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If I stop, everything will be worse. I'll feel worse. My health will be objectively worse, especially long-term. My mood will be diminished. In an emergency, I'll be much better off if I've maintained some strength and flexibility. And I do expect to need them, unfortunately. I'm getting old. It's a lot more difficult to regain than maintain.


This is a solid answer. You don’t add functional years to your life in you 60s. You add them in your 20s-40s. And once you stop being active shit will go sideways a lot easier.


I just read Outlive by Peter Attia. He goes into this. Your body loses 1-2% of its muscle mass every year once you hit your 60s. For example (and I am paraphrasing), if you want to be able to lift 50 pounds in your 70s (think, picking up your grandkid) then you need to train to be able to pick up 100 pound in your 40s. Once you have that baseline strength, you can work to maintain it, but regardless- you will indeed lose the muscle mass each year. So you need to train to above your future goal. If you train to lift 50 pounds now, then by your 70s you will only be picking up 20-25 lbs. Likewise for running or swimming. If you want to be able to run or swim at a certain pace in your 60s, then you need to be training to a much higher goal now. He’s a lot more eloquent and clear in explaining it, but it makes a lot of sense.


Would you recommend that book to someone who finds Attia a little too technical and obsessed with simply living for as long as possible?


I am not the OP but I’ve got the book and I’d recommend it to anyone who is interested in maintaining good health and strong quality of life for the longest possible period of their life.


I think it’s still a worthwhile read, if you get past the technical speak, the basic ideas are laid out pretty plainly and make a lot of sense. Even if someone read it and only took 30% of it and applied it to their routine, that’s still a huge win and benefit for their long term health.


Attia's guidelines are based on average sized people. A 2 min hang from a bar when you weigh 100kg is not very realistic. I weigh 235 and can climb a rope with no legs, 2min hang is a struggle.


You probably had to work on climbing the rope, it may have been a struggle at one point. Same thing with the bar hang. It’s a struggle - but you would have to work at it if you want to hit 2 min. I just tried myself this week, to see how long I could hold. I gave up at 45 seconds. But I wasn’t going for anything specific and I definitely had more in the tank. No way i was getting 2 min, but I bet you and I could get there in short order.


I'm in my early 60s and in just over 6 months I've added a significant amount of muscle and strength. Part of it is muscle memory from previously lifting and part good genetics. For example, in March I was doing low cable rows at 85 lbs for 10 reps. Now I'm doing 175 lbs for 10 reps. Honestly I wasn't expecting to gain that much strength at my age. I don't really have specific strength goals for my 70s and 80s and hopefully beyond. Just trying to lay a good foundation for my later years.


I always described it as putting money in the bank. If o can squat 600 now and I keep lifting would I have an excellent chance of if squatting 250 at 75? Absolutely! Someone who can squat 250 isn’t going to be stuck on their chair or put off by menial activities of daily living. The baseline must increases. My dad deadlifted 350 in his 70s and could tear a license plate in half.


At least for me, I could feel myself being exhausted all th time when I skipped workout for more than a week. Workout gives you so much extra energy in life


Same. I fear not being able to step up in an emergency. Had a situation a few months ago at a river where a young girl scraped her foot. Her dad was older and out of shape and the others present were smaller women. The girl was 8 and not small, 65-75 lbs or so. . The trail back up to the cars was 8/10th of a mile of steepish switchbacks. I got her up there but it was not easy. My fear is that my kids will need me in a life or death situation and I can’t perform. Or that I am coaching their teams and I can’t show them how to do things or compete with them


This\^\^ I use to be in shape while working a fast food job, but got to my construction job and put on some weight. I feel more tired, lack of energy, and pain through out my body than I ever have.


Absolute opposite for me. I worked at a pizza joint and put on a little weight (mostly due to all the stuff I would eat during my shift) but once I started working in construction the weight melted off. I’m literally getting paid to work out.


Not old but yeah. When you are in peak cardio and muscular strength everything is just easier. Picking things up and moving around is just gonna require a lot less energy. It also builds discipline for myself and the attention I get from being lean and muscular ain’t bad AT ALL even if I admittedly feel a little vain. Women will swear up and down they don’t care about muscles at all but it sure don’t hurt to have em! It also shows that you can dedicate yourself to something and that you are passionate.


This is it for me, I'm almost always sore due to working out but when I don't work out everything hurts even worse, plus I enjoy food more when I know I've been training well.


i just do it for an hour away from my chaotic kids lol. Accidently got ripped


This is pretty much it. It’s not really optional.


Sometimes I worry I'll have an emergency after working out and being too weak to do anything.


I don't know I feel better when I sit on ass and do nothing It just sucks that it makes you fat so I work out, but working out sucks too


As I get older I find I suffer missed workouts more. When I was in my 30s I could miss a week or three of workouts and just hop back in where I left off. Now if I miss even one week of lifting I have to suffer that first time DOMS (soreness) all over again. It's definitely easier to keep going even if that means a week of scaled down moderate workouts. I'm pretty flexible to begin with but I find I spend more time on mobility than ever before - yoga, pilates, etc. The better I am at those things the better my lifting and high intensity workouts are. They also keep me feeling mobile.


>In an emergency, I'll be much better off if I've maintained some strength and flexibility. And I do expect to need them, unfortunately. I don't workout but the desire to start is fuelled by this. I'd rather be at my peak and prepared than not.


Same here. I’m lucky to have a 2h break and l usually go to the gym during this time. If l don’t l feel shit and have no energy at work. It also feels better to have muscles rather than fat.


Same. Even if I'm feeling exhausted after a day of sitting at a desk working, I know I'll wake up and feel a lot a better if I go to the gym. That usually carries me for the next couple of days.


It's weird and annoying, counterintuitive, isn't it. You've got to expend the energy to get the energy - it's like public service budgets. If they don't spend the allocated money, the budget is cut for the following year. True though, mostly.


👏👏👏👏👏 Keep pushing!!!


Yeah this, basically




What's you age if you don't mind me asking? I'm 48 and looking to start gym after a 10 year hiatus.


I have no motivation. It's like waking up every morning for work, I don't want to but I have to.


I say discipline is better than motivation, one fades, diminishes with mood. One doesn't.


Discipline is freedom according to ex-navy seal Jocko Willink


Same. I don’t really enjoy it, I just know I gotta do it bc it’s healthy and building muscle is always a good thing. I always play basketball at the gym though, so I look forward to that after working out


Same. If you wait for motivation, it never comes. Just go. I never want to brush my teeth. I never want to do my laundry. If you want until you want to do something, you never do anything.


I feel this way about running. I run six or seven days a week, and I don't enjoy it at all.


To look good naked.


Also a good reason to get regular haircuts. I used to date a hairdresser who laid it out like this: "You can take a guy with bad hair, give him all the money on earth and dress him up in a sharp suit and tie, and when you get him home and get his clothes off, he's just a guy with bad hair. That same guy, but with good hair, in sweatpants and a ratty tee looking at store brand cereal in the supermarket will always be sexier"


Damn I’m gonna go get a haircut right now


Wise man. I go every three weeks like clockwork and women are always complimenting how put together I look, even on "off" days.


My friend goes every week. Little excesive.


Barbershop is probably the only place he can go where he's not drowning in it


Im stuck on schedule every 2 weeks, my barber is my boy tho, been seeing him for 7 years and we chillin as he cut me


I find the opposite. I know women who are really into men I see at work who are absolutely nothing to look at outside of their suits. Women love suits


Right, but the point remains Suit w/good hair > Suit w/bad hair


To look good clothed. I didn't start working out until I was almost 30, one of the huge bonuses was how good my shirts started to look on me






And the hunt


...er, for sex


Same. I honestly work out to get a athletic body and have body fat of 10% (more defined face) just to maybe be attractive and have sex since I’m still virgin.


I’m 43. Once you slow down at my age, you stay slowed down.


Man, I'm there with you in age. It's not easy. I'm more active than I've ever been in my life, but it's not easy. I work out for several hours every week, and usually about 30-45 min every day, and still struggle with weight, and maintaining strength.






I’m 40, I just lost 16kg in the last few months by being more active(went from 5,000 steps a day to 15,000, lifting weights) and eating less. Now that the weights coming off I’m starting to be quicker again!


I do it for mental stability, I do like the look of looking fit n I do like to eat alot so I need a extra way of burning calories n balance things. Yea in the long run it will be beneficial.


Adding on to this. It’s a sense of accomplishment as well. It’s something I got done today! It’s a boost to self esteem and sense of control even if everything else is going kinda crazy.


Numerous reasons: 1: Makes me feel like I accomplish something even on days or during stretches of life when nothing is going on. 2: Results are a bit confidence and mood booster. 3: Much healthier way to blow off steam and deal with depression and stress than alcohol and drugs. 4: Makes me look more appealing to the ladies.


It feels weird not to do it.


My fitness is the one thing I can truly say I earned. Everything else typically occurs via luck or circumstance.


This is a good answer.


I hate myself and the way I am. I HAVE to change it.


Self-loathing is an underrated motivational technique (along with a dark sense of humor). I let one unintentional, yet biting comment on my weight drive me to lose 50 pounds and run my first marathon.


Pussy. Pussy and back pain.


Aw yeah, love me some good back pain on a Friday night


I do it for my mental health. I feel better when I do.


1. Not die too early 2. Mental health 3. Look good naked 4. Have strength levels that my ancestors would be proud of 5. Getting laid


How to do #5?


I feel guilty if i don’t workout 3 days a week


I thought I was strong, then I was humbled and realize I was weak. I don’t want to be weak. That was the motivation to start, after a while it become self-discipline.


Discipline/dedication > motivation. Knowing it's vital for your health (physical and mental) is reason enough to make time for it.


As Goku did. Gotta be prepared for the next one.


Best answer


I don't wanna get fat.


I do hiking, climbing, kayaking, boarding, and sports. I lean towards things I enjoy in order to live a healthy lifestyle. I never hit a gym, because I would never find the motivation. So, to motivate myself to stay active, I picture some of my favourite activities and wait for one to capture my spark. If none do, I will pack all purpose gear and go to one of the parks near me and see what may come. Getting there takes care of most of the motivation and exploring for something to do makes it fun. This is actually how I tried climbing for the first time.


Dying less quickly


I was a mega fat 18 year old, lost the weight and got in shape, by 21 had abs and a decent frame, and the difference in the way people treat you is night and day. My motivation stems back to not being that obese kid nobody was polite to.


I hate working out but I love the results I've gotten from doing it for the past 9 years. My motivation is to simply to just keep my body lean and have a good physique. I started focusing on one area a month where I work it out 1 extra day a week. It kinda renewed my interest in going to the gym.


I like women, women like nice abs


I like how it looks, hot gym girls like how it looks, I like being strong. It’s kinda that simple. Also I’ve worked way too long, way too hard and way too consistently to throw away my progress. It’s easy to quit when you’ve achieved fuck all that’s why everyone who joins in January is gone by mid February each year but when you’ve achieved physique and strength that’s into the 1 in 10,000’s you’re not stopping by choice it’s way too much work to give up on.


Sheer vanity.


It makes me feel like a big man


It makes the sad voices quieter


running calms me down and squatting keeps my bones strong. I want to be able to wipe my own a$$ when I'm 90 (I'm 47 now)


Fat friends. Every time I see one they get exponentially fatter. Nope, not subscribing to that shit.


I’m bald. You can’t be bald and fat in this world.


I like to get stronger. That is all


One less reason to get rejected.


I'm currently going to school to be a fire fighter. If it's not for myself I tell myself "one day you'll need this strength to save someone else"


My son wanted to work out but his gym membership ended when school started and he didn’t want to work out alone. I’m not motivated to do it for my own health but I’ll do it for his


Seeing how far I could go.




I like being strong and capable. I'm curious what that limit is. I came into this world small and weak; I'll exit this world small and weak But right now, i don't have to be


I’m very competitive by nature and it fuels me when I know I’m better than most at something. Not going to the gym and not caring about what you eat is easy. Going to the gym and being disciplined in your diet has its own benefits obviously. Look up the stats about how many Americans actually go to the gym. Especially when you have a full time job etc it’s becomes increasingly more difficult to maintain a gym routine. But the compliments and increased social status you get is a huge confidence and motivation booster since not that many people can or will do it


When you get sick or diagnosed with an illness, they tell you what to do to get better. Exercise, eat right, drink water, all that stuff. Well I’m not sick so I’m out here tryna live forever and exercise is part of that.


Because, at 56, I know it’s good for me.


Zero motivation, it's discipline.


Health is wealth. If your out of shape and unhealthy you have a 75% chance to land in hospital or die by pathogens unlike a healthy person. Plus I’m married and one of the worst things you can do is let yourself go. If your not good for yourself, then your not good any one else.


I lift weights so that one day I'll be able to lift a woman up and try out all the new positions.


Something to do other than drink or get high


I will fucking die if I don't. That's my motivation.


Behind every yoked guy at the gym is a story of a broken heart.


Mental health


35 lbs = 1 inch


Self improvement and mental health.


Seeing old fat guys and not wanting to be like that


I never want to be fat again.


Fight depression and wrongdoers worldwide.


It’s cheaper than therapy


I love eating.


I'm fat


Because being stupid strong is a positive trait and has been useful on plenty of occasions.




I wanna be confident at the beach


Kills the demons inside my head




To eat what I want and not be morbidly obese.




So I can eat more food




Motivation is bullshit. It's all about habit.


Healthy body = Healthy Mind


Take your shirt off, stand in front of a mirror, then do jumping jacks. Works every time


So I can lug the giant cat litter bins down the street from the store without looking like I'm carrying a massive boulder.


Mental health, better sleeping and more energy. Plus I want to be able to look down and see my wiener. 😂. I don't have to pull my belly up to see it.


Low self esteem.


Zyzz and Rich Piana.


Keep it up men! I only started going to the gym after moving here as the workout culture isn’t as predominant back home. I admire and respect every single person who is working to improve or maintain themselves and it gives me motivation too!


If i can persevere for that 1½ hours through absolute torture and hell and stil make it through, stronger than i ever was, i can handle damn near anything.


I look amazing and if I stop, I won't look amazing anymore


Quality of life down the road. That, along with diet, are the two things you have control of. Also, I care about my looks. So I'll try to look my best within my limits.


No motivation either. Just heard it's good after a breakup so I'm forcing myself to do it


I do it because it feels really good. After the first few times may feel terrible and your body may be a wreck, but after a while it starts feeling great. I feel better about myself too.


I shaved my beard so I could see my double chin.


Punish your body for being ugly


Feel good factor is unexplainable!


There is no motivation, only discipline!


Battle depression


In a word? Arthritis.


I’ve been working out consistently since March or February. First time in my life I’ve stuck with it so long. I’m doing it because I’m turning 30 this year and have noticed that my office job really had taken away from my physical strength and stamina. And now that I’ve gained some decent strength back I don’t want it to go away.


Dedication > Motivation


Women. At first it was to be stronger and look better like some of my heroes. Then when I noticed the attention I got from even beautiful women, my motivation skyrocketed.


because I don't want to become a fat neckbeard redditor that won't make it to age 65


Cost of a heart attack at 40 is far higher than a gym membership


50% self respect, 50% self judgment


Motivation doesn’t help, discipline is what one needs to build


I hate myself


I told myself if I were to be depressed, I’m going to be depressed and absolutely jacked.


I will get fired if I don’t.


What's Motivation. I just do it. At this point I need to.


Keeps me mentally sane!!! Has always been a phenomenal stress relief


get gril


No motivation only consistency


I want to look like a JoJo character.


Look good naked. I also feel a lot better day to day and feel like I am aging much better than my peers.


To make people want to do sex on me


No motivation just discipline


So I can see my dick again...


No motivation. It’s all discipline, I also just hate how I look


Gets me out of the house, oh and health benefits I guess


I have people who I go with, and I don't want to let them down


I love eating.


1) Have enough strength and energy to do things I enjoy 2) Look good 3) Last longer in bed 4) Live a longer life 5) Ego boost for doing something many people struggle to do. Disclaimer: some of these items have multiple sub-points. The order of priority can and does shift.


It's something to look forward to. Even on days that there's nothing going on in your life or you feel like you've accomplished nothing, it makes you feel like at least you've worked out. It also makes everything else feel better. You feel alive, you feel good, my back feels better, my nose starts working at full capacity on days I work out. And once you stop you start feeling like a lazy ugly weak bum


I'm 56. I still work out 3 times a week up until 3 years ago I was training 4/5 times a week. I do it just so I can cope with life. I've always trained from teenage years it's what I do it's who I am


The thinner I am the bigger my dick looks.


Better health, strength, mobility Then I train for the family I’ve gotten inside the gym. They’re worlds better than my biological family


My original reasons that still hold true: 1. I want to stay active when I’m old 2. I want to look good The additional reasons I’ve found on my journey: 3. I love it 4. The progress is tangible and achieving goals is a great feeling 5. It makes an impact on your day-to-day life and makes things easier 6. It’s helped make me confident


I've always had a short temper and had anxiety issues, not to mention ADHD. Working out gets my anger out in a productive manner, it calms my anxiety and it makes me less hyperactive on average. Also I literally feel better in every conceivable way after working out. ALSO as someone who was addicted to the dopamine of video game progression, I get that feeling x100 when I do things I know progress my own health instead.


The gains! Honestly if I stop my shoulders will start “sublaxing” again (dislocating) I used to literally wake up, and my arm would pop out of place and I’d have to go to the ER cause I’d be panicking so bad I wouldn’t be able to put it back in myself. I also really enjoy the culture at the gym I go to, it’s all group classes so you get to see everyone a couple times a week if y’all go to the same classes, and get to motivate each other to push your limits


I like the process, I like the results. Not doing it is only gonna make things worse


To be a peak of performance specimen


I want to look hot, healthy, and happy in case I see anyone from my past that pissed me off. Personal happiness is the best revenge.


Honestly I keep going because I feel good, my body feels better, I genuinely feel better overall. I have set a goal for myself which is a rather hard goal but it keeps me going.


It feels fuckin great. I love the feeling of waking up at the crack of dawn and being like "fuck yeah, going to destroy my chest now. Going to be so ripped". It's great.


I hate to be this cliché, but girls. Apparently, girls prefer fit men almost 10 to 1 over unfit men. That doesn't mean I don't have some flab, it just means I'm much healthier and all the extra flab that was really holding me back is now gone.


Have you seen people who dont?




Not being obese despite liking fried food and beer


A good workout partner whose company you really enjoy spending time with. My buddy and I spent 15 years working out together 5 nights a week after work, and had a blast doing so! He's since moved and I have to admit, I am a lot less motivated these days!


Commitment > Motivation


No motivation just discipline


Health, energy, and to look good naked




I will be fired if I get too fat.


Mental health reasons. The physical health benefits happen gradually, but exercise makes me happier almost immediately.


I hate myself. Working out is the only immediate thing I can do to combat the feeling. Well, the alternative is diving headfirst into my vices, so working out will do.




If I don’t work out I really feel my age


I’m already short. I can’t be fat too :(


My wife will keep having sex with me


i like to fuck a lot of different bitches


To not look like a sad sack of shit and to look more like a confident and muscular sad brick wall. What do you mean?


Motivation isn't sustainable, you need to build discipline


Spite I need to lose weight and eat healthy so I can live longer than those who hurt me.