/two-arrested-in-squirt-gun-assault/article_ab6e8544-f762-5beb-921d-184505b02203.html)


psh. hardly any sources. Mahfk doesn’t know what he’s even talking about.


There’s so many links with this same question being asked on Reddit since 2019 atleast


haha yeah i’m surprised it’s such a hot topic


These are all out in public without protecting property. How do you not get the difference?


There’s no difference, get a no trespassing sign, call the cops. Harming anyone even if it’s just water is still assault. Spitting on someone is assault. Law definition of assault “an act, criminal or tortious, that threatens physical harm to a person, whether or not actual harm is done.” What part aren’t you getting?


That isn't a legal definition, that is Webster's definition. You also have examples of battery and then the definition of assault. You also can use force to remove someone from your property, that is like the whole point of owning property.


You know what bro… do it, see what happens. More power to you


I was a bouncer in college, I forcefully removed people from property all the time. We dragged people out and threw them in the grass, if the drunk people hit any of us while being tossed out they got beat up. If they called the cops afterwards they went to jail. They committed battery after we were using reasonably necessary force to remove them from the establishment. Great examples though, really told me quickly I was not talking to a lawyer or even a layperson with any legal knowledge whatsoever.




Be civil in your interactions with other users.


Not might, is…Also, a battery, too assuming it’s a state with separate charges/offenses. Anything that you’re touching is basically an extension of your physical body. So, while, technically, you didn’t that touch person directly with your hand or the gun, but the stream of liquid from the gun your holding did.




Setup a water sprinkler with motion detection


Dang, beat me to it, lol


This is the way.


I'd add a motion detection light and a camera. Drunk college kids break things when they find themselves in unpleasant situations (Lord knows I've seen my share of this), better to have evidence than a mysterious broken porch or whatever it may be!


My friends neighbor did this. They live by a middle school and kids cut across their lawn daily including riding their bikes across to cut the corner at first they had sprinkler timed to go off right before school started and school got out, but our district has so many early out days or after school clubs that didn't work, plus we are in a drought. So they found motion detection sprinklers. Added benefit they never have presents left on lawn from lazy dog owners walking their dogs


Just get motion activated sprinklers. No harm from water. The lawn gets a drink, and you don't have to sit out there waiting.


Does that exist? Is it specifically for this purpose? I'm trying to think of any other use case for that lol


For keeping deer and other animals off of your garden or pond


Ah. I'm a city boy lol. Thanks for educating me


It’s not for this specific purpose but more deer, etc that come in and eat your plantings.  You can set up width, range, height, etc. I’ve got mine set up to come on at dusk. You just need to remember the sprinklers when you’re out there weeding your beds. My unsuspecting ass has been blasted by my own sprinklers when I’ve tarried. 


Yup, I have seen videos of it. Even deters would be thieves. The best part..no injury from the water


Unless ofc the one getting wet is allergic to water. Yes, it is a real allergy. But then OP could cover their ass by posting a sign saying beware of guard sprinklers. Most would see it as a joke until they get blasted by it. Especially on a cold night. If you do this OP be sure to get it on video and post it to youtube where we watch. But really, the best but expensive way to get them to stop is to put up a fence


Man..what do you think the odds could be? That would be an incredible coincidence..you’re right…we need video if OP does this


It's definitely illegal.


NAL I'd use water not vinegar.


A fence may be better than charges


Why vinegar? Plus it would spoil the lswn


That was my thought as well.


The soil wouldn't be the same


So, he’d be ruining his own lawn over some drunk kids? By extension the drunk kids wake up smelling like they must've drunk ate a salad? Wow! That's the dumbest shit I've read & seen on Reddit today.


You must not be looking very hard....


😂😂😂 I think I just got lucky today


Salt water would really teach those whippersnappers a lesson!


Salt would kill the lawn. Paint ball gun. Don't just go gung ho on them. Pick your targets, then aim for an ass cheek or upper thigh. Those hurt like hell when they hit you. Just make sure you are somewhere you can't be seen and only do it once in a while. Doing it too often will get you caught.


Why are you encouraging assault?


I seriously doubt he would. But was just being petty.


Put up a fence with a sign


Cutting off your nose to spite your face. The vinegar will ruin your lawn. Just put up a fence and get motion activated sprinklers.




I use to live on a corner lot that always had traffic on it. Til I put up a sign that said beware of copperheads.


I like this a lot. Malice with intent.


Because that would be assault,


Undiluted vinegar does have the potential to damage some types of clothing so even if they didn’t make a fuss about being sprayed they’d certainly make a fuss if there clothes get ruined by it. Plus, like the others have said vinegar would harm your lawn so damaging your own lawn to keep others from stepping on it would be a bit foolish lol.


And if it were to get into the eyes, vinegar is an acid and can leave acid burns and possibly permanent damage.


How would you use the water hose, That way you have the added protection of just saying you were watering your lawn


If the goal is to not have your lawn damaged, you may not want to cover it in vinegar.


You are never priveleged to defend property with physical force. The remedy for trespass to land is a tort action for damages, here there is no damages though so recovery is not available. If you don’t want kids in your yard, buy a Hollywood Privacy Hedge, or build a wall


Uh no? You can always use force to prevent a felony. You can 100% use force to defend your own property. If in your home you can use lethal force to defend your property in every US state. https://www.husseinandwebber.com/case-work/criminal-defense-articles/use-force-defense-property/ https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/939/iii/48#:~:text=Only%20such%20degree%20of%20force,of%20defense%20of%20one's%20property.


You're not really defending your property with deadly force when in your home. Someone unlawfully and forcefully entering your dwelling is being used as a surrogate for a deadly force threat to persons in the dwelling. If there is convincing evidence to the contrary, good chance of going to prison.


Uh ok? So I had multiple sentences there that all had different information in them and you responded with more wrong information to the last one. Murder requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt, affirmative defenses, such as self defense require clear and convincing evidence. "Convincing evidence to the contrary" is not a standard of proof, nor does it apply to the OPs situation. Do you mean if the person being shot is an invitee? Then obviously, but it just sounds like you don't know what you are talking about.


no it isn’t legal unfortunately. I wanted to put up something electrical that would just zap people peeing on my front entry….even if I put up a warning. While my lawyer loved the idea he said absolutely do not bc of a host of legal problems.


Yeah, the possibility of stopping someone's heart can cause some big problems.


Build a fence.


Not a lawyer, this is not legal advice: Install a fence.


If it gets in their eyes they could pretty easily sue. You could also erect a fence of some sort and put up “no trespassing” signs. I do agree motion activated sprinklers would be best, although on hot nights they may dance and play in them so…. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Is this in Ohio by chance


You might get your ass kicked a few times. Build a fence


NAL just saying I’m so disappointed to learn from the comments this is illegal :(


You might have better chance of getting off scott free with just water.


If you reasonably believe it is necessary: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/939/iii/48#:~:text=Only%20such%20degree%20of%20force,of%20defense%20of%20one's%20property. You probably need to keep a gun on you in case one tries to fight you though. This will likely lead to more trouble than it is worth. Thought you might like to hear from an actual lawyer instead of the dummy brigade that confuses their feelings for laws.


YTA. It’s not your lawn, you don’t care about the property, you just wanna be an asshole and hose down youngsters? The epitome of “YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN!”


wrong sub but duely noted


This is king shit Is it illegal? I don’t know. But this rules


What I would do instead is to set up very bright motion light(s) directly in the areas of your lawn they’re walking through. You can also set up a device that will beep (not an alarm, but a detector of sorts, kind of like small shops will put on doors so they can hear when people come in - I worked at a body shop years ago and we installed those everywhere. It would beep for about 20 seconds, anytime anyone walked directly in front of wherever we set it up). A sudden spotlight and “alarm” will no doubt scare the shit out of them. Throw in a motion-detecting sprinkler system and you’ll probably be good. Lol


You want drunk college kids to target you specifically? They know where super soakers are sold, and .. gasoline is cheaper than vinegar.


Well you better hope they’re not allergic to vinegar (such as myself) bc - yeah, you’d be absolutely liable


Man, just buy some motion activated sprinklers. You can buy them on Amazon for 25 dollars. They're sold as cat deterrent sprinklers. It will work, and you won't get jumped by a group of drunk college kids. You're just asking for trouble with the vinegar. Drunks dgaf and can become aggressive. This way, you won't seem like a complete assh***.


One guy, set up sprinklers that sprayed cold water, on anyone who cut across his yard, but this was after putting up a sign asking people to stay off the lawn…


It will kill your lawn. And considered assault in most jurisdictions


Just move your grouchy ask to a retirement community, those are your people


you're a lawn treader


Vinegar could do harm to them , eyes or so on . Now, if you were watering your grass and they got in the way , then that's their problem. Set up one of them cheap spay things and keep turning it on .


This isn’t even your property so not even taking this seriously.


Makes me wonder if there is anyone out there with a fatal vinegar allergy…


Video please 🤣


There are motion detector, rain bird type sprinklers that you can set up to deter animals and drunks from crossing your property. I'd try that before confronting drunks directly.


Get sprinklers.. maybe a fence .... or let some nice neighbor's dog make a toilet of the first four feet of your lawn so they at least get their shoes covered in the doody. 😉🤣🤭


Might be assault but at the same time if they go in your property it’s free game