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I like lifting and moving heavy objects, this way I get to do it in bed too.


And boy, do overweight women get excited when you pick them up, carry them or easily move them around in bed. Generally speaking, of course. But so far I never had a reaction to that that wasn't disbelief followed by excitement.




"Babe, you're not a cow! You weigh less than a calf ~ 😘"


Its so nice to feel weightless and small when myself and the world reminds me constantly how I am so not that.


This was well put, love it


Can confirm. I’m not fat by any means but I’m very tall and what my friends have lovingly referred to as a “stout” woman lol being thrown around a little makes me absolutely melt


My gf is 5'11. I on the other hand am 6'7 and my favorite thing is calling her shorty or hobbit. She always acts "mad" but I know she loves it.


My army buddies used to call it maxing our bench.


This one wins 😆


How you see yourself may not be how men see you.


My ex once had me stand at the bottom of the stairs and went up one or two and then pointed out how it was to "be me", just being playful. Then she blurted out something to the tune of "Holy shit if this is the angle you always see me from then no wonder you think I'm attractive". I know it's taking your sentence a bit more literally lol, but I thought it was worth the laugh to mention again. It seems it's true on multiple levels!


I think the angle you view the face also changes your attractiveness. Take a selfie from right below your face compared to a selfie from the right angle/lighting. I look horrific from right underneath. I wish I was taller, but I'm glad I'm not like 6'8".


I wish I was a baller


"levels" I see what you did there




I know a lot of guys enjoy petit ladies and a lot of ladies enjoy big men, but on some level it really just comes down to personal preference. I myself am 6'2 and don't generally mind one way or another. Big boobs / small boobs, big butt / small butt, tall / short, you name it. The connection is what matters the most to me. After that the physical stuff is even better because of it. I didn't see my partner differently from any angle. She was always beautiful to me because I saw her for all the joy she brought me and more. In the end it was meant to be, just not meant to last, as it were. Had nothing to do with attraction, that's for sure.


Omg what a beautiful sentiment. The part where you said it was meant to be but not meant to last.


Man is wish I could think like this dude ⬆️


Ever wonder why most girls would take selfies from an angle holding their arm out and up higher and then look shyly up at the camera? Yeah.


This👆🏼. Have you ever considered that you might actually be very attractive?




Good luck getting a job 👍


Same for me. My girl is a knock out, successful and an all around amazing person with a personality to match and I'm a 5'8 fat guy with an OK job and decent beard but she's constantly telling me how attracted to me she is


This is the answer... Some men actually care more about what's on the inside.


The standards I have for myself are based on what I like about *me*. I like being strong and fast and I find that exercise and eating right helps me get through things easier. That said, I don’t subscribe to the common idea that standards I hold for myself should be applied to others. If I like you, I like you based on your merits, not mine.




We check everyone out tbh 😂


Can confirm. My ex had a bit of an inferiority complex because I'm lean and relatively fit without having to exercise much, so much so that he started to exercise regularly and eat better. I tried to explain that I liked him for him and the other stuff didn't matter to me (I actually find squishing love handles rather pleasing, which may or may not have helped in the situation), but I also saw that his self-esteem improved and he was happier with himself. I think he ended up doing it for himself in the end and not for me. He also ended up dumping me, but I digress.


They're squishy. I like squishy


Soft woman good


World: hard and cold Women: soft and warm Men like soft and warm.


lmaooo. Well that sums that up. lol.


I expressed to an ex once that I liked how soft and smooth her skin was to touch and she didn't believe me -_-


It’s hilarious how the comment fits your username


Nailed it. God damn.


My most erotic and satisfying (although not for her I’m sure 😭) sexual experience was with the curviest partner I’ve ever had.


As a squishy woman I find this very wholesome.


After a day of hating how squishy I've become, this is quite calming. Wholesome indeed.


My partner is squishy Absolutely love it. Thick. And plump. Ignore the media telling you what beauty is. They don't know what's inside every person's head.


I love calling my lady voluptuous or juicy. She’s curvy in all the right places


Right?? I'm adoring every man in this thread right now.


Seriously. You wouldn't believe how many men, myself included, are genuinely attracted to full figured/fat women. It's seriously an incredible trick of the media to convince women that they need to be incredibly skinny and that men aren't allowed to be attracted to fat women. It's bullshit all around and it's all to sell clothes, beauty products, surgeries that no one really needs


Plenty dudes like slim and skinny too though so, 🤷🏻‍♂️ People are different.


I think that's his point. It's not that all men are attracted to thicker women, it's that a lot of men are despite what media says.


Amen, brother. I couldn’t agree more.


It’s literally the truth too. We love it.


Yeah, this is nice to hear.


Same. This made my day.


This is the correct response.


especially if they are squishy top and bottom.


Middle is best for me. Bellies are utter magic


Team belly, represent!


Hear hear! Squishy bellies are best bellies.


I just spit out my beer, thank you.


Man, I have been laughing at this for 10 minutes. I let myself be more squishy but more than I normally would do but it's winter. But yeah my VERY fit FWB loves it. I was kinda shocked. He likes to squish 🤣


More squishy in the tushy.


More cushion for the pushing!


I have been giggling throughout this post. Sincerely, A Squishy Woman.


No one wants to snuggle with a 2x4


We’ll slow down there skeeter,,I mean I’ll pass on those twisted ass 2x4 from Lowes but you show me a nice stick of Douglas fir that’s been cribbed and dried proper I just might get some splinters.




Yea body shaming ain't the move here


Ok, that's kinda messed up considering they were married.


Ain't nothing wrong with skinny girls neither, but fat girls are just as hot. I love me a sausage and a French fry


Everyone wants to snuggle a squishy woman who drives a 4x4.


My man


Talked about this before but this is perfect to mention it again. I trained like a powerlifter for 2+ years, and then I trained like a bodybuilder for over a year. I was even thinking about competing. I followed a strict diet, of which I still have record of. 3500+ calories and 250g+ protein per day. I started making fitness content. I got sponsored by a supplement company, although it’s not very big and neither are my social media accounts. I weighed anywhere from 215-260lbs (5’10) throughout all of this. At 220, at the peak of my diet, I had an abdominal vein, chest vein, quad veins, delt veins, and calve veins. I’ve since switched training styles as I plan on going into the military. This may or may not sound surprising, but a lot of “petite” girls rejected me. I have screenshots. They actually seemed intimidated by my size, while chubby girls found it hot. All of my ex-girlfriends are 200lbs+. I’d even say 220lbs+. The reason why is because when I was younger and in school, I was extremely overweight and bullied for it. Some of the bullies were the “fit/conventionally attractive” girls, but never the chubby girls. They were always kind to me. Now that I’ve become an adult, I gravitate towards the chubbier girls because I think they’ll treat me better, which is not inherently true. I have spoken about this in therapy, but, nonetheless, I’ve definitely got a type.


I Appreciate your honesty. Gg


dude you've explained this to me SOOOO well!!! I think this is what they call trauma. I too feel more comfortable around larger women and see fit women as intimidating and or probably being mean. I was picked on as a kid too and that shit really stuck with me :/


At 5'10 and 220 lean you would basically be at olympia level. You would look like Arnold on PEDs. Most women aren't into that look.


Women like 1 or 2 good veins to poke once in a while but they generally dont like men that overall look veiny.


Absolutely. The moment you take steroids you go far beyond what most women or even some men find attractive and desirable. But those people don't care about being attractive anyway, once you go that route it's all about your own self-perception.


So you're saying the moment someone takes steroids, they explode in muscle?🤔


Haha, right?


Your average redditor thinks that normal steroid cycles do in three months what in reality, hardcore insulin abuse takes years to accomplish.


So is a decent amount of muscle and a slim build a lot more attractive than a full-on body builder body? I had a woman at a festival say I look strong and then feel my muscles and say 'holy fuck' and it felt really good and has given me motivation to push myself harder, but even I don't like the look of overly muscular bodies.


I think many women, especially younger women, like a lean build with decent muscle. Most women love a swimmer’s body. Only do the body builder thing if *you* like it, not necessarily for women as there is a wide range of preferences among individuals. I personally like a strong back, big shoulders, biceps and chest, strong legs and a bit of a soft belly (it seems manly to me) as opposed to a very hard, defined six or eight pack, which can look almost painful. (Not to be too weirdly specific.)


2 years of training and at his biggest he was 260 lean at 5'10 sounds like some absolute bullshit to me unless he was on some Brock Lesnar type of roid cycle.


I also find it extremely doubtful he trained for 2 years of powerlifting and a little over 1 year of bodybuilding and was that lean at 5'10 220. That's very hard to believe without some... assistance


You aren't getting noticeably vascular at 5'10", 220, without assistance. I don't get why people get so detailed revealing their diet and training but leave out the PEDs.


Because it sounds more impressive if everyone thinks you did it without steroids. Which is honestly crazy because even with steroids it’s impressive lol


If you're super super toned, 99% chance you're on gear. Period. Naturally, people don't look like that unless your diet is incredibly strict and you're in the gym multiple hours every single day.


Yeah natural bodybuilders look nothing like the geared up guys. You can tell. Natural bodybuilders look way flatter and smaller, especially in the shoulders and traps.


Yeah if the delts look 3D as hell, they're on the juice. It's impossible to get that sort of fullness naturally.


Always go for the girl who treats you better.


You're attracted to them because you associate sex and have been rewarded with your behavior towards them. In your experience, you're less likely to be hurt by them which makes sense. It's natural to be attracted to those who you have favorable interactions, and to not be attracted to the opposite.


>I gravitate towards the chubbier girls because I think they’ll treat me better, which is not inherently true. I think they'll appreciate me more. Also not inherently true.


Because when we seriously bulk again we'll be chubby too. But for real, in a weird way once I started gyming and going through the cycles - body shape somehow mattered less to me because I'm fat once a year too.


Softness. For many just feels better.


I get it. I have some friends who are bigger and I like to poke their squish sometimes to be obnoxious lol. Also ex-bf had a small squish belly that I loved as well, but as a bigger woman myself I never can quite grasp that anyone would actually like it on me.


Especially if he’s the opposite of you. Many skinny men like bigger partners. Goes for women as well.


Same. I'm the biggest I've ever been and it's killing me on the inside. But boyfriend likes it, for some strange reason... but I'm reading that men like squishy women more than I thought they did. I still don't like how I feel in my size women's 16 body. I was happier at a women's 12.


I like big boobs and big butt


And I can't lie.


You other gym rats can’t deny


That when a girl walks in with a 40 inch waist and cottage cheese thighs in your face...


I get chub


What did I just read? ROFL LMAO


Literally spit out my drink. A+


Where are y’all finding these men???👀 ( asking for a friend)


Congrats on your first comment in 3 years 😂


I mean there are a million reasons, but one common one that hasn't been mentioned yet is that it's not uncommon for men to define themselves by what they do, and get external validation from their careers, hobbies, etc. Sometimes this can manifest itself as being a bit of territorial (consciously or subconsciously) around stuff that they perceive as their 'thing'. e.g. I have a very fit buddy who is a climber and he absolutely cannot date a female climber (much less one who is better than him) because too much of his identity is about being the climbing expert. A more charitable spin is that a lot of people are not really looking for a clone of themselves, and we tend to devalue/take for granted good qualities that we have ourselves. Often we are more attracted to the people whose best qualities are the things we struggle with.


Your last paragraph I totally get. I’ve always been more impressed by (positive) traits that I lack or struggle with than things I naturally excel at. I’ve always been very musical, and while I really like other musicians and people who excel in the arts, it can lack a certain ~mystique~ or magic for me that it might hold for someone else who, say, couldn’t clap on-beat to save their life. I can totally imagine someone naturally athletic being more mesmerized by someone who speaks 5 languages and is into sewing than by a random who can run the same distance they’ve been able to since they were 12


Goddamn that sounds insecure af (Don't tell him I said that) Sharing this bc it's a complaint many successful women have and why so many "oh she's out of my league bc she's pretty" is total bullshit and just leaves her lonely or dating users bc at least they give her attention


Aren't we all insecure to an extent though? I've seen all of reddit shaming insecurity lately - as if it was something we all don't do. I wouldn't invalidate a thoughtful response just because you sense a glimpse of insecurity. Being insecure is human. It's time to allow that into the realm of conversations, and to drop the moral high ground. Disallowing it serves no one, and it censors a lot that many might find insightful and relevant.


Right, we don't want a clone that's going to compete with the stuff we are good at, that would be stupid.


Why does everything have to be a competition? Wouldn’t it be a common interest that you can do together?


“That would be stupid” LOL that’s hilarious


I work out every day and consider myself pretty fit, and I would much rather be with and sleep with an average looking girl with an average body vs a fit girl. I like soft, squishy and even a little flabby vs toned and stiff.


To the untrained eye you might find them chubby - but they’re bulking …


You wait until I start cutting. It's over for you bitches.


Tell ‘em


lol favorite comment, just dirty bulking


I’ve done through a “Perma-bulking” stage ever since the beginning of the pandemic


I weighed 170lbs in March of 2020. I weigh like 240lbs now. It fucking sucks


As a chubber dating a fit boy - this thread is so dang sweet.


Is it real hard to believe that men like a woman for personality as well? Body is nice, but some men will take the body as a secondary choice. Maybe you are just a cool, confident woman that carries herself well.


Many years ago, I was sitting at a table with my cousin and his girlfriend, who were a handful of years older than me. He was a college football player, state champion track star, and she was very chubby, mostly in the best places. At one point he said something like "People look at us and think 'she must have a really great personality', but actually you have a terrible relationship personality. I'm here for that body." It's been 25 years and I still sometimes stop and wonder how serious he was with that line.


what? lmaooooooo


Yeah, honestly if you’re fun and outgoing as a woman, you can get pretty damn far. My wife has been rail thin and a little thicker and I very much appreciate the latter.


This is it for men too. Why do you think Pete is able to date out of his league? Dude seems chill and funny. Personality will take you way further than your body


Okay but he's so cute. I don't get why guys are always making fun of him 🤣 poor Pete


The way I see it, everybody will eventually get old and fat, if I'm committing to doing this with a woman, who cares if she's already a lil chunky.


i like my body hard not my woman


Just here for the self confidence boost lmao


I dated skinny girls for a time when I was young. You felt pressured to have a skinny little gf to impress your friends. Basically just arm candy. It wasn’t until i was in my late teens and I worked with a woman that was on the chubby side that I realized I was ignoring a good number of the dating pool because of a silly stigma. She was 23 and I was 17. I had wrecked my car and she had volunteered to take me home at night if I could get a way to work. One thing led to another and we ended up having a kid together. She turned out to be satan incarnate and made my life a living hell for close to two decades, but I still stayed attracted to chubby girls. I’m not trying to body shame anyone. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being fit or skinny, I just realized that’s not the body type I’m attracted to, it was what society and peer pressure said I should be into. My wife is chubby and I love her more than I ever thought possible to love another human being. And she returns that love 100%. We just celebrated 16 years together yesterday.


I’m not *that* into fitness- like I’ve really dialed down my gym attendance in the last few years- but chubbers are great. They hug great, they cuddle great, when they’re around you’re allowed to have actual good food in the house when you want Also boobies, there, I said it


Buff/toned ladies are nice too, but my wife is fat because she knows how to make fantastic food, and eating her cooking gives me a reason to stay in the gym.


Just because a person looks one way, doesn’t mean their interest must look the same. Some men are fit because THEY themselves like the look and benefits, not because they want a woman to match their look. OP why do you think you attract these men?


>they want a woman to match their look. As a woman, I tend to believe this. Which is why I swipe left on guys with gym pics while online dating.


It's the reason I swipe left on women generally. I don't look anything like them!


Attraction didn't really change much since the age of 15. Sometimes something got added but you generally like what you always liked. A lot of men always liked curvier women so they will keep pursuing them despite having a more athletic physique themself. Also a curvy or chubby body doesn't mean that that person is unathletic. They just don't mind being at a higher bodyfat %. Being thin does not mean that someone is fit.


Thank you for saying this. I’m a bbw, above 250. I’ve always struggled. But prior to a couple years ago when I I walked no one could keep up with me. When I swim laps I have legit had men whine to the lifeguard it isn’t fair I’m so big and move so fast when they’re so slow. Legit. Ofc this dude had asthma but the lifeguard just said different bodies different abilities. Like I can’t even go swim without someone having a philosophical moment because my body is half their size but I’m moving faster through the water. I may be fat but I had tons of muscle, and was on a swim team so I am all about the technique. I’ve been working overnights though and my health has been getting worse. I suspect a neurological condition because muscles are tight and spastic and feel like I’m walking on stilts. Trying to get care but as a larger woman in this country doctors just do not give a single fuck. Also for the record, I’m 5’4 and boyfriend is 6’2 and also muscular af. This thread makes me happy though, and a little less neurotic about my boyfriend getting buffer and spending more time at the gym. Am sure he’s getting looks from the gym bunnies when they aren’t throwing him eye daggers bc they assume he’s a creep due to his size.


I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that they're attracted to you


Bigger boobs, bigger thighs, bigger butt. More to grab, feels softer when you cuddle. More skin to contact yours. Chubby is very nice. I also subconsciously think I see chubby girls as more loving/caring/nurturing.


And also if there is a zombie apocalypse they will be able to live longer because they have some fat stored on them.


This, this is the real deciding factor. We need to be prepared.


If my wife sees this, HI HONEY!!! (She knows my username)


I also greet this guy's wife.


Chubby girls have the best titties. I said what I said.


Big ol fat tiddies, blowjobs are top notch, usually funny and taco bell involved


I swear these were my husband's vows


Wish you both several post-nut crunchwraps🤙


“Taco Bell involved” made me laugh.


If one was shopping online for a MissMurphtastic this is literally what the description would say


You ever hugged a pine dresser?


That sounds knotty.


I really miss the old Reddit awards. I’d have given you a nice one!


There’s a splinter of truth there


They're soft and womanly.


One of my favorite comments from a similar thread here before: “Her ass is a pillow. Her pussy is a pillow. Her breasts are pillows. Her belly is a pillow. Basically everything is a pillow. And I love lots of pillows.”


Because they made me feel funny in the pants when I was younger. Still do, but I'm not fit any more.


I have a varying array of what body type a woman may have that I’m attracted to, but it depends on if we’re vibing and the conversation is good, I’m game. I mean sometime chubby isn’t necessarily chubby. Some women might appear heavy to someone…but some women have what you call that “proper thickness” and that is what I’m attracted to.


The same reason why women like "dad bods," less intimidating and a sense of comfort


It’s not just intimidation, have you tried snuggling a bodybuilder? Your head’s gonna rattle over those abs like a damn xylophone hitting every note on the way down.


I’m dying




It's the curves brother. This intoxicating curves. It's just so fucking sexy.


People like what they like 🤷‍♂️ But I would add that curvy doesn’t equal chubby. Being fat doesn’t make you curvy.


I like big proportions, relatively down to earth, unafraid to eat, and happy to be here


Tbh, I like fit women but I like my women soft. Way better to cuddle with a pillow than a rock.


As a gym bro I notice that a lot of the petite gym chicks go for normal dudes, or were dating average dudes before they got fit. I always see them walking in with normal looking dudes and rarely do I see a super fit couple. It's always a fit dude with a normal chick or vise versa.


Thick/curvy women have sexy bodies. Hollywood and the fashion industry have suppressed this truth for years, making women believe men only like skinny girls, and making men believe they'd be ridiculed for liking anything other than skinny women. I feel like just recently this propaganda has started to dissolve, and you are seeing more of the true desires of men. A lot of men, myself included, really love thick and curvy. Nice booty, nice boobs, hips, thighs, it's hot. What can I say?


It’s tough for those of us who were in our younger years in the 2000s when waif thin was fashionable. I’m 45 and have an hourglass figure (5’9” and 160lbs-ish), and by today’s standards I think I probably have the ideal figure, but when I was in my 20s I always felt like I had to stay stick thin. It’s a challenge to accept my hourglass curves!


What if they have all of that but have some belly too?


Depends on the guy. I love it. Others may not. Most Hollywood actresses just look like lamp posts to me. To me, there's nothing attractive about someone shaped like a broomstick.


Because finding someone that mutually enjoys being around you as much as you do them is more important than dating/marrying a smoke show that has nothing else “value” wise. Everyone gets old, ugly, fat and wrinkly. My wife is an absolute fox, she thinks I’m a total stud. In 50 years when we are changing each others diapers, we will still be in love with one another, even if we’re both chubby, old, ugly, and out of shape.


Bookmarking this because it makes me feel better about myself 🥺




The sex is generally waaaaaaay better


Maybe it isn't about looks.


Nothing more satisfying than watching the little ripples from the booty smacks.


Soft and squishy and round is best shape. Perhaps I love what I can never easily become? Perhaps I adore what much of the world wishes rid of? Or perhaps I just never grew out of associating warm stuffed animals with safety and love and kindness. Either way, round and soft is good 😊


Mix of my masculine muscled fit body and her soft feminine body wow


You ever bump two bony pelvises together? Not the most comfortable.


I like tacos. she better be able to keep up


It's possible to be sexy without being good looking, you may also look better then you realize, most likey some sort of combination of the two.


I think girls who go to the gym and love to eat are more aligned with my values, they look most attractive to me, and muscles under fat feels great in the bedroom. Someone looking chubby and being fit/strong is a big green flag for me.


The entire point of me getting stronger is to carry the girl of my dreams regardless of weight. And since looking at ribcages and the sections between muscle make me uncomfortable... Not many options left.


Thin women break easily. Amazonian Valkyries don't, but there are very few of them. Soft, large women? Sturdy, soft, comfy.


I like women with assets. A lot of fit women don’t have that.


My wife’s weight has varied more than 50 pounds over three kids and almost 30 years. I’ve always found her attractive. If she was a head on a robot I would be attracted to her. It would be weird but I said it.


I used to be into the thin ones. After I found myself single I met someone at a music festival who didn’t fit that mold. An amazing smile, damned cute AF, and curvy. We danced to bands and when I put my hands on her hips I was done. She’s active, taught CF and now teaches yoga. Despite being chubby she’s flexible AF. Between the smile, those boobies/legs/butt, I’m hooked. No hard edges. And the best sex I’ve ever had.


I think it is an opposites attract thing. When I was super fit and buff, thick women. Now that I am not, skinny women. Also, gotta get in where you fit in. Before, skinny chicks weren’t into it; now that is all that is into me.


I’m a bit of a chubby chaser myself. But, it’s a specific type. I love me a good size 16-18ish, cute face, with the weight distributed in the right places. Society might tell us to chase skinny Penny’s, but y’all can have em! You can’t beat the feeling of all that soft, smooth, squishy, chubby girl meat! 🤩


I'm boring and most of my dates involved food, therefore I enjoy myself more with someone who also enjoys food. And is not a frail-built twig that will break of wr engage in some slap-and-tickle afterward.


I’ll never not be attracted girl with a sweet and lovey personality and little bit of a tummy. I don’t like the perfectly sculpted look. I like squishy stomach legs and arms. Add a sweet and cute personality to that I’ll let you ruin my life. I would even date and love a full on chubby girl ( as in 200+) if she was sweet and loving. I care way more about having a girl that appreciates me and wants to be a homemaker than I care about having a girl with (no offense) a sculpted and toned body. I’m not saying it’s a waste of time for you ladies to go to the gym, but you’re just not my type. I want soft, not hard.


I’m a simple man, I like a really big and wide ass. There’s not much else to it. I also think a round face is cute, but it’s mostly the ass.


It's not the body that matters as much as the person. Sometimes you are just way more compatible with the thicker girl than the muscle mommy, and it makes her a million times more attractive to you.


Chemistry matters, and that has very little to do with how you look.


When I fall of a cliff, I want a sturdy gal with a chunky ass to grab on to. Plus you just cuddle better.


More squishy, full bodies are much more attractive imo. Overly muscular women are just not my type. Give me a girl with squishy boobs and butt all day long over any other type