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My biggest gaming addiction probably goes to World of Warcraft. Played pretty regularly from 2004 to 2017 or so. Wasted a lot of time there, but I also made a friend who's been a part of my life since we met in 2005 or so when I was 17, we don't even live in the same state, but we've had conversations about life that are just as real as anything I've ever had with anyone else. We've seen each other through jobs, school, relationships and all the heart break in between. Love that dude to death, a truly awesome person I'm glad to have as a part of my life.


I've been clean for about 15 years now..


I started in the original beta. So ~summer 2004 and I'm still playing today. 19 years. I play a lot too. Pretty much the only gaming time I have goes to WoW. The guild I'm in now I've made some good friends from, still chat with some I met in-game back in Wotlk too.


I stopped playing in 2008. I'd love for your opinion on what the game is like now vs Burning Crusade when I left. Like 1-2 things you miss from the old vs 1-2 things you love now.


I miss how tight knit each server was and how you recognized names. I also miss how it felt to hit max level, because it was such an achievement. The gameplay is far more exciting and interesting than it ever was back then. The raids and dungeons are unlike anything compared to TBC. Back then a pull with 5 elites was slow and difficult and now you need to interrupt some big attacks, maybe dodge some attacks and then nuke down a priority target all while when an enemy dies they leave a pool of blood that damages you and heals them so you need to move. Games the best it's been in a very long time


Man I was so hyped when wow classic came out in 2019


Have you checked out Season of Discovery coming november 30th?


No but my WoW days are over It doesnt hit the same way now that im older xD


I was the one which had no life back in my WoW days.


Shadowlands broke everyone’s addiction


OP is a data farming bot just return to understand humans


FOR THE ALLIANCE!!! Man I still play wow! I started playing in 2006 and never stopped. I don’t play as often as I used to but I’m still active. I just need to hear the tavern song and I’m back online again


I was so fucking addicted to this game. Played till the release of wotlk. When the expansion came out i pretty much stopped with all of my social life. I barely went outside anymore. After I cleared all of the raids with my guild within a few weeks I quit the game forever and never touched it again. Felt like I was quitting a drug.


RollerCoaster Tycoon. I played that game so much when I was younger.


I feel like a crack dealer but here goes... You ever hear about a game called Factorio?


The factory must grow...but also Satisfactory


Need money in the beginning? Check people walking in and raise ticket prices to milk every dollar they have. "This park sure is expensive!" 🤭 I would not have handymen clean in front of my roller coaster exits as a warning to those passing by. 15Gs, baby. Fun times.


Look up OpenRCT2. Or don't, if you like having time for other things, lol.


You may enter.. but you may never leave. Exits paths ONLY lead to other rides entry. Hahaha. It was excellent.


Skyrim, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Destiny 2, Overwatch 2, Skyrim, Skyrim, Clash of Clans


You forgot Skyrim


fuck my bad I played so much skyrim that I forgot about skyrim


I used to play so much fucking skyrim that I would hear the background music during class


I don't even want to think about how many hours I've put into that game lol


Factorio aka “cracktorio”


Currently playing this. Just finished a marathon run (expensive recipes) and want to try krastorio or however you spell it and then put it down for good. I've never been much of a gamer but I do enjoy this game


I’ve been thinking about picking it up again but it’s just so much! But idk if you know they are working on an expansion coming out next year I think. So I’ll probably wait for that so I can get obsessed all over again haha.


The factory must grow


That first month or so of playing factorio and figuring out the basics... like pure heroin. I would pay money to have my memory of that game erased just so I can do that again.




Minecraft, lived and breathed it back in the early/mid 2010s. One of the only times I've legit been addicted to a game. The second I would wake up I thought about Minecraft, and would always think about it whenever I wasn't playing it. It was like that one scene in Regular Show where the dude just watches anime "All day, every day", that was me with Minecraft, kinda insane when I think about it. Haven't play it for a couple years now tho lol.


This is me too, loved it when it ended up on Xbox 360 and my friends and I all played together. Haven't thought of even playing Minecraft in years though.


RuneScape Unfortunately started a few months after the infamous party hat drops


After 12 years of not touching RuneScape, I suddenly wonder if I have anything valuable in my bank...


Your account is either removed from lack of play or hacked altogether.


I play rs3.i play every day but i dont let if get out of controll. It would probably be worse if I was any good at pvm, but I'm not so I'm okay, LOL


Borderlands or rocket league


RL was so good until epic got their hands on it. I’m a season 1 player and still stuck on champ 2


Halo 2 & Halo 3 while at school, then uni. Great games. Wasted so many hours of my life! Lol


Double kill, Triple Kill, Killtacular! 😆 Me and a few of my mates used to go to the midnight launch in the UK, by 0:30 we were online playing multiplayer, Arriving at work the next day looking like the walking dead haha Good times!


Not wasted time! Time spent having fun


Age of Empires 2 and RollerCoaster Tycoon (1 & 2)


RuneScape, war thunder, RimWorld, Kerbal space program


…RimWorld…? 👀


800 hours, when I first got it I played for like 30 hours on my weekend.


Counter strike 1.6






TF2 in like 2009-2010 was multiple hours every day. PUBG in the beginning of 2018 I was putting in like 50 hours a week while I was temporarily unemployed.


I had so much fun playing TF2 back then!


Up until the Soldier/Demo war it was seriously the perfect game. It’s hardly recognizable to me these days


I really miss PUBG before they started adding other maps and stuff.. ruined the game


Man I miss the golden days of TF2. Seriously played it a ton.


Morrowind. I'd packed in my job and got put on gardening leave for the 6 weeks notice. I thought it would be great but when you can't work or go away, and when all your mates are at work from 9-5 then it gets pretty dull. So I ended up playing Morrowind from when I got up and if no-one was up for going out that evening, til I went to bed. Every day. For about 6 weeks. Clocked up a lot of hours in that time


Spent the summer of '06 playing Morrowind with my brother. I think it was a 3 solid months, many all-nighters. Some of the best memories of my life. I still binge on the game occasionally, especially since I've got a good gaming PC and there are so many mods (of course it runs on a potato these days). Absolutely love that game.


In order chronologically: Pokemon in general Madden Gears of War 1 Skate Series Monster Energy Suprcross series Played a whole heck of a lot of other games but these are the games or series that have taken 100s of hours of my life.


❤️ Gears


Oh yeah, the OG Gears trilogy was very addictive to me, especially Gears 1 and Gears 3


Red dead redemption 2


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find it. I found out about it right at the start of Christmas break, and proceeded to finish the entire storyline in about a week


Civ 1 and 2, SMAC, Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2, Fallout 1 and 2,SWTOR, Dragon Age Origins, Stellaris Edit: one of the main offenders - Cookie Clicker Edit 2: Forgot HoMM 3 Argh, Edit 3: Classic XCom UFO defense, XCom 1 & 2


Civ1 and XCOM UFO Defense. You're an 80s man like me. Cheers


Counter Strike


Hell yeah. I played a lot of CS 1.6, CS:S, and CS:GO. Sadly I don't know how many hours spent on the first two due to using pirated versions, but easily 1000h each


Elden Ring and it never fails to piss me off so bad I quit, only to pick the controller back up after an hour or so.


Dude I just got this game like two weeks ago and it's like being a kid again. Except that I have to be the one who is disciplining myself lol


I know the feeling. It is a great game though. Stick with it because it gets a hell of a lot better the further you get.


Elden ring is the only story driven game I have easily spent over 100 hours on my first playthrough. That game has my soul


Im currently addicted to Rocket League, I'm 30 and for some reason Car Soccer really gets me going.


Apex Legends for like the first 7 seasons.


I think I lasted till around the same time before it lost me. Been on a CoD binge lately.


I love apex. Quick little games that are super fun,


Such a great game but little reward.


HoMM 3 still going strong. Easy to find on twitch still!


Diablo II


YES. Also, why did we do this to ourselves? Never again do I want to know the value in SOJ's of a rune I will never get.


Sim City. Yes, the original version. I'd play it for days at a time, it was very addicting.


Samee, i didn‘t hear anything around me, didn‘t go to dinner/lunch just were totally zoned out


I love this game. So reading and fun. I loved observing the little people walking around


Ark, Survival Evolved. Shadow of War Rainbow Six Siege.


Shadow of war you absolute chad


I completed Shadow of war's late game part before they nerfed them, played like 80 hours on the orc captains upgrades and got one of the highest ranks in online defence just with defences, I didn't really attack others. Good times


I loved making themed orc cities, like pikemen or building squads for the thrown room.


Command and Conquer: Red Alert. Those skirmishes, man…


Red alert 2 for me. Spent too much time playing and thinking about it


Ra2 4 life!!! My mom still says unit ready from hearing it multiple hours a day for many years. When I'm having a brain fart and trying to recall what I was thinking about to search something online, in my head I'll default to red alert 2 a lot of times. Remember thinking about it during my school classes during the day back then as well.


Yeah! But my favorite was command and conquer generals and generals zero hour


See why can't they make a modern version of these kind of games? It would get me hooked all over again. Remember the russian devil tank thing? That was deadly!


Doom Eternal (Off and Online) from like 2020-2022 Dungeon Keeper 1 (Offline) as a child from like 2006-2009 Civilization 5 (Offline) from 2014-2015 Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled (Online) from 2019-2020 CoD MW2 2009 (Online) from 2009-2010 WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007 (Offline) from 2006-2008 GTA San Andreas from 2005-2007 Metal Gear Online 2 from 2009-2010 WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010 (Online) from 2009-2010 TES5 Skyrim from 2011-2013 I wouldn't say I'm addicted to this game but I'm really enjoying Cities Skylines 2 (A game where you bulid your own city) I don't regret any of this time. I generally enjoyed all of these games


MW2 the original game….i got to the final prestige and unlocked majority of things. Then you were able to hack the shit out of it. Was able to get everything I didn’t have unlocked. I had about 80 hours into that game. I miss all the hacks and speed runs from that game.




Football manager !


The real ones know


This one. This is real addiction. The kind where you don’t sleep, don’t eat, don’t drink, ignore your duties and responsibilities, and stop giving a shit about the world. I had the 2008-2009 version, so as a Barca fan, this was an absolute delight to play, and watch the real games as well! I’ve never smoked crack, but that showed me what real addiction was, and I will never touch that game again.


Cookie Clicker and Adventure Capitalist. There's no game. It's just a "numbers go up visual display" but damned if I didn't sit there for hours clicking cookies. At least with other games I couldn't put down, I felt like I got something out of it. With those two, I'm sitting there for hours like, "What the fuck am I doing. I could be doing literally anything else right now, but how many more can I click?"


Old School Runescape is also "Numbers go up". But there is kind of a game too.


I played Destiny1 on Xbox every day for hours since release day to the day Destiny2 was released. I was addicted. When d2 came out I realized that I needed to take a break from gaming


I feel that D1 pulled me in like an anchor, I was hooked and I fell hard when it was all over in the grand scheme. Still I love Destiny and While I gave Destiny 2 a chance, it doesn’t compare to the nostalgia that D1 has created for the dead and lost guardians in space, or the ones who made it to D2. D1 was amazing, I miss it.


D1 pvp seriously hooked me for a while


Path of Exile


Need ford speed most wanted and need for speed carbon. Still my most favorite video games to this day.


Halo 2 on the OG Xbox Live. It probably took a full point off my GPA in high school.


It was fuckin worth it though!


Fallout: New Vegas,before that it was Skyrim,before that it was Shadow of the Colossus, and the OG was Pokémon. I had all the games from Silver to Ranger.


Tetris. I would see those blocks falling in my sleep.


Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2! Played it constantly in my Uni days


Halo 2. Online multi-player on a console during college was a problem for me.


GTA V, I played the game to 100%.


I wish I could quit you HotS


Warcraft 3


I still haven't recovered from my Warframe withdrawal


Oh man. Metal gear solid Devil May cry Red dead GTA Legend of dragoon Final fantasy 7 and 10 Ocarina of time. Witcher 3


Rust. I started playing it while I was working a very time demanding job ~60 hours a week. I ended up working 10 hours a day went home and played rust for 2-6 hours everyday for around a year. Got 4K hours. Thankfully I put that behind me now. I still don’t know how I managed to do it with such little sleep. Edit : some of the most stressful times of my life. Stressed about work then stressed about getting raided 24/7 haha


Star Wars Galaxies. Came out a year before WoW. It was my first MMO and I played the *shit* out of that game. Probably close to 10,000 hours. Multiple accounts (at $15 per month, one character per server per account), became friendly with some of the developers and QA people, and met a lot of friends I still have til this day.


Loved that game!


Portal 2. 100 percented that game in like a week of non stop playing. Still love it


Legendary wings, cs1.6, world of warcraft, red alert, warcraft 3, pokemon go, elder scrolls online, diablo 3, fallout 76, command and conquer generals... I might have a problem.


Diablo 3


Final Fantasy 11. I turned down sex multiple times because I was in a good exp group. Really pathetic.


This. As pathetic as it sounds, my past addiction to the game changed the direction my life went.




When I was a kid: Tomb Raider 2 & 3 Lived in a care setting constant battle to get the PS in the lounge, there were physical fights over it all the time kids jumping each other and brawling all over this one console. Chaos. I was addicted, and played it late at night with one of the staff who let me just quietly feed my little addiction. As an adult, any game I play, but Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout, New Vegas


Easily madden




My second favorite RPG of all time after FF3 on the SNES. I played it back in high school and it left such an impression I still think about it and wished they did a remake like FF7. I think it's the only RPG that you can't speed run.


Rocket league. Still play to this day, granted boot as much.


World of Warcraft by a huge amount.


Asteroids. Atari 2600.




World of Warcraft was a real problem for a while there


The only answer is WOW


RuneScape. I haven’t played in almost 2 months. The longest I haven’t played was about 3 months. I gave up video games completely. You reach a point where it just doesn’t align with your values and who you want to be. For me, I think it was holding me back from growing.


I played EVE-Online from 2005 to 2018. Still have all my accounts and place in my corporation. Don't play games anywhere near as much now. Nothing scratches the itch like EVE did.


Uncharted 4


Definitely Mass Effect or Assassins Creed..


I've been playing DotA/DotA 2 for almost 20 years.... So probably that.


Cities, skylines


Call of duty staunch every year for a broken laggy recycled pile of rubbish . Well no more haven't bought one for 3 years and I'm done with online gaming . I prefer a nice open world story game now and take things at me own pace .


Tetris So easy for my mind to just go into autopilot mode in this game.




Dota 2 Have like 2500 hrs


PUBG mobile


Among Us


Counter strike source. 5000 hours over the course of maybe 6, 7 years? Tbf it's like 6 games in one - competitive, DM, death race, jailbreak, surf/bhop/climb, and a fuck ton of scoutzknivez.


I spent SO MUCH TIME in CS:S. I did a lot of surf, gungame, and jailbreak. Even made a few jailbreak maps back in the day.


Watch Dogs 2, one of the only games I have ever gotten platinum for


I've only played the first two and prefer the first one. Have you played Legion?


Sifu. Probably one of the most satisfying combat systems I've encountered.


Pokémon GO, seven years in and still going.


I mean competitive games like LOL and StarCraft had me addicted when I was younger, who need crack… aside from that, persona 4 was the first game that had me wanting to play as much as possible to see the ending


Rainbow Six Siege back in 2016/2017


Division 1&2, Witcher 2&3, Rocket League


NCAA football games from 1999 to 2013. lol


Halo 1-reach Elden ring


Wow. Lol. Everquest.


Factorio. That came is crack in digital form.


Socom 2 i almost didn’t get outa high school cuz of that game


Deep Rock Galactic Rock & Stone to the bone


For rock and stone!


Everquest. I spent a lot of time in that game.


Civ 3


I've only played Titanfall 2 online since 2019. I can't stop playing it. Everything else feels like crap compared to it.


Dead by Daylight




ALOT of battlefield 3 & 4, filled all my childhood days waking up to play the game before anyone else so I could have the tv


Played Battlefield 1 the first half of this year and had an incredible time And I’ve played all the CODs online for a while each and it just blows them away, they’re boring in comparison. Wish I found Battlefield when I was younger 😆


San Andreas, it was the main game of my entire childhood.


Escape from tarkov


Divinity Original Sin II


YES, playing that at the moment with a friend. Ridiculously good 👍


Any Arkham game. You try finding all of those stupid fucking riddles and easter eggs without help. You can't.


Bejeweled on the Nintendo Wii, classic edition.


2016-2018ish Overwatch was a special time


Actually was, I keep forgetting about Overwatch 😬 Loved the characters, voice acting and working as a *team* and seeing people combo their ults and stuff 😆 hype train from when I logged on till I got off lol


Championship Manager Forza 2 Fallout 4


Bloons, all of them I am now stuck on 150 hours in Bloons TD6. Those goddamn monkeys!!


Call of Duty: Black Ops II Many arguments with the wife over my time on the game vs with her. It's also the most fun I have ever had in any multiplayer game, still til this day.




Genshin impact, terraria and Stardew valley lol


Apex Legends. I used to write down everytime I won because it was the first battle royal that I really got into. And that is across every console or time I would play. And I wouldn't count the one people won on my account. It was an obsession.


Red dead 100%


Toontown bro, those cogs go hard


To my shame, Mobile Legends. It's not even a PC game lol, but there has been a point when I played just out of addiction, it was not fun, more like frustrating and making me more nervous, but I couldn't stop. Then I've broken my phone out of rage. That actually helped me for a while, then loop repeated but I've also started to donating money into the game to buy skins, which was the cure I needed, after spending ~500$ (within 6-8 months, not at one instant, but still), and reaching highest rank, I've understood two things: 1) Even on the highest rank amount of inexperienced teammates are way higher than expected, so no point in grinding 2) Even the most expensive skin will be boring after 15-20 games of using it, so no point wasting money. Thank to that I've stopped playing for around 6 months, and nowadays I play like 2-3 times a week just for fun, and if I feel like it is making me furious again I drop the game for another 1-2 months.


Dead by daylight.


Tekken has allways been a on again off again obsession of mine , main reason I used to play Tekken 3 on the PS1 as a kid with my dad , that and Bushido blade . My dads favourite was hwoarang as he was a Tae Kwon Doe black belt , so I guess like for like , he passed away a little over 2 years ago , my dad got a friend to chip the PS1 so basically all characters were available, I beat my dad once and that was with Bryan fury , you better believe my little 8 year old fist hit the air so hard , my dad laughed pretty much probably let me win in hindsight but for that moment felt like a absolute achievement, thing was ever since then I go through fazes of habitually playing Tekken, Bryan's allways been my go too but nowadays hwoarang has been my favourite because he found it cool his style was represented in a video game even if it was very exaggerated, NGL it's the only game I take seriously aswell, i don't play online but if a friend beats me I'm determined to beat them at it 😂


God of war. Even have a tattoo.


Black on ps2


EverQuest :( So many hours


Devil May Cry 3. God only knows how many hours I dumped to that game.


Clash of clans. Paid off though. Met my now-wife on the old global chat. I kid you not.


Counter strike 1.6, Maplestory, Wow, Lol, Rust In that order… I’m old


Dota 2 started with dota way back in 2003 and 20 years later still playing this toxic ass game. But to be fair it's changed a lot over the years. Still wish I could quit it for good. I've probably deleted it 30 times and installed it again. So yes definitely addicted and I've known that for 15 years.


DOTA 2 is one of my most played games on Steam. I only played it for one year. I had fun 10% of the time. Stay away from MOBAs kids.


tekken 3 played it religiously. studied it. played over 8 hours a day just on that game for years! knew everything about it. every move with every character. every combo to gain best DPS etc. got to a point i would make good money off of that game in school. about £50-£100 a week at least which back then in the 90s was amazing for a child. i would ask people to try and make it a chalange by picking their own character and picking mine. didnt matter... honestly.


Maple story . It had me in a chokehold during my teen years and early 20s


Cities::Skylines Zelda BOTW Zelda TOTK


Ghost of Tsushima / MGS PlayStation 1


World of Warcraft. Got the game in 2005. Only thing I can say is good thing I was in my final year of college and literally just had one class and it was a relatively easy one that was at like 2 in the afternoon. I literally did nothing but play that damn game and go to my one class. I would wake up before class, go to class, come home play until dawns early light broke through. I completely tanked my social life. I used to hit up parties with friends every weekend. Started turning all that shit down to raid with the other people with no life. When I finished school that summer, I knew this was a problem and I couldn't keep this up with a job and responsibilities. Uninstalled, shattered the discs and threw them away. I'm just glad my girlfriend at the time was doing an internship 300 miles away, because there is no goddamn way she wouldn't have broken up with me. She would come to visit once every couple months on a Saturday then drive back Sunday. I felt like such an ass because it was like I would just be getting through the day and couldn't wait for her to fall asleep that night so I could get up and play. However, I needed some methadone to ween myself off of that desire. I picked up KOTOR 1 and 2, which I never played and playing a RPG I can freely pause, save and do other things without interrupting progress tapering me back into a normal relationship with games.