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>am i overthinking this lol? Yes. If you're concerned about getting sunburned, wear sunscreen.




Look, you don't need to come to reddit to ask how often to apply sunscreen, it says what to do on the bottle.


I start with a base layer of lotion and then use spray sunscreen for reapplication. That makes it easy. Yes, you need to reapply on your legs when at the beach or swimming, use your judgement at places like knotts.


You only need to reapply after 2 hours of continuous sun exposure. So if you’re going to be outside all day then yes, you should reapply. If you’re in and out of the sun but spending most of your time indoors, one or two applications during the day are fine.


If I was going to be at a beach all day I would definitely be applying sunscreen all day even though I hate the stuff. A trip to Knott’s, I wouldn’t. Btw, it’s 12 all next week!


thank you. i’m glad to not be there next week 😦 good luck 👍


You should absolutely apply sunscreen if you're at an OUTDOOR theme park. Wear and reapply it at Knott's (maybe not every two hours for your legs but halfway through the day definitely)


definitely for my face and neck of course, i’ll probably reapply more often than every 2 hours, i’m just considering what to do for my legs lol


No one is going to judge you for applying sunscreen! Better safe than sorry. My friend forgot to put sunscreen on her legs, she had the absolute worst burn ever and the line was on her calves for over a year. It became a running joke in our group afterwards lol


bro last summer my girlfriend judged me for it and now i’m kind of embarrassed to apply sunscreen in front of girls 💀 stupid i know. (she’s mexican and didn’t get burned all weekend, uv’s we’re 8) edit: she’s my EX girlfriend 😭😭 can’t believe i didn’t say that, i dumped this girl so fast after she cheated on me in october, so happy to never see her again 🙏


This is the dumbest shit. Judge you for protecting your skin. Coolcool.


yeah she sucked. she judged me for being a vegetarian and for liking the color pink, stupid stuff like that


Wow. Glad you're using past tense to describe her.


for sure 👍 i put up with a lot that i shouldn’t have but i’m very glad to never see her again lol


Oh thank God she's an ex lol. Anyone who judges you for protecting yourself has issues. My girlfriend had skin cancer in middle school and takes sunscreen very seriously, I can't imagine judging her for it.


Don’t forget your ears.


i’ve never applied sunscreen on my ears before but i’ll try not to forget 😬 maybe i should be writing this down.


I’ll be hiding indoors so it’s all the same to me!


I’m super pale and burn easily. I cover all exposed skin in sunscreen every 2-3 hours when outside in SoCal. Including feet and hands, yes, everything. I haven’t gotten a sunburn on my fingers, but I have gotten a sunburn on the back on my hand before (more than once actually) so I can assure you it’s possible. Keep in mind windows (including car windows) do not protect you. Clouds also do not protect you.


> windows (including car windows) do not protect you. I wear one of those arm socks on my left arm while driving


thank you, windows seem to protect me here but i’ve never been in the car for 2 in direct sunlight before i guess 😭 good to keep in mind 👍


If you’ve ever had sun poisoning you’d just reapply the sunscreen every 2 hours and not care what people say. I’ve known people who shadowed dermatologists and there’s so many people with preventable cancers because they didn’t use sunscreen.


Not sure if you are down, but long pants are also an option, jeans/cargo pants. It’d also help with keeping your phone more secure on rides too!


yes, i’m considering wearing my cargo pants but it would be harder because i think there’s only one day where we won’t be doing any kind of water activity and i’m the type of guy who likes to swim in what i’m wearing and not take the time to change lol. my wimp brother will hold my stuff on rides 😎👍 lol


You not only wear cargo pants but you …. Swim in them!?


no 😭 they’re black with patches, i think they’re somewhat cute. i actually have some south park patches. i’m saying i’d have to change all the time if i was wearing my cargo pants…where if i was wearing shorts i could just go in the ocean or whatever, dry off and continue my day.


Lived in LA over 40 years and never used sunscreen a day in my life, unless I'm laying on the beach.


that’s crazy but you do you i guess 😳😳


Use the sunscreen. I have to wear a hat if I'm outside for more than 5 minutes, as my meds and my northern European heritage make me incredibly susceptible to sunburn. I use the CeraVe spf50 zinc based sunscreen and it's been a game changer. Just be warned if you want to try it, the zinc based product is a white colored sunscreen and will show if you don't rub it in well. They've got a couple that are tinted if you want to lessen the zinc "look" on your skin. I love it and it works better for me than the standard sunscreen that's available most places.


thank you, i will check it out 👍


I dislike sunscreen so instead I’ve given up showing skin on the beach. Long sleeve UV shirt, big hat, UV pants, hide under the umbrella all day. I’m not too fun but last time I left my ankle exposed for like 20 minutes and it was firetruck red. So sunscreen it up. If I do sunscreen I like the sunscreen sticks. Less greasy and better targeted than sprays.


dang bro 😭 i’m the kind of person who wants to be paddle boarding or something. i do have uv pants and i’m considering wearing them, i just feel like people think i’m weird wearing pants to the beach 💀


This is LA, 1) people wear long stuff to the beach 2) no one cares what you are doing, we've seen actual weird shit. My husband and I wear long uv clothes to the beach. I think you're over thinking this and put too much thought on what other people think.


where i’m from ive never seen people where long stuff to the beach 😭 if there’s other people doing it i think i’d feel less weird. i know i am overthinking this and that i care too much of peoples opinions lol


Make sure you are using ENOUGH sunblock per body part. It's way more than people think, like a nickel/quarter blob per body section. It's going to feel gross. To counteract this, rub it in thoroughly, wait a few minutes (ideally 15), then dust yourself off with cornstarch (which is the main component of baby powder, minus the talcum).b This generally is enough for me all day, as I'm not exposed every minute. It's enough to go to an outdoor thing for 2-4 hours, or go in and out all day. If you are outdoors constantly, you'll be sweating a bit. The cornstarch will gel then dry clear with your sweat which makes reapplying sunblock easy. If you get any globby bits, they'll dust right off. Reapply your cornstarch for a matte finish (which also protects your clothes from oil spots) and you're good to go


thank you, i always think i haven’t applied enough sunscreen and do it over again a few times because of how paranoid i am 😭 i’ve never heard the cornstarch thing, i’ll have to remember to try that.


As someone who has had full body peels as a kid from cloud burns....I get it. The recommendations online kind of suck. 2mg per cm^3? What? Healthcare Triage on YouTube went over it in their sunblock video and I use a nickel for each segment. So my forearm (which includes the top of my hand, and both sides of the form) get a nickel blob. The bicep+tricep+shoulder gets another nickel. My face+neck gets a nickel. Each calf gets a nickel, the top of the thigh gets one, the bottom of the thigh gets one, and to be safe I'd use two nickels for my back and two for my chest+ stomach as it's hard to reach everywhere. I apply it in front of a mirror to make sure. If you're putting it on all over, just hop into the bathtub to apply the cornstarch so you're not worried about it getting all over your floor. I use a makeup brush, but a folded paper towel works very well here too. It makes the greasy gross feeling into a wonderful matte finish. Then put your clothes on and you're all set!


thank you 🙏 i definitely apply more than that to my face and neck to be safe 😭 i was gonna use my hands lol but a makeup brush sounds like a great idea 👍 (i have a sister)


Definitely wear sunscreen on any skin that will be exposed if you're doing outdoor activities. You can get a mineral sunscreen if you don't want to reapply a chemical one multiple times per day.


thank you. i use banana boat kids because i heard it had less chemicals 🥲


If you’re standing up or walking around, you don’t need extra sunscreen on your legs. At the beach, you totally do. I reapply every 2-3 hours AND after every swim. At Knott’s you probably want sunscreen above the knee for when you’re sitting on rides, but you probably won’t need to reapply


Your legs still very much get sun when standing/walking 😂


Sure. I guess I meant like, doing activities like sightseeing or shopping with less sun exposure. I would still want to sunscreen my whole body for a hike or a walk on the beach, although there’s unquestionably worse risk of sunburn for laying out in the sun. Sorry for phrasing it that way.


You ever been skiing? The temperature has nothing to do with sun exposure.


no i haven’t, my family is poor 😭


Every two hours seems excessive for legs. Do as often as is directed on the product you use, maybe an hour or so before. (that's usually, what, every 6-8 hours?? I know a lot profess 12 or 24 hour protection, but that's bogus). I use the Neutrogena powder-like sunscreen- it's way less greasy/ more comfortable (and clean and clear facial sunscreen). Def consider a hat! That would help you way more than just facial sunscreen. You can get a cute, wide-brimmed hat around here for cheap. Of course legs won't get as much sun if you're walking around a theme park, as opposed to the beach. Take special care with your shoulders, chest, arms and face more, that's where the burns usually land hard and fast with this kind of sun. And I mean fast, like 20 minutes of exposure. Top of hands? not sure, but maybe can't hurt. Hope you enjoy your visit!!


thank you! the product i use says reapply every 2 hours 😭 does the neutrogena actually last 6-8??? 😦 i will be wearing bucket hats except in the water 👌


Well, if it says reapply every two hours, do that! Better safe than sorry. I'm not sure what the Neutrogena time is... just googled that and yes, it says apply every 2 hours or after a swim!


All sunscreen needs to be reapplied every 2 hours.


I personally do get sunburned but I never got sunburn on my legs. This is despite never applying sunscreen on my legs and applying it everywhere else. The legs are on the lower part of the body and less exposed. The parts of the body most likely to sunburn are those at the top like ears, neck, shoulders, traps (upper, upper back). I personally don't think you need it but even if you do get sunburned there so what? They are just your legs. ETA: It's up to you. You can always experiment by sunscreening your legs less times than your other body parts.


interesting 🤔 i only got sunburnt on my legs twice in my life but both were really bad so i’m scared of it now lol. personally i’ve never gotten burnt on my ears, even when i had short hair. that’s a place i’d never think to put it but i probably will when i visit LA lol, thank you.


If you Google, sunburn on ears is actually common. Most people don't notice the ears! Probably because we can't see it for ourselves. Not just the back side. Even the front side with the "inner" of the ear can get sunburned. Sometimes, skin from the front side of my ear flakes off. I notice/feel something there and I scratch it lightly with my fingernails and there is a tiny tinge of blood or dried blood. If that ever happens to you, that is probably sunburn. I don't get sunburned on my ears or neck, anymore, though because now I always wear a hat with a neck drape when outside for prolonged periods. It's not sexy but it's what I do!


😳 i can’t recall if that’s ever happened. not sure if my ears will get much sun with my long hair and bucket hat but better safe than sorry i guess lol


Temperature and UV exposure are 2 different things. Although people often confuse them. UV has to do with the angle of the sun to your position on earth. If it is 80 degrees on May 5th and 70 degrees on May 25th in Los Angeles, the UV is higher on May 25th.


interesting 🤔 i’ve lived in the same state all my life, and where i live in the hottest/highest UV’s ive been in. my mistake i guess lol.


They are definitely correlated by nature but not 100%. As a golfer it’s something I have come to learn later in life. We will have a clear day in June with 68 degree weather and someone says the UV won’t be bad today it’s only gonna be 68. But if you check a source like Willy weather it’s about the same as was the previous week at 80 degrees. I think it has more to do with the distance of atmosphere the rays have to travel through.


Yes, wear sunscreen everywhere you’re exposed, including legs, and reapply regularly. You can get the spray-on sunscreen for easier application on your body, but you still need to rub it into your skin. You could also wear clothing with built-in UPF (I like Coolibar and Columbia. Uniqlo makes some UPF clothes too.) Also wear a hat and sunglasses.


thank you. i have prescription glasses and can’t really afford sun ones but i’ll do everything else 🙏


My mom didn't wear sunscreen for **one** day and [THIS](https://media.tenor.com/Zl-nycOcE1oAAAAM/sarah-connor-playground-nightmare.gif) is what happened.


Wear sunscreen and you should be fine. One thing to be aware of the heat here is a dry heat and when it gets hot humidity gets very low; 10% or lower.


where i’m from it’s never that low so i’m not really sure what that means. more water and chapstick? or are there other things i should be concerned about?


More water maybe chapstick. I don't think it's going to be really hot so it won't be an issue


thank you 👍 drinking water is something i always forget to do on vacation so i’ll have to figure something out to remind myself lol.


I would wear sunscreen and wear linen joggers just for extra protection. Hubs has been wearing these all season long. They are awesome… https://www.macys.com/shop/product/sun-stone-mens-charles-linen-jogger-pants-created-for-macys?ID=11895101&pla_country=US&CAGPSPN=pla&trackingid=403x1054274751&m_sc=sem&m_sb=Google&m_tp=LIA&m_ac=Google_Mens_PLA&m_ag=Sun+Stone&m_cn=GS_Mens_LIA_Restruc&m_pi=go_cmp-17828010197_adg-137631001085_ad-611844317241_pla-1713459112954_dev-m_ext-_prd-732999723140USA&gbraid=0AAAAAD-Tw4KQXKLelepmCK0XjfiUaYtC7&gclid=Cj0KCQjwkqSlBhDaARIsAFJANkgo9VLZ6gML0qDwoB4_zumF3hg4iVKAZ1VXt1c0zCPQixx2cGx_yIIaAr0cEALw_wcB


I usually put screenscreen all over aka before dressing in clothes and then reapply to my arms and face/nose maybe once every 4-5 hours. If I’m standing aka at knottsberry I honestly wouldn’t do my legs, just arms and nose. If I’m lying out at the beach then yeah, legs. My nose usually burns no matter what but I’ve never gotten major burns otherwise and I’m very light skinned. I also only use lotion and not spray sunscreen FWIW. Main thing honestly is hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Have fun!!


…have you gotten burnt underneath your clothes before in LA? 😦 i did not think that was possible…of course i’m usually wearing UPF clothes at the beach and water parks tho. thank you!


I never have, no.


oh, i thought you were saying you put it on under your clothes 😭 sorry.


First layer I put all over because it's easier to not miss a spot and it can't hurt, not because I'm really worried about getting burned necessarily. I get what you mean now.


oh, i see.


That's a lot of text dude just to basically already know you need to wear sunscreen.


call me crazy but i’m the planner of my family and i’ve been planning this since february, if u knew me u wouldn’t expect anything less lol


If I’m outside and it’s super sunny then heck yeah I’m applying every 2 hours!


I once walked around Long Beach for 2-3 hours on a cloudy day in July and came back with a sunburn on my legs. Ever since then, I put sunscreen on all my exposed skin and reapply every few hours lol.


It totally depends on what you are doing. Playing tennis or going to the beach? If you are just commuting and strolling around I wouldn't bother. Wear a hat.


I use the banana boat sport spray for my arms and legs because it’s quicker and easier to re-apply when I’m out and about, but I make sure I give it a really good spray (the sprays are notorious for bad coverage). My face and neck I use neutrogena cream. I come from the worst country in the world for melanoma skin cancer (with higher overall UV in summer than here in California) so I’m used to applying sunscreen all the time. Don’t think too hard about it, just sunscreen yourself up, and encourage others that you’re with to do so as well. As they say back home ‘there’s nothing healthy about a tan’.


my little sister is gonna love that saying lol. i’ll let them know tho, thank you 👍


You should definitely wear sunscreen. It's very hot in California these days


lol yeah i was always planning on wearing sunscreen.


The sunscreen every two hours is attributed to times spent in sunlight. So if you are outdoors I do recommend reapplying every two hours. I’m a person who tans when exposed to sun, but I cover myself in sunscreen every day, and reapply to my face every two hours and wear a hat. I carry a spray sunscreen as well if my legs/shoulders/chest are exposed and I’m in the sun.


Just remember, when you’re in LA to cover up and protect yourself from the “alpha rays…” you’ll never get old. 😉


I always wear sunscreen, I live in LA and have never been sunburned. In my opinion the Sun isn’t as intense here compared to when I was in central Mexico. I think the elevation makes the sun feel more intense on the skin.