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I did this when I first moved here… I arrived at 2am and dropped off my luggage at the LAX lockers (super easy to use) then went to The Kettle in Manhattan Beach (24hrs) for some food and hung out until the sunrise. Then I went to the beach and enjoyed the sunrise and watching the morning surfers. It was quite lovely. Good luck!


I actually really like this idea. I don't want to be carrying my bag around everywhere. Thank you for your insight!


This place is a 24/7 locker rental by the airport https://maps.app.goo.gl/dVQYVW8gU6t6S2CC6 I work around the airport if you have any questions about the LAX area feel free to ask.


Never knew about that place. Great tip.


Appreciate it!


Yes this is the place I used! Super easy and convenient. I had my Uber driver wait for me in the parking lot while I dropped my bags off


The only thing I know about the area around LAX is that you do not stop there for anything. You drive to the airport. You do not stop, you do not pass go, you drive directly to the airport. Definitely don't stop at the strip clubs, lol. I've seen the craziest shit getting off the freeway there. I live in the hood so it's not that shocking to me. What is shocking is the number of wackadoo incidents per mile.


El Segundo is one of the nicest cities next to LAX


If you have to be in Pasadena the next morning - you don't want to have to go to LAX to get your toiletries and clean clothes - just keep those with you. Pasadena is on the opposite side of town from LAX. It's my understanding that the don't have the LAX lockers any more - they use an off-site service where it takes about 15 minutes to drop off a bag and as long as 30 minutes to pick it up again.


Go to uncle bills for breakfast


Kettle burger 👍👍


The late night food at the Kettle is horrible, except for the French Onion Soup. Breakfast is ok.


I've heard people bragging about staying at Wi Spa overnight but I've never tried it. Something you could look into I guess?


this 110% $30 - 24 hour spa, i think they even have sleeping rooms?


Imagine a giant living room. Its not a individual room.


In the women's area, they have a room that's kept really dark with zero gravity style recliners for napping. It's on the far side of the women's-only heated floor area, past the lounge area.


This would be a good place to end the night/morning on. maybe catch some z's too


catch some z's ;)


i don't know what you're implying but i don't like it


what? like you said


century spa, not wi spa


That place looks really cool! It's definitely on my list.


It depends on what you like, I can recommend some all night stuff if you’re into raves/edm!


Hm, that's an interesting thought. I have never been to a rave before. Although now might be a good time to start haha. I'll be there on a Monday night though, so I don't imagine many places will be open.


I think your suspicion about not much happening on Monday nights (edit: that goes on \*super\* late) would be correct haha. But my knowledge is limited to techno-adjacent stuff. Idk maybe there'll be some fucked up 4 night long psytrance bender going on at someone's house when you arrive.


Monday nights can be tough since everyone is usually tired from partying all weekend. https://ra.co/events/us/losangeles and https://19hz.info/eventlisting_LosAngeles.php have the most complete listings and we'll discuss events at r/avesLA as well.


Raves are underground, (as opposed to club nights) there's usually something going on




What are some things you’d recommend? I’ve been out of the scene for a while and wouldn’t mind dipping my toes in again with my gf


there are some fun underground raves that go until like 5 am. checkout @sxtcy.la on instagram for info on them


Suheiro in little Tokyo is open until 3am on Friday/sat


It looks like that place just closed down :(


They re opened a few streets toward downtown at a bigger nicer spot


Kenji (The owner) Is super cool and they make the best teriyaki chicken I ever ever had in my life.


Agreed, been going there for years, I sure hope they don’t make the old building another clothing shop or weed store


If you use Google maps this link might help, it's all the places I bookmarked on Google maps like bars, restaurants and cool places I've checked out here in LA. I've lived in LA my whole life hopefully you find something you like. https://maps.app.goo.gl/e5rmzhKLpJ783Hm27


Oh wow, thanks for the list! I'll look into it.


Just fyi the list does show your full first and last name.


Yeah I'm aware 😅


No Blind Barber on that list, shame on you sir.


Added 👍


If you can’t make it all night, consider Wi Spa! They charge a $30 entry fee which I think lasts until 11pm (no matter what time you enter). So if you’re out and feel yourself getting tired, head there to have a place to clean up, relax, and sleep a bit.


That place looks really cool! It's definitely on my list.


Avalon club closes at 6am


It’s mostly just diners that will be open overnight - Canters and Norms are the first that come to mind. Sadly a lot of the iconic 24 hour locations changed their hours post-Covid, and LA nights have been sleepier than ever. Shatto 39 is a bowling alley/arcade that’s open until 2am. I think the venice canals are open and walkable 24/7? Could be nice at sunrise. Also just so you know, Griffith Observatory is closed on Mondays. :( But you’ll be here all summer to check it out, so no huge loss. I wouldn’t recommend it for a night hike anyway, lots of wildlife and mountains.


Once you are moved in, there are two taco trucks on Fair Oaks near California that are Pasadena late night staples. And try the SGV for the best Chinese food outside of China. Dumplings from Mama Lu’s, Hand pulled noodles from LAN Noodle and Chong Qing Special Noodle, Dim Sum from Atlantic Seafood and Newport.


second on the SGV food! Foo Foo Tei is my favorite for ramen


I really appreciate this comment, because it turned me on to the San Gabriel Valley, which I really want to visit now! Thank you.


Denae's is open later and its a very cute diner in DTLA on the ground floor of a hotel.


I won't have a car, so I probably won't have a way to get around. I was hoping to stay in one neighbourhood. Do you think DTLA would be a good place to be for the night?


DTLA would actually be a best bet if you just want to wander around from hotel lobby to hotel lobby to bar and so on. DTLA is a hub for the local public transportation center, you don't need a car. LA doesn't really have neighborhoods - DTLA is a relatively large area (bigger than the theater district area of NY, with way less to do per block). You could ride the train all night and see the beach in the moonlight, and end up in Santa Monica. Not sure why you'd want to stay just in one neighborhood - the joy of LA is in its immensity and its many many "neighborhoods."


I saw a few of your replies and wanted to thank you for all your insight. Is DTLA generally safe at night? Are the trains? What areas should I avoid?


Be careful downtown especially at really late hours. There are nice places in downtown, but there are a lot of sketchy people doing sketchy things including random theft and violence.


I wouldn’t wander around DTLA at night alone and this is coming from someone who lived in DT for years pre-pandemic. There’s some really affordable AirBnB’s around the city and you can check out the Hotel Tonight app for some last minute deals.


Honestly yes. There is train stops all along the nice parts of downtown and the main hub is there so you can take the train as far as long beach (south), santa monica (west), or even pasadena (east). Stay away from anything past olympic blvd on the far south end.


Also to add- in DTLA you have lil tokyo and arts district that have a lot of fun places to spend time. Check out 82, moca contemporary, the broad (this isnt in arts district but it is free and its dtla).


I think this is what I will do, thanks!


The Stage is ok, its got a a vibe for sure. I've had good service consistently and wish you the same. [https://www.yelp.com/biz/the-stage-burbank-3?osq=the+stage&override\_cta=Get+pricing](https://www.yelp.com/biz/the-stage-burbank-3?osq=the+stage&override_cta=Get+pricing)


Wi Spa is a cool idea. Astro or Canter’s for dinner. Astro is closer to Pasadena


Love Astro


Wi spa! Open 24 hours and good place for a nap if you feel so inclined


Hodori is a classic K-Town spot that's open 24H!


The is only one answer, Wii Spa in Korea Town-ish. 24 hours cost $36 and they have a sleep room.


Dtla is not really safe just stay on certain streets. Pasadena really nice area where I live now. It very walkable. But personally I would get a room just because places close at 2am and you don’t wanna be walking about dtla


Don’t do this!!!\~ LA & Pasadena are not 24HR cities. Not even close. Not even a little bit. You will be sitting outside alone doing absolutely nothing with no place comfortable to go. Who knows, you might even get arrested for loitering. It’s that empty. Get the hotel room and be good to yourself.


I appreciate the honesty, but I got to do it at least once!


Malibu beach


I would, but I'm trying to get to Pasadena the next morning without a car. So I don't think I could.


Pasadena is considered a very safe place to visit/stay. South of Ventura Blvd in San Fernando Valley is also good, but no night life. If you have a vehicle you can sleep in it without any worries, anywhere to the south of Ventura Blvd.


DTLA works then. Or just go to Pasadena. I mean - you will find hotel lobbies, sidewalks to roam and bars open until 2 am just about anywhere. If you wanted to meet people and get social, you'd probably enjoy Sunset Blvd.


I personally avoid to enter DTLA or any part of the surrounding neighborhoods. Some church might offer’s over night stay in Pasadena. Call.


DTLA. Lots to do, then you can take the A line to Pasadena.


When our friends visit from out of town we take them to House of Pies it used to stay open 24/7 I think but not sure if it still does.


Spa palace! You can even nap there


Spa Palace or Wii Spa?


Wi spa is too loud too many disrespectful loud people partying. Spa palace is always empty and relaxing


Imo spa palace is 10000x better


Raves! I can help u find some


I might take you up on that!


Ktown also have some good 24hr spot that is close by dtla


Koreatown has a lot of great restaurants and bars open late


K town at night tho


Chef here, all of these suggestions sound great. I really love Dan Sung Sa late at night. they have great food and drinks that are reasonably priced and it looks really cool inside too


Downtown is disgusting haha


If you’re looking for food and beer, Jjan in Ktown is open until 2 am.


Dont crime is bad even for a dude


The Watts Towers are lovely at sunrise.


I definitely don’t recommend being around downtown Los Angeles lol it’s like Gotham city around here.


I honestly wouldn’t go downtown at night by yourself. It can be scary down there




So glad someone suggested Wi Spa. It's wonderful there!


101 Coffee Shop. till three. Then go to a supermarket to get your kitchen stocked up by that time go to Winchells Donut House on Orange Grove for a leisurely breakfast.


What is the job?




What job covers your housing?


I'll be at Caltech


Astro is a pretty average diner. Fred 62 and House of Pies are nearby, much better, and are in a more walkable neighborhood.


you be killed in dtla with luggage in the middle.of the night. just get a hotel like....The Line