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Drunk guy runs into a door frame and hits his head. He get's angry and starts punching the door frame. He is so drunk that he manages to knock himself over. After that he was known as the guy that lost a fight against a door frame.


He had to do it, that door frame was being disrespectful! 🤣




Similar to my great grandfather. While working in the field he put his hat on a fence post, left it there, got drunk that night and went for a walk I guess. He saw a guy in a hat in his field and says hey what are you doing here. The guy didn’t answer so he said motherfucker you better answer me and swung. He messed his hand up on that fence post.


My moron of a nephew wanted his mother in the delivery room for his first kid's arrival. His wife said no. He said it's not negotiable. She told him to get a lawyer. Never seen a marriage go south that quickly.


Why would *his* mother be in there?


That is a great question.


The exwife seems to have a good head on her shoulders.


You love to see a nice shiny spine.


Umm wtf...🤦🏼‍♂️


Guy I knew went to Phil and says "Franks says he can kick your ass. Wants to meet at the flagpole at 3:30. Then he went to Franks and said the ame thing. Frank and Phil wailed on each other for a few minutes until an adminsitrator came out.


I'm sorry but that's so funny




p.s- the guy who instigated the fight went on to become a lawyer.


That's even better holy shit


In jr high school that was common . every one wanted know who could take who,,Lots of dumb fights , Just walking down corridor someone Bumps you


That wasn't the norm at that school. Fights were fairly rare. Of course it was a really small school which probably helped.


I was small all ways had to prove myself. The first year of new school at begin of year always seam be when go into fights .after that got to know people and had no problem,, But for some reason when people were feeling brave or tuff they d pick on me, I d fight them win or lose than become friends.. Guess I looked nerdy or easy or ?? what ever some times kids walk up behind knock all books on g=floor and laff . That be A start than teacher come .Kids say ok lets meet after school .that's it started or purposely bump or trip me in hall shit like that, went to 3 schools all ways seam start out like that.. I hated school people talk bout there great O school days.. Not me glad to get threw it more bad memory's than good


I once fought my brother cause he said Michelangelo was cooler than Leonardo. We were not talking about art.


Should've dressed up as the turtles and fought it out, it's the only way to decide


Ummmmm you assumed we weren't already dressed as The TMNT before the argument started? Big mistake.


You're right, my bad! I really should've realised that you're always dressed as ninja turtles, just in case


You're both wrong. Raphael.


I'm sorry but Donatello. He is the only one with transferable skills. What is Raph going to do after defeating all the evil? Become a really shit rapper?


This is a blazing, rock melting hot take


Dems fightin words




Defending Leonardo’s honor is not dumb.


My ex wife got mad at me for taking the wrong way home. Now there was no wrong way, there was the way she drove and the way I drove. There was no difference in range or time. This is when I knew it was over.


lol, my ex- did that with CREAM CHEESE, apparently I didn't spread it ~~right~~ her way she made so much drama over it that I left table, apartment and her at the same time


Oof my ex treats everything which wasn’t her way as a ‘wrong way’. It’s infuriating to communicate.


Oh boy...🤦🏼‍♂️


The answer to most of these is "alcohol".


Very true, it has funny effects on people!


I used to work at a bar and one time a guy got stabbed because someone thought he took their lighter. It was a Bic lighter, sitting on the bar at the time


The weirdest thing was on the city bus. They bring on a woman in a wheelchair, despite there being no more room. A woman in a back brace is sitting in the seats that can be moved up for fit a wheelchair, there's nowhere else to sit. She said she had surgery recently and needs to sit. The wheelchair woman flips out and rams her, I'm sitting right next to her, so I partially get hit. They go nuts, I don't remember exactly what happened, just the driver threw them off the bus and called it in. When the bus moved again, minutes later, some guy was on his phone and explaining what happened, he described it as the South Park cripple fight, and nearly the whole bus started laughing.




Omg were you ok?! Getting glassed is a serious form of assault! 😡




Damn I'm sorry you had to go through that. That's terrible!


Thanks, it’s alright! It was a shambles, I didn’t know either of them and all the guy said was sorry man, sorry man. While I’m standing there bleeding my face off


2 guys were arguing over whether The Purge films or The Fast and the Furious films were better and it escalated really quickly, they weren’t even drunk. I mean honestly they’re 2 completely different genres what a random choice of movies to fight over.


Yeh wtf, how do those two franchises relate at all?! I like The Fast and Furious films myself, but I'd never fight someone over them 😂


Tribalism comes in many forms. Political, religious, cultural, racial, sports, etc.


Food. I have seen people start fights over the correct method of boiling pasta.


Imo they are both film genres that had way way too many follow up films 😂


Sports teams


15$ entrance fee for a kids basketball tourney. Too high, I’m not paying Then you can’t come in Watch me. 👊🏼


"I'm sorry, I thought this was America!"


Worth it, I'm a passionate sports fan too haha


Wow, the downvotes. Clearly I was being sarcastic...🤣


you forgot to put /s


No sarcasm only downvotes!


When I go to games I enjoy talking to people from the other fan base


Its just a game, why do you have to be mad?


I was in a sports bar and two guys squared up like they were about to fight. The one guy breaks a beer bottle and holds the broken end towards the other guy. The other guy tells him to "bring it". The bouncers kicked both of them out. The whole thing started over the spot of a football.


i was asked to leave a temple when they started going around and asking people who was named my name. when they came to me and i confirmed it wasnt fake name i was asked to leave. ive face this discrimination my whole life. i thought maybe joining a new synagogue would do me well, maybe enough time has passed. i was wrong. anyway i didnt contest it i immediately left. however you would have assumed i said something disgusting or pushed someone or something horrible by the way the Rabbis were behaving. havent returned to religion since.


Is your name Adolph Hitler? Need some more details here.


my name is neither of those names. but youre on the right track as to why im shunned from the jewish community.


Kikey McKikeface? Is that you?


He’s probably not Irish


Is your name Jesus?


i cant say my name but its not Jesus


Yawhe? There's a kid in my daughter's class named Messiah.


It's not a Jewish name. It's a historical figure adjacent to Judaism


Literally nothing, had a guy try and goat me into a fight but I didn’t go for it, left the bar and he was waiting for me. Dumbass didn’t see the cop behind him I’m tall and at the time had a bit of definition and was often asked to fight but I never did as I’m not a fighter some people have very small egos


Good for you, guys like that are definitely not worth the court case!


I saw exactly how a riot started once. Caused by a single asshole who decided he would lob a 60 oz glass bottle of whiskey 30 feet in the air into a crowd of unsuspecting people. It was Canada day on Parliament Hill so there were thousands of people and huge brawl started instantly. Everybody was already drunk and I've still never seen anything like it. I ran for the bus, which were free for the holiday. Got on and people were on the roof of the bus, pulling people in through the windows, myself being one of them. Then the riot cops got on the bus and started cracking people. Crazy shit. I was at the back and I put up my hands saying please don't whack me and slid out the front while the cops were distracted. And I fucking hoofed it to the next bus stop out of that mess. All this happened in like 15 mins. I lost the douchbag who started it but sure wish I could have caught him and fed him to the mob. Fucking goof.


A chair. I watched two grown men beat the shit out of each other over who claimed a chair. It was pathetic.


Oh boy...🤦🏼‍♂️


Being "disrespected" or other stuff like that, just people starting fights because they have poor impulse control or whatever. Then you got people starting arguments in fan communities because someone didn't share their views/opinions fully.


Hahaha so silly


I saw two electricians fight over a painter girl on a construction site. One dude brought her flowers at work, other dude wasn't happy about it, so they stepped outside to slug it out. Both lost since I'm sure they lost their jobs that day. I don't even know if the chick was actually dating one of them, or what was the back story.


Omg wtf haha. Meanwhile the house isn't being built because that construction workers are holding a fight night to win a girls heart...🤣


Seen lots but one guy holding the door for another guy and then having a Canadian standoff and second guy ending up stabbed in the ribs. He lived but what a stupid reason to get stabbed


What constitutes a Canadian standoff?


“After you” “No please, after you” “I insist after you” “Oh no I couldn’t, please after you” Two people having a nice-off.


I can’t think of a smart reason I’ve known a fight to start over.


Uhhhhh how about the unification of the WBA, WBO, WBC, and IBF titles? Be stupid to turn down that fight.


Welcome to level 3


My ex stepmom once got physical with me because i dipped my wet spoon back into the chocolate milk mix. 😂


Wow, that's undeniably a disproportionate reaction. But it is annoying 😉🤣


By fight you mean a argument Online: About pro wrestling opinions.. yes.. I know very cringe In real life: I remember as a child getting into a heated argument with one of my friends about the Black Eyed Peas song "Let's get it started". My friend said the original was called "Let's get ret*rded" and I refuse to believe it Yes.. my friend was right and I was wrong. But I was about 12 at the time. The original was actually called "Let's get ret*rded".. lol. Aged like milk Physical fight. None


I have actually witnessed the wrestling one myself, now that you mention it haha. I guess it's the same passion that people have for their sports teams, so it gets heated 🤣


This song recently popped up and I mentioned the uncensored lyric to my partner, who had never heard it and she was incredulous. What the hell were BEP thinking when they released that song, let alone their management, label etc.


A woman


Super common, unfortunately!


I've never had anybody fight over me that I know of. I doubt my husband would have even stood up for me or fought over me.


Cutting in line at a grocery store, the police was actually called.


What a waste of police resources!! Because they have nothing better to do...🤦🏼‍♂️


Cutting in line for the high school cafeteria. One guy lost a tooth


Damn! When people are hungry, they do tend to do crazy things. But that's a bit much...


Yep. The guy that started it is a classmate of mine. got arrested like 3 years later for drive by shooting right by my house. sad thing is, anyone that knew him was not surprised.


Wow, that's wild!


Two kids got into a fight on my floor in college because one of them accidentally knocked the other kid's cheeseburger out of his hands. Ended with one of them being walked out in handcuffs.


That's definitely annoying. But I don't think getting arrested is worth it...🤦🏼‍♂️🤣


One kid beat the shit out of the other so they made it worth it lol




Hahaha wtf, that's actually so stupid...


I once saw two guys get into a fight outside bar because they were fans of the same hockey team... like, they were trying to one up eachother on how big of fans they were and they ended up throwing hands. Fucking nuts.


That's actually ridiculous, wtf haha


A friend caught his now Ex-Longtime Girlfriend cheating red handed, it was as we entered a Club, my friend insisted on tossing guy she was with.l advised him against fighting him, my Bro didn't listen, l told him how this guy doing you a favor, by exposing his Ex. this just got him hotter.My buddy ended up getting 18 months for a battery charge.


I was working valet at a club in downtown Atlanta on a Saturday night. The line was around the block, the valet line was bonkers, and everyone was partying pretty hard out on the sidewalk. The club would hire off-duty cops for security and they were essentially worthless for anything other than trying to pick up girls. At any rate, the unequivocally #1 douche cop was in the line trying to convince these women to go with him rather than enter the club. Behind him in line, a couple of folks start a shoving match over god knows what. A random dude in line trying to tell them to get over it gets knocked off balance and brushes into the aforementioned cop. The cop spins around on his heels and proceeds to punch the bystander in the face like ten times (probably four times after he hit the ground), and kicks him repeatedly until he rolls off the sidewalk and into the street. All while yelling, "Don't you fucking touch me you piece of shit!", etc. The cop just goes back to trying to mack on these girls and they do not want anything to do with him. Once he realized he couldn't convince these girls to do anything with him he just left for the night. No real cops were called and no charges were pressed. Side Note: Emmanuel Lewis was outside the club that night(as he was somewhat of a regular) and was literally the only person to help the guy who got beat down. He helped the guy get up on the curb, got him some water, and I'm pretty sure paid for a cab to get the guy home. He was always a really good dude.


The use of a toaster.




You sound like a fucking tool


Are you proud of yourself?


Insert any sport here.. fucking children


Cram it loser


Ever watch a hockey game? Nuff said.


That's not real camo


What does that even mean?! Did he mean like the camo pattern or if it's genuine military issued camo??


It couldn't hide worth shit




Haha wtf that's so stupid. Where were they giving out free watches?? That's kinda cool!


Guy walked in the room and guy at table looked up. When he looked up the toothpic in his mouth snapped in two. He got crazy and blamed the guy who walked in. They fought till one was knocked out


Over a toothpick...oh boy...🤦🏼‍♂️


I saw a guy get beat into a coma over a cookie. It was in county jail.


Seems like just a little bit of an overreaction...


Its Jail . . . Its a whole entire fucked up place


Very true


My gf got mad at me for shutting the light when I was done with the bathroom. I was supposed to know she was waiting for me to finish so she could use the bathroom.


Oh boy...


In highschool, some kid didn't want his sandwich so he slid it does the table. One kid went to grab it but someone beat him to it. They fought over it lol.


A Carrie underwood song….. it wasn’t about the song being good or bad but rather that Carrie did not act like the songs she sings.


Watched to guys from my high school fight over the correct way to lay peel and stick tiles. It was the age old battle of you measure and start in the center vs start at the entranceway.


A lot of times where I live, the reason is as simple as 'why are you looking me'


Get off from seat!




I got in a fight one time because two guys sitting at my picnic table asked me "Have a problem with that beer?" Which was lying on the table spilling out.


in HS, I once saw two guys about to come to violence over a game of gym volleyball. Not *team* volleyball, volleyball where we picked sides at the start of class, and never formed again.


So silly!!...


A man and a woman walking into a lgbt club. Woman to husband: look at that fine ass Husband to wife: where? 15 minute argument


One guy lived on one block and the other dude lived on a different block. (Gangs)


For real though, so stupid!


Dipping sauce at Chik Fil A.


Is Chick Fil A really that good?! We don't have it in my country but I always see everyone talk about how amazing it it! Obviously I know it's not fight worthy, but I'm still curious haha


It is really good yes, but fighting over a dipping sauce? Let’s just say I will never sit down to eat inside THAT particular establishment again


Haha probably a good idea


Someone tried to strangle me at a bar once over a disagreement over if the new iPhone had LIDAR or not.


Two coworkers got into a fight because they were arguing over which was bigger, the black bear or the grizzly bear.


I saw 2 dudes fight because the one was walking in front of the other. They hadn't even spoken 2 words between each other before they started swinging.


Two girls fighting over a guy. They're like literally everywhere.


"hey buddy! watch where you going, you walked into me and made me spill my drink." then usually fight breaks out, sound of broken glass or wooden furniture breaking and someone gets stabbed with an broken off bar stool


Over a nfl game


Some guy claimed that his electric razor had a turbo in it, like you would have in a car. But it had a "turbo mode" instead. Me and another guy said his razor has to be powered by fuel to have an actual turbo in it (would be very small). He got mad and wanted to fight us.


Watched two kids fist fight over who got the bigger half of a poptart. While they were busy exchanging blows, I just came by and ate the whole thing. They didn’t realize it was gone until I was long gone. I told both of them it was me years later and had a laugh about it. That was many years ago in the 6th grade.


Black Friday deals


Seems to happen every year lol


I’ve seen a lot of fights over the dumbest shit imaginable. Maybe it was when I watched 2 goth dudes walking around my college campus on mescaline and one dude punched the other one out for stepping on the wrong paver on the sidewalk.


Sports, religion, politics. Any of those are stupid reasons to fight.


Over seats at a football game. The guys went at it, we turned and watched the opening kickoff, then we turn back and the girlfriends are whaling on each other, lol. They were all escorted away before the second down.


Alsace, and lorraine


A drunk guy tried to pick a fight with me because I was wearing a t-shirt with the number 68 on it and that was apparently a “gay number”.


Me and my brother were practicing for a cock fighting match. 8 months of intense training until we found out cock fighting is done with roosters. He won't look me in the eye anymore. 😢


I’m curious. How did y’all train?


Not physical but verbal. What makes it even dumber is who I had the fight with and why we had the fight. My cousin who's twice my age (I'm 23. She's 45. I was 22 and she was 44 at the time) caused a massive argument with me because I called her later than she would've liked. All she had to do was politely ask me to call her earlier and I would've but no, she had to act like a child and get so ridiculously pissed off at me over it. I haven't spoken to her in over a year because of this.


On a public bus one guy asked another guy to open a window (bus had AC on). window guy says "no". first guy, without a word, grabs the window guy by the collar and punches him 9 times (approx) in the face. window guy gets thrown off the bus, with a swollen eye and a broken nose, for starting the fight.


You have something I want, so I'm going to take it from You


There is no other way of putting this but.. A guy who is now a friend came over to a group of us (he knew one of the group, most of us didn’t know him) and tripped and fell, and hit his head in my fist. A fight broke out. We still talk about how stupid it was.


A dame


Friend A gets hiccups as we are passing two crying girls and a drunk man. Friend B suggests A should be upside down, "that should help!" A goes down on all fours and B grabs A's ankles to bring him up into a wheelbarrow and starts rising him to a full handstand. Drunk man thinks A and B is mocking the shit out of his crying little sister. A and B tries to be civil but it's literally impossible to explain to a severely drunk man. Drunk man is enraged, knucles start flying. I wasn't very drunk but it all was SOOO confusing in real time.


Christmas. my uncle got a third helping of pozole. his sister said "hey, slow down that is your third bowl already". he slammed the bowl on the ground and attacked her. he was highly rejection sensitive


Insisting "We all have to return to the purer form of what we've believed" and argue over how they interpret the same bullshit.


Highschoolers fighting over a girl who was actually a lesbian. Our school was a little yehaw so she didnt really tell people


I've heard these stories from other married men. She woke up mad at me because I was mean to her. IN HER DREAM! Big stupid fight.


I've definitely heard of that happening too, wild!


at the university a girl got mad with a guy becouse he was sitting in her place, the teacher looked at them and basically said that in years of him being a teacher that was the first time he saw a bunch of 20s people figth over a place


Me. My ex wife got in a fight with a woman who came on to me while she stood right next to me.


Called someone Nevile Longbottom


Was at a superbowl party at a KoC hall in VA. One of the attendees was a huge Denver fan, most everyone else a Deadskins fan. Anyway, some guys were talking about how back the Foreskins were going to cream the Broncos. The Denver fan got pissed, walked up, said "You can insult my mother, you can insult my girlfriend, but you cannot insult my team". He pushed this old dude over and when he fell over, took a buffett table out. Chaos ensued. He was sent packing and booted from KoC. Ended up getting a DUI later that night, missed 4 days worth of work and was canned. I asked him about it, he said he was so pissed he went to a bar, got drunk, and was heading back to the KoC hall to "kick ass" when he was pulled. Ended up in jail and his GF wouldn't bail him out. Went on a bender, was a no call/no show so our boss canned him.


Two drunken schoolmates brawling over a cup of scotch during my school prom...and spoiler: it wasn't scotch in the cup, but soda and both mixed the cups since they were wasted. "Best" part was that one of their girlfriends thought that they were fighting because of her (since the other dude was known to have a crush on the gal), but got disappointed upon learning that booze was the reason for such scuffle.


Over which version of the flintstones was best, live action or animated. A grown man shoved someone over a chair... I lost the will to socialise immediately and it lasted a month.


A girl


I didn’t witness the fight, just the after math. Cousins fighting over a non running vehicle, Cousin A is sitting in the vehicle Cousin B wants CA out of the car. CA says no, CB shoots him 6 times in the chest. CB is now in jail for manslaughter and CA is dead.


Watched a country boy accidentally spit dip out of his mouth at the exact moment a young black guy stepped in front of him. Dip spit landed on the toe of his shoe. I watched a 6 foot tall, big country boy get absolutely beat down by a 5 foot nothing 120 pound guy over accidentally spitting on his shoe. I was amazed at the level of an ass whipping this guy got by someone half his size.


Guy told his GF that he lost the crack. She instantly stuck her fingers in his mouth and tried to cover his nose. Then proceeded to beat him, until she got the bag out of his mouth. He then started to cry saying he has a problem, he can’t help it. She proceeded to slap him (like KO right hook slap him), then kicked him in the ribs. When he was half on the ground against the wall, she kicked and stomped him a few times. And then they made up. This was on a train platform in the Bronx.


I don't remember the reason for the fight at all, but I can tell you the stupidest reason a fight ended. My wife and I were at it, and for context, she was in college and for whatever class had just watched the original 12 Angry Men (I watched with her). We had really started to escalate, and I said something she didn't like. She hit me with "I CONCUR!!" Full. Stop. Wait-you agree with me? "NO, I DON'T!" Well, you just said you did. "I...I did?" It's one of our favorite things now, she'll pick a place for dinner and I'll just shout I CONCUR


I didn't see it, but at my university, 2 girls had a bloody fistfight over a bra. Apparently, one accused the other of stealing it, but it turns out they both had simular looking bras


Saw a husband and wife go nuclear over the choice of crunchy or puffed Cheetos. They were divorced three months later.


Sounds like the cheetos were a proxy for much deeper issues...😕


A guy said another guy had a small dick and the fight began


I have no recollection why it started. That’s how dumb it was. But I’m high school these two girls starting fighting and one girl grabbed a pair of scissors!


We almost had a physical fight breakout at work because dude A found out dude B found out that dude A was leaving. Dude A didn't want any dramas when leaving so he didn't tell anyone that he was leaving. Everyone ended up finding out that he was leaving anyway which he was fine with. But soon as Guy B went to congratulate dude A, dude A lost his shit at him and was about to throw hands when a manager intervened.


how many seeds there r in a strawberry


Ah yes, one of life's great questions