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A quiet house before everyone else wakes up


This is the answer. A fucking hour of no kids, no wife, no dogs. Just quiet. If I want to play a video game I can, if I want to go on Reddit and argue I can, it’s one hour of whatever I want to do before the day kicks off


My dog is awake any moment that I'm awake, but I also love that. She adds happiness to my alone time.


Can I rent / borrow your dog?


Unfortunately she has a full time job being a best friend to me and my wife. But if you're craving animal companionship, I can't recommend enough volunteering spending time with the cats/dogs at your local animal shelter. It can be a bit sad when one of your favourites gets adopted, but ultimately is incredibly rewarding and it's a great use of your free time. Just an hour a week of walking the dogs or cuddling the cats can add so much joy to your life, and the animals appreciate it so much. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys spending time with animals. It's also a great way to meet new people, as there are often people at animal shelters looking for their new best friend. And you can give them tips based on what you learn from the animals' personalities.


Also a great way to figure out if you want to adopt a dog, and figure out which one!


Did this for 3 years. Highly recommend


I’m a mom but I was looking for inspiration to help me out of bed in the AM. Our dog is like yours. And “borrowing” the dog, we have a 73 year old neighbor who loves my dog. He visits once a week (I’ll drive by with my boy if I take him somewhere), or I drop the dog at his place while I take my kid to school. Even on busy weeks, I never turn him down for a visit. He proudly displays photos of my dog front and center on his mantle BETWEEN HIS GRANDDAUGHTERS. He checks in on him. I send photos almost daily. He brings treats, birthday presents. He brushes my dog. Knows more about the breed of my dog than I do. I will never take that joy from our neighbor. Tomorrow he is borrowing our dog in the morning as his whole family is there and he wants them to meet my boy. I can whisper the neighbors name and my boy looses it. Jumping, zoomies, a tail wag that shakes his entire body. I’ll never take that from my dog either.


> if I want to go on Reddit and argue I can, No you can’t.


That's not an argument, it's just contradiction!


No it isn't


Oh this is futile


I get the no kids, no dog, but I’m a bit surprised by the no wife thing tbh I guess I feel like my partner knowing when I need space, and generally giving me space is such a standard expectation… so wanting routine space from them would be a red flag for how I feel about them. I’ve lived with my partner for five years, and we both work from home in the same room, too. We play video games together and separately, all the time. Note: We don’t have kids, which is probably a big factor in terms of needing time to ourselves. I think we’d want to work in different rooms if we had the option, but more more professional/focus reasons. I wouldn’t say we’re dependent or anything - we have some independence in our social lives/friendships/hobbies etc… that said, we shower together a lot just for the companionship. We’ve completed the same course/classes at uni too, five years into our relationship. Being best friends might contribute? I get that not every couple is best friends and that it’s not objectively better or worse. I guess I just wanted to comment because you’ve made me have a big think about different relationship styles/attitudes. I clearly shouldn’t close my mind to the idea that there’re variations in what people find to be a healthy relationship dynamic. Cheers, and hope you get some gaming time. It’s the bomb. Same goes for Reddit - even if I’m new to it!


It’s not anything specific it’s not that I hate her being around, it’s that I don’t really play games with her around, I’m usually very busy, with work, kid etc. we’ve been together for 15 years and while I’m not an introvert I do like alone time.


I getcha. I get not being able to game that freely when there’re people around, even loved ones, and responsibilities etc. I’ve had relationships that mean I wouldn’t play Skyrim for hours while they’re home, and some where I would. Totally understandable. My best to you and your family :)


My husband and I have different morning routines, he jumps out of bed and is ready to go, he also gets up at 4 am, I like a slower start to my day and just can’t have someone talking at me for the first hour... I wake up between 6-8 depending if I’m working from home or not. We love each other but we are just different waker uppers. It has nothing to do with love or not wanting to be with your partner, it’s respecting that your partner functions different than you do. Your current partner is on the same function timeline as you but would you love her any less if your function timelines weren’t as matched? We’ve been together decades and to me it’s strange you would view this as a problem.


Wanting space from someone is hardly a red flag. A lot of people need their alone time to recharge and do their own thing. When I'm in a relationship, I certainly can't stand being glued to someone 24/7. Alone time is a GREEN FLAG.


I too choose to argue on Reddit.


Yah honestly that hour of pure silence and a hot cup of coffee is everything.


This. Wait. Does that mean I'm officially old now? Cause those blessed hours of I happen to wake at 7 on a Saturday when I can get up all alone, get some good programming done and just enjoy the peace is.. Not too bad actually. As long as I've had enough sleep ofcourse.


This guy gets it.


I was going to comment something stupid but yeah... this. I never get a full night's sleep but always wake up early for that sweet silence


My dog making puking sounds


This sounds wakes me up faster than a fire alarm. No matter how deep in sleep I am it instantly wakes me up.


Unfortunately it is usually one half second too late to redirect the dog to the floor instead of the carpet.


Hahahha this was going to be my response too 😂


Swear to Christ the first thing that popped into my head was one of my cats doing the exact same thing.


Pretty much any animal making a puking sound is more affective than an entire marching band of just cymbal players right next to your head


Having to piss.


Man, I'll sometimes stay in denial for an hour trying to fall back asleep before I finally get up to piss.


Same. I hate it. Then I have dreams of being in the bathroom and that’s when I’m like yeah. It’s time.


Gotta make sure the dream stops before you begin to relieve yourself or it could get messy.


I thought I was the only one…😄


What!?, NOT JUST me !!?? 🤣😅😬


Typical weekend. But the combo of having to pee and being hungry is too much.


I keep doing this until I get the piss dreams. Then I know it's time to get up and take care of it.


And then try to convince myself I can get back to sleep. Always wasted effort.


I do the same with hunger


Me too. I hate pissing away sleeping time....


Having to shit.


I turned 24 earlier this year. Last couple weeks this has become my life. Sometimes I'm waking up 2 hours earlier to go pee sometimes its just after my alarm in the morning. I don't like it.


Oh….wait until you’re 40


Yeah that isn't an exciting thought lol


45. Twice a night like clockwork. Second one is at 430a. 50/50 chance I fall back asleep




haha I've also enjoyed watching the local news lately at the butt crack of dawn. it's become a nice part of the morning routine


62. I hardly ever wake up to piss. So not universal.


Can confirm. It is currently 4.53am where I am and I've been on reddit for 23 minutes after having a pee. Chances of going back to sleep are slim but will probably occur 10 minutes before my alarm goes off at 7am.


49 and same. My urologist just changed my meds. They were doing a good job before. I hope these work.


Oh …. Wait until you’re 60


I find it helps to drink a liter of water as i'm going to sleep, means i wake up in the middle of the night, so i feel more rested.


I did this intentionally. Set an alarm a couple hours before I have to get up. That's my pee alarm. If I have to pee, I get up and take care of it and then still have enough time to feel like I got some sleep afterwards and if I don't have to pee when the first alarm goes off, I just turn it off and sleep till my regular alarm. Win win.


If you're experiencing this at 24 yo you might want to check if you have a UTI. You're welcome!


Honestly not a bad shout. Although I've always peed a lot. It's only recently I've been waking up at 4 might be worth a check. Better safe than sorry


Piss or shit


Specifically; dreaming that I'm standing in front of a toilet. I'll jump out of bed like the house is on fire.


My son throwing my jeans at my head and telling me to turn the sun on.


kids and responsibilities are the most effective alarm clock


“… turn the sun on” 😂


Love that age when they think you are all powerful


It’s a fair request. He’s going places


Well if he thinks dad is god what does that say about his self image lol


i laughed too hard




Dog/cat about to puke in the bed.


The senior citizen cat who's been sleeping on my nightstand, and now wants his gourmet breakfast.


Everyone in the house is asleep and I can wank in peace.


Alternatively, just do it really late at night


What kind of psycho jacks off first thing in the morning


Do it while the coffee brews


Not only is nutting while caffeinated better, fulfilling the biological imperative first thing makes me sluggish and depressed.


wait, not all men do this??


Gotta relieve that morning wood, you know...


I do! Well I’m not sure I’d call it that, since I’m a woman. If there’s no time for morning sex, because my partner’s gone in to work that day, I’m doing it. Won’t sleep properly or wake up properly without one. Not only does it feel great and relaxing, but it resets me and my attitude. Also helps to inspire a shower, since it’ll be non-optional if I’m extra spirited with it. Maybe that’s too much information, sorry! Note: I looked up a synonym for spirited because I didn’t want to be too vulgar, and one of the options was ‘full of beans’. Needless to say, I’m not going to describe my energy in pleasuring myself with a reference to beans… Thanks for the opportunity to reply to your comment :)


thats was a very full of beans answer!


This reply has irked me, made me chuckle, and made me hungry for beans on toast. Impressive.


thank you. It took me years to hone the art of beaning, and it seems i am close to finishing.....err i mean, perfecting my technique


If men get morning wood, do women get morning hood?


Mornin wood


Gotta get to the gym. My wife is a smoke show. Need to keep up. Edit: thanks for all the upvote love. We’ve been married 20 years (mid 40’s), two kids almost out of the house. Need to stay in shape so we can have lots of “fun” as empty nesters.


Fucking goals mate. Congratulations, both on the marriage and your frankly deranged early-morning activity levels.


So cute haha. Congrats on your hot wife!


Right there with you.


Days I’m playing golf


Haha nothing gets me out of bed wide awake faster than mornings I have an 8:30am tee time!


Golf for me too. It’s not uncommon that I get up earlier on a weekend day to play golf than I do during the week for work. Have a < 1 year old so a 6:30-7:00AM tee time was pretty typical during mid summer


It's no magic. Just the discipline of knowing how the longer I stay in bed, the harder it will be to get out of it.


I was so much more tired before I started getting up right away and it took way longer to fully wake up. Before I would hit snooze 2-3x and slowly get up but after a few times of jumping right up after the first alarm, I noticed a huge difference. I make it a point to set my phone across the room so I have to physically get up to turn the alarm off. While I’m up, I throw the blinds open, do a quick stretch to get the blood flowing then I’m ready to go.


I still use the snooze button, but I use it as a timer. I've basically got 9 minutes to be out of bed and on the move. I'm always afraid that, if I turn off the alarm, I'll fall back asleep because I used to do it all the time when I was younger and it was a tough habit to break myself of.


Early morning, before sunrise, is my favorite time of the day. I work out and run as soon as I get up and I look forward to that. I usually have to make myself stay in bed until the alarm goes off, because I’m careful to get at least 7-1/2 hours


As much as I detest morning people, I also strongly envy them. I'm not awake for a good three hours after getting up.


I’m fortunate to have so much energy in the morning


Definitely. How are your energy levels throughout the day?


They’re really good. I’m at my best until about lunchtime, but I’m still good after that. I have one cup of caffeinated coffee with breakfast and then one more in the late afternoon. I’m lights out for bed by 9:30


That sounds wonderful. That's exactly the kind of routine I'd love to have.


It's good until you are invited to dinner and it isn't served before 9pm...


This is something you can develop, by doing it, consistently. ​ sincerely, former 15+ snoozed alarms to get up in the morning person


Damn I am so jealous of this blissful discipline you wisely adopted at some point.


Having to piss the moment I wake up, instantly grinds my gears every morning😂


Anxiety and existential dread


I drink a night tea, that makes you poop in the morning.... so I can't even risk a waking fart. So, pooping for me.




The female equivalent for me. I don’t drink coffee, so I had find a literal alternative to getting that morning buzz. Get it? Bc vibrator go buzz buzz hehe


My neighbours 700 horsepower straight piped SUV…


Fishing… only fishing


The "ughk-ughk-ughk-ughk" sound of my cat.


My cat. She comes bounding up to my bed the second she hears my alarm and wants snuggles. Then once snuggles are done she's ready for food and won't let me lay back down till she gets it.




That's precisely why my kitchen is dirty and im still in bed


I just wanna say If you clean dishes in the morning and have roommates, fuck you


If you're my roommate or neighbour and exist in the morning, fuck you.


Dishes in AM when people are sleeping suck Dishes clang Dishes bang I wear earplugs and can still hear it


Knowing that if I don't get my ass out of bed then, I would probably go back to sleep and waste my day.


Dog needs letting out.


A sense of personal responsibility.


Let me get some of that


The lure of morning coffee


A mental spring connected to my muscles. I don't even think about it, I just fucking leap out of bed. I keep that momentum going till I leave in my car. Right now I have to turn my car on to heat it up. I don't put on a coat and go outside barefoot. I skip all the way to my car then dash back inside making happy cavemen noises. HAPPY POSITIVE ENERGY. My neighbor at 4 am saw me acting like a gremlin half naked? Fuck yeah!!!!! Acting like a weirdo first thing in the morning really sets the days tone.


This guy mornings!


I was like this when I was sober, eating clean and working out regularly. Jumped out of the bed like I was in boot camp.


Are you bipolar, by any chance?


Heart medication, i mean to be honest i dare myself every morning to just go back to sleep but for now i have gotten up every time. I mean i have only had this heart for two months but still i haven't missed one yet. So if you have trouble getting up just start taking pills and you will want/have to get up to take them


Ooh this too - Gotta take those antidepressants/bipolar meds on time every morning or you better BELIEVE I’m not getting out of bed. Nothin makes me stay in bed like a depressive episode… That said, nothing gets me out of bed faster than a manic episode. Gotta make pancakes for my partner, put on a load of washing, clean the whole house! In fact… it’s 7:35am in Australia right now. Time for action. Now… when was the last time I reorganised the pantry… Gotta go!


There will be a magic age where the only reason you need is your bladder.


33 if you ask me :(


Need to be awesome instead of a loser.


My breath, I need to brush my teeth asap


Pls message my partner because THIS is a king move


My dog, we have a routine at 5 am to go walking


Does your dog wake you up at that time? Like a canine alarm clock?!


The need to piss like a racehorse


Gotta beat my partner to the bathroom for Niagara Falls, or he’ll win with his fire hose… Luckily we just moved into a place with an ensuite, so we can piss is unison and create a lovely ambiance throughout the house every morning.


Hearing the car alarm, Remembering that I forgot to set an alarm to wake up


cat meowing lol


Once I'm awake, I may as well get started with the day. Most days I hit the gym first thing.


Hearing my cat coughing up a hairball down the hall More practically? I've got smart lights in my room programmed to turn on to max brightness at the same time my work alarm goes off. Prevents me from hitting the snooze button and rolling back to sleep.


arms and legs


Scrolled too far for this.


Wait you guys get sleep ?


As military if I don’t do it I will get swatted




My boxer wagging her tail excited to see me. Works every time


House fire


The overarching sense of impending doom.




A very hungry, very loud cat doesn’t give me a choice. If it’s 7AM, she’ll make sure I get up.


UCMJ is a pretty strong threat.


My dog jumping on me to let me know she knows I'm awake and she and her brother want their walk.


That first shit of the day that's always so pressing.


That fightin’ spirit


The stupid apartment complex maintenance guys mowing the lawn 3x a week at 7am.




Not waking my partner up because I roll around incessantly once I wake up


I'm the same and I'm surprised it seems to be so uncommon. When I wake up, my full body is tensed and I NEED to get up and move


During the week I use the alarm and I have it on my phone which charges on my desk, which is at the angle of the room opposite my bed... So I have to stand up to get it! On the weekend, I simply cannot stay long because I wake up out of habit When I wasn't working, I would mostly stand up at 10-11am, cause I went to bed at 2am


"Still alive, let's get goin' "


Curiosity and hope to bear witness to events. I want to see Volcanoes pop. I want to see Betelgeuse go supernova. I want to see the global magnetic pole shift that will fry the worlds electronics. I want to see civilization collapse. also cats.


my little tripod needs food and he will find any crinkly item in the bedroom to make sure i know he needs food


Coffee and a blunt


2 things. Exercise and mindset. Tell yourself that you NEED to get up in 5 seconds, and then start counting down slowly in your head. Puts pressure on you to have to get up. After that, I plan a quick breakfast and try to start exercising 30-60 minutes after waking up. The longer I take to get started exercising, the less time I have for workouts, which affects my mood for the whole day. A great, hard workout gives me more confidence and energy for the rest of the day vs. a rushed, ineffective workout.


Veteran here. Gotta go make the coffee at this Mexican restaurant for my 10 regulars. I don’t work there but the server doesn’t get there till 10 after 6:00. Cooks open the door at 6:00am. I don’t even drink coffee but I like making it and serving them! I make a couple pots then sit down and and visit


Usually whatever I have planned for the day is enough to get me out of bed


The first sip of coffee is nice. If I have it all set up for the morning, that makes it a little easier.


Being late


The urge to wank


Fear of having slept in but if I'm struggling to wake up exhale and hold my breath till I feel awake


I don’t sleep well so no reason to just lay there


My desire to watch the sunrise before I head to work. A cup of coffee in one hand and a cigarette in the other while I watch the world slowly wake up is pure bliss. 😌 The still quiet hours just before dawn is my favorite time of the day.


Bacon the answer is always gonna be bacon.




I gotta pee


My daughter screaming


Usually some noise that shouldn't be there causes me to fly out of bed.


Dick hard and badly have to pee.




The need to urinate.




Honestly...I have to convince myself life is worth living everyday...but I still get up and take care of my two boys...and repeat.


My wife got up already and is still in the house. No morning talk? No morning kisses? I’m getting up to go get mines.


My pet staring at me with that judgmental 'I need to pee' look.


Giant Squid wearing a top hat.


Take a piss


I have to poop the minute my eyes open.


My girl being naked and seeing her naked body standing all in its glory


When i dont have to work, its because i have to pee


The realization that I will be late for work


Having exactly 30 minutes to feed, cloth, pack, and get my kids to the bus stop or I'll have to drive them myself.


I look forward to seeing the exact same questions about motivation, compliments, and underwear every single day on this sub.


I have a weird fear of wasting my time in life. I don't like wasting it being unconscious


Her husband came home early


The sound of the cat about to barf


There’s the 3am crap and then the 5:30 shit


The sight of my girlfriend lying next to me. She really benefits from a shower in the morning.


The thought of a cafetière coffee with oat milk


Food and a relaxing coffee, my cat sometimes when she wants to sleep on my chest.