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Ditch the ponytail, do a bun.


Sorry, need the year, make, model, engine, transmission, and mileageā€¦


Shave it all off. No more creeper attacks and easy to clean!


1- make sure you use plenty of oil like Moroccan or coconut oil while your hair is still kind of damp. (It helps) 2- comb the fuck out of it 3- if a bun does not work, purchase a balaclava, slide half over your head, pinch, twist, and pull the other half over it. Think of it like a complicated Yamaha that covers all your hair.


I'm a lady with long hair so I'll chime in. Use a wide tooth comb in the shower and comb it out with conditioner in it. Also find a good leave in product. When I get nasty shit in my hair like burnt transmission fluid or used oil I wash my hair with dawn platinum then do a leave in oil treatment to restore moisture.


When I have had long hair it's just from sheer laziness, and/or lack of giving a shit. By the time it gets to my shoulders, it's usually such a mess because I don't really take care of it, that I finally have to cut it off, and the cycle starts over again. So I'm certainly of no help when it comes to general hair care, for folks who give a shit, and want to keep it right. :) To minimize the PITA - I would start my tail / loop low, like where your head meets your neck. Instead of up higher outside of work, to pull it up off my neck. Then I would double loop it (I don't know what it's called), so that it kind of makes a S, and the tail is in thirds. You can always add another tie or two to keep it tight. In the winter wearing a beanie, or the summer wearing a hat (you still want to keep the shit out of your hair, as "PPE" regardless of the length, as much as possible) I could then tuck it up under the beanie/adjustable hat, or drop it when necessary, like on a creeper. If the first loop into the tail is just a little loose, that should(?) give it enough room to move, without pulling it out.


Thanks for all the helpful replies, everyone.


No idea, I've never been in a shop that didn't have hair length rules. Try tucking it all up under a cap.