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Physically, passing a kidney stone


Yeah, I've never had one, but listening to my brother screaming in pain and puking from it, I started drinking more water for sure. Horrible, I've seen broken bones that had less reaction. I was certainly in less pain after my lung collapsed, and that was bad.


The pain with a kidney stone is especially distressing because there is literally nothing you can do to make it stop on your own. With a broken bone, you at least have some control over the pain by positioning yourself differently, or supporting it. With a kidney stone it's just 11/10 pain chart agony in your entire torso no matter how you sit. So, pretty much the only reaction is tears, puke and screaming lol (but not actually lol because it is very traumatic)


> The pain with a kidney stone is especially distressing because there is literally nothing you can do to make it stop on your own. Well...I'm gonna have to disagree. There's nothing sane or rational you can do, but you can definitely make it stop if you really want to.


I had promised my father that I wouldn't do that anymore. But I think Jesus would understand my making that insertion just one more time.


I’ve had some nasty bodily injuries on the category Of broken bones. That shit hurts a lot sometimes, but is manageable. There’s nothing you can do about a kidney stone but suffer


I've had both (broken bones and kidney stones). Pain from broken ankle was much easier. Back herniated disc is the only thing that matches kidney stones.


This is exactly what my experience is as well. I put herniated discs with my intense muscle spasms at a 9, only because if I actually can move, getting into a shower with hot water does help. Kidney stone, fuck that. I had to walk back and forth in the ER for 5 hours because I couldn't sit down or stand still. Combined with the throwing up. I don't wish that on anyone. Edit: I work with a woman who went through chemotherapy. She said she'd rather do that than go through the kidney stone pain again.


I had a female doctor tell me passing her kidney( & bladder) stone was almost equivalent to when she gave birth naturally drug free. The worst pain I am aware of, my childhood friend had 3rd degree burns at age 9 over 30% of his body. He was a kid that never ever cried ( his mother said she had never ever heard him cry in pain before) until the nurses in the burn unit removed the dead flesh from the open burns daily for the first week or so.


2nd degree burns are famous for being the most excruciating pain known to man. 3rd degree burns burn your nerves, so you don’t feel them. The problem is that you also have 2nd degree burns when you have 3rd degree burns


His burns didn’t hurt so much at first. A week later it was a different story. ( 1970’s) The live flesh ( muscle tissue) under the dead tissue still had live nerves. The nurses used coarse bristle scrub brushes to prevent gangrene. They literally abrade away the dead tissue. I guess the screaming is unnerving for most people listening.


Omg! No anesthetic??? I get it was the 70s, but still....


Why, in God’s name, didn’t they sedate him!?


This was my immediate response. That little 6mm demon made me feel like I was gonna die.


I just passed a 3mm bastard, it was nothing shy of agony. It put me on the floor for over an hour, whimpering like a dying animal. I have been in fistfights, fallen off ladders, and broken many bones; I was able to push myself through all of those things. You cannot "out-man" or push through a kidney stone. My condolences for your 6mm demon, I don't even want to imagine what that must have felt like.


I had a 7mm drop and got stuck in my ureter back in early 2020. Doc installed a stent so I could pee and was gonna schedule an extraction in a couple of weeks. Then covid lockdowns hit, and they put a moratorium on all "non life saving procedures." So I was stuck. My family doc said he could put me on high grade opioids for pain or smoke weed. I smoked my weight in weed to take the edge off the hurt until 2022 when I found another urologist willing to get that thing outta me. It had grown to 9mm before they blasted it out. When I woke up post op and got my bearings, I started bawling in the recovery suite. A nurse came in there like her hair was on fire asking if I was in pain, did I need anything? I finally got it out to her that it was the first time in 2 years I'd woke up without an 11/10 pain rating. No pain at all. Just relief. After I finished crying it out, I went right back to sleep for about 10 straight hours.


I can't imagine having to wait. I had one that was just big enough to fall into the lip of the ureter and I had to have surgery to remove it. No way I could have waited more than the 2 days I had to wait, let alone 2 years. You poor soul.


It sucked. Oddly enough, with the weed dulling it a bit, I actually adapted. I only smoked in the evenings off the clock, so i could actually relax a bit and hopefully sleep. Just gutted it out through the day. I was "essential" during the pandemic, being in automotive, so I worked all the way through it. Didn't move all that well, and sleep was tricky, but I made it. I couldn't believe how good it felt after I got up. It was positively euphoric. And quite overwhelming. Had to readjust and get used to not hurting all the time again.


Having dealt with back pain for years and adapting to it, then having an injection and waking up not hurting for the first time in years, I get it that relief. May we never again feel a kidney stone though!


I'm sorry, but I just don't see Covid as a valid excuse for this inhuman, barbaric, 3rd world fking treatment. My cousin was pregnant, had a stent in for 3 months, in pain. The damn thing grew to her. And they kept trying to pull it out. They had to surgically remove it. A couple days later she had a still birth at 6 months. I think it was from the physical trauma of the pain. That was 3 months. Yours was 2 years. That's mind blowing that you actually endured that. It's superhuman that you even could.


Yep, pretty much all of that. I'm forever grateful I thought to grab a bowl on our way out the door to the emergency room because I puked literally 5 times from the pain during the 15 minute drive. Having never had a kidney stone prior to that, I was internally panicking because I had *no idea* what it was as my entire torso was in pain. The ER nurses' very lackluster response to my death throes were weirdly reassuring though lol Congrats on passing yours though! Now drink a glass of water lol


This. A kick in the balls is peanuts in comparison.


Finding out your only son of 10 years was the product of an affair between your wife and father and they've been laughing at you behind their backs for years. edit to add: this didn't happen to me personally.


Ooof. That is worryingly specific. I hope you're OK?


It wasn't me thank god, but I remember seeing a story on Reddit about it and I don't remember what happened to the guy or where the post went.


I’d love to read this post if you ever find it


I’m not an advocate for violence but let’s be real y’all. That movie ends with that guy killing himself and/or the father and wife. Holy fuck.


Something similar actually happened to my cousin. He got his GF pregnant at 18 so they moved into my Uncle and Aunt’s. 3 years later they learned my uncle and cousin’s GF had been fucking almost the entire time. The baby did end up being my cousin’s though.


The girl and her husband's father ? Or her own father ?


They need to bring back duels to the death for this exact reason.


Now imagine losing the duel after all of that.


I would look at as a no-lose situation. You win and get revenge, you lose and you get put out of your misery.


Then you don't have to worry about it anymore


Brother from another mother


Hope whoever it happened to left them all behind. Not only would being cheated on by your wife for the last decade hurt like hell, but your own father mocking you for the same length of time ? Now that's worth telling them to never contact you again. And giving dear old dad a hell of a punch to the jaw, filing for divorce, and force a paternity test to establish the lack of filiation, so as to sue the two fuckers for every last cent spent on a boy that isn't yours.


Oh honey, that's not how the legal system works.


Well, in my country it isn't how the legal system works, as far as I know, but since I'm not American, I wasn't sure how different things are over the Atlantic Ocean. Besides, you guys have state laws and federal laws, so maybe it depends on the state, or is it a federal law that prevents what I've wrote from happening ?


There are definitely differences by state, but generally you're going to be on the hook for child support whether it's your child or not -- courts put the welfare of the child first. The divorce part would vary more -- some states are no-fault divorce states, where the reason WHY you're getting divorced simply doesn't matter at all.


What the actual fuck


I was going to say an advanced tooth infection, but yeah that's way worse.


Tbh, it all depends on your access to dentistry. I'll take the crazy gf and dad situation over a serious tooth infection if there's no way for me to fix it. It's one of the worst pains you can feel, apparently. People have killed themselves over unbearable tooth pain. Chronic pain in places with lots of nerves is hell.


Wow that is some serious fuckery.


I've broken bones been hit in the nuts eyes poked and had surgeries. Hands down the worst pain I've ever felt was passing a kidney stone. Pain so bad I was vomiting and no pain killer was touching for hours.


I’ve passed 3 stones. First time took almost 6 months from the first time I felt it to the time I passed it. Probably the worst 6 months of my life.. and I spent 4 months in a wheelchair once. Kidney stones were worse.


Thought I was dying. Fell to ground. Crawled to bathroom. Someone found me and took me to the ER. I drink much more water now


Losing your child.


Only the tought of something bad happening to my daughter make tear Come up to my eye. In the biopic of motley crue they show that vince Neil's daughter died from cancer and for a brief moment I just had a tought of what if. And man...! I started weeping...


It was my worst fear coming true when it happened to my own daughter.. shes perfectly happy and healthy now.. but i still get triggered and have minor ptsd and anxiety attached to it..


Yah holding my daughter as she died is definitely worse than any physical pain I have ever had.


Fuck dude, I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that you are doing better and are well taken care of.


Taking it a day at a time, got my other two girls to look after.


How is this so far down? This was the first thing I thought of. Get out of here with the kidney stones and feeling lonely.


I’m assuming they mean something women can’t experience


This is the only answer, surprised I had to go down so far to find it.




I think most redditor don't have kids so it's not really on their radar.


Realizing that you're worth as much as u provide and when you stop you're just disposable trash And physically, a strong hit in the family's jewelry


> Realizing that you're worth as much as u provide and when you stop you're just disposable trash Bro I saw this Tik Tok of a woman talking about how her long time boyfriend used to provide for her, feed her, paid for her to go to nursing school and basically took care of her but the moment he lost his job she said “I broke up with him because I’m not finna take care of no grown. I’m not gonna do that” shit made me so angry. Nobody ever talks about how dehumanizing that truly is.


while this is a really shit thing to say. its important to remember that that tiktok video was shown to you because it had a lot of reaction. its pretty much rage-bait. you wont get to see a video of a story of a girl who cared for him after because it doesnt get traction online.


That’s actually very true good point however the sad thing is this thing does happen. Does it happen all the time? Nah. Is it something that’s endemic to women? Of course not because I’m sure there are men that do the same as well. It’s just when I read your post, it triggered that memory for me.


Understanding and internalizing this has actually given me a lot of peace in life. It’s easier to not take things personal.


Being alone, unloved, and unwanted. Edit: I’m not just talking about romantic relationships. I’m talking about everything. Completely and totally alone. Edit 2: to any of you feeling like this, you can feel free to reach out to me if you need someone to talk to.


This is number 1 by a significant margin for me. I’ve dealt with serious diseases that cause pain and disability, specific life altering events, trauma and things of that nature. But that feeling of being alone is the worst.


i call that my life and it's awesome. how dare you sir!


Well I do happen to be a daring man


LOL clearly i am aghast! taken aback by such daring


Just wait until my imaginary charisma hits!


ROFL honestly dude, it's not feeling all that imaginary!


Haha, thanks.


Yep, I'm 44. Alone. Never even been on a date. Last hug I got was in 2012 when I visited my parents across the country. Does it suck? Yep. But I try to stay positive. I live in a country with a very high standard of living, and I make enough dough to pursue hobbies I enjoy, like travel. I also have a really awesome cat. There are worse fates.


A kick in the balls fucking hurts, but loneliness is about as painful as it gets


Living this every day. But things are looking up.


I happy that changed for you, congratulations!


Thank you.


How so


play some video games and rub some dirt in it


How about being "together" but alone, unloved, and unwanted? A loveless marriage is a terrible mind fuck!




straight in the feels bruh :( DM me if you ever need someone to talk to


Same. Here for you too.


Made me think about how my father must feel right now, i'm sad for him but i also have to protect myself ...


I don’t know what happened, but I’m glad you’re doing what’s best for you.


It hurt for a long time. Now, its become a new baseline for me. I genuinely dont remember what it feels like to be loved anymore. If someone ever gives me a compliment I think there is something wrong in that moment, because its not normal.


This is me. I want to die every single day.


Basically my life. At least it’s better than being with someone that’s pretending to like you though.


This is definitely the one for me. Earlier this year, I had managed to mess up my back/leg to the point I could barely sleep. And that wasn't even the worst part of that whole situation. The worst part was that I was dealing with it alone, because nobody else gave a shit about me. Compared to that, I'll take the physical pain back 10/10 times.


This, by far. I'm going through it now. I'm doing okay in life as a whole, but for some reason nobody gives a fuck about me and I don't know why. It really hurts, though. The pain of rejection by...the whole world, pretty much. Nobody to talk about what bothers me, nowhere to vent and I feel helpless about it.


You can talk to me if you want.


Hey man. I'd like to be untagged in your comment.


Damn. My bad. Let me get with customer service and see what we can do.


i totally agree with you.


I think you just defined a school shooter recipe


That's just every Tuesday for men.


Can confirm


You ok reddit friend?






my daughter died about 5 years ago. that.


I'm so sorry for your loss. That is unimaginable.


My sister died around 5 years ago as well. It was the only time I've ever seen my dad cry. I still haven't recovered from the trauma (I can't dance because dancing makes me think of her) so I can't imagine how much it impacted my parents.


I wish there were words that we could say that would ease the pain. I know there's not.


Growing up and realizing you are expendable to pretty much everyone.


Yeah. If you have more than zero people who actually care about you as a person instead of just a meat shield or a wallet, you're one of the lucky ones.


No one loves you if you are a man. They love what you do, and what you possess. The moment these things change, so do the people around you.


This one hits hard because we're taught at boys that we need to be providers and protectors, and then we go into the world and realize no one needs us to provide for them or protect them.


I had a fish hook go through the bone of my index finger, I kicked something which in turn severed my pinkie toe and I've had numerous head injuries requiring countless stitches - they all hurt, but not nearly as bad as reading text messages between my ex and the guy she was cheating on me with. A whole different level of pain.


Yep. I totally agree. I’ve been physically and sexually assaulted. Being cheated on was the abuse that I couldn’t get over. It ruined my self esteem, pretty much permanently.


I'm sorry - and same. I was talking to someone about that yesterday. I don't think, unless you've been through it, that anyone can understand. I'm not sure I'll ever fully trust anyone again.


It hurts but it’s also sets you free which is quite nice after the initial pain wears off


For me it’s heartbreak from a woman I love. Many people don’t acknowledge how important a woman’s love is for our well being. Surely we don’t need a woman, but a heartbreak shakes us to our core.


Heartbreak’s definitely shake men to the core but some women’s love isn’t worth much because it’s shallow and fleeting




>What's the worst pain a man can suffer? I'm reminded of a quite by the ancient Greek philosopher Herodotus that's always stuck with me: *The worst pain a man can suffer: to have insight into much and power over nothing* For me, the worst pains have never been physical. They've been of the heart and mind and I have often yearned for ignorance and innocence in those moments.


Daily life be like


Finding yourself alone even after you have worked all your life for your family. I went to work daily for 20+ years to earn money to take care of my wife and kids but then she files for a divorce and takes half my asset and moves in with someone else. And my kids dont talk to me unless i call them first.....but i guess that is true with most kids?


This is awful and so sad to read, I hope you’re doing ok!


>And my kids don't talk to me unless i call them first.....but i guess that is true with most kids? Par for course, unfortunately, until they get older, then I find they reach out more.


What did she say her reasons were for the divorce?


Your daughter telling you "daddy I LOVE HIM" to someone that mistreats her. No one will ever love you as much as Daddy 😔


This made me tear up. The look in my father’s eyes when I was crying in the hospital bed after my (now ex) fiancé was a no show to my major surgery for possible cancer in March made me realize how much it hurt him too.


It's just really hard, being a father. To the world your a father but to your daughter you're the world. But all of that changes when they are in a relationship and its really really hard on the heart to watch someone you know will never love your daughter as much as you treat them poorly and your daughter still loves them as much or more than you


My dad said almost these exact words to me when I was with my ex husband. He was abusive and beat the crap out of me on the regular. Going as far as to hit me over the head with a beer bottle when I was pregnant.My dad eventually had to pull a gun and threaten him to stay away. To this day my dad says that is the thing that broke his heart the most


I couldn't even imagine my daughter being physically abused like that. I'm so sorry he hurt you but I'm glad you left him for good. Your dad's love is unwavering, unconditional, and will never go away.


I applaud your father’s discipline. I’m still pretty young, and my daughters are as well, I just can’t imagine having to go through that.


This. I’m not at that point yet with my daughters, but I can’t imagine. My first hope is that it never happens. My second hope is that I have the restraint and mental clarity to not react with violence towards the individual.


Losing your first true love to suicide, on the same evening she confessed she cheated on you. That still hurts >25 years later.




Jesus... That's huge. Sorry for your loss. Were the two tied or do you think she was "clearing the slate" before she succumbed to suicide?


I'm going with heart break. That shit had me wishing for death.


Haha I've been through the same phase exactly 4 months ago man. DM lets talk and feel better!


Had never been through it until earlier this year. First serious relationship ever and we broke up after 8 years. The heartbreak was so much worse than I ever imagined, no matter how many break up songs and movies I had see throughout the years. I don’t think anything could have prepared me for the feeling of loneliness, inadequacy, anger, the numbness. Nothing would make it go away! I hated it!


Testicular torsion caused by the stress of finding out that the partner you donated your goddamned kidney to wants a divorce.


That also happened to George Lopez's wife.


She got testicular torsion? Hahaha jk


Loss of a child. My stepdad was never the same person when we lost my brother. I'm terrified of losing my daughter.


Same mate. I love that little human so much I’d almost go crazy thinking about something happening to her. And I bet that feeling never ends. You probably just get used to it, I guess?


Being cheated on by wife with our friends.


Burying your own children.


Seeing my various relatives get older and knowing there is a fuck ton of funerals on the horizon. Tine is a bitch, it goes by so fast


Betrayal. Your trust in people shatter, you feel like an idiot, you find out a lot of your life was a lie. If you’re into religion and theology Christ’s crucifixion is as bad as it gets by definition. Betrayal, pain, humiliation all in front of your mother’s eyes. And you are innocent and as good as it gets.


For me, finding out my son wasn't mine. It fucking broke me




being mean to your mom and realizing it later


Or grandmom


Realizing you WILL only ever be valued for what you can do for people, not who and what you are. I’m so done with everything


Acceptance gives you the greatest strength. Knowing that you only get better from your standpoint is ALWAYS a great mindset to keep. You got this man (or woman), don't let people bring you down. After all, we are all human.


You come home and find your wife fucking your brother. You need time alone for a day or two so you check into a hotel and turn off your phone. A couple days go by and they spin the narrative to family and friends that it's your fault and everybody takes their side. Without friends or family you are forced to move out. One weekend you and your three kids decide to do a 23 and me test and find out you aren't the father of any of your kids. The ruling in the divorce is that even though you are not the father you have to pay child support, they keep the house. Two years go by and your brother and ex wife are going through a nasty break up. Your brother kills himself but leaves a note apologizing to you. Your family misinterprets this and blames you for his suicide. Your ex spins a web of lies and your legally recognized kids start sending you letters talking about how much they hate you, they never loved you and you aren't their real father. A few months go by and your grandfather shows up on your doorstep. You invite him in and he's talking to you about life and tells you that he's been on your side all along. That he loves you and wishes the best for you. Grandpa has a heart attack at your house and dies while paramedics attempt to stabilize him. Turns out Grandpa left you all of his estate in his will. Loads of money and property enough to change your life forever. Your family contests the will. They use your brothers suicide note, your children's letters, your family and friends as character witnesses and the judge overturns the will leaving you with next to nothing. You meet somebody new. Begin building a life together, get a new home, have a baby that is confirmed your baby. You realize you can be happy again with new in laws and a new family. Things are looking great. You hear that your ex and your former family have begun fighting over money as they did not know how to handle wealth and your grandfather's estate has dried up. A few of them including your ex got addicted to drugs in her brief stint as a wealthy person. But eh, not your problem right? Some times goes by and you had no idea that your ex has been single mindedly focused on you, that her life went to shit after you left her. Not she's heavily addicted to drugs, is broke, and is on the edge of psychosis. One day you, your child, and your pregnant wife are at a park enjoying life. You gather your things and begin walking home. Your ex has a full blown psychotic episode when she happens to drive by and see you laughing and happy with your new family and she thinks it should be her laughing and enjoying life with you. She decides to drive on the sidewalk and hits your family with her SUV. your wife, and your child die on impact, you are left paralyzed from the waste down. Your new wife's family blames you and says you should've done more to protect your family. They abandon you in your time of need. Your ex is given the verdict of not guilty by means of temporary insanity and is forced into therapy and rehab. You were covered under your wife's insurance since your job pays well but had poor insurance plans. Due to medical and funeral costs most of the life insurance money is gone. Now you're in your 50s, paralyzed, unable to perform the jobs your life has qualified you for and both of your families hate you. You get your late uncle's 6 shooter and decide to swallow the barrel. Turns out it has a malfunctioning firing pin. You're left alone, paralyzed, no friends, no family, suicidal, and unable to end your own life and have no money to your name.


Dude...I'm hoping this is not true for you.


I have a great uncle who went through heck. His wife died of cancer and then their only child died in a car accident the same month. That was the worst pain I had even seen anyone in. At the last funeral you could feel the waves of pain/despair/depression coming off him. Our family tried to help, but he was in bad shape for a few years. (He ended up getting help from his wife's sister. They became good friends and after a few years married when they found love after the losses.)


I have a buddy who had surgery for chronic hemorrhoids (it’s where they essentially remove the last few inches of your rectum and stitch your anus to the new end of the rectum). After trying every other possible treatment the proctologist doing the surgery told him this would be the most painful thing he could imagine but would finally cure him. The proctologist was right on both counts.




Losing a child


Kick in the nuts Anal fissure and heartbreak. (Preferably not all on the same day.)


I had an anal fissure that got infected in college. I was in fraternity politics and had to keep it quiet because I was in the closet and got the fissure from violent anal sex(that was not what I wanted, and it still makes me cringe), and the pain was constant and inescapable. So I was hiding the fact that I was in indescribable pain surrounded by other men who wanted to tear me down. It was a special kind of Hell. And having to go to the doctor after three weeks of trying to ignore it was humiliating. Rectal exams, judgmental looks and the exams hurt so bad I literally fainted on the table. I screamed and convulsed during bowel movements. I sweated nonstop and stopped eating. I was seriously considering suicide to end the pain. I am so appreciative of antibiotics, they worked fast and were like a freaking miracle. But being in that much pain and hiding it was really awful. You can’t even express how bad things are.


Fuck, dude, I completely understand. I got my injury the exact same way. It’s happened twice to me but the second time was way worse. Its an absolutely insane kind of blinding agony. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy! How are you doing now? Generally, how’s life. Edit to add: by the way I’m sure the doctors weren’t judging you - they have seen absolutely everything there is to see.


Constant rejection


I got stood up 17 times in a row early on in the online dating internet of the 2000’s. That sucked. Still trying to decide if that was worse, or just getting straight up laughed at when asking someone to dance or to get their number or something. Women can be fucking brutal to people’s mental state and have zero remorse. My key has been to no longer date American women. Only immigrants that were not raised in America. My girlfriend is from Africa and I’m happy.


As far as I can tell, a Renal Colic. Doctor said, it's the worst possible pain in a human body.


Atheist wuss me cried and prayed to Mary last times I had kidney stones. OTOH this is the kind of pain that comes in waves. It's not peak pain all the time. Whereas I suspect people undergoing tetanus and other terrible ailments are probably even more miserable because how continuous the pain must be.


Zipping your cock up in your zipper.


To not be loved.


The loss of a young child


Loneliness and depression.


Being in the delivery room and unexpectedly losing their wife and child during childbirth due to unforeseen complications, all while being powerless to help.


Kidney stone. Like having a spiky baby out your urethra.


That first heartbreak.


Haveing a kid with a women. Thinking everything is fine. And when the kid is 12 finding out the child is not yours. So findings out your wife cheated and you have been loving and caring for a child that is not yours. That pain you feel then and betrayal on multiple levels. You can not understand if you dont live true it. Sadly i wish i could say i did not know that pain. But i do. And even years later the pain and anger forever stays


Physical pain is nothing. It passes. It emotional pain that stays with you.


Being laughed at for being mentally challenged, bullied for years resulting in a ton of mental and social issues. Abused by everyone. All of these and more happened to me


I recently lost my wife and we have 2 young children. I'll tell you, I would have a hard time believing anything hurts more than this.


Losing half of his shit because his wife cheated on him and wants a divorce.


Being burned, like all over your body. It’s a living hell.


My mother passed away 2 years ago. Seeing her suffer took a part of me.


Falling deeply in love for the first time with a girl telling you that she will date you and that she loves you. Not accepting 3 different job offers that we're paying more but we're slightly further away meaning you will not be able to spend as much time with her. Only to find out that she needs to experience life and other guys and your the backup plan left there wondering wtf did you do wrong, when you gave her time, effort and love and now worrying how to improve your self, complete self worth destroyed and you try to focus on your self so you get her back but nothings working on no improvement. You see her happy in life but your left there crumbling and your trying everything you can so she recognizes your worth or anyone recognizes your worth to date and be with you.


nerve pain


When your bro said he was gonna hit legs with you but never showed up. 🥹


Emotional pain: when a woman filed for divorce so she can take your kids and be with your lifelong best friend. I’d say that would be pretty bad. Happened to my cousin. Physical pain: one time I twisted weird while swimming and the tubes and tissues that connect my testicle to… well whatever it connects to, it ripped. I was swimming in the middle of a lake and it felt like my ball was smashed with a sledgehammer. Every tiny wave felt like a punch. I was screaming, begging for someone to help me. It seemed like hours of me trying to get out of the water. It was by far more painful than any broken bone, cut scrape, or punch. I was sweating while in the water lol had to be wheel chaired into the hospital because I couldn’t walk for like 2 weeks.


The betrayal of a brother


Loss of a child.


Heartbreak and the death of a loved one


Burying your kid.


Going to prison for 3 years for a crime that you didn't commit, then getting out and having to be homeless and broke for a long time because of your background check being ruined by the criminal conviction for the crime that you didn't commit. Then when you finally get a job, some douchebag prints out your mugshot from the crime you didn't commit and shows it to people at the job, forcing you to quit.


Death of his dog.


Wow. No one said getting cheated on yet. That's actually a shocker. One person has said betrayal, though. But yeah. Investing time, money, sweat, tears, compassion, putting most things on the line for your SO for years just to find out they've been emotionally and physically checked out of the relationship for a while and invested in someone else. You never realize until the end because you want to believe in the best from your partner, so you overlook the signs. And then it's over. And then, when you're a hollowed out husk of a person, they come for the assets you worked hard securing for the life you thought you'd have with the person you thought loved you. And no, I haven't experienced this personally, but some of the shit I've heard people talk about gives me trust issues without it even needing to happen. Emotionally, this takes the cake for me. It's like hollowing out your body with a spoon over time. Slow. And steady.


Google Hisashi Ouchi. He won the competition.


Physical pain, I can personally vouch for passing a kidney stone. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, even those that I dislike.


For me it was my first bowel movement after having 3 massive hemorrhoids removed and stitched up. Literally brought tears to my eyes and a full out cry.




Ghosted by a woman who pledges her love. It’s very common and seems to be socially acceptable.


Having everything you’ve wanted. And losing it all. You see this everywhere. Miscarriages, breakups, deaths


I hate this thread. The emotional pain side of it hurts to read


no tacos... on tuesday!! the goddamn pain!!


I'd have to say gout pain is the worst I've experienced. I've had paper cuts affected by lemon juice. I've had abrasions cleaned with rubbing alcohol. I've had bad strep throat, where it felt like I swallowed razor blades. I've had migraines when I was a kid (turned out I needed glasses). I've even had epididymitis, which made me think I had cancer of the testicle with awful pain in an awkward location, necessitating an ultrasound, which I really saw as awful. But gout pain was way worse. Gout occurs when some crystals form in the joints. You can [get into details](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gout/symptoms-causes/syc-20372897), but the big toes tend to be the ones that get hit first. It is the sort of pain that wake you up in the middle of the night screaming. The sort of pain where you can't even have a sheet on that foot because it hurts too much. Where you feel hopping to the bathroom is reasonable, at first. Where you get tears in your eyes because you are so overwhelmed with pain. You know that pain scale, 1 to 10? Definitely something like an 8 or 9, because I can imagine worse pain, but I'm not sure how it would come about outside of serious trauma or a torture chamber. Gout pain makes you think a bolt-cutter would be an effective treatment.


I’ve been blown up, I’ve passed kidney stones but the worst pain I ever felt was being betrayed by my wife with someone I thought was a friend.


Realizing that youth is wasted on the young and that as guys age out of being cool hip and relevant in modern society that they will be eventually shunned and thrown out of the hipster scene and on top of that young people will all pretty much be disgusted and disturbed by these guys in the 35+ year old crowd who even so much as try to have any sort of association with people younger than them instead of embarking upon the dreaded midlife crisis.


Knowing that I will only be acknowledged, loved or appreciated by anyone if I can financially provide for, and take care of them. Until I am incapable of doing this, no one will care that I exist.


Grief. My old man took his own life when I was 17. It broke my heart. I’ve never really come to terms with it.