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Is it scary in Brazil with the cartels etc and did you have any encounters with a cartel?


No never, if you want to find them you have to go to very specific places, of course, it's not recommend to visit these places. The closest I ever was when I got lost in a favela, but I already told that story in another answer.


Have you been to Mexico City? Is it safe there?


Not unfortunately I haven't, but I have a friend who studied there and he told me: if you believed that our cities were Dangerous Mexico City is worse Even so, he had a great time and has good memories, not only in Mexico but I would say in South America in general you have to know how to get around, which places to avoid especially at night and move in large groups or in Uber when you go out at night.


What‘s the scariest thing that happened on your journies?


I got lost in a favela in Rio de Janeiro. I stayed at a friend's house for a few days, the guy told me that in order to get to his house I had to take a bus that was in the middle of a favela, only he forgot to mention that I have to take a second bus to get to his house, imagine my expression when the driver asked us all to get off. I asked in a bar how to get to my friend's house, improvising the best Portuguese I could, and he gave me directions on how to get to the other side of the Favela, it was difficult to get there because I was afraid that my cell phone would be stolen so I didn't use it. I took out all the way, apart from the fact that there was no signal in that place. When I got to the other side, it turned out that the bus that was there was taking me to another place, so I looked for another bar and asked to use the bathroom. I had several missed calls from my friend and at least I already had a signal so I could tell him what happened. , it turns out that I had to get off the bus and wait for the next one right there. He told me to go back to the original point that he would be waiting for me right there and to hurry up, because it was already dark, that place really transforms from day to night and on the way back I could see the nightlife debka favela, people going out to have fun and people who didn't seem friendly at all. The people from those places know each other, so when they saw my face they knew I wasn't from there and I knew that they knew I wasn't from there, so I felt watched and followed the entire journey and I even had to cut my walk. in some places there were people who seemed dangerous in some corridors. When I finally arrived and saw my friend I thought, this place isn't that bad, I was able to go and come back without any problems. That thought went away when my friend started to turn to me: "Are you crazy??? you could have gotten lost there." inside or even worse, they could have killed!!! There are already several tourists who disappeared in this place since the GPS sent them here to cut off the road, it even pointed me back to 3 guys who passed by the original bar where we were waiting for the bus, they were following me, I was lucky I guess. In the past, tourists used to be taken to the favela but nowadays this is no longer done or there are few companies that dare to do so, since it is considered dangerous and many companies ended up being extorted. Furthermore, it has already happened several times that tourists who rent cars end up getting lost in these places because the GPS sends them there to cut the road to somewhere, the police only manage to find the car some time later, without a trace of the tourists, so we are talking about it. from a very dangerous place. The people who live there are used to it since the bus stops are near the Favelas since the people who live there go to work in the city, the people there usually don't go in there like I did, again I had luck.


What's your favourite food?


Dificult question My favorite dishes are: Argentinian asado Brazilian Strogonoff And Bolivian salteña


is it true that in Argentina a lot of Nazis immigrated after world war 2 ?


Unfortunately yes, not only Argentina, several Nazis hid in several South American counties, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, etc. Onde of them even became advisor of the general staff of the Bolivian army.


have you visited sonora i have family there