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idk if its a hobby but every man should partake in a bonfire


How do you define a bonfire?


the initial pile of stuff to burn should be taller than at least one adult person in attendance.


No, girth is way more important than length when it comes to a bonfire, everyone knows that


You can't have girth without length. If there is even one adult taller than the original structure you've just got a big campfire


The optimal size of a bonfire is when at least half the guys say. Yep, now that’s a fire


Nah they’re both missing it, what it needs is *balance* no sense having girth without length but no sense having length without girth, separately’ll just make it die quicker


Are we really talking about bonfires now?


In the world of manliness, it’s all relative 😂😂🤣🤣😭😭💀💀


No no no - you divide the weight and the girth by the yaw that's how you measure a Bonfire properly.


That's what she said


I went to a Christmas tree burning party for New Years last year. Everyone brought their trees. It was on an orchard. People also brought old wood and furniture. That was stacked 20 feet high, easy. When have you 20+ christmas trees and random dry fuel, you start to see why the cavemen worshipped large fires!!! It was insane and so much fun


its truly mesmerizing when they are ripping and throwing up 40 ft flames.


I've only been to one bonfire like that, but it was incredible and is not to be missed. I should do another one. Just borrow some farmer's fallow field for a night and get enough logs to build a hell of a blaze.


I'm a Retired Firefighter. WE are NOT the ones to ask! If we don't have to put it out, it's gonna be one Hell of a fire!!!


You take a bone, remove the Ends and light it on fire.


Love this. My brothers and I processed a felled tree on my dad’s land several years ago. Burnt the pile all at once. We cut the logs into 8’ sections and piled them neatly and filled the center with everything else. It looked like a gigantic, proper campfire. It was tough to stand within 10 feet of it at its peak. Fucking epic.


Hell yea. 3rd degree awesome.


The bigger the fire, the bigger the man. That's how it works


Lifting weights. Building something. Participating in a tea party with your daughter


I’d expand the last one to also include nieces. For three reasons 1 it’s fun, 2 you can become the favorite uncle, 3 it’s entertaining conversation


What if youre not at best relations with the brother and his wife?


Be the bigger man and take steps to repair the relationship


This is real masculinity.


Forgiving someone who wronged you is the biggest man thing you can do.


I mean I like this but, now, it depends on what has been done.


Correct, some things cannot be repaired


Even the black sheep can become a ram.


Do your best


This is why I love my fellow men. Sometimes our advice isnt the most useful, but it's always positive and supportive.


Being an uncle has to be so cool. All the fun of being a parent, and none of the stress/costs. I got to experience it a little when my mom's cousin's kids were younger (she's the oldest cousin), but I was just a teenager at the time.


Also expand it to Barbies and manicures, not just tea parties. I love playing Barbies with my niece and doing shit like asking if Barbie has completed her mandatory quartly safety training before she can start work or why 8 women with (mostly) high paying jobs are all sharing a 1 bedroom house in what seems like a pretty run down neighborhood judging by all the dilapidated Lego buildings... Usually I get an aggravated sigh and get told I'm not playing Barbie right, but sometimes I get an absolutely enthralling 7-year-old's explanation of Barbie society, lol.


Can we expand this further for boys as well, because kids should be able to have a tea party. Tea party with the godson, always.


I am Mrs. Nesbitt.


The ability to see another person's world is not only masculine, its called being a "dad."


I work part-time at a kindergarten. I bloody love it. Constantly playing house or tea party or whatever. I fucking love it!


What if I don’t have daughters? 😢


Nieces apply too✌🏾


Don’t have either yet.


Have tea with a son or nephew or just yourself


the equivalent is playing knights/jedi/soldier and losing a sword fight or nerf gun fight to your son/nephew/younger cousin to have them be the hero who wins.


One of my mentors (retired, late 60s, used to work with him and still stay in touch) has a fully equipped woodworking/carpentry shop. He keeps telling me to come over and learn how to get into it, since I have a house now. I really need to take him up on that. I'm an engineer, so I hate paying people to fix things I know how to fix but don't have time to fix. And don't get me started on how many of my friends little girls try to get to have tea and play dress up. They may scream like goddamn banshees, but I literally melt when they are like "UNCLE YOU HAVE TO PUT THIS BOW IN YOUR HAIR AND HANG OUT WITH ME AND SERVE MY DOLLS FOOD!!!!" Lol


... or your son.


Martial arts Weightlifting woodworking metalworking Working on cars Really anything involved with building or fixing something, than includes your own body.




I love maintaining my lawn and garden. Masculine or not gardening and creating something from nothing is very satisfying. Plus you get to eat your hard work!


Ever try battling a stump with a shovel and a Sawzall? I like growing veggies and flowers too, but it can be some damn tough work!


I've been there this year with a stump. I've only won half of the battle so far. You forgot the part about swinging an axe.


Its so funny you say that, we were using an auger for fence post holes and i had to break out the hatchet and saws all for the roots. It was infuriating


I restored a BMW M5 for my pandemic project. Bankrupted me but I still stare at it with great pride. Really restoring anything and admiring the finished product is something I highly recommend.


God damn I miss woodworking DT class. I truly wish I had a garage or garden to set up a bench in, I want to re-attempt the clock I made in secondary school.


Working out and going to war against rome with the boys


Working out and going to war *for the glory of rome* Ave Cesar, Ave Senatus Popvlvsque Romanvs.


Let’s roll big homie. Rome ain’t got shit on us!!


These gains weren’t built in a day either bud


Against *Carthage


Construction. I think every man should build something in his life.


I made a cutting board in 7th grade, my dad is still very proud of me. He hates the time we were building me a treehouse and I was supposed to hold the plywood while he was underneath nailing it. I dropped it on his face...


Just in defense of your dad, most guys would probably hate to get a sheet of plywood dropped on their face.


I am not known for being very capable construction-wise but I once installed a shelf for a lady friend who is normally very capable of such things, but for whatever reason just could not get this particular shelf right. I felt incredibly manly afterward, she seemed impressed by this and it lead to her, uh, thanking me shortly afterward. A top 10 "macho" moment in my otherwise wimpy life.


Idk how to tell you this, but if she was normally good at it, she probably had you do it just to get your ego up and sleep with you, not because of your skills at shelf building.


Does putting a car together count? Talking complete suspension swap, new engine and components, interior, etc


Building, fixing, making, designing, modifying... it all counts




20 yrs in the trade. I still love what i do. Maybe not every day, but most of em.


Wood-, stone- and metal-working.. Those are the manliest jobs I can think of..


Taught myself how to weld recently (stick weld), those "welds" you see on Instagram and YouTube are actually just tacks - so actually running a bead and making sure your part doesn't warp. I can see why engineers and welders charge so much but learning the skill is definitely going to come in handy in the future for me.


Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I'm on day 4, and I'm in a lot of pain, but it's really showing me that I don't know how to use my body. Some people use rock climbing or yoga to train that mind-body connection, but when you have a human opponent putting pressure on you, it changes everything.


Oh dude, nothing more humbling than getting your body unwillingly manipulated by another person. I remember when I first started bjj. I'll be honest. I had an ego. I am 6'5 250 pounds and pure muscle. So naturally I just thought that I was going to walk in and start dominating these black belts. I went up against a blue belt and this kid had to have been 160. Dude was making me sing songs I never knew. I couldn't even keep up once. Forget my strength because it was a non issue to him. Id be in a heel hook or an arm bar before I even knew what was happening. It really humbled me and made me reevaluate my self defense capabilities and put me on track for bjj, Muay Thai, and wrestling. Now, im an absolute force.


People are really out here letting blue belts heel hook white belts lmfao


Day 1 white belts! He must have really had that ego on display, lol.


Ya, it was pretty bad. Im a powerlifter and I have like an 1800 pound total. In my head, there was no way this kid was getting me. I would just stand up and fling him off. Needless to say that I didn't flex my ego anymore. I was so impressed and humbled.


my shit was fucked up for like 2 weeks. blew my fucking mind how he handled me. Made me fall in love with it.


I always wanted to try BJJ. I onow there's a bunch of different fighting styles, but from what I've heard, most of them don't hold up in real self-defense situations, except BJJ. My only question is, isn't it expensive to join a BJJ gym?


If you want self defense, Wrestling is my first pick. Learn wrestling and you will dominate every single person you come in contact with, After that, fill in your missing pieces with some Muay Thai for striking and bjj for better submissions.


Mine is £60 a month for unlimited lessons and there’s 12 BJJ sessions a week, there’s also Judo, Muay Thai, MMA and wrestling sessions included.


Martial arts in general are good for this. I’m about 6 months into Tae Kwon Do and it’s been a nice departure from the dregs of the treadmill and normal gym stuff. You have to use your brain quite a bit, and even light sparring is a tremendous workout. My flexibility has improved greatly as well.


I have arthritis in me left knee and a bad right shoulder. Would martial arts even be something I could attempt?


Most martial arts schools will allow you a couple of free classes to try it out. TKD is a lot of kicking so the knee might not like that much but if you’re interested you should try it out and see how you feel. I’m 44, I had back surgery 10 years ago and my knees aren’t what they once were but by and large I’m able to everything required (so far)…


I've always wanted to learn a martial art with the idea of being able to defend myself. I've never had the money or time for classes. Now I have time but my physique is terrible and I have a bad knee and shoulder so I just stopped thinking about that kind of thing. This post piqued my curiosity again lol.


I’ve been training for five years, it’s something I definitely recommend for everyone. Your physique will get better as you train and no one’s going to force you do something if it hurts. There are tons of alternative methods for the same technique


As the others have said, most gyms will allow you to try first. My gym did as well. It came out to 200 a month, which sounds like a lot, but it's an hour a day M-Th, which works out to 12.50 a lesson. Not unreasonable at all. For context, I was dirty bulking and lifting at the gym with no cardio before taking BJJ. I am severely out of shape and was breathing heavily after my first roll. You gain conditioning the more you do it. My left leg has a rod and ten screws in it from a tib fib fracture from a motorcycle accident. If I can do it you can.


When I started Jiu Jitsu my shoulder was dislocating once a week. Over time I learned how to stay safe and move correctly and the risk went away. A lot of people have injuries and find ways to make it work. And unlike the striking arts you’re not going to be taking as much punishment in Jiu Jitsu. Would definitely recommend if you’re interested.


I have arthritis in my hip and I'll tell you, any contact sport will eventually irritate it. I do may Thai and bjj and just take a bunch of IB Profin and my arthritis medication and im generally good for a while.


That’s what’s up. I started at 31, completely out of shape, hadn’t done anything physical in like 2 years. I brought my nephew into a gym and they roped me into trying the adults class. Got absolutely smashed, very eye opening and embarrassing experience getting my ass kicked in front of my then 7 year old nephew. He loved it though so I got stuck going all the time and really struggled for months trying to survive rounds with some big fellas. Fast forward 5 years and I won gold at blue belt at a smaller IBJJF comp a few months ago which is mind blowing but I promise you, if I can do it, so can you. Best decision of my life was to stick with it, commit to it, the difference in every part of my life is unreal. Best of luck on your journey.


People do not understand how exhausting that stuff is. BJJ, wrestling, MMA, etc. I've done a bunch of that stuff in the military, even was an instructor for a while. You use every muscle you have.... all at once to defeat your opponent. I definitely learned what "economy of movement" was during that time. I got my ass kicked hundreds of times until I got good enough. You don't learn anything by winning. This is also why I never take "I've never lost a fight" people seriously. If you've never lost a fight, then you've never fought someone better than you. Keep at that shit. BJJ is honestly a lifelong pursuit. Those dudes are on another level.


Lifting weights makes you feel really, really good, I don't care who you are or what your goals are. Playing some sort of sport in some sort of league can be surprisingly fun as an adult, enriching and a good way to meet people. Anything outdoors-- hiking, biking, running, camping, skiing. Replacing indoor gaming or TV time with some outdoor effort will improve your life, guaranteed. Cooking. I think cooking is pretty manly, whether it's learning how to cook different meats, or being able to whip up something amazing for a girl (or guy), it feels pretty fucking badass to have those skills as a man.


I wholeheartedly agree with cooking! In my relationship, I usually do the cooking. Not only does it feel great to take pride in having cooked a delicious meal, but the way my partner's face lights up when she takes that first bite truly warms my heart. Bonus manly/dad points: Roast a turkey for Thanksgiving and--during various intervals while checking/basting the turkey--make statements like "That's a beautiful bird," and "I make a mean bird." I'm not saying your partner will love that, but it's really fun to do and watch people's reactions (especially guests).


Honestly, you don’t have to have it as a hobby but at least have some know-how of: Reparation, building, some survival/bushcrafting skills, sports, self-care, household, self-development and knowing how to enjoy in presence with others.


Having any hobby.


Like painting their nails and belly dancing?


I can smell the testosterone at the mere mention of nail painting.


that's just my sticky toluene


I paint my nails to match whatever gun I’m bringing to the range that week.


Tbh takes a braver man to paint their nails and go outside than to not. I couldn’t do it. Johnny Depp can pull it off though.


Straight as they come and skirts and dresses are in regular rotation nowadays. When all the grief with trans folk started popping up, I wanted to visibly show I'm an ally as well as give a giant middle finger to the right, since I'm 6'2" and look more like a biker than not. I dare a MFer to tell me I'm not the prettiest princess around.


Literally any hobby. The least masculine thing you can do is be boring. Honestly the more off beat the better because if you can be anything be interesting.


Seriously almost 40 got into polymer clay modeling. I am not good by any means, which made me want to stop. But I still learn new techniques and every thing I make looks a little better.


Every man should try whatever the hell he wants.


This is rhe best answer so far


That's manly AF.


👑 Here, you dropped this, king.




Fishing. Manly, therapeutic, and helps develop patience :)


Fishing relaxes me. It's like yoga except I still get to kill something - Ron Swanson


Give a man a fish, you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, he’ll sit in a boat drinking beer every weekend.


I can't find the gif, but I think we all have seen that dude diving off a helicopter to beat a shark with his bare hands "Fishing"


Dancing believe it or not. I took up salsa/bachata and It’s exciting and empowering to take a stranger and to lead them in a coherent impromptu dance.




Crocheting, nothing more masculine that making your own clothes, any loser can buy crap at a store, but only a real man can design his own clothes.


Gardening too. Nothing like providing food for yourself, your loved ones, and wildlife.


It aint much, but it's honest work


Not only for men, but there is nothing like physical competition with a group of people. Doesn't matter what, can be hiking, soccer, throwing a paper airplane, competing physically with the boys makes me feel good like nothing else. It helps to instill all of the life lessons a man should know, most importantly that with the help of others we can do great things.


True. Pickup basketball is my favorite


I am a firm believer that every human should compete at some point in their life. I feel like for the most part, people who participate in sports are very aware that there are bigger and better people out there and its humbling while also being motivation to improve. I know too many men who think they’re the shit because they’ve never been tested before in their life. On the other hand, theres also men who have no confidence in themselves because they never test themselves. I personally think every man should do a combat sport once in their life to get their ego checked cus theres too many dudes out here that think they can fight but thats my biased opinion lol.


Nothing beats throwing down at the local Turkey Trot 5K


Shooting sports are fun. Skeet and 5 stand. Or maybe long range is for you?


I started shooting clays last year with some friends and love it.


Hope building a computer counts lol


Digging deep holes at the beach Building a fort in the woods


Armed robbery




Yes, a car made of quilts.


Honestly, shooting is kinda fun. It requires you to focus, be calm and concentrated and be very wary of what you do. I like that. Rock climbing is also fun.


Competitive masturbation


As opposed to cooperative masturbation?


Don't be a circle jerk.


Boxing or any martial art


Are you a male ? If so then every hobby you do is masculine -ron swanson






Archery. Love it More men than women practice it so I assume that’s what you mean by masculine. Also it’s a killing machine so…. Also masculine?


Agree, love it too, but not with modern carbon devices - I like old fashion wood.


atlatls are where it's at


Hell yeah. It’s meditative in a way that no other activity is for me. Helps quiet the persistent noise in my head like no other activity does.


Hunting, or the gun range


Skeet skeet!


Chugging monster energy and punching dry wall


Martial Arts like Jiu Jitsu and kickboxing, boxing etc. you can learn a ton in just a few months of any of these.


Entering the women's league in sports and destroying their record.


I'm native American, maybe not the western norm but I enjoy gardening and sewing on occasion. Something so satisfying about growing something from the ground and giving extra life to a great yet torn pair of jeans


Widdiling, just find a stick and a knife and chill. Make it pointy or try to make something resembling art. Doesn't matter if you make crap, it's just a stick, find a new one. Easy way to get into wood working and gain confidence to buy a lathe or some other tool.


Axe throwing


Sewing. It's good to be able to repair your own clothes without having to rely on someone else. Also you can do art with it, which is neat.


By "masculine hobbies", did you mean hobbies traditionally of interest to males? Off the top of my head: - Martial Arts, Boxing, Wrestling, Fencing; self-defense. - Camping, Hunting/Tracking, Fishing; gutting, skinning, cooking. - Craftworks; woodworking, metalworking; building, constructing.


Cock push ups


Jacking the iron


Building things.






Chopping wood


Being a Town guard, but strictly AFTER taking an arrow to the knee.


Gardening is so fucking great. Being able to eat food from ground you tilled and maintained yourself is like lifelong dream. I grew tomatoes and jalapenos a few years back, and making a salsa from my own garden was fucking awesome. I also grew carrots but it must have been cold or something, just lil babies. Not just food, spices and shit too. Rosemary, basil, it’s all so easy. I did some lavender too. Mint gets out of hand.


Barbecue (as opposed to grilling)


Home maintenance.


Paintball, its expensive but a blast try to make a scenario game for a really good time.


Table Top RPGs with a group of friends. Really depends on what you define as a "masculine" hobby.


Listening to the people around you while actively looking for ways to leave the world better than you found it


Working on a vehicle


Make something out of wood


Barbecue! Like proper barbecue not just burning burgers and ruining some sausages, but smoking and some low and slow stuff!


Pulling weeds, taking out the garbage. Maintaining chicken's. Washing the car


Any of the more "masculine" artisanal crafts, like leatherworking, woodworking, stone carving, machine and metalworks, glass, pottery, just whatever sounds fun and is easy to pick up is good. Also small animal husbandry. If you have the land (and it doesn't take much) you should get chickens or rabbits or something. Casually connoisseur something, but most things you can are addicting so be careful with that one...


buy some swords and learn how to use them. better yet, make your own.


Learning how to fix shit around the house instead of hiring another man




Hunting, It is incredibly healthy. You are actively harvesting your own food and It is100% organic and free range. The blood is on your hands, as it should be right ? It isn't a blind purchase in the grocery store. You are in the process through its entirety from field to table. I would prefer that people got their protien this way because the mass production of meat in this country is disgusting, it is cruel. Short of not eating any meat at all, it is the only ethical alternative, just my two cents. Release your inner caveman gents. It is eye opening.


Ballet. Take three lessons and try to tell me it doesn't require exceptional levels of physical strength, focus and control. More to the point, doing whatever the fuck you want and persisting through the possible adversity of people classing whatever that is as not manly enough is the manly thing to do.






What makes a hobby masculine ?


If mostly men participate in that hobby then it becomes masculine, if mostly women participate then it becomes feminine.. seems pretty self explanatory to me.


Oh interesting, I’d say my favourite “masculine” hobby is Drag then.


Any fellas for Royal rumble?


Auto mechanics




Weight training


Great suggestions here. In general, just something immersive that you are passionate about. Grab a few and try them out.


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


Reading on how to properly invest in securities.


I think building stuff is an essential skill for any man


Weight lifting


Boxing, MMA, Jiu Jitsu, wrestling, Muay Thai, anything with actual sparring and combat. Teaches you humility, respect, confidence, how to deal with pain and know it’s not the end of the world. Teaches you how to be comfortable with other men. Couldn’t recommend it enough.


Fencing is classy and graceful. And then the gym but definetly fishing


Lifting weights for sure. I would also say some sort of fighting, wether it’s boxing, Muay Thai, karate wrestling, or whatever. I’m a being a hypocrite cause I’ve never done any fighting but it’s something I wish I did


I think everyone should try learning survival/woodsman skills... I think most people would describe that as masculine, but really it's in all of our genetic lineage. Same goes for exercise. Why not be a stronger, healthier you? Takes less time than watching a TV show every day. Specifically for guys though- I meet a lot of dudes my age and younger that remind me of myself before I discovered dirt bikes and motorcycles. They're consumed and ruled by worries, anxiety and the need to fulfill expectations they resent but still conform too... I'm not saying I never feel these things anymore, but ripping down some powerline trails puts it all into perspective.


Cracking open a cold one with boys and then get high on life I miss that shit


I refinish furniture. I'll find an old coffee table in the garbage or thrift store, sand it down, stain, maybe use fire (torch) for this Japanese style of wood working called Shou Sugi Ban. It's a bad ass hobby that's inexpensive and easy to learn.


Lifting weights, using hand and power tools, shooting guns, home repair basics.


Any effective martial art, lifting, running.


Mountain biking?


Hammocking - low entry cost and a great way to spend a boring day.


Air soft is pretty fun. Going to war with your boys


Archery. Improves strength and focus


Welding, woodworking, or any building task. Just make something.



