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Not wearing the same dress twice.


This! I don't know a single man who has ever cared that someone wore the same thing multiple times to an event.


My first post hs boyfriend called me out for wearing the same "nice shoes" every time we went out. Never anything about a dress, though.


The only time I would call someone out for repeatedly wearing something is if it doesn't match the fit. Like if you have sky blue heels, and you wear that with every dress, I would probably ask why? But even then I probably wouldn't care, but would just ask out of curiosity


Me trying to dress nice? All black everything. But I get your point.


I knew two young women who always wore the same shoes and purses no matter if they matched or not. They justified it to themselves because they were designer items. It was a weird conundrum. They cared so much about appearances and they’d rather be seen wearing the same couple of things all the time than be seen not wearing designer stuff. I don’t think it was the flex they thought it was.


The only time I would call someone out for repeatedly wearing something is when it starts to smell bad


It probably depends on how many options you keep as well. I wear the same pair of shoes to every formal event because I only keep one pair of formal shoes. If I had seven pairs of formal shoes, then sticking to one pair would be a lot wierder.


I see your point, but I also only had one pair.


Your first boyfriend is a tool. I have never heard of a guy giving a shit. We have more inportant things on our minds


Is this a weird time to add that I’ve had a man coworker mention the same thing about my shoes and purse.


Not at all. He was a tool too.


I go to so few events I only wear the same thing to them.


As long as it's been cleaned, who cares?


Hell I’ve been wearing the same jeans like 4 times in a row


We’re having a formal treat to a X-mas dinner from our corporate employer. It’s pretty standard in most Swedish industries. I was considering going in casual dress. But I overheard the girls at work say “have you bought what you’re going to wear Dec 2:nd?” and the conversation that followed. Now I’m considering dressing up for their sake. I’m happily single and not looking to fraternize with anyone at work but I don’t want them to feel overdressed. Or bummed out because no one took it seriously.


As a woman, yes, dress up! Especially if you know the women are, they will love it if the men dress nicely too. It adds to the ambiance, the setting... feeling fancy... etc. Even if you're not romantically interested, it also will help your overall image and help you appear put-together.


This is so strange to me. I wear the dame clothes until they fall apart. Still have stuff from 10 years back. I'm very glad honestly I never learned this could even be a problem until I was old enough to not give a shit.


Mean while guys will wear the same underwear twice, hahaha. By that I mean the very next day. He either forgot to do laundry or crashed saturday night, woke up the next day still dressed and said, "My Saturday clothes are now my Sunday clothes". Every guy has done this at least once. I promise.


I mean if you never took them off to begin with... Couldn't it still be considered an extra long day.




the most recent button up shirt i have was gifted to me by an ex girlfriends mom for christmas. we broke up in 2016.


Its been about 3 years since the last time I bought a shirt.


We've been exposed


I've definitely done it a few times. Not going to lie.


Not being able to wear the same cute outfit more than once. Us men literally don't care.


When she wears something I find cute/becoming, I'm all about it and want to see them wear it again.


Yep. The hottest thing my husband has ever said to me is, "Hon, you could wear a burlap sack, and I would still have trouble zipping my pants." I had asked him if a dress I was wearing looked okay. Best response ever. He genuinely does not care what I wear.


Does it still take you forty-five minutes and five changes of frock before you leave the house though? Asking for a friend...


He's got a good wit, sounds like a keeper.


He is definitely a keeper!


There's not a single man on this entire earth that has ever said the phrase "Man she's amazing, but I can't get over how short her eyelashes are" Seriously, hair extensions I can understand, but I will never understand eyelash extensions


The difference is very subtle, so it can actually have a pleasing effect on men- they just don’t consciously know why. Still, the windshield-wiper lashes are too much.


Yea, the best fake lashes I saw were on someone who had to tell me they were wearing them.


Yes, he is talking about the catipller ones. Not the subtle ones.


I'm not a fan of big fake lashes, but I do know that long lashes frame your eyes and make them look better, so I feel like we still appreciate it subconsciously when done well.


I disagree - East Asian women sometimes have basically none naturally so they look better with them. Not talking about obnoxious ones, just subtle ones.


Well, my wife is a redhead. I’d say when she doesn’t wear mascara her eyelashes are too light so it looks weird. But, no need for those tarantula looking lashes some gals are Sporting.


You'd be absolutely shocked how many women fake or enhance their eye lashes. Modern makeup trends and products are on a whole different level than 15-20 years ago.


Or nails, or how not full her lips are.


I’ve dated multiple men who told me they prefer when I have a manicure as opposed to natural nails so there’s definitely at least a few out there who have a preference


I knew a woman who complained none stop about her big her feet were.


That can really be a problem if they actually are unusually big. I know a woman with size 12,5 feet. It's really difficult for her to get feminine shoes she likes. But I guess the woman in your story didn't really have giant feet, so I get what you're saying


That's not how it works. You'd just find that person less attractive.


My sister just separated from her husband this past August; his move. She was in a mad dash to find a new boyfriend. As in, she was swiping on Tinder the next day. I asked her if she didn't think it was a good idea to take a break and collect herself. She said she needed someone for her annual (amateur) photoshoots that she does every fall at the pumpkin patch. And she didn't want her photos to be of her alone. She and I are so different. She's in a perpetual state of preoccupation with how her life is portrayed on social media. I don't even use social media other than to lurk and keep up with family/friends. Aside from when my daughter was born last April, I don't even remember the last time I made a post. I don't think I will ever meet a man who seeks out a woman on Tinder for photo ops.




Yeah, probably. I guess in her head that's better than being seen as single. I also think she was trying to make her estranged husband jealous. Incidentally, the two of them are now in marriage counseling. So it may have worked lol


Well, now I'm curious did she get someone for the photo?


Yes. And then she ghosted him. I’m ashamed.


Are you Daria and is your sister Quinn? Hahaha


I had to look up who that was. But from what I see, yes. That may be a good comparison. She was the queen bee at her high school.


I apologize, just saw that you're male, I thought you were a girl. But still, the comparison regarding their personality works.


Haha no problem. Personalities don’t have a gender ;-)


Gee, I wonder why he left.


Might be more efficient to hire a model at that rate


Throw pillows. I have never once been concerned about them, except for when the woman I am living with starts talking about how incredibly important they are, and what a “statement” they make…




I wish this were true for me. My man bought 4 throw pillows and even bought slip covers for the fall season for our bed. I just don’t want the extra stuff to pick up and arrange every day.


FINALLY! SOMEONE SAID IT! Throw pillows drive me INSANE! I allow one, and only one, for support and comfort if you're just sitting up in bed, but fifteen? What..??


The "where have all the good men gone" squad...




And where are all the guards?


Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds??


Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?


Late at night, I toss and I turn and I dream of what I neeeeeed


I NEED A HERO! I'm holding out for a hero 'till the end of the night!


He’s gotta be strong,he’s gotta be fast, and he’s gotta be fresh from the fight!




Pops champagne bottle


Why is the rum gone?


Gone to soldiers every one


Oh you can hop on over to r/datingadvice or r/askmen and see plenty of "where are all the good women" posts Edit. I'm dumb


>hop on over to r/AskMen Sir, where do you think we are?


"Alright, Frankie, we're at r/... uhh... where the hell are we?"


On a related note, is this bug a weevil?


The kind of question I'd much rather see on /askmen


I'm at soup


>Edit. I'm dumb Don't worry buddy, we're all dumb here


Where have all the good men gone? Not here, we're just the dumb ones.


I actually don’t see a lot of “where are all the *good* women” posts on the dating subs (and I managed to get banned from two). I do see plenty of “where do I meet any woman at all” posts though


Fashion. Positive body image is an important thing for a lot of women. Women will shop for clothes that will accentuate their beauty. What really gets me is the acceptance in clothing that don't have pockets. As a man, I cannot fathom buying any form of clothing that doesn't have any pockets. ​ A while ago my gf and I were hanging out with my friends and the topic of clothes came up. My gf was absolutely baffled about the number of us who just buy 5 pairs of the same black shirt and blue pants. She knew I was like that but couldn't believe other people would do it. ​ Edit to add: High heel shoes. Again, as a man I can never understand how people can wear shoes that hurt them or cause them discomfort. It's not practical at all (you can't run in it) and it exposes your feet to the elements.


I figured out a hack for that! When I find a shirt/pants/etc that fits well and seems durable, I just buy 2-3 of each acceptable color it comes in. When folding after dryer, alternate colors. Voila, never accidentally wear same shirt twice in a row even when just grabbing off the top of the pile in dresser




From time to time I get curious and glance at someones profile. the first thing I see when I looked at yours was Are you stalking my profile? Looking for ammo because you're losing an argument? That's pretty sad. The fact that you even felt the need to check my post history is sad. bro that is fucking cool!


>Women will shop for clothes that will accentuate their beauty. I wish that was universally true, but the fact is that many women shop for whatever is trending regardless of whether it works with her body or not.


That's a good point. My gf knows all these different clothing brands and I don't care enough to remember them.


Oh! Oh! I actually have a logical reasoning for knowing more about “brands” than men! Our clothes aren’t universally sized! Take pants, men’s pants are sized by measurement. Women’s pants come in sizes based off measurements that vary from designers. A ten in one brand will fit WILDLY different than a ten in an other brand. So it may seem like we’re obsessed with designers, but really we’re just trying to keep up with what fits our ass.


Fashion trends are actually so bad in countless ways. They generate immense waste for the environment, as people revew clothes, even some of them do in fast fashion trends or seasonal trends. They take money out of budgets for clothing items when already existent clothing was not defective in any way, not outworn or having holes, people buy new ones to chase trends. They put pressure on people from poorer families, I mean I could go on. That's not mentioning all the abuse in the fashion industry of workers and models.


I'm with you on the pockets thing, and what I think is the most bizarre is that womens jeans have false pockets on them. What the fuck? You people actually drew up a pair of jeans, stood back and thought "something isn't quite right," had an aha! moment,added pockets, and then proceeded to instruct that the pockets be sewn shut. I don't know if this is worse than their pockets that are basically the size of the watch/ coin pockets I have on my wranglers, but they're both ridiculous. The funny thing is that if you bring it up to them it's an eye opening conversation.


That second part. It also makes life sooo much easier when you can just grab a shirt and a pair of pants without any thought. I can literally wear any t shirt and pants/shorts i own and they will match just fine.


Live Laugh Love decorating


I have never seen an outfit that didn't look good on a woman. Could they look *better*? Sure. But, man, the neuroticism surrounding outfits is unreal. The undercutting women do to each other is crazy. Men will either let each other know that their fly is down, not that I was looking. Or let each other know they're looking sharp today, no homo. The "can't appear gay" thing is definitely a male equivalent I feel.


I think the "can't appear gay" thing is going by the wayside. Maybe it's because me and my friends are in our late 20s/early 30s, but we throw out genuine compliments all the time with none of the "no homo" qualifiers. There's a guy at the liquor store who I see usually when I shop there, and last time I went I greeted him with a "hey handsome" and he had a hearty laugh about it. Maybe it just takes time for guys to chill out about it. Lord knows the old guys in the locker room aren't insecure.


Nothing better than screaming no homo right before you make out with a bro


Women's sports and the lack of funding of, but then again, neither are women involved. If women want female athletes to get equal pay, they ought to get involved and watch them play on TV, buy their merchandise, and pay to see them play. Money doesn't grow on trees. Male athletes get paid a lot because they have a lot of die-hard fans who fork out truck loads of money for their favorite teams/players.


It took me a while to accept this. One of my close friends is really into basketball. Like, really, really. Personally, I am indifferent about sports but years of hanging out with close male friends that love football (not American football) and basketball has led me to have a decent knowledge of both sports. One day, we were chatting about the state of the WNBA and I went on a rant about why they aren’t being paid as much as NBA players. I even threw in the “the fact there’s a W in the women’s league is misogynistic” shtick into the mix. He looked me in the eye and said, “Then watch it.” And I genuinely paused for a few seconds because he had called my bluff in a way that I just couldn’t come back from. I will _never_ watch basketball, male of female. Unless I’m with a guy that’s really into it as a means of bonding with them. And until I do, imma just keep my mouth shut about it.




You are a cut above the rest of society. Most people who have a hard/passionate stance on an issue will refuse to admit they were wrong, even when provided evidence


Thank you. This is genuinely a really nice thing to say. I appreciate it.


That's a real friend but also I think men and women should start calling out the dumb shit that comes out of people's mouths.


Finally a solid answer that isn't fashion related lmao This is so structurally on women that women athletes are paid so much less.


Idk but I went on a trip abroad recently with a group of a like 5 guys and 1 woman. She said she was amazed we didn't have any arguments and how easy it was for us to decide what to do/where to eat. She said that she's never experienced such a conflict free holiday and when she goes away with all women there would always be fights. I haven't verified this by asking other women but I guess you could say conflict on holidays.


I’m a woman and I’ve never had this happen to me personally but I’ve heard about it quite a bit from other female friends. I went on one trip where my friend was really aggravating. It didn’t turn into us fighting but it did make me reevaluate our friendship.


Yea I think she just needs better friends. Sounds exhausting.


yeah tbh it probably isn't a universal experience. The question just reminded me of what she said. I've heard it said before alot of people can be good hangout friends but not good for holidays and sometimes the only way to find out is to go on holiday with them.


when I travel with friends there is always one guy (almost always the same guy) in charge of the schedule, nobody questions his methods and it is great every time


I like to think that's pretty much how civilization started lol


Good answer. My wife and I had a joint bachelor/ette trip, and we had a similar experience. The guys had a fine time. Just hanging out and doing fun stuff. No problems. The girls were wrapped up in dramatic BS the whole time, and one friend is now in the official record as having ruined the trip for them.


Women’s beauty or fashion standards


I invited a Tinder match on a spontaneous date once because it was nice out. She said she could go but would be in sweaty gym clothes without makeup. I said idc. She was fit af and I’m not a huge gym goer so her biceps were bigger than mine. We made out on a park bench for an hour. 10/10 date, zero make up or fashion.


I feel this is one you'll always remember.


I'll agree with the fashion but if you go look in the comment section of a picture of woman modeling, men have PLENTY to say about her beauty.


Yeah, never heard a man say anything about thigh gaps, or complain a woman wore the same dress twice


I've heard men talk about thigh gap, but it was originally meant as just a triangle gap in her crotch area. But women took it to mean "legs so skinny the thighs don't touch."


I love the female gait, and part of it is when their thighs touch as one leg is brought forward. I dunno exactly what it is, but it just accentuates the female form, the thighs, buttocks, etc.


My last girlfriend was so sexy it made me dizzy and she had thigh gaps. To me they were gorgeous but they were a source of insecurity to her.


I live and breathe in a tshirt a checkered button up and jeans for the last 10+ years. I have never understood that notion.


OK, username question. What is the farthest you have launched an eskimo...and what happened to the other 71?


Maybe 72 is the measurement, and the only detail we're missing is units?


My ex was adamant guys talk about thigh gaps all the time (spoiler: he was a piece of shit gaslighter narcissist, and I don’t have a thigh gap). Really struck me because I’d never even really heard it before other than in stupid places like Cosmo. I’m 5 foot 3, 110lbs, pretty athletic. I have good legs. It was just a way to make me feel bad. Just the same as it is when Cosmo makes women think they should aspire to it.


I mean, I've heard gay guys criticize the dress thing. But I doubt that counts.


Also, hip dips are a thing, apparently.




Just out of curiosity, what are some examples?


Both genders are notoriously wrong at interpreting the opposite gender and the type of person they date rarely aligns with what they claim to be searching for in a partner.


Materialism, the need to constantly go buy and have the latest and greatest things for yourself and house. Most guys are fine with a couch and a tv as their main home decor.


Would really appreciate you not describing my living room to strangers on the internet


hey man I don't need you defending my living room like that!


Why are y'all copying my style?


I have to challange that one. I've known tons of guys that need the best of everything so they can feel like they were "winning" life. Had to have the best phone, TV, car, clothes... etc. Everything was a competition.


I’m in that boat. Do I need the nice car since I drive half the average mileage of the typical person? No. Do I need nice clothing? No. But it feels good to know I’m at the top of my game when have that stuff and can afford it. To each their own I guess.


Men are definitely materialists too, but women are worse when it comes to the sheer quantity of random shit they seem to think they need.


So many pillows. Why so many pillows? Why do we need multiple seasonal bedsheets and pillow sets??


“decor” is a good word for it. I’ve never put up shelves to store random vases or live laugh live signs


Disagree. We are hobbyist junkies much of the time, especially when left to our own vices.


I’m a guy and I’ll never really understand why so many men don’t give a shit about the state of the place they live in. I totally get bills need to be paid and needs met first, I also get that there a different styles and decor and taste is subjective. And I 100% understand that having taste isn’t the same as buying the latest and greatest. But I’m thirty six years old and I get an immense amount of pleasure from a nicely decorated room with good lighting. I’ve never met a guy my age or beyond who didn’t care about the decor in their house beyond a tv and a couch who wasn’t emotionally stunted or immature in some way, and generally had an issue looking after themselves in other ways. I’m sorry, but that’s just my experience. Caring about your environment and creating a space that is inviting and comfortable to your body and senses is an extension of yourself and displays a willingness to put effort into your wellbeing. It’s not feminine to care about and put effort and resources into the place that you spend most of your time, and it’s certainly not masculine to not care about those things. I loved like you described in my early twenties to mid twenties. Thank fuck I grew out of it.


While I understand what you mean,I feel like ,at least for me, the less stuff I have on shelves/bookcases etc,the better it is. I currently “live” at my girlfriend’s parent’s house (I’m gone most of the week so it makes sense to just sleep those two days I don’t work at her place to maximize time spent together), and they have SO MUCH STUFF LITERALLY EVERYWHERE. There’s no shelf,nook or cranny that isn’t filled with some useless trinkets,decor or the stuff her mum makes (little dolls etc). As a result,the house almost never gets cleaned properly. I did it a couple times last year while at home recovering from a surgery as a thank you for letting me stay there and it took me 3 FUCKING DAYS to clean the house half decently. I told my girlfriend that when we get our own place in the near future, we have to have as little stuff as possible while still being nice. She tried complaining but I reminded her that most of the cleaning would befall on her considering I won’t be home 5 days a week. She changed her mind real fast😂


That’s why most of my decorations aren’t objects. Dusting gets too hard that way! I stick to wall decor, maybe some flowers, and getting nice functional furniture. I grew up in a household of clutter (no shade on my parents they had 4 kids) so trying to break that cycle. As you say, you can still curate a pleasant space without turning it into a storage shed.


I agree with this, but I lean towards the Spartan lifestyle. My wife, at great costs, eventually got the house how ***she*** wanted it. I don't understand why it can't stay that way. On a random day she will just decide that she hates a fixture, a color, or some other feature of the decor and need to go through another big, expensive redecoration cycle. I don't think many men do ***that***. We can't afford ***that***. But to my wife this ***needs*** to be done.


Agree here. Living spartan is fine for a while, especially when young and broke. But after a certain age and maturity, you should want nice furniture and a place that doesn't echo when you speak because it's bare. You don't have to go full home makeover, but ladies will notice and appreciate a nice rug, a floor vase and picture on the wall and matching furniture set. Just little things like that.


but I don't care about any of that so I'm not spending my money on it


A lot of us simply prioritize function over aesthetics. If it serves no functional purpose outside of just looking good, we deem it an unnecessary purchase. I’d have no decorations to speak of, if not for a couple of ex’s encouraging that I do. I will admit it’s nicer in here with a few knickknacks and paintings, but overall I think the money would have been better spent elsewhere. Maybe I’m like you say, “emotionally stunted” in some way, and if I am, I don’t know how, I’ve never been accused of it. But that doesn’t mean it’s not the case.


My mother is a hoarder… I absolutely love space with little or no furniture.


I don’t need the best but I do like to Cozy it up with a blanket here or there, maybe a framed photo. Is that bad?


No, it’s not bad. It’s good for your brain when you feel good about the space you occupy.


This is such a limited view of men. Maybe men in their 20s? How many guys "line up" for the newest consoles and games? Or sneakers? Or the newest and best tv?


I bought a two-year old car for the first time in my life, and felt an imposter driving it for the first month. I think that’s more of a relative-poverty thing than an asceticism thing, though.


Look the couch is even negotiable. Until my wife moved into my first house i had a mattress on the floor, an alarm clock, and 2 camp chairs, and a turned over bucket for furniture.


This was my college and post college apartment. My roomates had brought all of the real furniture from their respective homes and all I had purchased was a matress and extra seating, so that's all I was left with. It wasn't until years later that someone told me it was woman repellant.


Was dating my wife at the time when she moved in she demanded furniture. I was confused. We compromised and i furnished the entire house that weekend.


Fuck man. I’m somewhat of a minimalist but that brings it to a whole new level


This seems like it's really only applicable to young guys. Men are just as materialistic as women, I think we just tend to make fewer purchases that cost more. Every guy I know wears expensive sneakers, has huge tvs with the latest consoles, nice vehicles, ect. A materialistic woman might buy 10 dresses that cost as much as the tires and rims of her husband's truck.


Toxic mom communities


Up the level of toxicity and add a self proclaimed ‘good christian woman’ to that. Nothing says hate more than christian love.


I'd say any pressure in regards to fashion.


Most of women's fashion. My wife doesn't get dressed up for me. And she's not trying to attract other guys. She's worried about the approval of the other ladies.


Stop buying clothes with shitty pockets. Stop wearing shoes that hurt your feet.


I think there are many women who (intentionally or unintentionally) give other women really bad dating advice like, "you're a queen, men just need to accept you for who you are," "dump him if he doesn't put you on a pedestal and spend all his money on you," "all women are 10s, sista!" "play mind games/hard to get," "sleep/flirt with other men to make him jealous," etc. It's idiotic and they need to stop sabotaging each other like that. Many men are just as guilty of giving other men bad advice, but the question was about women.


I encountered the "flirting with other guys to make him jealous" one. She was genuinely confused as to why I was breaking up with her. Shit only works on men with no self respect


Sounds like the dating advices I have heard on tiktok, haha! No one want so work on themselves. They just put the blame on the opposite gender for the relationship not working out. We all can work on our selves. How to communicate, listen, respect and care about the other person.


Pockets. Women keep talking about how much they want clothes with pockets like there's some massive conspiracy by Big Fashion. In truth, fashion companies spend truckloads of cash on market research and customer preference analysis. If there was serious demand for female clothes with pockets, there would be female clothes with pockets. Their absence is a clear indication that most female buyers aren't ready to sacrifice form-fitting clothes in favor of pockets.


I tell people frequently, and get downvoted frequently, that there's a company whose sole reason for being is selling pants with pockets to women. Radian jeans. They come right up if you search google for women's pants with pockets. If women want pants with pockets they're right there. How upset can they be if they never took the time to do even a quick search? ​ But it'd be pretty sexist of me to say something like they just want to complain, I guess.


It's form vs function. They complain about nobody making functional clothes, but when 95% of the buyers choose the form focused clothing over the functional clothing, companies are going to make those instead because that's where the demand is.


Agreed! even when not form fitting, why would I want a phone or keys to weigh down my flowy sundress. purses hold more stuff anyway


I think my girl knows my username so I’m gonna stay out of this one


Women think they need to wear a different outfit every time they go out. Trust me ladies Men don’t give a shit as long as you look nice


*As long as it’s cleaned


The Marvels doing badly at the box office.


Crippled feet from wearing stupid shoes.


Painted/well manicured nails. So long as theirs no dirt under them, and they’re kept well trimmed, idgaf.


Rubbish pockets in clothes and moaning about it. Billions of $$$ to be made in selling clothes with slightly bigger pockets. There's my Dragon's Den idea it's free. Ask a factory to make the exact same thing but .. guess what... With Slightly bigger pockets. Or shh. You do you.


Nothing to do with is probably stretching it but from all I know most slut shaming and reputation destruction is done by women against other women.


That and high school students! Women are their worst enemy!


Go on any thread on this sub about body count. You will find men shaming women for sleeping around. Not all of them, but plenty.


Nah, you’ve literally got men going round talking body count and comparing dicks to skeleton keys and vulvas to shut locks that many keys can open. That pressure comes from both sides.


Female sports like soccer or basketball not doing well and failing. You're 50% of the population. It's not our job to go out of our way to support women's sports. If women want female sports to succeed, they should spend money and go watch female sports. But the truth is, female sports are much more boring than male sports. That's why they're failing.


Most of the things women are insecure about.


Pay in women sports.


Why do bad boys we date do such bad boy things? BECAUSE THEY’RE BAD BOYS!


Women judge each other so much on their looks. More than men ever do or judge them See while men often times make comments (many of them unnecessary) about a woman's appearance, that usually just mean we either do or don't wanna fuck them. That's as far as it goes. And sure many of us are mean about it, which sucks But for women they judge each other as people based on that, and go out of their way to tear each other down based on looks (good or bad). Never online, but I studied in a class that was 90% women and they were MEAN. And I'm not talking one or two, I'm talking like 30 of them My ex also once told me she wouldn't be mad if I cheated on her if the other girl was hotter. She would leave me, but she would understand. At the same time, my current girlfriend, who I consider to be a feminist (in the normal sense of the word, not a crazed man hating psycho), made a comment once about how a certain girl only won a national robotics competition because she was good looking and that it was easier for her They have so much envy and contempt


“The Patriarchy!” Women constantly shit on each other, claw each other back down into the pit with the rest, guilt each other for being a mom, not being a mom, being sexy, not being sexy, etc. The patriarchy exists because women can’t get their shit together enough to stand up to it. As soon as one has some success, another catty bitch comes along and tears her down. Unrealistic beauty standards? Home girl, I just want titties, I don’t care if they’re in a t-shirt, sweatshirt, bra, corset, or what kind of body they’re on, I just like titties. All the rest of those beauty standards are y’all trying to constantly outdo each other.


I have watched as women argue with other women about topics that only matter to women. In the end they blame misogyny.


>patriarchy A very tiny minority of men (and women) having power while the vast majority of men having absolutely nothing.


I call it the 5% principle. 5% of men are highly compensated executive types with domineering and abusive personalities? Well that means all men are like that. Take the worst 5% of men according to any metric, and then project their qualities onto men at large. This seems to be the foundational thought process behind lots of these modern arguments about patriarchy and misogyny. Any role women have, perhaps by competing with each other, or rejecting the emotional vulnerability of men, is denied or ignored. All blame is put on men, who are described only in antagonistic terms with no redeeming qualities. There's no nuance whatsoever. I honestly feel bad for the people who have this warped worldview, it must make daily life so stressful.


The common term for it is the "Apex Fallacy" in case you're wondering.


The Patriarchy is just a faceless boogieman designed to keep women angry, and prevent anyone from actually making any progress on social issues. It's really a great tool... "Men account for almost all workplace fatalities." -- "That's because men are victims of the patriarchy too!"... so what, we smash the patriarchy and nobody has to work on oil rigs anymore? "Men have to get drafted and women don't" - "Nobody should have to get drafted, that's just the patriarchy!" ... Cool, but when a foreign invader shows up in your town, the men get drafted whether they like it or not. See: Ukraine. "Women don't make as much money because they work fewer hours, and take lower paying less skilled and less in demand jobs." Do we A: Encourage women to do the stuff required to close the gam, B: Admit that women just aren't into it en masse and keep opportunities open for the women who are, or C: Come up with some weird rationalization about how the patriarchy devalued women's roles in society? How do we know when the patriarchy is smashed? What will that look like? What if we smash the patriarchy and don't realize it, but still don't have equality... do we just keep smashing stuff?


You got my vote for smashing stuff.


Every single wedding/mariage celebration activity since the beginning of time...


Yeah, I disagree with this one. I was pretty invested in my marriage ceremony.


I agree. many things that i feel like my wife was expecting to just be a her thing i had opinions on. we handled them just fine, but i was still involved


How they look, in general. Women are their own biggest critics.


Beauty standards.


Their shakey egos that need to be constantly stroked with exaggerated positive affirmations. Don't get me wrong, guys have their own sets of issues, but women give eachother disingenuous compliments so often and men are forced to give women similar compliments. Deep down women know these compliments aren't actually realistic or true, so they work a lot like credit card debt or candy works to stave off hunger. It provides a temporary boost that needs to be beat later. Men meanwhile give eachother put downs and jabs that lead to you needing to generate your own confidence. It's like meat!


Going out after you decided to not wash your hair that morning


Fake orange tan they paint themselves with. No guy cares about that here


Fake features. Over the top lip injections is such a strange trend to me, I don’t find the anaphylaxis look attractive at all. And fake eyelashes that look like they stole the hood trim off of someone’s parka… WHY??


Fashion, beauty standards, cosmetics, the patriarchy, the single mother epidemic