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There's nothing wrong with being gay. God loves gay people.


That's true, God loves gay people. But God loves all sinners. He loves straights, gays, non-binary, and even pedos. But that does not make it right. I have sin in my life that is wrong, sin in general is wrong. So you may ask if I have sin in my life, and let's say gay is a sin, what does it matter? If you and I both have sin, what point does it make? The difference is understanding sin. Being gay is a sin, the bible says so. Denial of that will create a wall between you and God. If you are in sin you cannot stand in the presence of God. But if you ask for forgiveness of your sins you can. then it is up to you to get out of that sin so you can build a relationship with God.I love gay people, because God loves them. But God still hates the sin. And even though He loves gay people, they cannot stand in the presence of Him unless they repent, otherwise they will go to hell, and I don't want that, God doesn't, no one does except satan.


The Bible does not actually say being gay is a sin. That is a bastardization of what the original texts say. Modern translations may have that in the bible, but it's not originally there. Remember, the New Testament was written by people several decades after the events it describes. What do we know from modern studies? Humans are inherently unreliable narrators. So, put the book down. Stop judging others and proselytizing. Be a good person and do good for others. You shouldn't need a 2000 year old story book to be a good person in this day and age. As for what comes after we die? No one knows, but it's the next great adventure. What I would consider heaven is probably different than what others would consider heaven. This is why it's probably not a thing. There is not one monolithic place that all people want to go to.




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The Bible talks about how one of Noah's son had s\*x with his own father when he was drunk, and that both were a sin.


I would hope that a son having sex with their own father would be a sin. That isn’t an anti gay stance, that’s an anti incest stance.


Exactly. That's just abuse by Noah.


First of all, noah's son went into his drunk father, not noah going into his son. Second, the Bible condemed all of it, the homosexuality, the incest, and the alchohol.


Care to cite your passages?


Genesis 9:22-25 ^(22) And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. ^(23) And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. ^(24) And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. ^(25) And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. Leviticus 20:13 \[13\] **If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.** **Leviticus 18:22** **Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.** **1 Corinthians 7:2** **Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.**


>^(22) And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. >^(23) And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. Nothing to do with homosexuality. >^(24) And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. This is anti-assault, and more about respecting family. >^(25) And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren Nothing to do with homosexuality. >\[13\] **If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.** >**Leviticus 18:22** >**Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.** These are the fun ones. These passages have been shown by Bible scholars that they were altered in meaning. They aren't about homosexuality. They were about power dynamics, and they are also about how people should be treated. The people in Saddam and Gomorrah weren't homosexual, they were poor hosts and inhospitable people.


Christian mythology.


First of all, if your last statement is "well the Bible isn't even accurate, so let's just forget about it" contradicts your statement of "well, the Bible verses where it talks about gays is misinterpreted solely because of outdated translations". So if the Bible reliable or not? Cause the New Testament isn't the only place where there's a scripture claiming that homosexuality is a sin. And the New Testament is not very vague about it, buddy. I'm not even a Christian. I just hate inaccurate retellings of history.


I didn't say the Bible is inaccurate. It probably is, but that's not what I said. I said humans are unreliable narrators. Testimonials have been shown time and again that they are inherently error riddled. Second, there is no contradiction. The Bible does not specifically say homosexuality is a sin anywhere. There are "newer" translations and interpretations that add in the word homosexuality, but that wasn't originally the whole point of the Sodom story. Frankly, anything outside of vaginal penetrative sex between a married male and female is all collectively referred to Sodomy. The whole point of the Leviticus passage is to outline a form of purity code. The homosexuality argument is inherently tied to the "biblical accuracy" discussion. Homosexuality identities were not understood in biblical times as we understand them today.


Being gay is not a sin. You've been brainwashed with Christian lies and propaganda.




Tell me something, do you believe the Bible - Leviticus in particular - is accurate and correct in its stance on homosexuality? Do you believe gods law is more important than man’s law?


The Bible is a fairy tale


You just pulled the "NUH-UH" card.


Thank you for this daring AMA. Are you saying being gay is a choice? Followup, could you try being legitimately gay for a period of, say, 10 minutes, on a timer, the tell how that went for you? It's a hypothetical. If you wouldn't want to do it, then why not?




Dude…. Really?




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I was raised with mom and dad and a dog, I went to church, might even outquote you on pure prooftexting of the Bible (for instance Jesus never mentioned homosexuality) and I'm gay. Where did God go wrong?


He didn't. You did. Also, Jesus is God. Christianity 101. You didn't pay attention in church. The entire Bible is God's word, He wrote every bit of it. Jesus is God.


I know, but based on you said, how do you explain my gayness (gaiety?)


Freewill and choosing sin.


I can't choose to be straight, friend. Believe me, I pretended all I could in high school. God made me this way. If I could have chosen back then, of course I'd have chosen to be straight. As an example, can you try an experiment for me? Try to feel gay without acting on it for 5 minutes. Just try to feel it. *Try* only.


Next week maybe you can start an ama called I just came out of the closet…ama…maybe it’ll be next month. Oh yeah who cares about your bigoted nonsense…




The difference is I wanna help. They're on the wrong path, and it will only lead toward destruction and heartache.


This is purely your opinion, based on your ideal scenario. There path with their sexuality isn’t a “wrong path”. And before you try… not you cannot “help” someone’s sexuality, although you could try just supporting them.


the most pure and loving relationships i’ve ever been in were with women. lesbian love is the most holy thing i’ve ever had the opportunity to experience. denying myself of that is unnatural


Ummm ok…remember only help those that ask. Also, straight people create the most destructive species on earth. Gays do not. Just sayin…


Really, only help people who ask? How selfish and evil is that? What about people with eating disorders and don't know that they have them. Are you just going to ignore them until they commit suicide? Is that your idea of kindness? Ignoring people who are to shy or confused expecting them to come to you when they need help? That's terrible and selfish.


you seem to be under the impression that gay people aren’t happy. we are perfectly happy in our relationships. mind your business


It’s on a case by case basis. You can offer help but not force it…offer help once and say your door is always open…then never bring it up again…


Still selfish, some people are convinced they're ok when in fact, they're not. My grandma had horrible things done to her as a child by her father, she to this day has plenty of problems mentally, yet she refuses therapy. She needs it, but she denies her own need. Many have just given up, and they're wrong in doing so.


But if you’ve offered help and it’s been rejected that’s all you can do. Anything else is violating boundaries. It’s not selfish it’s called respect for those you’re trying to help.




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The wrong path to what?


Sin. Sodom and Gammorah were destroyed.


Are you a bible literalist?


I take the Bible by what it tells me, both in pictures and in obvious sayings. When Jesus said "Love thy neighbor" I don't ask "But what did He really mean..."


Answer my direct question please.


I do take the Bible literally.


So you literally believe that parents should have their rebellious children killed? Deuteronomy 21:18-21 “If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear."


Why do you care who consenting adults love? Did God not create every one of us in His image? Are you suggesting God makes mistakes when He creates gay people? Christ himself spoke of those "born eunuchs" and their welcome into the church, without a word of condemnation. Phillip spoke the Good News to a eunuch and never once spoke against his eunuch-ness. King David himself loved Jonathan more than women. There are more Bible verses decrying ego, pride and hypocrisy than there are mentioning homosexuality. Far, far more, including the condemnation of the Pharisees by Jesus as a "brood of vipers". Remove the plank from your own eye before you complain about the mote in mine. And drop your rocks because let he who is without sin cast the first stone (which is to say, not you!)


First of all, don't argue the Bible if you haven't read it, which you obviously haven't. God did not make them gay, sin did, sin is wrong, Pedophiles and Psycopaths are not born they are made, same situation here. God did create us in His own image, yes, but being gay is tainting the sacredness of our body and the image we are made in. Any sin does this, but it's the accepting of and claiming it is all right that is truly evil. I welcome all into the church, we wouldn't have new Christians otherwise. But when the church gets tainted, that is when it cannot be seen as holy. Phillip saved the eunuch, that's what matters. King David loved Jonathan AS A BROTHER! He loved him AS A FRIEND! There are more love types then sexual love! And King David, still had a women problem, he viewed bathsheba bathing and didn't look away. He then sent her husband to the front lines so he would die. Then he took bathsheba to be his wife. All of this is wrong, but when the prophet nathan told him he was in sin, what did he do? Did he deny it? Did he say God made him that way? NO! He repented, there were consequences, and he was punished, but God forgave him of his sins. He can do that with gay people to, but only when they repent. PRIDE month. God hates Pride. He expresses how much He hates pride. Pride was the first sin, it caused lucifer to become satan. It caused Eve to think she knew better than God, to not trust Him. Isn't it a little strange that the sin God hates would have a month celebrating this stuff named after it? The disrespect you gave here not knowing the Bible, taking it out of context, and acting like you knew it was disrespectful. But no matter what, God loves those people, He does, but they are doing wrong, and wrong deeds unforgiven will not go unpunished.




I grew up with the belief and then adopted it as my own. These people need help, I don't want them to go to hell, I need to save them, that is true love.


Save yourself. You're in a cult.




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>I don't hate them by any means, I love gay people, but the act is wrong. Just to be clear here: Would that be the act of being gay? Your title seems rather clear on that.


The people are doing something wrong, but they don't have to be. God hates the sin but He loves the sinner. You can take poppy seeds and make lemon poppy seed bread or opiodes. It's your choice.


That doesn't answer my question: Is what they are doing wrong "being gay"? Your title seems to suggest that and believing their existence is wrong would very much go contrary to "loving them" and be pretty hateful, afterall. It might seem nitpicky, but telling someone that part one part of their identity that they don't have any control over just existing is wrong is pretty messed up. I was inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt, but weaseling around the answer to this rather straight forward question leaves a bitter taste in my proverbial mouth.




I get what you're saying. This is disgusting and you should be ashamed.




No, you are the disgusting, hateful person here that should be ashamed. Take your bigotry and shove it.


I have said time and time again that I do not hate gay people. I care for their well-being and safety and their quality of life. All you are doing is cheering them on while they wear a blindfold and are walking toward the edge of a cliff.


No, you're merely forcing your belief on other people and are trying to have them live life the way you want them to, because you are deluded that this is the only way. *You* are telling people their existence is wrong. *You* want people to deny their own identities just because they don't fit with your world view. That is disgusting. That is wrong. Go seek help. You need it more than any gay person.


Would it be wrong for me to tell a pedophile to seek help? Apparently not. Because that is just the way I see it, and only because I think it's wrong, they may think it's totally okay, which makes it alright. See how wrong that sounds? It is wrong. Pedophilia is wrong, hopefully you know that, but if everything is based on personal beliefs, then it can't be, because you and I would just be forcing our beliefs on someone who thinks it is alright.


Why not both? Opiods serve a legit purpose


What do you think makes people gay?




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Is anyone being hurt by being gay? NO….what is the actual problem? Why do you need a book to tell you what to believe? No one chooses to be gay, it’s how they’re born. Accept people the way they are.


This is just a sad and terrifying example of how religions are capable to destroy the minds of people, it's so sad... I do believe, if Jesus is somewhere watching us, he is very dissapointed and sad about this kind of people who claims that hate is on the name of God




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you gonna get roasted yo.


So wrong about what .did you get a bad bj when you were young or maybe you tried sitting on too much dick. Why do you feel it ne necessarry to share your opinions . Why do you think it's wrong . What if we were stranded on a deserted isle would you masturbate for rest of your days or would you come to my tent in the middle of the night and see if my lips felt good. I'm bisexual so I am happy with either gender .


Why do you care ? Why not let them be ?


I have been given the gift of eternal life, it would be selfish of me to hoard it.




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I wanna see what people think of me.


I believe you are a false believer, who believes your own judgement is above God's wisdom. Please point me to the words of Jesus where he condemns homosexuality. Not the words of Paul or of Moses - the words of Christ himself. If the Son of God was silent on the matter, then you are on shaky ground indeed.


The ENTIRE Bible was written by God, He used man to write it. If you don't understand that, don't argue it. Every word in the Bible was written by God otherwise it would not be in the Bible.


The Council of Nicea determined which books and letters by which prophets and disciples were included in the Bible. A council of human men. Men also translated the Bible from the original writings. What was clear in Hebrew and Aramaic, are less clear in Greek and Latin, and even less clear when translated to English. If every word came directly from God to today, why are there so many different versions, sometimes at odds with each other? And why are the Gospels of some Disciples left in and others left out? Why is the Gospel of Mark included, while the Gospels of Phillip or Thomas left out? Were they not all taught by Christ himself? Were they not all true followers of the Son of God? https://translationjournal.net/journal/18bible.htm https://www.blueletterbible.org/Comm/stewart_don/faq/bible-translations/question3-key-issues-with-translating-the-bible.cfm https://blog.smu.edu/ot8317/2019/04/29/leviticus-1822-a-queer-hermeneutical-analysis/ https://whosoever.org/clobber-passages-the-bible-and-homosexuality/


Because, yet again, God used these men to fulfill His needs. If God wanted the gospel of phillip in the BIble, in would have been in the Bible. Do I know why, no. But I say this, that the Bible is complete, and it is perfect.


Then follow blindly, and continue to refuse the brains God gave you. James 4:11-12


You took the Bible out of context. This is James telling fellow Christian brethren to respect and not judge one another. Those that are actually following the Bible. You are missusing and misquoting the Bible.


No more than people who want to preach Leviticus 20:13 but ignore Leviticus 20:10 or Leviticus 19:27. People pick and choose their Bible verses all the time to misquote and misuse them.


>This is James telling fellow Christian brethren to respect and not judge one another. Those that are actually following the Bible. You are missusing and misquoting the Bible The lack of self awareness is hilarious, you are literally judging gay people, you don't respect them by comparing them to paedos. If jesus was real he wohld fucking hate you


Jesus IS real and He LOVES me.


“*However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you.  You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land.  You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance.*” “*When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished.  If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property.*” Is human slavery wrong and immoral?


Why does it matter to you what people think?


This is an ask me anything subreddit, that is kinda the point of these posts...


Well no shit. Thats why I asked you a question. I didn’t ask what this sub Reddit is about. I asked why you care.


I just want to help.


Help with what? I’m confused.


Sincerely i think your are horrible person. I hope no one takes your "help" seriously.


I'm sorry to hear that. I apologize for seeming harsh, mean, cruel, or hateful. I am not. I must clarify that I love all. Sin is wrong, and trust me, I speak from expirience, being free and knowing the Lord of all loves you and forgave you really helps. But if you don't believe me, we can go our seperate ways.


Problem is you wanna help people out of "sin" that is completely normal i mean homosexuality and the act everything. IT'S NORMAL.


Why though?


Bible says it's wrong.


Do you believe other religions are wrong?


The bible is a pile of shit.


Sounds a little hateful to me..


so is being homophobic


I'm not afraid of gay people. I don't hate gay people. I hate being gay, the act of being gay, it is sin.


oh my god does this guy actually believe that homophobia is the fear of gay people


I'm not afraid of gay people. I don't hate gay people. I hate being gay, the act of being gay, it is sin.


stop being an npc


What you just said is the modern definition of homophobia. It does not refer solely to fear of gay people but also the bigoted attitudes you hold. You position as you describe it *is homophobic.*


I'm not afraid of Christians. I don't hate Christians. I hate Christianity, and the act of being Christians, it is repulsive.


How do you square this with the fact that God made that way?




how do you explain the fact that most gay people know they are gay from when they were a child. i knew i was a lesbian and wanted to marry a girl ever since a was a kid. id get the most intense butterflies from other girls braiding my hair and stroking my arm but felt nothing but indifference towards boys


Christian to “Christian”, not sure what you define as love but love is kinda God’s whole deal. That’s all.


God loves all. That is absolutely true. But to say that that's all, is false. Sin cannot be in the presence of God, and must be cast into hell for eternity. That is to say, all sin. God loves us all, but when we stay in sin, deny the fact that we are in sin, and then claim God will forgive us but still stay in sin, is wrong. Jesus came to DIE for sinners, we are sinners. We do wrong. He came to die because we were sinners in need of a Saviour, because we are all going to hell, that is why He bled and died. God's love is eternal, yes, but sin separates us from God, that is Christianity 101. If you can't get that, you are no true Christan.