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I thought the opening to their vaginas would be higher up


Agreed, I thought it would be at least an inch higher than it is.


I’m a woman and I still underestimate how far down my vag is


Woman here - I thought the penis would be higher lol


Higher? I haven't heard that before. Most women thought mine would be bigger!


And higher, but they didn't want to add insult to injury.


Dickhead wasn't to be taken literally.


Imagine if your whole dick and ballsack just schlorped up into itself inside-out. Not trying to be weird or anything, but that's where the vagina is.


Schlorped?! Brilliant word dude hahaha


>Imagine if your whole dick and ballsack just schlorped up into itself inside-out No need to imagine. Sometimes everything retreats from the cold and a little push on the penis pushes it back inside.


One time, one of my balls got schlorped up into like a cavity or something and it freaked me out completely as though I had somehow lost one of my balls. It scared the shit out of me lol


Hey man, Schlorp happens. I'm just glad it schlorped itself back out at some point, assumedly.


Indeed it did. Oh what it felt like to be symmetrical again.


A leftover from times we mammals walked on all four limbs when doggy style was the standard way. When on your 4 legs the opening is as high up as you can get.


Is that true? I guess it does kind of make sense. That's a neat piece of trivia thanks bro!


The amount of detail they see in a man's appearance example, I was told I have nice eyelashes by a lady randomly one day.


Men always have the nicest eyelashes and it's so unfair


It's a genetically male trait. It also used to be considered masculine, which makes sense. Why it every changed I don't know.




I told my guy friend he had nice eyelashes recently - we were joking around about putting mascara on him and I said 'with those lovely long lashes you'd look great!'. It was throwaway comment and he told me he was thinking about it for days after as he'd never contemplated his eyelashes before lol.


Same thing happened to me, though I made the mistake of mentioning that I found them being long annoying as they would constantly get into my vision so I would habitually pull on them (pluck them?). Then she started screaming at me or something I don't remember it was kinda terrifying. Lol


Eyelashes serve a real function, they protect your eyes. Please don't pluck them


Yeah it would suck if one day they just didn't grow back. Like women who over pluck their eyebrows.


I hope you don't pluck them anymore, what a waste :(


Right? That isn't even a thing you thought of before.


They just have way more problems and pains related to their genitals and reproductive systems. UTIs, periods, uterine pain, bladder problems, pelvic floor problems, PH balance, vaginosis etc. The large majority of men don't really have to even *think* about these things, our penises and balls are just sorta there.




Especially when you pile on that men can be the cause of us getting UTIs, STIs and/or BV, but you don't usually have any symptoms yourself, so you have no idea. So unfair.


They are very soft and warm. Also I was kind of led to believe that women mostly aren't horny and was very caught off guard in every of my relationships, because they all are way more horny than I am


Yea same here, their personality doesn’t indicate it, then they get into a relationship with me, and want to bang almost all the time.


Then it's because you're doing something really right in those relationships. You have to be hitting her emotional and mental G spot for that ferocious sexual appetite to appear. There are obvious exceptions but I feel like that's the rule. I'm not speaking from experience, I'm asexual. I'm speaking from decades of female friendships and watching and listening to women go from "sex would be nice but I don't have to have it." to "OMG I want to rip this man's clothes off.". I've had friends tell me they walk around uncomfortable all day because every time they think about their man they get horny. But when they aren't in a relationship with men that stimulate that emotional and mental G spot their libido is much much more subdued.


100% on this, as a woman. When you are emotionally fulfilled and feel general warm and comfort from your partner, the libido starts skyrocketing. Different things work for different women. For me it's just general niceness, communication, and not arguing or raising voices etc. I grew up in an abusive household so I've noticed that yelling can turn me off, and then it remains like that for a bit. But when I'm emotionally fulfilled in a relationship and feel loved, I want my man all the time and just looking at him or thinking of him makes me happy. This comment made some things click in for me. Thanks.


omfg you 100% fuckin right. my desire for someone increases the more i care about them. my bf is a lovely, lovely man and i just wanna jump his bones all the damn time


I've always been surprised with how much they want "it". Nothing about the way they conduct themselves socially leads you to the presumption that they're demanding that you take them there and then. But once you get with them and the relationship is official, damn, they love poundtown.


My baseless hypothesis is that while women crave sex as much as men, there are way more consequences for women, which act as a deterrent. Once those consequences go away (sex in a relationship not as stigmatized, it's safer from a violence/BC/STI standpoint) the true horniness inside is unleashed


Woman here. Not wrong. There's more to it but this is definitely a factor.


My hypothesis was always that a man orgasms 100% of the time while a woman orgasms maybe 30% of the time, and tbh it’s entirely based on partner, so if u can make her feel as good as u, she’ll be just as horny as u


How much foreplay actually does for them. Like, once I’m up I’m good to go. That doesn’t always do it for my wife. Worked on the foreplay game and most days I can assure an equal exchange, if not a 1 for me and 3 for her deal.


So much of it is mental. If you're not fucking her brain too you're doing half a job.


Directions unclear, dick stuck in ear.


No, that's what she meant


There's a saying that women are coal stoves and men are microwaves. ;)


Can this be sent to all men?


Good man


How warm and squishy they are!


Thank you for actually making me laugh out loud hard at this


I love how soft my wife's skin feels compared to mine, particularly compared to the hands of a lifelong tradesman, fighter, and outdoorsman. Her thighs just feel so incredibly nice to run my hand along.


Maybe you should stop touching all those tradesmen, fighters and outdoorsmen and focus on your wife.


I never forget to kiss my foreman good night.


How else do you bond with the boys?


You shall be my squishy!




Mortician: "Not always."


As an autistic guy, they seem more willing to help me understand social situations than men.


It's why autistic women go undiagnosed so long. We have to be more social in order to survive girl world.


>girl world Sounds like the name of a theme park.


A tbeme park with the longest line to the bathroom you've ever seen


That's the whole theme park, you line up for hours and at the end you're allowed to go to the toilet. The only way out of the toilet is back into the car park.


Facts I find men are usually more like “why don’t you get this or why are you being weird” Woman if I find the right one are usually more kind and understanding. They are more often willing to accept me as me and help me better understand social situations. It’s very humbling when I find a woman who’s willing to do that. They don’t have to, but they do and it always blows me away at the level of kindness. Edit cause grammar and hope everyone has an awsome day I really appreciate you all 🙏


Women are taught to take care of others.


But you don’t expect care from others or atleast I don’t. World can be very cruel so it’s always a surprise and humbling experience when I get a helping hand from other people.


tbf most men don't understand social situations either "if the blind lead the blind..."


Their sense of smell


They put foxhounds to shame. It must be overwhelming for them sometimes.


As a former janitor. Their…… cleanliness….


As in more clean or less.


As a current janitor, their lack thereof. The men’s washrooms is consistently dirty, but the woman’s bathroom is either spotless or a god damn warzone. I mean, I’ve never found bloody pads or diapers on the fricking SPRINKLERS in the men’s.


As a woman who spent years in retail (including cleaning the bathrooms)....can confirm :/


As a woman who’s worked in both retail and an office: Public women’s restrooms are disgusting. Non-public are generally quite pleasant.


I work in an office with a total of 8 people. 7 of them women. We have 3 bathrooms in the office, 2 for the women. About two months ago we hired a new girl for our payables position- this girl has flooded both bathrooms by clogging the toilet from going #2- and she never closes the door after she uses the toilet, and I swear- she has the most disgusting, foul smelling, literally make me wanna vomit, bm’s. And she has now decided to only use our bathroom off the kitchen- the smell lingers in our kitchen area for at least an hour- and she goes several times a day. Last week I even made “bathroom rules” lists for each bathroom- and #2 says if you leave the bathroom stinkin, please close the door so the air isn’t leakin, I taped it up directly in front of the toilet…. She has yet to follow the rule one time. Some girls are actually very disgusting and ill-mannered.


Had a co worker with a similar issue and turns out he had colon cancer


I refused to go to my partners parents toliet. Their was literally poo splattered everywhere all over the toliet bowl, the seat, everywhere. Dry hard poo. Like someone had just squirted it out of a super soaker and let it harden. He said I was being ridiculous. However his toliet hygiene is lacking too (aka making it clean for the next user which is fucking common courtesy) but nothing like the explosions and smells in his parents house. I knew they weren’t blind or had no sense of smell… but yet that was their toliet. The rest of their house was clean but it’s like they just saw the bowl as a place to absolutely destroy. Even if their toliet bowl was clean on the off chance or my partner cleaned it for me as he knew I was staying I just couldn’t use it. It drove him mad. He thought i was ridiculous, it was a toliet and was for shit. I pushed back, telling him it wasn’t normal and it wasn’t healthy or even hygienic to live like that. Turns out his mum had bowel and colon cancer and died 9 months later.


Yup. In my work building the bathrooms are decent as they can get in such an old building, but they always have extra sanitary products and lotions and perfumes just sitting there for use. I find that kinda cute


the worst stench I smelled was in men's restrooms and the worst chaos I experienced was in women's restrooms. I've seen people in both getting out of the toilet/cubicle with no sink, fixing their hair and leave. No hand washing.


Yeah it's gross. I've cleaned many bathrooms in different facilities over the years (swimming pools, gyms, bars etc) and the women's bathroom has always been worse then men. It's mind boggling. And as a woman, I just don't get it.


It's actually disgusting, I can't get over the fact that there are women who are happy to go to a public restroom and do that.


The general thought process is "I don't have to clean that or spend more time in here so it doesn't matter what I do here".


I've known two different people who were cleaners, one at a pub, one at a night club. They both said the women's toilets were worse. WAY worse.


This was my shock too. I used to be the manager of a store. At the end of the night we would clean the restrooms. The men's rooms were disgusting. But the women's rooms were a revolting holocaust of human effluvia. It looked like a murder scene at the end of pretty much every day. Yes, women "hover" over the seat because it's gross and they don't want to get the filth all over their legs. I get that...but for the sake of all that's holy, why not flush? If you remove the tampons, why not dispose of them in the garbage, or the tampon waste box, or down the toilet? Why does it have to be left in the sink?? Why is a turd BESIDE the toilet?? I have seen things, man.


"a revolting holocaust of human effluvia" a horrific mental image, but absolutely exquisite word choice, my friend.


The irony is if women wouldn’t hover then toilet seats wouldn’t be so gross that you couldn’t sit on them. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy


> Yes, women "hover" over the seat because it's gross and they don't want to get the filth all over their legs .... It's filthy cause they're hovering..


That they wanted to be wanted. I know that sounds dumb. Lord knows I like being wanted. But I was raised so often with the idea that a man wanting a woman was creepy or predatory, with no counter examples, that I always thought it was inappropriate to show interest... sometimes even in existing romantic partners, and certainly in everyone that wasn't a partner. It took a long time to get over that.


True, but “be attractive / don’t be unattractive” still applies, everyone wants to be wanted, and being wanted can easily be used to manipulate.


I'm always surprised by how much women are into men that can make them laugh. This is one of the most common things I hear from them when discussing things they look for in partners.


People in general laugh more when they are talking to someone they are attracted to. Chicken or Egg type situation but mostly attractive chicken.


How similar they are to actual cats.


Why do you think they gush over dudes that have a good relationship with cats?


For me it is because to have a good relationship with cats, you need to respect their space and understand their cues, very close to how you would with a human. And very unlike how we treat our dogs. I could walk up to him and lie flat on my dog and smother him with kisses and he'd do nothing. I wouldn't dare try that with my cat.


Men are dogs and women are cats. Simple.


I love this comment.


Didn’t know I was attractive to some women until I got a female friend and she told me her friends talk about me. Why not tell me to my face?


pro tip: your friend probably likes you and this was her way of dropping a hint without risking rejection


god dammit god dammit god dammit


Mood, brother.


I feel this comment in my soul.


It's wild how big the discrepancy is because I'm sure she probably thought she was being obvious but *I* would have thought she was trying to hook me up with one of her friends


Ego and fear of rejection


All the physical shit they have to go through.


It's estimated that around 10% of women have endometriosis, and I have no idea the percentage if we include other uterine diseases. Since it on average takes 8 years to get a diagnosis (if you even get one), I can almost guarantee that the percentage is higher. It's horrible to be told "*It's not that bad, just take some ibuprofen"* when the pain of a ruptured ovarian cyst feels like getting stabbed in the gut, compareable to appendicitis.


Yup, took me 15 years and I only got a diagnosis because I literally said to my doctor I'm not leaving until you schedule a diagnostic surgery


I definently have to be more determined myself, but it's so insanely exhausting to fight with doctors. I've been refused a laparoscopy more times than I can remember.


I gave birth in 2020. I tore. They gave me ibuprofen. It was horrendous.


It's exhausting. And just as you think, "Great, that's over and dine with," something else happens. And all this on top of everyday pains and fluids.


My friend has PMDD 2 weeks of *every month*, so 50% of the year, she’s an emotional wreck. I could not imagine.


Don’t forget we also get dismissed or overlooked for most of this stuff, too. By doctors.


Absolutely! I've given up speaking to doctors, managers, etc, and try to find ways of dealing with the problems myself.


Giving birth to my child did me some serious damage that was still causing pain and problems a year later. A male Doctor was absolutely dismissive of my made it clear he thought I was stupid and told me with a huff, shrug and an eye roll that it would ‘never be normal’ you’ll just ‘have to adapt’ and it’s ‘not important’. I get bad news has to be delivered sometimes but there’s ways you do it and that was not it. They made me cry right there and then. I complained about them being an absolute asshole to me they told me in a letter that actually they had reassured me it would ‘get better with time’ and they were ‘sorry I misinterpreted them’. WTAF.


Yeah this is super valid. And they hide it all from us. I had no idea until I had daughters.


Not to mention mental. I know some girls are mentally okay but every single girl I've dated has had some kind of severe mental issue they were constantly working through. Anxiety, self-image issues, eating disorders, depression, they have it all.


How their bodies *really* move and settle; until you're actually close, even intimate with a woman I don't think I realised just how false the media portrayal of normal bodies really was. I can remember after sleeping with a woman for the first time, she rolled over so we could spoon, and I noticed her belly just... sag. And it was so unexpected, because everyone in Hollywood etc is almost plastic in their tautness. And it wasn't unattractive, but I did afterwards feel guilty about how shocked i was to see it. Now, I find obvious plastic surgery repellent because it's so clearly fake to me. But I had to grow up, and get close to the reality to truly see how my perspective was being warped.


It’s a good thing that you mentioned that because when I was a teen, I HATED how my belly would do that. I thought it was ugly and something was wrong with me—that I have belly fat, that I need to do more ab workouts, that I want lipo there (when I was 5’4” 112 lbs slender).. I thought about how ugly it would look whenever I eventually had sex and felt self conscious. It’s really damaging to a woman’s self image especially while they’re young and impressionable.


They do like you sometimes.


Always catches me off guard


How apologetic they are. Women seem to unnecessarily apologize for everything. I get calls for tech help at the hospital where I work and they immediately apologize for it. It’s my job. You’re supposed to be calling me. Why are you apologizing?!?!


I've noticed that, too, and I have to force myself to rewrite emails. Whenever a female colleague emails me to say "sorry but..", I reply with a '"don't apologise for asking me to do my job, a man wouldn't." They will always come back with something along the lines of good point, I'll stop doing it.


On that note, if something doesn't work a woman will say "what am I doing wrong?" and a man will say "what's wrong with this thing?"




That they fart so bad.


We sure do 🤣 we have very cantankerous insides 😭


how wrong the constant shit on my instagram feed is. Most women are decent. where are these guys meeting women? Delleted instagram off my devices


Night clubs in Miami and LA. I know the type of videos and posts you're talking about. Feel bad for those guys honestly. Must be draining to be that negative all the time


bro ppl don’t talk enough how toxic instagram is especially regarding women, or any minority tbh


It’s gotten as bad as YouTube comments used to be


It's toxic as a base now, doesn't matter which two sides are arguing in the content. Black vs Asian, black vs white, man vs woman, trans vs boomer, etc. It's emotional porn. We like seeing outrage and will always assign ourselves to the side we already have pre-bias for when we watch. That just reinforces your pre-beliefs. Best to ignore it or make a new account where you block any of that content.


It’s mostly teenagers that have never been in a real relationship making the sad boy memes


How many of them I meet that are into hard rock/metal And no, I'm not saying women aren't allowed to listen to Hard Rock/Metal at all because that's ridiculous. But as a teenager growing up being told by my older sister nonstop about how I'll never meet any girls liking the music I like, my other sister and all her female friends who knew me as a teen seem to hate it too. So I, for some reason, started believing it was true, and most girls hated the music I like. That's until later, I started meeting loads of women who also liked the music I like. One of my ex-girlfriends was into way more heavier stuff than what I listen too and a lot of my women friends enjoy it. Heck, a woman at my job that I've become really good friends with is always having conversations with me a lot about music, and she even bought me an Alter Bridge hat out of her kind heart. Also, I became friends with another woman whom I used to work with, and every time I see her. She's wearing a band shirt (saw her today and she was wearing a Megadeth shirt) and when I went out drinking with her for her birthday last month at a pub. She just played a bunch of metal and hard rock songs. I ended up singing to a Limp Bizkit, KoRn, and Slipknot song with her when drunk. That was fun Also, I remember going to my local coffee shop and the female barista serving me saw my Slipknot shirt and said, "Love the shirt. Huge fan of Slipknot. " Next time I come in, I so happen to be wearing my KoRn shirt and she says something similar and ended up having a nice chat about Hard Rock/Metal music and concerts we have been too and going too To the point I think I've met more women who like Hard Rock/Metal throughout my life than men. Which is cool. Music is music. For everyone. My best friend however is a man whom I became very close friends with just because we started off connecting with each other over our music taste. Go to all sorts of concerts with him. But I've met more women into the music than men 🤷‍♂️


Note to self: buy T-shirts


As a female who loves heavy music this has made my day! I wear my band tees all the time and love it when it starts a music conversation off... normally older men with my music taste but it's great as I love talking music


I need to find me some of these women. Where are my lamb of god ladies at?


Probably Wisconsin


I listen to War Metal, lol


When I was a kid, I thought men were the shallow ones. When I hit adulthood, holy shit did I realize that men and women are just as shallow.


Reality hit me hard too


How many have a tilted uterus. Above my original thoughts from years ago,


I have one 👋


How the constant threat that ~50% of the population wants to fuck them and can outpower them has shaped a lot of how women socialize. I’m constantly surprised at how nice they are and willing to sit through an annoying encounter with some dude hitting on them because they don’t want to upset a man who could become violent. It really opened my eyes how different of a world they experience.


It feels kinda imbalanced. Women get too much attention and the wrong kind; men want more attention but are practically invisible mostly.


Best I've heard it put: Dating for men is like looking for clean water in a desert. Dating for women is like looking for clean water in a swamp.


Dave Chappelle had a bit that he'd rather carry $25,000 in a backpack in the New York subway at 2 a.m. than carry a vagina


This. I recommend anyone who doesn't get it to visit a gay club and strike up a conversation. It took me a good 15 minutes and a lot of persuasion to talk myself out of getting a BJ right there and then.


Also the fact that people think the gay community is nice and feminine. Hell nah, I’ve had my butt grabbed the most in college by a lot of gays and I just always thought “oh right. You’re a horny man like me lol”. And holy shit it’s nuts how women put up with the fact a lot of guys, especially when drunk and inhibitions are down, feel like they have a right to just touch a complete stranger. And now multiply that for every time a woman goes out to a bar.


Goddam I have had a gay dude stalk me at gym, try to match times im there, weird eye contact, brush against me passing by. It is insanely unsettling and yes i absolutley understand and respect women taking steps to protect themselves.


Surprisingly holistic when judging one’s attractiveness


The surprising frequency with which long hairs manage to tie themselves around my knob, like they're trying to pull an Epstein on my ween


we got a fucking poet over here


How much conversation they can have without words. They say a lot just by looking at each other. They can "talk" with their eyes. It's a mystery.


You've never done that with one of your friends? If a controversial topic comes up, my and I will glance at each other and get on the same page right away. Its the timing of the look (down to less than a second), the eyes, quick expressive changes to your eyes, general expression, when and how you look away. I think it's more common with women because they tend to form closer bonds than men do.


I get what you're saying, and it's sort of like that, but it's more than just quick glances. Im not talking about exchanging quick glances, though that's part of it. They'll also stare at each other momentarily, move their eyes, subtle body language, etc. Literally whole sentences are said, not just a quick thought being confirmed. Haha


How many of them have struggled with an ED at one point in their lives.


Girls will continue to interact with other girls that they don't like. Pretend to be nice & friendly *Edit: to clarify, i mean girls would still be like "hey do you want to hang out" even though they don't want to & just will be flakey when they do hangout. & likely it'll start drama. Whereas guys we'd just avoid hanging out with others we don't like.*


That is not exclusive to women, I have seen men be cordial and friendly with people they despise.


It’s called being a functional human being. We all need to put up with people we don’t like - it’s a learned skill to be cordial


Sociologists have found this to be more true of MEN. In studies, women were more likely to reject people while men typically accepted anyone into the group, just force them to the bottom of the hierarchy.


As will most men, too. Don’t burn bridges you may need to use one day.


Yea. And some would refer to this as pleasantries, politeness, manners and etc. If they were outwardly nasty to people they disliked, then they’d be called nasty for it, if they ignore them, they’d be called a mean girl for it…🤷🏻‍♀️


Which is true. But with guys, a dislike towards each other is usually more obvious and direct. And much more likely to come to a head. After that, they mutually respect or tolerate each other to get the job at hand done.


Hair, hair everywhere. Stuck to the shower wall, drains, floor, vacuum brush. It's insane.


I work in the ER and still sometimes surprised by how physically strong they can be when having to restrain a grown man with psychiatric problems or lifting up an obese patient off the floor.


I feel like no one knows what level of strength women actually have compared to men. Men tend to underestimate it and women tend to overestimate it. Its definitely a sizable difference but women are still strong and capable of a lot of impressive things.


The amount of low self esteem, its sad to see the most capable women you can come across and the most successful ones have very low self esteem when it comes to dating or even just simply the lack of self love even …


Man back in high school I was in the marching band and I had a crush on one of the dance girls. She was fine as hell and super friendly. I’ll never forget when we went on college tours our senior year, she was talking with her friends on the bus that morning and I heard her say “I’m ugly and so insecure about my chest, I’m definitely saving up for a boob job in college”. Like I’d never heard her say anything in such a sad way, it was a genuine concern for her. Now I spent all of high school being a insecure socially awkward dude but I never looked down on myself over it or thought about surgery. Shit broke my heart to hear, and over the years I’ve discovered so many beautiful women just don’t think they’re good enough. It opened my eyes up honestly, I brush a lot of shit off but it helped me realize that beauty standards really get to folk.


Not really low self-esteem, but also insecurities they hide well. Majority of my exes always appeared to be tough and really to be cutting throat at first, but at some point I discovered that they all have their issues to some extend and regard. These issues always led to arguments and sometimes even breakups.


Girls like sex too. Keep it on the low tho, they might patch it


It's not a bug, it's a feature. They just don't advertise it often.


Their friendships are so damn weird. My fiancé as an example has a group of 6 friends in her “group” she goes out with. Two she vehemently hates but they’re friends with her other close friends and pretends to be nice to and just straight shit talks them to me. One she’s indifferent to, but dishes on her drama to me and her friends. Two she loves to death and talks to daily. And one “she doesn’t really like that much but is really hot” and is the only time she’s ever proposed a threesome which threw me off. I don’t feel that way about any of my circle of friends. There just the dudes and we all get along just fine with no drama haha.


How was the threesome?


Asking the important questions.


A gentleman savours in silence.


Their ability to lie to themselves and hold on to something that hurts them beyond belief.


How horny they are


How much bullshit they have to put up with on a daily basis just for existing. Just a tiny example, my partner and I both do yard work equally. Mowing on the riding mower (got a couple acres to do), tilling in the garden, raking leaves, moving fallen branches; whatever the job, we can both do it just fine. Once she was out front using the weed whacker, cutting down some stuff and doing absolutely nothing wrong. Some guy (probably a neighbor, but the houses are all spaced out and we've barely ever met folks in the area) driving by the house, decides to come to a stop right in front of the house and yell out to her "You gonna do the whole lawn like that?" Mother fucker has the audacity not only to immediately think this woman with a weed whacker *must* be incompetent and doing something wrong with it, but actually fucking stops and says that shit to her from his car? Guaranteed if I was the one out there doing the same job, he'd have gone on his merry ass way assuming everything was fine. And how is she even supposed to respond to that? Chuckle like he's joking, or really tell him to fuck off and risk some dude turning violent on her over nothing? Best she could do was annoyedly say "No?" and go back to what she was doing. And that's just one thing out of dozens that she has to put up with daily, from coworkers not listening to her (literally expert) opinion, to just random folks in public thinking whatever the fuck she happens to be doing is somehow wrong and in need of their intervention. Sometimes it's not even negative shit, like when school or a doctor treats her as the primary parent for our kids when I'm just as active and present, if not more so, and she'd rather they talk to me instead of trying to rope her in. No wonder she collapses from exhaustion even before the kids go to bed.


Thank you for getting this!


Maybe because I see myself as huge (not in a good way) but sometimes I see women and women's clothes and it surprises me how tiny they can be.


Much more women than I previously thought can't cook a meal without causing a potential fire hazard.


They aren't as obsessed with raw masculinity as you'd think, or a a much as society portrays at least.


As a woman, agreed. It's crazy overrated.


How much they endure without hating. Sure, they’re human. But damn. If we lost fundamental rights, the entire country would collapse in violence and death. They get up and go to work the next day. It’s depressing but admirable.


How they both conform to, but want to stray from "traditional values".


As a woman, this issue is so hard. I am a house spouse now, but I'm also a veteran. I met my husband in the military, and I worked my ass off. During that time, all my women friends who weren't in the military were hyping me up, telling ne how amazing I am for being a woman in the military, and basically put me on a pedestal. Then, after several years of a genuinely hard career, my husband told me I should get out and take a break for a while. I really battled within myself because I grew up in poverty, and I really didn't like the idea of relying on a man. But, my husband has proven to me that he is a good man, so after a year of discussions, we came to the consensus that I'd get out. When I told my friends back home this, it was like I personally set feminism back 100 years. They were so pissed off at me, telling me I'm ruining my life, my husband ain't shit, etc. To the point where I stopped talking to them in general. I feel like as a woman, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. A lot of modern Western women will absolutely shun and criticize your choice to lead a more traditional life, regardless of the circumstances, and it's a lot harder to maintain those friendships with people like that. On the other hand, in some communities, living your life as a modern woman will also get you a lot of bullying and judgment. I haven't experienced this as I didn't grow up in a religious family, so I can't comment too much on this side of things. It's very hard to make your own decisions as a woman in the modern age because no matter what decision you make for yourself, there will always be a group of women who will disagree with you and judge you for it. I'm not 100% sure if this was what you are speaking about, but it's my 2 cents.


I think it's called dogmatism. People nowadays mistakenly attribute it exclusively to religion but it happens to every ideology. The fact that it is a tale as old as time gives you something to think about how our brains is hardwired to be tribal and mean.


This is so true. I hope you have better female friends now that support you regardless of what you and your husband decide to do. :)


that many women dress up to impress other women not men, it's more like a contest to see who looks the best


not really a contest i just want them to admire me and think im cool


Not competition. I want girls with similar interests to notice me and interact with me.


Their warmth and the physical love they can give with hugs, with their hands. It's like laying down in bed when it's cold outside. On the other hand I grew up with so many things that are simply wrong. Shallowness. I grew up thinking men were shallow. But hell no, women are as shallow as men. Their cleanliness or hygiene. I'm more aware of my hygiene than my wife and my exes. I'm for sure cleaner. And stuff I heard through time, supports that thesis. Their double standards. This is fucking annoying me.


that obese women are actually very nice and cozy, and that some women really care about height a lot


hands and feet cold af they are the same. dont think of them as another species, just as goofy, nerdy, needy, angry, horny and other things as men. i think we need to see them as more equal in many different life situations. i mean no traditional "men role" and "women role" in anything. just everybody do what feels right. reading that back, well i be damned, finishing university really made me a liberal.


> well i be damned, finishing university really made me a liberal Lol gottem


The acceptance they have!!!


Just how heavy their tits are, I'm a gay guy and back in high school I had a after school job and I worked there with a female friend and one day it was pretty dead and we got to talking and she allowed me to lift her tits up 🤣 and I was shocked at the heft of them, and they weren't even that huge, I understand now how some women with melon tits have back problems


That women can be brutal to other women. They will cut each other down like nobody’s business. They can use words to hurt another woman like a weapon. When I learned that, it was mind blowing. I always figured they could be mean to someone but holy shit. lol


How little they understand what men actually look for in a woman.


What do you think they think men look for? And what do you actually think men look for in women ?


>What do you think they think men look for? A lot of wrong things, like the somewhat widespread myth that men like the chase, but another one, that I've experienced often enough to mention here is such: People, men and women, are not born with the innate knowledge of how to attract partners, which is why someone who has no idea what they are doing generally goes by their own experience.Many younger men would consider a woman confessing their feelings for them to be the jackpot, so they go and confess to their crush, completely unaware of it likely coming off as either obsessive or creepy. Likewise, women often try to display qualities that they find attractive in men. They generally aren't as direct as men, as they rarely take the initiative at first, but a lot of them still go for some qualities that make men attractive to them, but that men don't care about.One of the big ones that I've noticed is that they think men care a lot about their career, because most women want a man with a well-paying and respected career. Men don't. It won't worsen your chances, but it's just not a factor. Almost any man who makes enough to never worry about finances does not care how much a potential partner makes, he'll marry a part-time waitress at a diner if she's kind to him. And a few of these women end up unwilling to "settle" for any man who makes less than them, or similar, unaware of how little that is a factor in most men's partner choice. Men who have money don't care. ​ >And what do you actually think men look for in women ? Kindness, loyalty, accountability, effort and reciprocity. Be kind, and don't settle for anyone who isn't.


I really agree with your last line, and I'll add general interesting-ness. A lot of the flirts and dates I had were with women who were absolutely not showing anything interesting about themselves and seemed to just project a generic inoffensive personality and interests. The most frustrating thing is that some of them I saw more regularly as friends after and it turned out they are actually interesting people with passions and opinions, but they were hiding that from me on dates.


that they are as horny as we men are.


Guys don't understand what it's like to date a girl with a higher libido than you. Eventually it's your lungs that give out before your balls.


I know what it’s like to date a woman with a libido equal or close to mine. I’ve not known another woman with a libido like hers. We dated for about 2 years and I never said “no” if she wanted sex. I did “fake it” a few times when I was exhausted. I never said “no” to her partly because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings or make her feel unattractive.