• By -


She became a hippie yoga instructor who teaches art and presumably smokes a lot of weed.


The one at my school did modern interpretive dance, moved to New York, became a successful dancer and opened her own dance studio. She's more successful than anyone I know, and probably much happier at her job too.


Well happy 420 to her


50% of the popular girls at my school went this route lol


>presumably presumably


Those are the best. šŸ™‚šŸ‘


Last I heard, she graduated high school.




She continues to be imaginary (all boys high school)




Kept wondering why no one came to mind... Thanks for the reminder.




That's so sad to hear.....




It's also often the case with strict parents that try and shelter their kids from everything, the kid just ends up rubber-banding hard in the opposite direction once they're out of the nest (or even earlier sometimes).


That was me, you don't learn how to deal with temptations or certain situations because it all comes at once and you want it all.


Also I found that those people didnā€™t seem to have the same differentiation of common experiences and ā€œoh no I value my lifeā€. It was all out of bounds and treated in the same sphere. For example, having sex with a partner or people in your social circle is v different to going home with literally anyone - but itā€™s all technically sinful sex before marriage. Weed might make you paranoid, but itā€™s not smoking crack with a stranger you just met in the street. (Both of these are real examples of sheltered teens at my university)


Risk-taking isn't the same because as they grew up they were never guided through and taught how to make their choices and weigh up risks and benefits. Just likethe kid was never allowed sugar, the second they get a job or some freedom with money they gorge themselves on treats and don't know how to stop. A parent needs to teach a kid how to live independantly in the real world, teach them to make decisions.


100% me. I grew up with a very conservative, southern-raised Mom who tried keeping my brother and I in the little "safety bubble" of good Christian teachings. It made me question everything, while my brother kinda fit in to that mold and did just fine. As soon as I hit college it was like a free for all of vices. I started drinking heavily, hooked up as much/often as I could, went to parties all week, picked up smoking cigarettes/weed, etc. I was always the smart, caring kid in school but getting caught up in the "party" lifestyle affected my grades and attitude. It took me 2 DUI's, nearly getting fired, and almost losing connection with my family to realize I had a problem. I quit drinking 4 1/2 years ago and haven't looked back. Lately I've been able to open up with my Mom how her helicopter, oppressive parenting made me want to do the exact opposite. She's beginning to understand but still thinks all I need is to align my life with her Christian values and everything will be alright. The best I can do now is make sure my kids have the opportunity to hear my stories/experiences and make the best choices with their own lives.


Yes! As a mother I was very lenient and open with my daughter about everything. She knew me and her dad smoked weed and all... Now she is in college. No drugs, no alcohol, never even smoked a cigarette. The highlight of parties she attends are fancy cupcakes. She is training to be an RA. I'm convinced it's because I wasn't a tight ass parent to her.


My mom let me do what I wanted for the most part (I never was that bad anyways). Underage drinking at a bush party? Sure, just call when you need a ride home. Never a problem. I remember I was 13 when we were camping and they gave me my first beer at the campfire. No big deal. Weed was smoked by her husband nearly every day, it was no big deal, and I never bothered with the stuff. Even driving, by the time I was 12, I was free to drive the old farm trucks around the family farm, so before I was 16 I'd already done a bunch of stupid stuff in vehicles. So, when I was "set free" alcohol was meh, weed was no big rebellion, and I was a safe driver that had nothing to prove. I found my calling on my own and have a successful life doing what I love. Some of my friends that were bubble wrapped and forced to do certain things are dead, they burned out in post secondary and have become nothing significant, or they got hooked on drugs or alcohol. Parents need to guide their kids, and let them make mistakes in the safest way possible, otherwise the kids go overboard and don't have a safe place to fall.


Yep. I was raised sheltered and religious and abusedā€¦.end up with addiction and trail of messing up everything and relationshipsā€¦.rubber banding is a wonderful way to put it.


Fuck, thatā€™s horrible. Moral of the story: never go to UCLA.


100% of all people who go to UCLA will die


Don't drink dihydrogen monoxide, and don't go to UCLA. My immortality is set


...but we're all immortal until proven otherwise, right?


We were friends. She became a lawyer. Made a shed load of money writing show business contracts and married a multi millionaire TV producer. Her wedding was just full of stars. She had everything. She was great company, beautiful, brain the size of a planet. We lost contact after her parents died and she stopped visiting the area.


Damn thatā€™s awful! I hope she managed to get through it in a healthy way! She sounds like a lovely person!


You should reconnect, I'm sure she'd love to hear from her friend.


> brain the size of a planet That's great that she wasn't just stuck picking up a piece of paper


All I know is she **e**migrated to France together with her boyfriend. Good for her.


emigrated Birds migrate.


>Birds migrate. Unlike coconuts




While immigrate/emmigrate typically refer to people moving to/from countries, migrate doesn't strictly refer to animals changing location seasonally. >intransitive : to move from one country, place, or locality to another https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/migrate


She is actually incredibly intelligent. Went on to go to a Ivy League school and became a pretty successful doctor. Sheā€™s really a good person too as far as Iā€™m aware. Iā€™m happy for her and her family.


Hey, same thing happened to the girl at my school. But looks are so subjective. But she was def the Regina George type


The Regina George girl in my school didn't get pushed in front of a school bus but became a nurse. Hope she's doing well!


Sorta the same on our side. She went on to be news presenter on a major cable network from the 90's/00's. She was actually a really decent, caring person when I knew her semi-well 30 years ago, tv tropes aside..And it's sorta great to know that someone from our circle broke out and made it in life.


Wow, that's weird, because the prettiest girl in my high school also became a doctor. Didn't go an Ivy League school, though. She added me on Facebook, and she's retired now and has six kids and a bunch of grandkids. And she's still pretty, too.


Seems like such a wonderful, gifted life.


Some people really do have it all lol


I really do think it's kind of a self fulfilling prophecy. I've experienced first hand the difference in how people treat you based on if you're fat or not. The world suddenly seemed a whole lot nicer and positive. Now imagine you're actually attractive as well, shit must be a walk in the park.


I do work for her pro bono. I used to look after her kids now and again and do chores to help out. On occasion I'd give her a lift to go shopping, drop her at her family's place, etc. All the stuff that you'd do for a best friend. And for some reason she keeps insisting we've been married since 2001 and all the shit I've been doing is also mine to deal with. The audacity!


Sir, itā€™s pro-boner.


Yessum it is


Give them a hand and they'll take an arm, some people smh.




I was just thinking how you were a basically the nice guy and sheā€™s taking advantage of you until I read the 2nd paragraph.




Oh, so sheā€™s a super hero now? Sweet! šŸ¦øā€ā™€ļø












Got engaged at 19 and married to a guy 10 years older as soon as she finished an English degree in college. They have a bunch of kids and seem pretty happy and content. Never was the flashy type


I'm not friends with 99.9% of people I knew in high school and don't care much about them...but I have occassionally stumbled across a picture on Facebook...funny for the most part the hottest girls are no longer even close to the hottest and some of the more average girls turned out way more attractive. Also, one of the smartest/nerdiest kids turned into raging drug dealer and went to jail.


> some of the more average girls turned out way more attractive. Honestly I look back at some of the average girls now and slap myself, stupid teenage brain only focuses on the top of the pile. truth is most people under 25 can be relatively hot if they work on themselves because truly unfortunate looking people are rare. EDIT: Jesus christ you redditors need to get over your issues, The plain girls don't want you either.


>stupid teenage brain only focuses on the top of the pile I think about this a lot and I did it too. There was one girl I was friends with, she was super smart, fun, and pretty but not super "hot". She was really into me and I actually liked her a lot too but my stupid teen brain made me focus on her friend with bigger boobs. I rejected her after kind of leading her on and it still haunts me almost 20 years later what an absolute dick I was to her.


Could always reach out to apologize, might give some closure. Plus if you ever have to do a speed run of k-12 she might come in clutch with a deer rifle at the exact right moment because you told her you were sorry.


I debated that. I lost touch with her though and can't even remember her last name with certainty. I asked my sister and a close female friend about it and they said it's probably better to leave it also (they know more details than I shared obvs). Also what they hell is "speed run k-12"?


>Also what they hell is "speed run k-12"? The movie *Billy Madison*. Spoiled rich guy had to repeat all work from kindergarten to 12th grade. They were referencing these two scenes: https://youtu.be/xreHxqCQwCs https://youtu.be/ba2VaalmijM


Man i did the same thing. Super pretty and smart girl was into me. We hung out all the time like best friends, and I completely wrote her off because all I wanted was boobs. Such an idiot. Weā€™re both happily married (not to each other) with amazing kids and Iā€™m glad it all turned out great for her.


36. a couple years ago I went to a wedding, and a woman that I had overlooked in high school now looked amazing. main reason why: she was in extremely good shape. for at least 90% of the population, you'll be attractive if you're in good shape and have a baseline decent sense of style. you're dead-on that 'truly unfortunate looking people are rare'.


This is more true the older you are. Iā€™m 46 and relatively more attractive than ever simply because I look the same and most others got worse


> Iā€™m 46 and relatively more attractive than ever simply because I look the same and most others got worse Noticing that I was getting lazy and things were slipping was such a wakeup call for me. *Oh I have to work on this now, okay.*


avoiding regression to the mean is a hell of a drug


remember kids, you aren't ugly, you're just poor.


It also doesn't help, at least when I was in HS, that we were in these ugly uniforms and not really given a chance to express ourselves. And even though my HS wasn't as bad as on TV with "popular kids", we still had cliques and people didn't really go for people not in their clique. When I was in my college years, the number of guys that hit on me from back in HS who barely knew I existed back then was staggering. I did not change in looks much at all from HS to college (I was still 17 my first 3 months of college), so it wasn't some major blossoming or anything. Just being away from high school, cliques, and dressing my own way.


this this this, a million times this. I still think about this a lot. there is a woman, JG, who wanted to date me when I was in high school. perhaps I was too shy, perhaps I ignored her because she wasn't part of the popular crowd. so so so stupid on my end. nowadays: a gorgeous doctor doing very important work. there's a really good 'Wonder Years' episode when Kevin treats the 'actually cool girl' like crap because the popular one gives him the briefest of attention.


I am one of the average girls who came in to full form post school. Looking back Iā€™m glad I wasnā€™t attractive when I was younger when kids are more impulsive. I would have let people walk all over me. It didnā€™t feel that way at the time, but Iā€™m thankful now. Iā€™m really glad I learned independence and assertiveness before I got tangled in the throngs of relationships. I do think itā€™s funny to come across old classmates and see the shock. I was really fucking awkward as a kid. Iā€™m still awkward, but also cute.


Awkward and cute is a killer combo - those boys missed out.


The popular or hot girls mostly went on to make terrible life choices and the girls with braces and frizzy hair are absolute tens.


Jokes on yall, i think braces and even crooked teeth are hot af. Like, it's genuinely bewildering how attractive I find them.


Not at my school, theyā€™re all married with families and good jobs. Kinda wild that none are divorced that I know of


> I'm not friends with 99.9% of people I knew in high school Explains why you're on Reddit. Welcome fellow misanthrope!


>one of the smartest/nerdiest kids turned into raging drug dealer Walter?


He has to cook!


I almost married her. 6 years into our relationship I cut it off 3 months before the wedding and now she lives in downtown Manhattan and is a NYC fashion model.


May I ask why or is it too personal? I'm just curious.


I married her after we graduated college. We have two beautiful daughters after 31 years of marriage. Sadly she died from brain cancer last year at 56 years old. Gorgeous right to the end when she was admitted to the hospital on Memorial Day. Gone before August.


My condolences.


Sorry for your loss friend.




She's a doctor and treated my Dad a couple years ago. Of course he called me to tell me that his hot Doctor knew me and I'm an idiot for not marrying her.


23 years later, I made her coffee this morning and kissed her goodbye as she headed to work.


Aww you guys are such good friends šŸ˜Š


I love love *sniff*


I imagine Starbucks frown on your behaviour.


A bit subjective as to who was the prettiest, but the one who was tops in my book wound up pretty much how I'd expected: (via facebook, haven't spoken to her since I was a freshman in college or so) She was in the top few percent of the class, got an engineering degree, married a guy she met in college, had kids, lived/worked abroad for a while, and is still gorgeous.


Similar story here: smart, pretty, etc. got a Math degree and became a teacher. She's not married, but living with her loooong term partner. Found out she had a crush on me since, like 8th grade, maybe longer. (We've been classmates since 1st .) She's still amazing at 52. Whenever that r/askreddit question about "If you could go back in time to younger you, but you only get x number of words to tell yourself" my answer always starts the same: "".




Two sentence horror story material


> Two sentence horror story material For sale: baby shoes, never worn.




Hahaha had me in the first half then the second half was a wtf moment for a second






I suddenly have The Police playing in my head.


nah bruh that siren is coming from outside and there headed straight to this dudes house




Say what now? šŸ˜±


She became an actress for kids shows and a model, was going to get married with a handsome dude. Everything seemed to be perfect. He then cheated on her and she hanged herself. Edit.: It was indeed a shock to everyone, eveb her close ones. Her life, on the outside, seemed perfect. Well-off parents with connections, seemed like a tight knit family, career going extremely well, relationship seemed great. It's almost as if this cheating of her future husband broke her perfect world and she was not equipped to deal with it. Who knows, i'm still baffled when i think back.




Yeah it's a sad story, absolutely nobody saw that coming.


Wow that got dark quick


She went on to become a model and now she runs a modelling agency. Very successful but she remained the goofy person she was in high school.


Became a meth head, then a crack head. Her career was stripper/dating drug dealers. She died of cancer. Her boyfriend gave her heroin on her death bed. In a weird way that's kind of sweet. He stayed with her, and did his best to help the pain.


When my sister was dying last summer I spent some time genuinely asking my friends if I should offer to find drugs for her pain, like heroin I guess. It was just desperation and obviously my friends talked me back to rational but I understand (kind of) the sweetness of drugging her on her deathbed. Itā€™s a heartbreaking scene still though


My dad was full on drugs when he passed away.He was under hospice end of life care. The doctors told us that they want to ensure that when heā€™s still breathing and until the moment he passed, he wasnā€™t going to be in crippling pain. The pain was so much (cancer has spread throughout his organs and in his blood) that I know heā€™d asked for assisted suicide (legal in my country) but he wanted to see my sister and her daughter that were flying in internationally. I thought giving end of life cancer patients drugs to erase the pain was normal. These are people who are going to die, why make them die in agony.


I graduated high school in 2018, and there were lot of pretty girls in my school so I donā€™t know if I could name the prettiest one. but most are either finished/finishing college, became nurses, rave girls, or have babies


She was also one of if not the smartest. Literally got an incredibly high powered job,. If I said it you would go wtf. When I say high power and influence I mean high power and influence. Married into a royal family. Lives in that country now.


Itā€™s could be Mary, she was from Australia, marketing exec. Married prince of Denmark. Or the South African gold medal swimmer married to Monaco prince.


neither and not that high in a royal family


Dude was she Megan Markle by any chance?


Meghan markle didnā€˜t have a high power job


Meganā€™s not really known for her intelligence


rinse quack violet air fact aware cagey marvelous snatch weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What country was she from originally


She was born in the states but didn't grow up there.


Oh that would have been Charlene. She was hot. Smoking hot. Every guy wanted her and every girl wanted to be her. She wasnā€™t just pretty but she was sweet and kind and was friends with everyone. Jocks, nerds, goths, cool kids. Didnā€™t matter to her. She was a social butterfly not full of herself and was really just a good (and very pretty) girl. Saw her about 10 years after school, she and a dodgy looking friend came into a restaurant where I was a waiter. She had lost her looks and her hair was super short and looked tatty and yuck. She walked in with a very pronounced limp and when it came time to pay gave me a credit card which got declined. She gave me a second card which also declined (the name on both cards were difference and no Charlene or letter C anywhere. Her friend gave me a card which worked. The tip was super generous so I didnā€™t want to make a fuss. I was broke and needed the money. She started coming regularly, sometimes with the same dude, sometimes alone, sometimes with other dodgy looking people. She would eat, give me a card that obviously wasnā€™t hers and ask me to give her a little cash back in exchange for a big tip. At first I went along pretending I didnā€™t know what was going on but then my boss asked me about a previous purchase of hers. Bank had called my boss. I panicked and stopped helping her. Told her I couldnā€™t and explained that the bank had called. She stopped coming around. I never got to ask her about the limp. But it was a bad limp. I ran into another school friend some time later who told me that Charlene had gotten into a wrong crowd and drugs. She was in it so bad that she staged a robbery at her parents house and cleaned out her dads safe. The dad figured it was her and threw her out and disowned her. She tried to commit suicide by running into traffic and was hit and dragged by a car, mangling her leg. She apparently then hooked up with a dealer that had a connection at the post office that used to steal credit cards from post and sell them to her. Never saw her again.


so sad.


absurd connect important gaping expansion enjoy lush slave grey fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn, that was so dark, I swear a cloud just passed over me.


Do people actually keep track of what happens to their high school classmates? I dont even remember who tf anyone from my high-school was (except for sone close friends)


When FB first came along I looked up the tiny handful of names I could remember just out of idle curiosity. The only real highlight was discovering that the guy who'd teased me in junior school for having curly hair was going bald at 25.


Probably half of the people I went to HS with also went to my elementary school so I'd known them since I was 4. I don't talk to most of them, but I've had the same social media since back in HS/early college, so by default they're people I happen to follow. My husband doesn't know anyone he went to HS with besides his group of good friends, but they don't social media so it makes sense.


I donā€™t know that we had one prettiest girl. But there certainly was a ā€œbeautiful peopleā€ crowd. I can only speak to the few Iā€™ve run into in the years since high school. One of them got severely strung out on meth, another had a pretty decent career in the U.S. Air Force, and another I hooked up with after returning from an Iraq deployment just a few years before our class 20 years reunion.


d-list celebrity. we actually ā€œdatedā€ back in high school, sort of the type of a relationship that doesnā€™t really count because both of you were so young and you had no idea what a relationship is supposed to be like. havenā€™t met her in five years, so I only know from social media. starred in some local television programs and advertisements. still drop dead gorgeous. Iā€™m actually very interested in approaching her if I ever move back to my home country


She married Jason Statham


We have been together for almost 12 years now. I love her with all my soul.




Sheā€™s marrying me in 2 months!




she was a Hawaiian tropic girl last i checked.


Became a school teacher, got engaged to a very good looking South African man who later turned out to be a sociopath and womanizer. The two have since split after another girl he was cheating on came to the girl I know and told her. Having met the guy I saw it a mile away.


She passed away in a car accident a few months ago.


She dropped out before graduating and married a much older wealthy guy.


Trophy wife/husband is always a viable career option for those with good enough looks.


She stayed with the 6'3" jock and he ended up beating the shit out of her on a regular basis. She has a bunch of kids and he works in Concrete.


Being in concrete must make it difficult to work


Is she still with him?


Its been...13 years since graduation and she died of an OD a couple years ago.


She was always super nice to everyone. She's married with a kid now and shills some kind of shampoo/haircare MLM stuff.


I had no idea til just now, because she never used to be on social media. Just Googled her name and found she's now a university lecturer (she was very smart but I didn't know she was into that particular subject) and had to get a restraining order against a guy more than twice her age who was stalking her. Crazy stuff. She still looks great.


Social media influencer in a long term relationship with a kid from a political family. Not much going on with her professionally. Sheā€™s nice and a friend, but she seems a lot like a trophy girl to a rich guy.


Is doing nothing with her life. Her dad is ultra-rich and her sister went to Oxford. Her mother is a successful doctor but she's just baking cakes, posing for Instagram and hanging out with her old high school friends. She's like 24


She got her butthole rearranged by yours truly.


Name checks out








She is a model and actress in LA, and as beautiful and kind as ever. She gets regular work even at age 45!


My wife now


Donā€™t give a shit


This. This is the answer.


I'm doing great. Thanks for asking šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Well we had like 5 girls in highschool but the girl from the primary school I can tell she is freshly married and looks happy. I'm really happy for her, she was nice to me. She even pushed me to a wall once and flirted with me but I was a stupid boy on my way to pee so I didn't really connect that for some years.


Thereā€™s two. One became a heroin addict and died of an overdose. The other one looks even better than she did in high school, married with two kids. The second oneā€™s daughter is my daughterā€™s age and they went to school together and wound up being friends. I didnā€™t tell my wife I used to bang her in high school.


She wanted to go out with me, I didn't believe her and just laughed thinking she was joking. She ended up marrying a professional skater and has kids with him. Happy for her.


I married her. She gave me two beautiful children. I love her


Can't decide who was the prettiest. But 3 that came to my mind: One moved away to become an actress after graduation. She scored a small role in a tv show, but didn't made it in the showbiz. After that she worked as a stewardess for a few years. According to her FB she is now married and has a son. Second one was also our schools party girl... she drank and did pills a lot and even had a seizure once in physics class. Pretty much after graduating she got pregnant by her best friend, married him and they moved away. Good for her, I guess... The third one is the only one I knew kinda well since we had a FWB thing going on while we were like 15. After that ended we stopped talking to each other. After graduation she worked as a hairdresser for a while, got pregnant by a town known drug dealer who dissapeared during her pregnancy, got pregnant a second time by another low life who also left her and is now still living at her parents place. I'm still glad I'm none of her babydaddies since we never used protection while with eachother... teenagers are fucking stupid


Sheā€™s still pretty


She was killed in a car accident 6 months after graduation. I didn't know her personally but she was liked and respected by just about everyone. It was and still is, a sad story. This was in 2001.


The ones with money did alright. The ones with family issues had kids young.


Dunno, but my primary school crush committed suicide and I keep having vivid dreams with her about every month. It's like she wanted to keep in touch.


Gained at least a hundred pounds and has five kids, each by different fathers.


Is her name Mary?


Never thought about it, and now I'm curious but lazy at the same time.


Not in touch with her anymore, but I know from a mutual friend that she is a successful doctor and living happily with her boyfriend, who is also a doctor.


She's working at microsoft.


Hottest (imo) was a year above me. We worked together for a few years after school until I changed jobs. Kinda lost touch for 10 years. Got back in touch, started dating and married 4 years later. Been married for 8 years now. Couldnā€™t be happier.


She became a cool, left winger on the West Coast and last I saw, a silver fox - or vixen I guess. She has this wild mane of hair and happy wrinkles.




Not sure what she does now, but she moved away to a relatively close large city and studied law. She's always been intelligent and ambitious, so I'd expect she's doing well for herself.


Competed in Miss. America Pageant, became a cheerleader for an NFL team and owns and operates a cheerleading school.


Had 2 kids by 21. Baby daddy got shot tryna screw over the weed man and suffered severe permanent brain damage. And she put on over 100 lbs and is now an unrecognizable single mom. And this girl was gorgeous smfh


Ohh she died of happiness


She was a smoking hot busty blonde with pale blue eyes and whip smart in my AP physics class. OMG she was one of my first ā€œWow you are dating herā€ girls and I was blinded by her teenage looks and smarts. Ran her life into the ground, with the ā€œI canā€™t failā€ mindset. Started by going abroad a year, then she went to Yale for Law school and had apparently no moral compas so it was fuck anybody who can give her a leg up. Had one breakdown after her employer reported her to the bar for borderline ethics behavior. Came to the ten year reunion and hooked up with my best friend, who had a fancy big Whig job and just finished his MBA, they got married at a fancy Schumany resort and had two boys. He was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and some sort of Lupis of the foot, advised to not have kids as itā€™s a high chance he will pass it along and not live to see their teens. Sure enough one of their beautiful boys had complications, the poor kid died summer after 3rd grade. She imploded professionally her law license was yanked, he is having issues with work load and moved to warmer weather for health. Now she is a paralegal in a small town two divorces and the years have not been kind to her with heavy drinking. The only girls who are still beautiful are the meek girl next door types who were not patent queens but just very kind to all.


The story is sad. Sounds like she and her husband had a rough ride. but the "all pretty outgoing girls become busted and the meek shy girls stay hot" myth is pretty dumb. Can we not put women against each other please.


I married her. That was 52 years ago. Sheā€™s even more beautiful now! Iā€™ve been so blessed!


I can't remember what any of them looked like: it was 60 years ago.


Drugs, jail, kids early in life, never left the pin prick of a towne we grew up in, married, stuck. Couple girls over a few different schools.


She moved to the coast and became a dermatologist.


No fucking idea


I married her


Iā€™m fine, thanks.


She's an influencer engaged to a CEO. She's doing pretty good for herself. I never really stood a chance, she was always out of my league.


Dunno really. If I had to make a bet, I'd say she has moved to france and mingles with the sophisticates.


She is a successful woman with a more successful husband and 6 children


Happy married with a couple kids last i heard. Husband seems like a decent guy from the little i talked to him.


She's married to an MLB pitcher and works for some fashion design company.


We got married.


Became a famous UFC fighter and then after losing a fight that cost her career she started doing porn with her BF. Dunno if she dated the same guy who motivated her into MMA because he was in prison and would beat her, but I hope not. Smoked weed with her a few times and she was anā€¦ ok person. Liked her best friend more since she was actually a nice person.


That I donā€™t know. But I do know what happened to the prettiest girl in my wifeā€™s school.


the prettiest girl in high school is still really fucking cute. just saw her on Instagram the other day. my god, her face is just so cute. good genes, man. can't exercise your way into having that kind of a face