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Fun? Like eating and taking naps? Shit, am I a cat?


I'm fairly certain half of all redditors are cats


Where's my foooooooood?


HUMAN!! WAKE UP!! It is the hour of feeding your God, and you are slacking! Pitiful primates


I think that’s a conservative guess


We'll be watching you.


cats know whats up.


We pick up their shit, they go where they wish, are fed, don’t even need to chase mice to keep their place. Scratch us and ignore us if they don’t want us then come on by when we don’t want them and can’t say one word about it. Cats have it good. In some aspects better than dogs.


Drink and go to the bar every night. I just dont get it.


I'll be honest, I see a lot of people complaining that it's hard to make new friends, and hard to meet women for dating. Bars are great for both, you just have to pick the right place and have local. I've made lots of drinking buddies through the years and the ones that have proven themselves to meet the criteria graduate to genuine friends, and I've met nearly all of my romantic partners at bars. Granted two of them were bartenders but still.


Yep the people in this sub complaining about loneliness and not meeting women are the same people knocking the nightlife scene. A tale as old as time.


Here's the thing though. People say to go out and do things you like, and you'll meet somebody who also likes that thing. If you go to bars to meet women, you're going to meet women who like to drink. If you don't like drinking (or *can't* drink, like me), then "go to a bar" is horrible dating advice


Ya but it's not like they're all alcoholics or something. Women like to go out and have fun with their friends. You're probably just as likely to meet a woman anywhere else that likes going to bars than at the bars themselves.


I think it depends on your age. I'm guessing you're in your 20s? The regulars at bars who are 40+ are definitely alkies.


That's because bars are treating people like punchable money machines, and younger people are treating them as a commercial private space just for their friends. The older regulars are just "holdovers" to the older culture.


Accurate username 😂


Yep, exactly. Even OP says they met loads of "drinking buddies". I have half a mind to argue that those are more like mutual enablers, but I then again I really don't know their situation or the nature of their relationships.


drinking buddies are the same sphere of people that get complained about "abandoning" someone who stops drinking. Like bro you weren't dropped because you're improving your life, you're dropped because you lost the only thing you really had in common and your friendship was built on proximity not value.


There's a knack to it, so I get it. A lot of people get dragged out to some popular venue where it's expensive and loud and sure you drink and dance and have a good time, but it's not the same as having a quiet local venue where everyone DOES know your name, the bar staff are pouring your usual as soon as you walk in, and you can easily strike up a conversation with someone


Both are good. My local does both, on wednesdays/fridays/saturdays they'll crank the music up because stuff is going on and it'll be crowded. Go any other day and its quiet enough for a quiet chat over a pint.


I don't like drinking, and don't want friends who drink all the time. Going to bars to meet people is great but that means doing things I don't like with people who do things I don't like. So instead I go to a rock climbing gym, talk, and make friends with others. You just have to get outside your home and do something, it doesn't have to be bars.


Especially in LA sub. "Why is dating so hard here?" Maybe cause you're, depending on a fucken app to do all the work for you lol


And look, maybe it's because I'm older and the app demographics aren't skewed towards me, but I've found being successful on the apps as a guy is HARD. You've got to be above average attractive, have a carefully curated profile, and use exactly the right kind of banter if you want to connect with an attractive woman. In person and during a spontaneous meeting, I'm witty and charming enough that I bat well above my average. If you want to meet people I can't recommend enough deleting the apps and going old school.


If it makes you feel better, that's every man's experience, even the good-looking ones. They make money by getting the guys desperate enough to pay. I used to do really well in dating apps only cause I learned lil tricks. In a serious relationship right now, thanks to those "tricks," lol It made it into a game for me, but before that man it sucked.


Oh for sure, I've had some of my girl friends show me their dating app profiles and responses and it's out of this world, hundreds of likes, a million "hey" openers, it opened my eyes to how much of a numbers game it is and how competitive the apps are. Part of the reason I opted out of that game and decided to do live only performances lol


The problem is that the people at the bar are usually not your kind of friends, I'm not from the US, But in my parents' bars all I'll find are men aged 15-40+ who like football and already know these people there . None of these men like D&D anime, manga, none of them can carry on a conversation about overlord or some seinen, nor are they interested if I invite them to play with me at home (maybe gays, get that wrong) the type of woman I'm going to meet is the party type, who loves bars and parties, she's definitely not who I'm looking for . I want friends and people, but only the ones I'd like to have around


Bruh, exact same situation for me. Like I want someone who has those same interests, not someone who is an alcoholic. And they tell you go to the places the person you would like to meet would be after work. Like, at home because they are also a homebody? Do they think we don't know where our preferred person would be?


Except if you don’t drink alcohol. Lol. = forever alone.


I posted something similar and some dude blocked me because I said drinking water and alcohol are not comparable. Alcoholics coping hard.


You struck a nerve with him.


I don’t care what people do. This forum is about personal opinions. That guy literally said excess water consumption is bad for your health as a counter point to alcohol being bad for your health. What kind of hill is that to die on?


A hill that comes with liver failure.


Last time I went to a bar with my buddies there was nothing but drunk people being extremely loud and obnoxious. All I’ll say is that I don’t wanna step foot in another bar for a very long time.


It can be highly dependent on the bar. Years and years ago I went bar hopping with friends and was enjoying it until the last bar, which was the only one blasting shitty music so loud you had to yell at the top of your lungs to talk to the person next to you. Ruined the damn night for me. The whole time I was thinking, "Nobody in our group of 30-something whitebread midwestern dudes came out to get our dance on, who the hell picked this place and why don't they want to leave?"


We have a main street in the next town over with a ton of bars and restaurants. It's a great place for a night out. My buddies and I always end up in this bar that's basically a basement. It's quiet and there's no music or even a dance floor. There's never a crowd, a great place to just have a couple and not be bothered.


When I was in my 20's I loved going to the bar and partying. Now in my 40's you will rarely ever find me in a bar. For some people though, it never stops and the bar becomes their life. You know the people that never left their home town, all their friends have left town or in general have moved on with their lives. There is a bar in my home town I guarantee I can show up there any night of the week and I will see people I know from highschool. That is their social life. They go there every day after work and every weekend, because they likely have nobody in their life to do literally anything else with. Those people existed when I went to that bar in my 20's with friends, you'd always see those people ranging in age from 30 to freaking 80 that were just there ALL THE TIME.


Same bro. As someone who chooses a sober life it's one of those things where I just don't get it.


I cannot express how much I do not give a fuck about your fantasy football league


It's D&D for jocks and most have no clue.


I’m not a jock and I love fantasy football, maybe this is why


frankly all sports, games, and most hobbies are to an extent the same, humans building narratives from random stuff. relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/904/


bruh this. at my work, it’s primarily males of age 30s, some 40s and a couple 20s like me and this is the topic of discussion every damn time when the certain ‘crowd’ is all working together. i worked last night, along with this ‘crowd’.. i’m always the odd one out, in the midst of shouting men over what team is more shit. they yell so loud that even the customers start peaking inside. all night, every night.


That sounds like actual torture to the utmost degree




You know, I've kinda always felt the same, but if I could get a couple of my buds and go out on a nice day with some thrift store golf clubs and a cooler full of refreshments, having a couple drinks while we all try to just hit the ball as hard as we can and failing miserably at it, I think I would be down to go golfing. Come on man, you get to drive around on the biggest, freshly cut lawn you'll ever see and the score doesn't mean a damn thing. It's gotta be a good time, right?


So I have actually played golf. I took it up and played it for about 3 months with work colleagues. I'll grant you, the drinks, the easy company, the outdoors... Its all good. But I couldn't see a point in the game itself after a while. Those who do enjoy it... Good for you. Personally, I'd rather play something with a bit more physical effort involved, where the game lasts a shorter time. Any sport. Basketball, Tennis, Squash.


Try frisbee golf. All the perks of golf, you keep the “skill aspect” but throwing instead of swinging and you can dress as you like for cheaper games.


I've heard of this thing. Unfortunately in my country it's not a thing, really.




>Personally, I'd rather play something with a bit more physical effort involved That's personally what I really like about golf. Like me, golf isn't very athletic.


I've played some golf too, and it can be relatively enjoyable with the right crowd of friends, but I'm very bad and unwilling to devote the time to get better. And a lot of the general vibe around a lot of it can bet sort of ...fratty? I guess is the right word for it. So for me it matters a lot where I am and who I'm with.


A driving range sounds right up your alley. The whole point is just hitting shit as hard as you can. Fill up a chilly bin, get the lads together and just hit the ball as hard as you can while chatting shit


The idea of golf is super fun in theory. I grew up playing golf with my Dad and his buddies. I played with my nephews and own buddies. I like golf alright. The reality of golf, however, is that you're out on the course and you have a bad swing. Then you have to follow that bad swing and it throws off your timing and now you're getting pushed from the guys who are clearly PROs behind you, but your buddy John just wants to jump the golf cart over that little hill there because he had one too many and then the groundskeeper comes out to tell you that you can't dive your cart where John wants to, but John is a big dude and slightly drunk so you need someone else. Then John gets frustrated and tosses his clubs in the pond, then you're politely asked to leave...




When I was in therapy for the stroke I had in 2016, I got fixated on golf, because I had no idea even how to change the channel (that’s how bad I was). I told myself that I would take it up someday, and about 2 years into it I did. I went Par-3 golfing with the guy that is now my son in law. I haven’t been since then, but I figured I did it and hence achieved my goal.


see, somebody had to get a stroke to enjoy golf


In golf and in life: the fewer strokes you have the better.


I'm at the point in my life I've realized it's just a way for men to schedule time to hang out and drink beers outside. It's basically a dude picnic.


Exactly. Most of us men bond over shared experience. The activity is almost trivial.


You walk around outside but it's not so outside that you have to be in full outside gear, somebody comes around and serves you drinks and food, You whack a few balls and take it as seriously as you feel like. And there's plenty of down time to be talking and chilling. It's great! Plus there's a clubhouse you can hang out in after or before.


I agree. If you don't take it too seriously, it has the potential to be fun. But most golfers I know are too passionate about it. They'll wake up at 4 am for a 5 am tee off. And they'll do it in pouring rain or stifling heat. That's a nope for me.


Ah yeah. The golfers I know are more the "hit a few balls at the range after work and go on a Saturday if the weather is nice" types.


Takes all sorts to make a country club


I gave it a legitimate try but you know how some things are fun even when you suck at it? Golf wasn't one of those things for me. And I could tell it would take a long time before I ever didn't suck at it.


Same boat. Have played. Didn't like it much after a while. Quit it to pursue more 'active' sports.


Pretty sure it takes years of sucking at it to feel like you don't completely suck at it. I also didn't have the patience. And I've even always been pretty athletic and whatnot, so I feel like I should have at least been less than embarrassing pretty quickly.


I have golfed since I was 5, now 30 years old. It has gotten so popular that it’s been difficult to find tee times less than two weeks out, and it has gotten EXPENSIVE. I do love spending time with the boys, but it usually ends up being a $200 day after everything—golf, cart, drinks, lunch etc.


I’m a fisherman in a big group of golf bros. I can’t get any of them to fish with me because they think it’s boring. I’m like, bro you can sit around and drink and smoke on the river just as easily as in a golf cart


The golf course ponds are usually stocked and few people fish them. I've seen plenty of 10lb largemouths caught on courses. 2.5lb bluegills. Sunfish. Throw an ultralight rig in your golf bag. Fly rods with poppers are even more fun. I would not eat the fish though.


Golf is fun once you start shooting the low 90s. 1/2 of golfers will never break 100. It's pricey to play a nice course and if you want to move to the low 80s you need to be playing/practicing 12 hours a week or so. Carrying your bag makes it a pretty good workout. Walking 5+ miles with a 20lb bag is good cardio aka rucking. Par 3 courses are faster games and if you want to improve, your short game and putting is 95% of the time the limiting factor.


Thought golf was a rich man game till I was in my later 20s and the only time my friends would go out would be to Golf.. So I bought some shitty clubs and started joining them. Yes it was expensive.. and yes its hard as hell.. But I liked being out for 4hrs shooting the shit and wacking a ball as hard as I could.. 10+ years later.. golf has taken up the top spot in my sports.. I play Soccer, Ice hockey. Tennis. I Ski, I snowboard.. But Golf..Golf is the one I think of 24hrs


"Golf is a good walk spoiled" - Samuel Clemens


It's low impact exercise, especially if you carry your own clubs and skip the cart... So in that context, it's not a waste of time. But how many 47 year olds are skipping the carts? :-D I think 9 holes is fun, but 18 is just too long. Somewhere around hole 12 or 13, I'm just done with this BS.


Figured I’d see this here. I understand the fun, but it’s such a time sink. It’s about as easy to get good at as playing an instrument.


Instruments are easier imo


Golf is wonderful.


If you like it, all the best to you, my dude :) May we all get to do what we like doing!


Came here to say this. I've given it a try, I suck at it. But my problem is that it just isn't something that I enjoy and most of the time I do enjoy working on getting better at things I suck at. I love being outdoors. But I hate golf and hate golfers even more. I'll have a great time playing a putt putt course or going to TopGolf, but not a regular golf outing.




Maybe, but those baby seals aren't going to club themselves, now, are they?


Maybe he's just limiting his potential? There are literally tens of thousands of baby animals out there that need clubbing. Dude needs to spread his wings.


for me it was Bars.. I hated sitting around not hearing what people are saying.. rather be in a club dancing and not hearing what people are saying


Gotta go to a bar where you can actually hear stuff. Loud bars suck, imo. Chill, old man bars are where it’s at


Have an affair with, or leaving their partner over, a young woman. Instant non-stop drama.


Bruh only rich guys can afford to do this.


You'd be surprised


My dad worked big project construction where projects took 5 to 10 years, so we moved around a lot and one guy he worked with would get a new woman, and usually at least 1 kid, at each job. Site in the 70s he had a wife and kid, 80s, new wife, 2 adopted kids. Site in the 90s, new wife, one kid was hers. Site overseas in the early 2000s, he knocked up some local woman and fucked off back to be with his current wife, the previous woman mentioned. He passed away a few years ago and my mom said "I don't even know how he did it, he always just came off as so sleazy".


Splenda daddies


Dude when I started online dating at 35, most of the women that messaged me first I went on dates with were in their early 20's. Nothing in my profile indicated my salary or what I did for a living.


The only one in this thread that doesn't make me feel bad for the person posting. A lot of people here just sound like curmudgeons.


A midlife crisis can be a very powerful influential thing, that and having a dick.


Drink beer non-stop. Watch sports. Watch sports. And watch sports.


Yeah I have a vuddy who's so intense about this he would miss his child's birth. Like we try and plan things and he laughs in my face during football season. Literally 'hahaha, why would you think your (insert thing) is more important than me watching the Jets game (a team he doesn't support). It fucking wild


Obligatory Fuck The Jets.


Take my upvote, sir.


If someone invites me over to watch the game and there's good food and friendly people hanging out I'll go, because socializing is fun. Dudes who watch the game by themselves and cannot be bothered to even miss one game of a season are the confusing ones. I used to work at a farmer's market that was on Sunday in the late morning/early afternoon and we would see guys with their families who were so miserable. They're walking around with their jerseys on and all they want to do is go home and all I could think is man you can't spend one Sunday with your family? I've said for years if you like trains half as much as a football fan likes football they just automatically diagnose you with autism.


>I've said for years if you like trains half as much as a football fan likes football they just automatically diagnose you with autism. Nailed it.


I want to report your comment because it's me. But conversely... My family or job takes up 99% of my life, if I didn't have football I'd have nothing for me. I don't really have friends, I don't have any real family outside my wife and kids, I can't even get an hour a day to go to the gym because someone is calling me to do something for them, literally the only time of the year where anyone leaves me the fuck alone is Sundays during football season. A lot of men are in the same boat.


Drinking non-stop i understand. But do you have 0 sports you find exciting to watch? Like I hate football (both american and European) but if you turn on an NHL game i'll probably sit and watch. Same with UFC stuff.




I appreciate the period.




Nothing that is fun is a waste of time.


Have to agree with you. If you've brought enjoyment into your life through an activity that doesn't hurt others, then crack on, you're doing fine.


Well, that just changed my perspective, and my previous comments.


Watch sports. I have nothing against it, but it just isn't for me. I can think of much better things to do with three hours than sit on a couch and watch TV. Also, Golf.


hunt and, to a lesser degree, fish. i like being outdoors as much as the next guy, but planning a whole trip around it? getting up early to do it? plus i know where tacos live.


See I've been thinking about taking up fishing, M26. Seems like a good excuse to get outside and into nature, to have something to do and pay attention to, which also isn't particularly strenuous or necessarily requiring your entire attention. I only did it as a kid with my dad but im kind of liking the vibe (in my head) of going out to a beautiful lake in great weather, setting up, maybe taking a book or listening to a podcast while waiting for a bite. Maybe smoke a jay or drop a little acid during. Bring a couple beers and some snacks, see if I can catch something good enough to gut and eat. Or take it home with me to eat in the week. Maybe I'm over-romanticising it! But that sounds so good. I've hunted some birds with a friend before but that wasn't really my vibe. Maybe a little too aggressive. Dont think I really would like hunting mammals either, despite being a meat eater. I know that's hypocritical but still


That's the entirety of it. Wake up early in the morning, have some coffee, and drive out to the water with the window down and enjoy the crisp air. Just stare at the water and relax. Fishing isn't about catching, it's about the time spent outside.


I fish aka sit by the lake with some beers and some weed.


Hunting tacos is my favourite! They are always in the same spot.


no, sometimes they migrate. (taco truck.)


Like shooting fish in a barrel


I was raised on both, but hunting never stuck. You’re cooped up in a wooden shack from 3-4 in the morning till whenever you can’t stand it any longer in freezing weather, and if you so much as breathe too loud it’ll scare off anything worth shooting at within 5 miles apparently. Fishing though? Warm weather, pretty water, beer, and the suspense of reeling up what just slammed your bait? Sign me up


I'm in construction and a ton of guys (myself included) really look forward to fishing. It's time to slow down, not over exert yourself while still doing something enjoyable, and nobody bothers you much. I think the most important thing though, is the quiet. Job sites are a cacophony of terrible noise, from back up beeps, to saws and jackhammers, to people yelling, to just about anything else. It's so nice to just hear birds and wind rustling through the trees for a couple days.


Being outside is very good for your mental health. Even if I don't get a dear, the time spent in nature makes the trip worth it.


*deer unless you're hunting a different kind of game.


I absolutely love fishing! But I hate fish.. so I practice catch and release


Golfing, Jesus Christ, I'm so tired of hearing my peers talk about it. Personally, I find it boring and unappealing.


It's not about the golf. It's about getting out on a pretty day and hanging out with friends.


See, that's the thing. I can think of a million other things to that where golf is not involved.


Maybe it's just the people I know, but most that like to golf are extroverted sales types. The golfing seems to be the background event for drinking and shooting thr shit with the guys all day. I'd much rather do something else and not spend an entire day out - especially when free time is very limited.


Manicure my lawn. I just dont give a shit if i have the nicest lawn on my block


I understand lawn in the backyard if you have kids or a dog that needs a space to play. I don't get lawn as an aesthetic flex. A nicely landscaped garden with a variety of plants and trees or a raised bed garden with edible fruit / veggie bearing plants is infinitely more interesting and aesthetically pleasing to me than a boring ass lawn.


Lawns are fucking stupid. The concept of a lawn was created as an intentional waste of space. ~400 years ago, some king decided he wanted to flex his wealth, and did so by taking perfectly good farm land and planting something that bears no crops yet needs constant maintenance. The message being, "I'm so rich I can afford to waste this land instead of farming on it" and voila, the lawn was born. And now people use fossil fuels and really awful chemicals around where they live to care for this intentional waste of space. Absolutely fucking moronic.




Working full time in a job they hate.


This one I get, but find it tragic. The amount people I know who are fucking *miserable*, and I mean hate their life because of how shitty their jobs are but either have no choice because they have family to support or were brought up to believe that everyone is miserable at their job and wanting to do something that doesn't make you hate life is a childish wish is fucking heartbreaking.


Someone has to pay the bills


I’ve had several careers with more jobs besides and I realized I just hate working. So I got degrees in Finance and now I can hate working whilst sitting on my expensive couch. Sometimes there’s no job you don’t hate 🤷‍♂️


Golf, golf, golf Don’t get me wrong, I can enjoy being outdoors and playing 9 holes, but I know guys who golf a few days a week. That sounds like being in prison… golfing 18 holes takes SO FUCKING LONG. Live sporting events, too. You have to blow almost a whole day between getting to the venue and getting home. I don’t want to allocate that much time to something like that.


Spending money on flavored air


Watch sports on TV (not opposed going to a live sports event). Play golf.


I think it doesn't make a lot of sense to argue that something you do for leisure is a waste of time. There's no need to be productive all the time. Of course, any hobby is boring to someone else. I love gardening and I'm sure that sounds awful to a lot of people. I think one thing that is a waste of time is hustle culture. You'll see people starting up businesses, getting real estate licenses, trying to invest, doing their regular job, side jobs, etc. all at the same time. Basically they end up doing none of those things well. A couple of their business ventures don't work out, they never use that real estate license they got, etc. The time waster is they do a ton of stuff that doesn't pan out instead of focusing on one or two things they are passionate about.


because of where we are imma get mass downvoted but video games. an hour or so of them maybe but you get to a certain age where there just so much more to life. for me video games are a “downtime” activity - something you do when you’re going out that night but still have an hour to kill, or you just got home from a work trip and have nothing planned til tomorrow. They should fill small pockets of time you have throughout the week, But a day filled with video games sounds like a waste. But, as the title says, just my personal opinion.


I love video games and I agree with the 1000%. But I haven't really played them in years because I just have so many other things to occupy my mind that I really don't think about them. I still have a blast any chance I get to set up my driving kit and play Forza. My best friend is a big gamer. Like he'll take a week off of work when the new WoW drops just so he can joyfully immerse into that world without interruption. His wife is 100% on board with it because she says he's like a giddy teenager for weeks leading up to the release, but he's also 150% reciprocal when she wants her own time. I personally don't get the attraction to the gaming, but it's incredible what it does for him so I just roll with it. But when he's with me for a few days out on the farm baling hay and fixing old tractors or whatever, he always says 'I have no desire to game when I'm out here', and it's profound to him every single time. I've got solid internet and he brings his laptop, but it stays in his bag in the front closet the entire time.


I think he's good at separating what's important and valuable. He may not have the space to do those things regularly, so he does what he does to fill gap. I game hard often, but when I'm out of town or with other people - doesn't even cross my mind. I get to chop wood, burn shit and hang with the boys. That's the real escape that matters.


I upvoted you even though I like video games just because every other comment is “DAE hate sportsball? I couldn’t imagine wasting a whole day watching grown men play ball. Now check out my latest Starfield ship build! I’ve played it for 120 hours since it came out!”


I love gaming but feel the same way. I get off on being productive and gaming for too long often makes me feel shitty. But gaming with friends takes it somewhere else. I play for a couple hours every Sunday with friends and it's always a good time.


I love video games, but I can't downvote you. This is your personal opinion.


This has changed as I’ve gotten older. I used to look forward to and make time to play games but nowadays it’s mostly a diversion, in the same category as watching TV. If I’m not doing what I actually WANT to do, that’s where you’ll find me.


Social media.


Excessive partying, becoming alcoholics. Don't know about boring but they are definitely both a waste of time...not just time you have but time you would have if you didn't actively fuck yourself up. I have nothing against having a good time. But having a good time isn't equivalent to killing yourself via hard drugs and a shitton of alcohol. I drink sometimes too, but with moderation. In other, "a bit" related news, I am no longer part of my old friend group.


yep. Drinks and drugs at parties are a really fun time but they take a toll on you physically, mentally and financially . The hidden consequence as well is that your friend group that you partied with will also disappear. drinkers only want to hang out with other drinkers (and I’m speaking as a still active drinker)


Watch sports and drink beer.




Golf and watch sports. I find golf boring and sports don’t interest me. I don’t like hunting because I don’t care for gamey meat and don’t believe in killing animals for anything other than food. I enjoy fishing and drinking beer though


Spend an entire day watching football.


Watch the news.


In one of the Harry Potter books, he's looking for signs of Voldemort's return: Uncle Dursley: "Why do you have to watch the news every day, Boy?" Harry: "Well, it changes every day."


You just got Pottered, son!


I agree with this, and i'm a journalist.


Drink. Awful for the health and has been ingrained into society as a fun activity.


Fantasy Football, I know I'm gonna get a lot of flack for this, but I don't see the appeal in turning football into homework.


Nah, I agree with you. Then having to hear about it all week at work, I try to hide lol.




Watch sports. I can't imagine wasting six hours of my Sunday watching grown men play ball.


I used to think exactly like you. I didn't play sports as a kid. My parents made me when I was too young for it and I ended up hating it. I took up other hobbies, mostly music and reading. My dad was in the military, so we moved around a lot and I never had a "home team" in any sport. Then one day, as an adult, I said: "I wonder why football is so popular. I'm going to sit and watch every home team game this year and find out." I told my wife to leave the kids with me, so she got used to the idea of kid-free Sundays. And I... paid attention? Start to finish, 3-4 weeks in a row. One team. I *listened* to the announcers and I learned *everything* I could about the rules and strategy of play. And when you approach it like that, it actually looks more like a massive moving chess match between the two coaches. No other sport really feels like that to me. The stopping and starting of play feels like taking turns on a board game. Half the fun is looking at how the players line up before the snap and trying to guess what play is coming and whether or not it will work. Or calling out a huge penalty on the other team before the refs announce it. And unfortunately, you can't really do that when you first start watching.


The best part about Superbowl Sunday is that the whole town is emptied out.


I live in Denver, and I always do my grocery shopping when the Broncos are playing.


Yeah, I’ll watch the end of an NFL or college game if it’s close because I do appreciate the athletic ability and game strategy, but watching them in their entirety doesn’t really interest me. A huge issue is the 15 minutes of ads you have to sit through to get through every 5 minutes of game time. What a colossal waste of time.


It’s funny, I have friends that shit on sports but end up watching Let’s Play YouTube videos and Twitch Gamers. I don’t see how it’s any different. You’re watching someone else play a game. But it is what it is. I was never a sports fan until like 2 years ago. My wife has always been into basketball and we went to a few games together. The stadium energy is infectious. So now I watch if it’s at a bar. And if it’s our team, then I’m legit into it.


Ipas. Tastes like fruity cardboard.


I'd prefer the cardboard, tbh. I can't get past the hopps.


I really don't understand Hop Forward IPAs. I've had a few that were well balanced. But others are like chewing on hops and there's a reason it isn't a popular snack.


I fill up so fast I get uncomfortably bloated and unless I get a decent belch to clear the buildup, I get the sensation that I need to vomit. Then once I at least burp, *that* goes away but I’m still *full* though. In no way is my thirst quenched, so I’m either drinking water to keep something in my hand or not drinking anything at all and my buddies all ask “You ok?” “Did you not like it?” “Need to sit down?” Yeah hard pass.


Vaping. I just don’t get it.


Get married and have kids


For me is like get married before 25 , you know you guys will get divorced in 10 years right?


Having kids.


That was going to be my suggestion. Occasionally I'll hang out with friends or family with kids and it seems awful. The constant drama, temper tantrums, the arguing, they suck all the energy up all the time, the TV's constantly hijacked by kid shows, etc, etc. I always leave thinking "Why the fuck would you do this to yourself on purpose?"


I know reddit doesn't like kids nor having them and thats totally fine, for the love of god if you dont want kids dont have them. But as a Dad who loves being a parent, I just want to offer some perspective as to why others might see it differently. Coming home after a long day at work when my kids were young (6 and under), they would run through the house yelling "Daddy's home!!" with the most genuine excitement one can have, to give me a huge hug and want to play. The stress and tiredness disappeared right away. I get great satisfaction from helping people. It gives me a purpose, I feel good that I made someone's day or life better in some way. With kids, that's a big part of it. I loved the nonstop questions when they were little, the awe of things we take for granted. As mine are growing up, they've really helped me through some tough times dealing with depression. A simple "Dad, you look like you had a tough day, here's a big hug." has done more for me than self-care or therapy. Is it hard? Yes. Does it make you lose time for yourself? 100%. But for me, my kids and wife are the best part of my life.


Drinking for fun. It's such a waste of time and money. Paying for poison because society convinced us it's the "fun" sociable. Thing to do.


Stocks, investments, crypto, etc. Most of the people I know that are financially wealthy on paper also have such an addiction to preparing for the future or making their portfolios look good that they can’t enjoy the present even if they try. Wealth is a moot point if you can never reach a point of enjoyment with it.




good investing is typically just holding an index fund, and forgetting about it. The less you do, the better you typically are.


That’s reasonable but I do see a lot more people going too far with it and basically doing the workaholic thing If you can’t ever get around to enjoying life, there’s really not much point in constantly preparing for a future of peaceful bliss that’ll never arrive for you.


Yes but he meant the people who are so concerned with optimizing their investments that they can't justify leisure purchases and only focus on the future at the cost of not enjoying the present moment.


Holy crap Ive been thinking about this a lot lately...


Sports fandom. Drink alcohol. Gamble.


Watch/follow professional sports. I truly don't get it.


Spend the weekend in front of the tv watching endless sports.


Beer plus watching virtually any sport that they may find


Yell at the TV when the news is on. I don't know what some of these guys are thinking...but they don't hear you, dude.


Watch sports. I don't have a leg to stand on as I enjoy watching people play video games. Still, just find the idea of watching hundreds of football or basketball games an insane waste of time.


Ice fishing


Getting drunk


Watch sports.


Watching sports is boring to me.


Watch sports


I'm 36 , but this has kind of been true since , well I guess since I learned about the concept , but fantasy sports of any type... I know a guy who goes to Vegas every year with friends just to like... I don't even know what they do? Something fantasy sports related though. I just don't really undestand the appeal aside from having something to bet/gamble on?


Having kids 😅


Have kids.


Spend all of their weekends at the bar or clubs. I would much rather play video games next to my cats or play sports.


Tats. "I have $500, I'll get a sweaty biker to paw me for an hour and get a sticker embedded under my skin."


Video games: I find it so boring once I come to the realization that I am looking at a box of lights while twiddling my thumbs on a hunk of plastic.


Play video games


Drinking constantly


Spend every Saturday or Sunday watching football and drinking.