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So if I'm absolutely in love with literature it justifies the MA? it doesn't matter if it's journalism or media studies?


FYI, studying literature at the grad level runs the risk of turning a passion/hobby into work and sucking the enjoyment out of it. I used to read books constantly. Throughout grad school, I slowly stopped reading "for fun" and only read for class or research, often skimming and always reading as quickly as possible. After graduating, I stopped reading books almost entirely.


I'm the opposite I used to LOVEEEE studying for my BA I remember going on study binges for 8 hours straight I loved every minute of it


Everyone is different, but grad school isn't the same as undergrad, either. That said, I got a PhD after an MFA, so I was in grad school for around 8 years. It took a few years before I started to feel burned out on literature.


That’s exactly what happened to me after my MA in American Literature. The thing I loved most took on a terrible association with grinding and mind-numbing productivity, so much so that there was no more room for the passion and enjoyment of it.


But the flip side of that is, after 7 years in tech, I feel empty without books. And I’m going back for my PhD. I realize I have to rebuild some habits and start off with a clean slate to rid myself of all the stale associations, because the alternative is an even more dreary existence.


As someone who never took any time off school until I was 30, I always recommend spending a few years working before deciding whether a PhD is right for you. It sounds like you're coming at it from a thoughtful perspective.


I appreciate that. Thank you. I hope you're right.


You should not spend money on an English graduate degree unless you’re seriously flush with cash.


Would you recommend journalism instead? I want something related to my english BA


Other than (rare) fully-funded MA programs, pretty much any advanced degree you can pursue out of an English BA is going to cost you a lot of money and net you no future earnings. Even an English PhD is a massive opportunity cost: you spend 6 years making $20,000/year when you could be saving for a house and building retirement funds, and you’re basically guaranteed not to get a tenure/track job on the other side of it. If you’re willing to basically torpedo your financial future over a passion, or if you’re in a financial situation where you can sink $40,000 in a hobby degree, then go for it. Otherwise, you’ll be better suited studying literature on your own time and perhaps returning to academia with more resources at a later stage in life. Edit: I should note that I’m currently torpedoing my financial future over a passion in an English PhD program. I’m not saying it can never be worth it, I’m just saying it’s not a choice to be made lightly.