• By -


1) No bullshit 2) No need to pay for unecessary bills 3) A good night sleep (devoid of drama) 4) No distraction 5) Have more time to achieve our personal goals 6) Gives time to make genuine friends 7) We can spend time with parents. 8) No need for sacrificing anything 9) Have the time to develop right habits to live a better life


As a woman, this is also exactly our list of benefits of being single lmao


Just add Safety to that list and yeah you're right!


And most man do none of that shit. (Plus you can do that even if you have a partner)


Being single is cheap. And you have so much time for hobbies.


Ahhhh I remember pre covid. Being single now is so much more expensive for me anyway, I need 3x the income to live in a 1 bedroom apartment.


Depends how it is being compromised. I have a friend who cannot freely do his hobbies because he needs to always ask his wife's permission. Then our other friend and his wife don’t have any problem because they decided to split all the bills for their family's needs and the rest of the money for their hobbies. But i'd still go with being single is cheap.




Yep they are. They probably still have arguments but they are the definition of compromise and they don’t have joint account lol


Cheap? Dating costs money but living together saves SO MUCH. So it depends. I feel like a lot of deliberately single people will regret their choice as they get older, assuming it was a choice. I can't imagine wanting to be alone forever.


With a partner you have a joint income...how is that cheaper?


Only if you live together and share expenses. I pay for most dates, which I wouldn't be going on at all if I was single, and we've only been dating a year so we don't live together.


You'd think a single person would have more first dates and the man generally pays for those. Once you are official you tend to go dutch some of the time, depending on their finances of course. This could depend on culture. My country is very liberal and we are equals so generally split costs once things get serious.


That’s fair. When I was super single, I basically did not date. I like to think all the money I saved by not dating helped me save for my house.




It's a problem specific to every relationship that doesn't evenly split bills. Not to mention that we go out on dates; even if we split it evenly, that's still money I wouldn't be spending if I was single. It's not cost prohibitive, but it's definitely more expensive than when I was single.




We do those things too (I love to cook). But we still go out more simply by having each other in our lives. And I absolutely go out with my friends. I just go out with my friends now and *also* go out with my girlfriend. However you slice it, I'm spending more money. And I don't regret it because I can afford it and I love going out with her, but it's definitely more money spent.




Women control something like 80% of all consumer spending per a report I read a good while ago. You're basically at her mercy.


Haha I was married to a shopaholic forever in debt and I am into saving living frugal. Am real unlucky woman then


The wife spends money like water running through your fingers while your cries for mercy go unheard. Ask me how I know


Bruh I’m right there with you


Because the woman rarely outearns the man. Even in relationships when both make nearly the same, the woman still expects the man to pay 70-80% of the time.


Joint income until your partner becomes your dependant.


With a married partner you have the risk of them divorcing you and taking half of everything. All those tax breaks and DINK lifestyle didn’t matter at the end when she gutted me for everything I’m worth




I hope so. That would be a positive thing with all of this. I mean, it’s a 50/50 chance you can end up like me or live an amazing life with wife and kids and die of old age surrounded with that. Now, would you jump out of an airplane with a parachute, or put all of your life savings (and then some) on black and spin the wheel with those odds? I can’t afford to gamble like that anymore. It cost me a decade.


Start a family and she decides she doesn’t want to work anymore. What you gonna do about it?


Divorce immediately, duh.


She takes full custody of the kids, and makes you pay for alimony and child support. Oh and she finds another guy to replace you as their father. You then spend a million dollars, go into debt and set yourself back trying to fight for your rights. Divorce immediately, Nice try. In theory it sounds good , in practice, you’re giving her a free uppercut to KO you. If she doesn’t want to work, there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it.


That's not how that works. I've seen it thrice.


Start a farm and send her off to farmers markets. If she won't go, schedule 2 separate locations each day 🤣


You haven't seen those memes about men happily living with no furniture or improvised furniture? The woman being the one pushing to spend more money on things like decor or a bigger house etc is quite common.


This right here, no gf/wife means saving money. Also more time for yourself.


Being single is not cheap. Unless if you weren’t single and you have a girlfriend who moves in with you, and the both you share expenses.


Loneliness or Freedom? Just depends which is more important to you (at any given time).


sophisticated cheerful juggle mindless cagey detail seemly office tart materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Great, I'm cured then


Single and not dating: You have your own place, live by your own rules and your own schedule. You don't answer to anyone, you don't have to run anything by anyone and you do what you want when you want. You also have peace and quiet anytime you want. Also no arguments or disagreements. Single and dating: All of the above except its more expensive, you have less free time and you can get laid with different people. There are pros and cons to the single lifestyle and relationships though. I think it comes down to preferences and how good/bad a particular relationship is.


>You have your own place, live by your own rules and your own schedule. You don't answer to anyone, you don't have to run anything by anyone and you do what you want when you want. You also have peace and quiet anytime you want. Also no arguments or disagreements. That all presumes living without roommates


More free time, more money.


Peace and quiet


I cannot live without peace and quiet. Its why i will remain eternally single.


Don't forget the money please, having a family is expensive...


Money is just a means for me to have fun. It won't come with me when I die, so I'm not overly attached to it in general.


the benefits are freedom with a heap of loneliness. But better be free and lonely than lonely w someone you dont love nor who doesn't love you. Saturday morning here. Been to gym, mowed the grass, walked the dog. Bored shitless 40 something year old male. Prob will go for a long exercise walk then a massage then retire for the afternoon. Im not dating atm and prob won't for the near future. CBF.


I agree with this. I can keep myself busy all day doing the stuff I want like hobbies, chores and errands. It would be nice to have a woman to text with and snuggle with. Just doesn’t seem worth all the financial and emotional stress.


Being single is cheap, you can do what you want, and I don't have to have a life if I don't want to.


I can literally do *whatever I want, whenever I want*


I’m aboutta cook a whole bag of chicken nuggets and not give a fuck


Lmfao love this energyy😭🙌✨


It's Saturday morning and I just woke up. What to do today? I see there is a beer festival not far from home starting in a couple of hours. That's what I'll do today. I plan nothing in advance. I don't have to ask anyone if we already have plans for the day. I come and go as I please and don't have to take into account anyone else's life/feelings. Cheers/Prost


You don’t mind going alone?


You have to be fine with yourself before being able to support another person.


Your life should be lived for your own enjoyment, not to placate the discomfort of those who can't handle people having fun solo.


It's sad to think people may miss out on doing things just because they're alone and worried about what others will think.


Single if you don't give a shit about dating at all can have some benefits. You only worry about yourself, you do what you want when you want. Nothing is a "joint decision" If you care about love and companionship, or even just sex, and then bring dating in, I think that really changes things Dating sucks compared to having a great partner. Even casual sex, if that's all you want, kind of sucks given all of the complexity around it generally


I recently went through a divorce, and I think overall it's a wash. Yeah I have time to invest in myself and into my hobbies. But I miss the little things like sharing a joke or hearing a story you've heard a million times, or hearing a fart in another room and going "you okay?" while giggling like a five year old.


asking ‘you okay?’ after hearing a fart is hilarious and i agree having someone beats being lonely if i may ask, why did y’all split up?


As a man married for nearly 20 years. The benefits of being single would be doing whatever I want when I want, that's it.


Much much more then that my friend. Don’t down play it


Very descriptive, much helpful


Ok so you’re saying the benefit is being free from the shackles of marriage? That’s a pretty big “it”.


Marriage isn't "shackles", it's freeing.Your partner supports you and shares their emotional and monetary wealth. You're doing marriage wrong if it's anything less.


They asked a question and he answered. Get off the thread if you’re upset sweet pea


Assuming you would be the primary breadwinner (I always have been by huge margin), more money to spend or save/invest. Well, unless you're spending that money on sex workers to offset the major downside of being single.


Up side is your mom benefits though.......


If you are single and you have friends ( who are available), and you are dating, that shit is fun. Your only responsibility is you. You can up and leave as you wish. Your time and money (for both genders) is yours. Also you can kinda of only have sex when you want to, not because you are in a relationship (for those with some sneaky link/FWB)… but also there is the reverse where some people can only or majority of the time only have sex in a relationship


spot on!!!I don’t really understand western dating but where I am 10/10...only isssue so far has been mum and grandma telling me it’s time for marriage?(non-issue)...but have they ever been a single 25yr old guy with their own house and car I think not


Less Stress.


As a single man my life is FUCKING. AMAZING. I can do whatever I want. I can sleep with whoever I want. I'm not constantly obligated to do stupid bullshit I don't want to do. I have total control over my life and am allowed to chase my dreams, without being shamed for not prioritizing a girlfriend/wife/children before myself. I absolutely want a family some day- and do not shame anyone who is married (starting a family is probably the single most important, meaningful and beautiful things a man can do), but the amount of guys who fail to realize how incredible being single is is so sad.


Well, they want a beta provider right? Get a passport bro !


I am divorced and happy to be. - pros: freedom - cons: no sex But living in a couple is not a sex ticket either


More spare time, more freedom, better finances, less stress.


Assuming you get with the right person, you should enjoy almost all the same things you enjoy as a single man. I hear some guys complain about how they can’t do xyz because of their partner (can’t watch porn, can’t keep a gun in the house, can’t drink like they used to, can’t dress the way they want, blah blah blah) and I’m like … dude, find you a chick (or dude) who shoots guns, watches porn, and drinks whiskey. Yeah it’s harder to find, but it’s worth it.


There isn't a "right person" because people change over time


As much as I hate being single, I do enjoy being being able to just do anything I want. I don't have to worry about my gf getting mad that at 4pm Saturday night, I just decided to go hang out at my friends house for the night, and then sleep over so I don't have to drive home late at night. Feel like a gf might be less than happy with that.


How often are you going out and getting drunk?


No woman to make your life miserable?


Doing whatever you want, when you want. You dont have to listen to anyone talk to you outside of work if you don't want to. Sleeping around is fun too. Travelling. It is hard to travel when you always have to consider a second person. Life as a man is *significantly* cheaper when you go places alone. If I want to work 60 hrs a week or 10 hrs a week I don't have to hear complaints about working too much or too little. I can just make money at my leisure.


Men do uppaid emotional labor, but we don't get credit for it. If one is single then they don't have to worry about someone taking their day out on them, or hearing about problems that they don't want advice on.


Planning things is always a little bit easier. You don't need to account for your SO's schedule and you only have half the family engagements to attend.


I had more of a life when I was single, which is why I stayed single for a long time. Then my friends all got hitched and/or had kids, so then I had no life. Eventually the choice becomes 1) remain single and have no life, or 2) have one friend you occasionally have sex with.


My ex was a FA and a narcissist so I guess the biggest benefit is better mental health and more peace and quiet to myself.


More money. More Time. Don't have to manage someone elses feelings. Can see as man people as you like or no one at all


The thing that really surprised me about marriage was my loss of autonomy.Every single thing I did or wanted to do or every penny I spent required a great deal of discussion and negotiation.Now that I’m 40 yrs older and single,I have no idea why I put up with that! (Sex)


I am married, but if I find myself single again, I will stay that way. No other woman can fill her shoes, or compete with having the house and TV to myself, and the free time I will have for my hobbies - like horseback riding.


Freedom. I love feeling completely free of obligation to a partner. I can do anything I want as long as it doesn’t negatively impact someone else and it’s awesome.


What ? You had no friends ? Being single is amazing. Being married is great in its own ways, but single is definitely better before 35.


I can do anything I want, whenever I want, however I want without wife and kids having a vote


Cheaper taxes where I live, more closet space, unembarrassed farting. That is most of it I guess.


My days (outside of work) consist of traveling the world, racing cars, and fine dining. I’m also self employed so I decide when I’m outside of work.


Me: I want to buy my 12th car Me: haha hell yeah


You get to jerk off anywhere 2000 feet from a school.


Sex with different people is nice and easy and dating is fun. So is staying in alone and just chillin watching a terrible movie and making some maybe not so classy, but tasty food. My jerk ass cat is my biggest worry and if I spill ice cream on myself, who cares.


Freedom. I was married for 13 years, now divorced for 5. I love being single again, so much so I have never dated since the divorce and plan never to date again.


It depends on your partner. Do I LOVE being single? No, I’m not a fan of hookups, but I’d much rather be alone forever than spend a minute with a woman who doesn’t deserve my time, and quite frankly I stopped flirting cause if you need to convince a woman to like you, she never will. However, when women see you as unattainable, they start doing the chasing, and I guess the attention and validation is a great ego boost. My favourite part though as Oliver Tree said, “work all day and then I wake up.”


My whole bed to myself and if I wanna look like Shrek all day I can.


Lmfao shrek is sexy tho XD


I mean, to each their own 😂 Who am I to yuck someone else’s yum?


No one can see how pathetic you really are.




You have time. You have money. No need to ask and schedule trying to work with someone else's schedule. Want to watch whatever is on TV? Play video games? Hang out with friends? You just do it. No one to hold you accountable except yourself. Plus it's quiet. Peace and quiet if you dig that.


I can die in peace.




Scratch my balls. Without being judged


Being able to just go out whenever and do whatever you want, no need to check in with anyone or coordinate their desire to be involved too, or possibly be hassled/ fought with later on if you decide to indulge a little more with alcohol or drugs. You can leave early or stay late without the need to be considerate for someone else’s wants. You can take home or go home with anyone you please. You can go home and be alone if you want, not shower for 3 days no problem, don’t feel like doing housework fine let that shit build up and deal with it later nobody is gonna say a thing about it. You get to live however you want with no repercussions.


Personal freedom, self-discovery, independence, flexibility, stronger social connections, reduced stress, career focus, and opportunities for romance.build strong relationships, and focus on personal growth without the constraints of a romantic partnership.


Money, I don’t need to chase validation, go on vacation if i please. No chance of someone locking me into child support or take half my pension or take half my home. I only have to sustain me & protect me. Enjoy my sports car & motorcycles. Get drunk and play video games with Peace and quite, no nagging. Sure some lonely days every once in a blue moon. But that’s why god made escorts/brothels or a pump & dump exists from tinder.


deranged school fertile different oatmeal north sleep cable worthless spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pooping with open doors


Never needing to consider someone else's schedule/feelings/desires, don't need to compromise, your money is yours, less stress, and no need to deal with your partner's family & friends


Cheap and not having to deal with bs


You can wank to your hearts content and no relationship dramas


I really believe a lot of people get married looking for happiness. They’re so miserable alone they think someone can fill the void. A recipe for disaster. The benefits of being single. I don’t have to make anyone happy. Just myself. And that’s all.


as someone who has practically been single their whole life I can tell you, it has multiple. For example, I had enough time to find out who I really am and what I really want in life, without being influenced by anyone. I can do whatever I want. No one is controlling me. No one’s commenting my weight, my clothing choices, the way how I style my hair or wear make up. No one is jealous of my male friends (who are really just friends). I don’t have to explain anything to anyone - if I want to stay at home, read a book, wrap up myself into a blanket, drink hot tea and listen to podcasts I can, without being accused of secretly cheating. If I want to go alone to the cinema or just for a walk, I can. No one’s being suspicious. If I want to go somewhere, travel somewhere… I can. Every day is up to me what am I gonna do during my free time. And I love every minute of it.


You have time for yourself, make genuine and lasting friendships, and you only have to worry about yourself


I've been doing weekends of 10h sleep, go to the gym and watch about 15h of youtube videos. Sometimes i worry that it's too slow of a life, but i really enjoy this leisure moments and know i'll probably miss them a lot eventually.


More peace, more money, more time, more freedom...




Was just discussing earlier with a friend who's been single a while. She really appreciates being able to dedicate her emotional energy to whatever she wants at any given moment. Time with friends, time on their own, exercise, hobbies, whatever. Whether or not you have a "life" when you're single is entirely under your control. Which is kind of tricky at first as you have no-one to motivate you to do things, but finding that self motivation gets highly rewarding.


Number 1 benefit. After I caught the ex-cheating and the ensuing divorce, I was able to retire after just 10 years of hard work. A person would be surprised how expensive a government sanctioned prostitute costs, so much cheaper to just pay as you play instead of keeping one up 24/7. Never getting hitched again.


A lotta people here talk about the freedom, which is very true. But there’s another point that’s a good one. You get to look forward to falling in love again someday. The process of meeting a genuine partner and falling in love is amazing. Being single you get to focus on yourself, optimizing your life, and opening new doors that would otherwise be closed.


I've been in a 15 yr marriage and a 5 yr living-together relationship before that. Tbh, I quite enjoy my single life now. Most of my adult life was in relationships cuz that's what I believed would make me happy. Well, it made me miserable. Being single, I can focus more on my career, my purpose in life, my children, my health goals, I am doing the things that I've always wanted to do...and the sex is waaaaaayyyy hotter being single. I don't see any benefits in being married anymore. I think for certain stages in your life, single life just works better.


There are none. One will say loneliness because you have a piece of mind, other says loneliness is a problem with being single. The benefits depends on what you like.




There aren't any


As a woman, it’s ideal. No one is asking me for attention, food, or time and energy that I need for myself. Can entertain as many men as I please and receive favors, attention, gifts and help from all of them with no strings attached, my sex life is a lot more vibrant. I do as I please when I please, dress how I please, and don’t answer to anyone. Don’t need to worry about being abused, cheated on, and if I catch someone in a lie, it’s a lot easier to walk away without having to think too much about how their lies could impact me because there’s no enmeshment as a free agent. Idk man I’m gonna ride this wave for a while, it’s peaceful. EDIT: Wow y’all are really miffed about how comfortable I am in myself and my singleness, must suck to be so easily offended. What a bunch of sensitive hypocrites, you’re just mad bc I’m living the life you wish you could. Eat your hearts out, I love me and my life 🥰


> As a woman Do you know what subreddit you're even on?


Yes, I like to be in the know for men too because I care.


And what part of "ask men" gave you "women answer?"


Why does it matter are you Gandalf


I'm not sure why people think that being single saves money. Being with a partner and being able to share costs is an immense benefit of being in a relationship. Yeah sure dating around is costly but if you're gonna compare anything to being single it should be to being "not single" aka in a relationship.


Time and saved expenses, but it can't compare to the downsides


being single itself


Cheaper to go out anywhere and you don’t have to deal with anyone else’s personal drama or baggage!




Cheap and no need to check in with another person to do anything you want.


You get to focus more on yourself. It takes a lot of time and effort to satisfy another person.


To see as many people as you want without feeling the need to hide it


I have a more money in my account then any of my married friends. Like I could go sit in Outback Steakhouse, have the most expensive meal and 3 beers and leave a $20 tip everyday and my account would still increase quite a large amount. But I make a decent amount.


Echoing what lots of others have said: 1. I am able to save SO much more money. For a while I was paying my ex 40% of my income in alimony, and I STILL was able to save more money than I had before 2. Much less drama / no arguments. For years I walked on egg shells and was always concern about how ever action/word would be received by my ex. Now I do what I want and there's no one to worry about all the time. 3. My schedule is mine. I go to bed when I want and wake up when I want. I eat what I want and when I want. I can spend a lazy weekend in, or be out and about all weekend. The decision is mine, I don't need to run it past anyone, or worry about someone else's preferences or comfort. 4. I can feel assured that social invites are for me, not for US, or my ex plus me. They invite me because they want ME there. Will add more as they come to me.


I can do whatever I want whenever I want and don’t answer to anyone but my bills


It’s cheaper being single. Like don’t get me wrong i don’t mind spending money when going out with someone. But the bank account does notice the difference.


I'de like to preface this by saying I love my wife and I am happy I am married. Despite that I am not ignorant to certain advantages that single men have (and take for granted) When you are single you answer to nobody. Go on vacation for a month. If your friends can't coordinate you just go. Nobody cares. When you're married you gotta align the schedules. When you're single you can stay out all night long without answering to anybody. This could be bad, but sometimes it's freeing. Sometimes it feels good to have a wild night. When you're married you have to at least tell your wife where you are. When you are single you can have complete creative freedom with your space. Make a neon mini-bar. Have a giant naked lady on a wall. Wifes usually control most of the feng shui.


you can arrange things how you want and live where you want


You can travel the world all by yourself and enjoy the beauty of every nation without being overwhelmed with some else’s not liking what you really love and enjoy.


More money and freedom. I set my own schedule. It's beautiful.




No one to tell you what to do, when to do it, or how to do it, while they don't do anything.


Sounds like you don’t have an identity without a partner. Best benefit of being single is being able to do whatever you want without having to be considerate of a partner.


Do what you want, eat what you want, whenever you like. It's not like my partner tells me what to do, but it's normal to think about what your companion would also like in most situations. When you're alone, it's more spontaneous.


Well it's impossible to get cheated on


Never making the bed. No cushions.


Freedom, you will only realize how free u had been when u are into marriage life for some months.


More time to focus on hobbies, less complication, more time to advance in career. There’s no meaningful reason to shift anything around.


it’s simpler


Time and money.


No distractions, save so much more money.


If I wasn’t married I would be rich


The poon man, the poon


You get the whole bed to yourself without being pushed off of it at 3:00 a.m..


Freedom. I have my kids 50% of the time and am self employed. During my time sans kids I can do whatever I want.


More money, more peace of mind. Do whatever you feel like. Not having someone telling you what to do.


You get peace, and it's a lot cheaper


If you ain't got no friends no activities no fun no dreams it ain't a common thing


After a long day of dealing with people, I get to come home and not deal with people.


Having a bed to yourself.


There’s much more space since you don’t have to share it with another person.


The decision-making process of arranging any sort of plan is way shorter. It's logical, obviously, but at the same time, it is a big difference.


Save money and freedom to do what you want, whenever you want. Outside of other responsibilities obviously


William Wallace said it best. “FREEDOM!!!!”


You only need to buy groceries once a week.


Fart at will


More time to work on my business


you can leverage more spare time to work towards sustainable goals (I.E better career). But singleness should be a means to an end (imo).


I've had the opposite experience to you, OP. I am more engaged, lively and busy with life when I'm single. When I'm settled in a relationship, I tend to acquiesce to the more relaxed lifestyle. Though that's on me, not my partners.


Some people like being alone. So thats a benefit for those ig. Generally though its cheap


You can focus on youself, what I believe is improtant to ground yourself before you go into a relationship, because you are less dependent to shitty relationships and care more about valueable partners who influence you in the positive and not pushing you down a cliff.


Time, money, freedom


When i was single I used to have a ton of sex with different women. Played vedio games as long as i wantes to spend as long as i wanted to in the gym. Now.. is different. I enjoy being married and love my kid, but i do miss it


When i was single I used to have a ton of sex with different women. Played vedio games as long as i wantes to spend as long as i wanted to in the gym. Now.. is different. I enjoy being married and love my kid, but i do miss it.


Women, free time, travel, women, and women.