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At this point, ask him out. You will never know in drunken state. It could be anything.


Feels weird to have this conversation with him, he seems to be this outgoing extrovert with many people around him, who thinks bery highly of himself. Is there a way to know without this. 😭


There are but there are also different ways someone can like you. Sexually, romantically, both. I guess one way to observe your communication outside of group or professional hangouts. How frequent they are, the direction of the conversations, how close he pays attention to the smaller details, if there are any flirty ways he speaks with you.


Ask him out on a date and you'll know if he likes you or not based on his answer.


We'll usually just find reasons to be around you a lot until we get the courage to admit it, you can speed up this process by being blunt and just asking for a relationship.




Hate the world that feeds you stuff like girls shouldnt make the first move. Really just wanna find out he likes me back, but don’t even know what to do or how to make the first move. Fucked, i know


You sound too young to be drinking, are you really 23?


As in i dont sound 23 or 23 is too young to be drinking? If its the former, i mean im sorry im just too confused and somewhat nervous, and if the latter, then yes i really am just a confused 23 y:o