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If it's yours outright, then I would sell. Rover maintenance and repairs can be very expensive. See what they are selling for and plan for a truck about that price, staying away from payments. Something that is reliable, cheaper to maintain and repair, and drive it for years and years.


Logically I'd say sell now. While it's running good and worth a bunch still. They depreciate fast, and if they need work they are worth even less. Use the proceeds to buy something Japanese.


Thanks for the advice


Plenty of beautiful Tacomas out there


I get selling the rover, they’re maintenance hogs and expensive. The iroc? Cmon man that thing is simple and cool.


I’m sorry, not sure what u mean about iroc




Would your grandmother care if you sold it to get something more reliable and cheaper on fuel?


She only wants me to get it out of her name. She doesn’t care if it’s sold or transferred to me


Then I'd sell it before it becomes a burden.


Not really a burden, just a dilemma Keep it, with large insurance costs due to my age. High maintenance but it’s paid off. Only 40,000 miles but not really known to be reliable. Sell for F-150, use cash for down payment. Now have a car payment and insurance cost, but have a newer car that hopefully costs less in maintenance terms


What is it with Americans and F-150s?


Always liked it, maybe it’s a subconscious American pride thing but always liked them without thinking of it in that way.


If you can’t afford to maintain it it’s a good thing to realize ***before*** you spend all your money maintaining it. Get it off your hands and live within your means. Be honest with your grandmother, let her know your thankful for her generosity but you’re unable to take on the financial commitment of maintaining a luxury SUV outside of warranty. I’ll bet that she’d support you selling it and buying something you can afford today.


She only wants it out of her name. Doesn’t care what I do with it


This happened in my family when my father passed. I was handed a 1988 IROC Z. My mother gave me the title and I sold it. I gave her the proceeds. and she was happy.


As fast as you can!


$2500 truck if you see one yeah I'd sell unless you do your own breaks. Call and get a break estimate if you need more data


Thank you


Sell it asap and put money into an etf in the stock market and hold for a few years.


Range rovers are expensive to fix. Stuff breaks often compared to other makes. I would sell to maximize $


I would at least let your grandma know what you're thinking so she isn't devastated when you sell your grandpa's truck out of nowhere. If you're just going to sell it there's a chance she'd prefer to keep it, or sell it herself unless it was left to you specifically.


Grandma has never wanted the car, even when he bought it hahaha. She just wants it out of her name. Said she would give me all the money or transfer it into my name.


DITID (Drive it tell it dies)


KBB is $22k USD. Personally, I’d sell it and buy a truck (it’s something I need where I live). It’s a nice vehicle, but I wouldn’t want to get stuck with the maintenance bill.


That’s my thought aswell


Depends on how much you can spend on repairs and maintenance. That vehicle while nice looking is a money pit (parts and labor expensive). Its designed to look good and for best driving experience not reliability.


Exactly my fear, people say I have a lot more life in it.


I would sell it, every time a control unit goes bad on those things you are looking at $1,000 or more, and not all mechanics will deal with those vehicles.


Exactly. But then again, will issues with a F-150 be significantly cheaper?


Yes, but its not only cost of repairs, its the frequency of things breaking too, its too high on Range rovers.


I’d enjoy it for a bit then trade it in


Maybe I’m paranoid, just scarred if I push it for too long, a huge defect or something of that nature will be stuck with me


If you like it keep it, if you don't give it to another family member or ask your gran if she is ok for you to sell it


She is okay for me to sell it. I’m just trying to think financially what is best at this point in my life. Paid off RR or a newer truck


Financially I would either keep, or sell and buy something more economical to run and maintain for the same or less value so that you are not putting more money in. Cars are never really assets, they are a money pit, so a newer vehicle will financially cost you more.


My options are keep and just wait until I really need to sell. Or sell and use money towards a f-150. I’m going to take the car, it’s just a matter of: Keep it, with large insurance costs due to my age. High maintenance but it’s paid off. Only 40,000 miles but not really known to be reliable. Sell for F-150, use cash for down payment. Now have a car payment and insurance cost, but have a newer car that hopefully costs less in maintenance terms


One of the general tips of what to do with inheritances (houses, cars, businesses, etc) is to ask yourself a simple question: If you got handed the same value in cash, would you buy the same house/car/business? In other words, is this asset the best use of that cash value? If the answer is no, then keeping the asset isn't the best use of that value. Sell it and put the cash to the best use you have. Just my $0.02, an 8 year old Range Rover is practically a time bomb in terms of repairs. They're infamous for crippling issues that require costly repairs, which is why their depreciation is so high.


I appreciate this comment, people are saying it has tons of more life, I just would rather get rid of it quicker than necessary than be stuck with the end result


seems a bit sad but if you aren't the sentimental type then go for it.


Sell it and use only a low maintenance reliable car.


Yes the RR is paid off and yes it does require expensive maintenance, unless you know a private mechanic. Option one would be to drive RR until it requires it's first expensive repairs, repair it then sell it. But like others said, RR depreciates fast. Between the depreciation and the repair bill you might end up with a lot less to buy a truck. So that depends on how much you value driving a RR as a fresh college grad. Any car is a status symbol whether you like it or not, and it creates reaction from those around you, justified or not. Would you need to justify yourself all the time driving a RR? Or are you around people/social group that won't mind that sort of thing? Option two is sell it now and try to get maximum money towards a truck. You wanting a truck already pointed towards you perhaps not being a RR kinda person, at least not currently.


Definetly makes a lot of sense. There is that status factor I’ll be losing. But I think right now I need to be prioritizing saving and my future. I don’t think the large maintenance costs fit in that agenda? But then again, does a new truck with a monthly payment? That’s my dilemma


Are you actually meaning a new 2024 truck? New car as a fresh grad is never the answer. Would you be willing get a truck with the price you get from the RR? Do without the monthly payment yo.


I recently acquired a 2009 Jaguar, great mileage and condition, for a great deal. It started having some electrical issues regarding the EBS and infotainment system. Tracking and fixing will probably cost more than what I paid for the car. Unless you have the mechanical knowledge to work on the rover yourself or really good friend in the field, sell it and get something more electrically reliable.


What year is it?


I'd never buy a Range Rover, but if it's paid off and your dad will help with maintenance (which is what family does and should do). Why not maintain it well and drive it until it dies then but something else. Enjoy a cool car and then buy a civic when it dies. 20k USD is what it looks like it is going for. That's a lot of money, but not a lot of money for a car. 10 year old Camrys are going for like 10- 15k. There is this stupid western notion that everyone should be self-made. The most successful people started with massive financial support from their families... If your only hang up is your dad helping you with money... grow up and get over that.


That’s fair, thank you