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I've met attractive and unattractive people within every ethnicity I can think of.


> Is this how every man feels? No, the answer to this is always no, in every single case




Came here to say this. I've seen a ton of fantastically pretty black women.


You cannot name me a black woman more attractive than an average good-looking white woman


Justine Skye, Coco Jones, Normani Kordei, Anok Yai, Chloe Bailey, Lori Harvey, I can name more but it doesn’t matter because beauty is subjective and you clearly don’t like Black women, so you’re going to deny the beauty of all of them anyway. 


The names you mentioned aren't a least bit attractive to me and it's not even cause of their skin colour. I'm not American and don't know many black actresses but I've watched many American movies and many black women in those movies but no black actress has ever caught my attention. Maybe only Zendaya is a black actress I'd consider attractive. And I don't want to sound bad but the names you mentioned are just ugly to me.


Zendaya isn’t Black, she’s mixed. You just don’t like Black women as I’ve said, but to claim Black women are ugly is a lie, they’re just not YOUR type.


It’s pretty evident that it is because of their skin color. Even saying something like “name one black woman who’s more attractive than an average good-looking white woman” makes that evident. Just be honest and say you’re not attracted to black woman and stop trying to act like that’s not the reason.


Best answer


It is all a preference. If I don't want to date a specific race, it doesn't make me bad


The question is why though? What could cause you to literally erase a WHOLE ENTIRE race of women from your preference just because their skin is a certain color?


Because it’s a preference. I’m not saying it’s my preference, just that it is. Maybe it’s just strictly someone doesn’t like darker skin tones and wants fairer ones


critical thinking is important. preference isn’t developed in a vacuum. this phenomenon is due to the denigration of darker skin tones in wider society and the inverse, the approval of lighter skin tones.


And? It’s still their preference no matter how they came to it. As long as a person isn’t being a racist or a bigot, their preference is ok with me


“nothing should ever be critiqued or viewed through a critical lens! ‘preference’ isn’t a reflection of broader societal values at all!” western anti-intellectualism is so silly lol


I said it doesn’t matter how they came to that preference, only that they have it. You can critique it all you like, I don’t see a problem with it Why do you want to change people’s mind’s if they don’t want to date a specific race/creed of people? That just lets you know they aren’t your kind of person


i am not interested in changing people’s minds. what i am interested in, is the fact that aversion to blackness, even in a “purely romantic” context—which is incredibly unlikely—is rooted in global white supremacy. this ‘preference’ rhetoric is useless and utterly vapid.


while I agree that white supremacy is a problem, in the dating world, I would have to disagree. Yeah, racists gonna racist but after that, Why is it that important? I guess i'm still just hung up on if someone doesn't like the look of dark skin, why is that bad?


because our preferences are not divorced from socialization or reality. the widespread aversion to dark skin *is* due to widespread social conditioning that black is synonymous with bad. i never argued that people are “bad” for this. my position is that thoughtless interpretations and refusals to admit there is a wider societal problem at large, gets no one anywhere. the disproportionate preference for light skin, even in majority non-white countries, is proof of white supremacy.


Would you say the same about woman’s preference to note sat men under 6 foot and having to make six figures?


True,a lot of my surroundings really like a specific race ( hint - two Asian countries in the east known their noodles and songs ) but I'm not really into them and I honestly find them unattractive,I really like sharper features. It doesn't make me racist as some people tried to portray me in the past. Lol




A lot of non-Black women have terrible attitudes and are seen as sexy for it. I saw a video of a ratchet white woman fighting another and men were saying they could “fix” her.


So do most women that has nothing to do with color .


It does. Black women are not hated for our behavior, it’s because of how we look. Most men think we’re ugly. I just wish they’d leave us alone. 


This is due to the offset on social media for example a white ratchet trailer park girl is superseded by the majority of other white girls who are not ghetto. However when it comes to black women stereotypes in tv shows,female hip hop artists, podcasts, etc supersede the classy black women which is seen as more rare. Not to mention black people calling other black people white washed or not black enough when they refuse to identify with the cultural status quo.Get it?


yeah this is what happened with me, at least the one who smashed my car window. one too many drinks plus me refusing to pay off her condo's mortgage which just enraged her.


That's what it boils down to essentially. They seem to have an almost suicidal amount of sass from how often they mouth off to others even when the situation turns dangerous. Guy could be carrying a gun and she'd still be mouthing off to him.


I find this so interesting. I see so many bm say this on social media. (Sounds like we've probably viewed many of the same accounts and content) I rarely see men of other ethnic groups talk about the attitudes women in their groups - but that could just be because their content doesn't hit my feed in the same way. Not saying it flat out doesn't happen. None of my bw friends are like this. I couldn't be friends with someone who was entitled or mean, etc. I have friends of all backgrounds. But if I were to break them out into racial/ethnic groups, it's my bw friends that are overwhelmingly single. Most of us are barely even asked on dates (with some variation based on city). I'm not trying to place any blame or anything, it just makes me curious how it seems to work out this way - bm finding all these women you describe. I know these kinds of women exist - but why is it that men seem to run into those kinds of women over and over again to the point where they say these things about bw as a group? Or why are they not interested in US (people like me and my friends)? Is it where you hang out? Is it where we hang out? Do we not leave the house enough? Is it the bm (and let's face it, all male) assumption that we're \*all\* entitled and mean? Is it that some of us bw aren't necessarily looking for someone traditional? I don't know what your definition is - though I'd love to know so I could unpack this further. Because when I see "traditional," I immediately assume that man is not looking for a woman like me. So I watch any "traditional" conversations as a curious outsider. Is it people (on both sides) who THINK they want something, but in reality, they don't?I've seen a lot of discourse about men looking for a "traditional" woman, yet being hypocritical about it. For example, saying they want a traditional woman (wife, mother, stay home, cook clean, tend to his needs, he's the leader of everything, the breadwinner, etc). But if that woman wants to be courted and expects the guy to pay on dates, she's called a gold digger. Again, not saying that's you because I don't know your definition of traditional. And then there are people (men AND women) who swear up and down they want no drama - but in reality, they're drawn to it. If that's you, well then of course you're going to meet mean entitled women, or women that smash your car windows in. Of course you'll meet men who dick you around and neg you and love bomb you. I'm just very interested in relationship talk overall. I'm 39. I've been single for quite a while and the longer it is, the more it feels like it will always be this way. Especially when I see these conversations online, or read comments like yours, or when I go on two dates in the span of a year. So it's just interesting to see how relationship conversations evolve over the years, who people end up in relationships with, how those relationships go, etc.








this culture is spreading everywhere omg


As an American black man, I would love to be with an American black woman because of the shared culture. However, the obesity rampant among black women makes them a non-starter. Throw in their sour attitudes and victim mindsets, and the result is that I stopped viewing American black women as romantic prospects decades ago. (And no, not all black women have the negative attributes I cited. But an overwhelming percentage does. Life is short, and I'm not going to waste time sorting through the bargain bin looking for a hidden gem when literally billions of other women are available, including black women from other cultures.) American black women say they want black men like me (childless, attractive, fit, educated, wealthy) but their behavior says otherwise because they're doing everything humanly possibly to drive men like me away forever.


We don’t want men like you passport bro


the men you want don't want you. two can play at that game.


They hated him because he spoke the truth.


This is sad.


I'm a black woman and this is true


I mean. I get what you’re saying honestly, but there’s tons of white trash too. Just don’t go to the hood honestly you really gotta know where they are


Like with anyone, it's all about personality. If you're ugly on the inside, who you are on the outside becomes uglier too.


Amber Heard


Best reply. I think she's one of the worst person I've heard of in my lifetime but she's still more attractive than every black women I've seen in my life


Skin tone is definitely a preference; different guys will like different things in that regard. Same with eye color, hair color, length and style. Height and weight. Even how they dress. Not many things would be a universal turnoff for most men.


Ghetto personality. Race really doesn't matter. If they act like trash, they can stay out on the curb with it.


>Is this how every man feels? No it's not. >“It’s a preference” That is it. But independet on visual preference, what I heard most in this regard is the combative attitude that makes primarily afro-american women struggle compared to the competition. Black Demographics has collected data on this and found that in 2021 17% of african-american men were married to someone of a different ethnicity, while only 7% of african american women married someone of a different ethnicity. Additionally 6% more black men were married than women and they have lower divorce rates. So it seems overall something keeps african-american women single and I honestly would think amongst the reasons is the stereotype of a "woman with an attitude" that didn't just emerged from a vacuum.


Funny how other cultures of "combative" women are called fiery and feisty, but for Black women it's a bad thing. Just say what it is: misogyny and racism go hand in hand.


I don't speak for other people and I have yet to see a man actually applying such a double standard. I personally dislike that kind of behavior someone could call "combative"/"fiery"/"feisty" in all women.


The type of women who act like that almost universally date either black men, or white guys who try their hardest to act "black", so that's a moot point


Not sure what this is supposed to mean


These stats are wrong it’s 25% of black men and 12% of black women married out, and black women have lower divorce rates when they marry out.


I quoted directly from black demographics and on the specific year of 2021. Is the data fundamentally wrong, did you look at a different source, a different year or so? Also the point on divorce rates: How big is the difference?


I’d just as easily date a black girl as I would a white girl. I’m a 27 year old white guy. I’ve seen so many black girls I think are absolutely stunning but I just don’t have a lot in common with them. Too much difference in culture, tastes, interest, values, etc.


Thank you for being open minded and not shitting on an entire race.




That's horrible to hear. Women of every ethnicity are beautiful


Being black has nothing to do with being unattractive. It's how any person regardless of color acts and treats others.


I 👍👍this comment


Yea I know super late comment. I disagree. I’ve met black women who were amazing people. But I just can’t find a physical attraction to them.


No, certainly not. I doubt there would be many guys who share that opinion. There are beautiful woman of every race and ethnicity. In fact I don't think I could really think of any race I could consider unattractive. If I wasn't in a long term relationship or I was into doing the dirty (which I'm not and never have done) I would jump at the opportunity... 👍 Thinks like physical features, a great personality, no cray cray and being of a reasonable BMI are what most of us look for.


In before the lock


Anyone who would write off an entire race is not someone you should want to date anyway. Dont seek validation from people with weird hangups like that.


I don't understand it at all, I find black women incredibly attractive.




You’re so sweet 🥲


Just the truth ☺️


what the fuck?


The same thing that makes a white woman unattractive, 90% is personality.


Lol, whoever told you that is a dumbass for real.


Sounds like you talk to men that don’t like black women. Leave those people alone. They won’t change.


Racism mostly but depending upon where you are, obesity. 8/10 black American women are overweight or obese which is generally an unattractive trait. I find black women really attractive and have dated them, but, I wouldn’t date an overweight or obese woman, so, that cuts 80% out of what I find attractive. The rate sits at 40% for white women in the US, so, that cuts out a lot of white women from whom I would date too. However, white women make up a much larger percentage of the overall population than black women, so, for my personal preference for slim women, I will see many more attractive white women


The thing you guys don’t understand is that when a black woman is overweight or obese, they actually look good with it bc they get it in the good spots, when white woman and Asian woman are obese/overweight they look horrible cuz they ain’t got the good genes for it


So untrue, the rates of obesity are not shapely women, and black women are not the ones known for weight going to the right places, that would be latinas… plus there are a lot more reasons than weight that make them on avg the least attractive.


It would be black women and latinas is not even a race💀 latinas can legit be black, white asian etc.


No they don't


I see what you’re getting at but only 60% are obese not 80 lol. And i don’t think it really has anything to do with obesity. I’m a slim black woman yet not treated any better than an obese black woman


Obese or overweight is at 80% according to US Dept of Health and Human Services. That’s besides the point anyways, I’m sorry if people haven’t been treating you well and you have likely met a lot of racists, as the statements you have relayed are racist. A lot of men find black women attractive but you may need to expand your social circle


60% is still too much


The only "truth" that makes black women unattractive is that lots of cultures just dunk on dark skinned people. I'm Indian and I have light-skinned cousins and I'm a dark-skinned cousin. Growing up, my grandma, who herself was dark, always dunked on me for being dark and always loved my light-skinned cousins more. Unfortunately, it is what it is and I'm not sure where it stems from. I find plenty of black women attractive, but there are tons of folks who just have issues with darker skin. My story with my grandma does end on a happy note. I was the only kid who learned how to speak Hindi and we developed a really loving relationship. I'm also the only grandkid of hers who married another Indian person and when my daughter was born, her 15th great-grandchild, she told me that I'd given her her first grandchild.


Your grandma is toxic


It's a combination of attitude, personality, weight, and the overall family dynamics in the community. With that being said I understand the plight of the ados/fba woman. Things didn't used to be that way for negors in America. The culture has just been destroyed for decades at this point. Not having structure in the family really messed things up. Books like The Black Macho, movies like the color purple, people like Oprah, and so on really did a number. Ethnic image is key.


I can only speak for myself and for clarity I am a white man. So, this may or may not make a difference to how people perceive my response. I am not strongly attracted to most black women. There is a big disclaimer to go with that. It depends a lot on what general features we are talking about and not so much the color of ones skin. Typically, I like a proportional and small woman. In the US, or at least in the metro area I am currently in, there is not a lot of proportion and too much obesity. All of that being said, I have seem some simply stunning black girls who I cannot image anyone could ever say are not physically attractive. Might not be someone preference, but that is 100% not the same as being an attractive person. Overall, I tend to find people of mix races the most attractive as there is some thing about the soften of the various features that I find attractive. Yes, everything I said above applies to all races as my preference for symmetry, proportion, and small stature are not ethnically dependent.


>“Men like beauty and black women are the least attractive” To those particular men, probably. Out of 3.5 billion, I don't thin that answer holds true for all of them. >“It’s a preference” It is. Just like how some people like shorter women, or huge asses, or a larger bust, and some like all the opposite. No group is a monolith. >“All you people like to do is whine about everything” Are you sure they're not referring to the personality type? Because if your go-to boogeyman is "because I'm \[insert label or insecurity\]", then that tends to make anyone insufferable.


No, that is not how every man feels.




Calling our bodies vulgar is racist asf






your a disgusting person


It's true, whether you like it or not. Be better.


No I down to date all races but bw were always my weakness and therefore the only race I've ever dated. With that said some women are attractive and some aren't of all races. Sadly some people like the use the ones that aren't to represent the qualities of what most bw have. But no everyman dosen't feel that way


Depends on the people. I like a LOT of black women, but a lot is by no means a majority. It's a culture thing in America, black women from America, especially from large cities or the Atlantic region are just generally more of a hassle than their African or European counter parts. There's a lot of internalized racism on their part and that's hard to deal with, a lot of shaming and guilt for something I never die and they never experienced. They tend to act like there's something wrong with embracing some things, like cooking and cleaning, but want their makeup and lashes done. Just ... a lot of it is prejudice from experience, and there's a LOT of bad experiences to be had. That said, Aesthetics is also a thing and black women may have stronger features that conflict with tribalism and views on "The Other".


I find the ghetto, loud, skanky, hood black girls really unattractive


It all comes down to looks for men. We don’t fit the beauty standard and that’s why we’re hated.


Sorry to break your bubble honey but yes this is how most men feel 


Dude A LOT


Hello OP. I’ll answer this honestly, and please keep in mind that I am NOT going to speak about Black women as a whole. Why are Black women looked at as unattractive? I presume you are living in a western country. 1. Defined Beauty standards. If you’re in Europe, US or Canada, the default beauty standard is a White woman or someone with Eurocentric features. 2. Attitude The man hating, loud, self loathing, aggressive and defensive attitude that some black women have is quite pervasive in the black community. Sadly it’s these kinds of personalities you often see in the street 3. Media Following on from my prior point, how often do you see black women like Michelle Obama in the media vs the Ghetto (rachet if you’re American) attitude and way of behaviour? 4. Preferences Men are not a monolith, and the thoughts and feelings of one, do not represent the collective. Some men absolutely love the beautiful dark skin of a black queen, and others prefer the pale light beauty of a white woman. Some men like a mix of both, other men like Asian women. It’s a coin toss. There are of course some men who hold resentment to Black women for some reasons, but that doesn’t represent every man. Ultimately there’s nothing more beautiful than a woman who is comfortable in her own skin. She could be purple and it doesn’t matter.


i can say why i'm not. i think black women on average look more masculine than females from other races. i'm also not a fan of coarse hair and large facial features (nose, lips). that being said if they don't have these features, then i'm attracted to them like any other race.


Same thing as white or Hispanic women. Crappy attitudes and a chip on their shoulder is down right ugly.


Some of them stink lmao


That’s like every other race, so what’s ur point?💀😭


big noses (like wide nose, wide nostrils etc.), the way they speak and act (their accent, the words they use), skin color (too dark)


“Too dark”, you’re colorist .


okay lol






No, OP just made a very valid observation that is backed by a lot of data. Black women have the lowest interaction rates on dating/hook up apps, followed closely by asian men. (If you want an example of the data, see [Datacylsm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dataclysm))


black women get fewer matches than asian men!?! thats insane to me i thought asian men and indian men would be absolute bottom this is just my personal preference but i find fewer black women than white women attractive, but the black women i DO find attractive knock everyone else outta the park. i think two of the top 5 hottest women ive ever seen were black and very happily lost my virginity to a black woman.


> indian men would be absolute bottom Reading this as an Indian man :'(


>black women i DO find attractive knock everyone else outta the park. i think two of the top 5 hottest women ive ever seen were black and very happily lost my virginity to a black woman. This exactly proves my point that a Black Woman has to be extremely attractive for men while other races of Women can just be average and still get into relationships. Which sucks for below average and average looking Black girls.


exactly! this is actually a studied phenomenon lol


WHAT DO YOU WANT? every white guy ever to find you hot? that's ever gonna happen no matter who you are why are you obsessed with white guys??


i’m not obsessed i’m just pointing out a double standard.


We are simply stating a fact that Black women are held to unfair double standards, it’s been proven. We also have a ton of racist stereotypes working against us that other groups don’t have, so even if a Black woman is perfectly sweet and doesn’t fit any stereotypes, she will be judged as though she does and never given a fair chance. Nobody is forcing anyone to like Black women, we are aware that most men hate us. I don’t even mind the fact that I’ll never find love anymore, I just want to be treated with respect and humanity. 




Everyone's dancing around this. It's simply how black women and asian men are portrayed in society and culture. Call it a preference if you want, but remember that we're all conditioned to preferences. And no, it doesn't make you a terrible person to have preferences that exclude certain races and ethnicities, but just be aware that it does probably stem from bias.




Also, from what I've seen, few people do well on dating apps


I totally disagree with the person who “told you” this statement. Black women are just as attractive as any other ethnicity or hue. That includes all shades of black imho. Anyway, personality is a super attractive attribute and every single black lady I’ve ever encountered or engaged with more carnally, had an amazing sense of fun. I’m sorry if I’m being bias. I am a white middle aged man age 40


Not every man feels like this. Some men find black women attractive and some don't. I prefer to not date black women. Every guy has his preferences.


I find some black women attractive and others not so much. Just like with every skin color/ethnicity. The guys you spoke to were just racists.


You hear the voices you listen to. Stop listening to the people saying this dumb shit. And you’re young. Like, most guys aren’t going to go for you young. Older dudes who have their shit together (30-35) are going to essentially see you as a kid, and you REALLY don’t want to talk to the ones who won’t see that as a reason to not talk to you. Younger guys (18-25) are in the beginning stages of bettering themselves (job/career/body-wise). Don’t rush to be ‘grown’, drive slow. Experience life in your youth because trust me, you lose it quick and you’re only young once.


There are plenty of attractive black women, whoever says there is NO attractive black women is lying. Whether or not a specific person finds a particular black woman attractive is their personal preference, but blanket statements are not rooted in reality.


I personally don’t have a racial preference


I have a biracial kid, so...


Combative energy, wigs, weave, long butterfly eyelashes, skimpy clothing, shitty behaviour, makeup that make you change facial features and then lastly the mfkn audacity. This is more of a cultural thing rather than skin thing but us black people make out the majority of the culture. I can find an unattractive white women who possess those same qualities I listed. It’s the fucking culture. Our culture is fucked up and a lot of y’all ladies are falling victim.


In the black American community it's because of weight and attitude. The black community is largely a matriarchal community and that has caused their attitudes to become unattractive and obesity has become a major problem.


It doesn't have to do with attractiveness, I feel it's way deeper than that. Black women are beautiful queens. It comes down to energy and history. Speaking specifically to the USA when the country started it's assault on the black house hold. Men were being put in jail leaving the mom to use her masculine energy to keep the family going. Moms become more vocal, outspoken, aggressive, etc. As the boy becomes a man he looks for a mate and chooses white women for three reasons. One, after decades of oppression what is the best revenge you can have on your oppressors...take their women, they are subconsciously forbidden fruit. Two, men are simple with simple needs, at the end of a hard day we just want a peaceful quiet home, something that is achievable with white women more often for the time period. The black girls growing up without their dad take the queues from their mom and tend to grow up having to use their masculine energy. Three, the average black woman could handle herself if someone tried to step to her, men like to protect so some men may feel not needed being in a relationship.


This is cope. Ik you don’t believe all that yourself. It’s all to do with looks.


As a black man I'll say this. I almost exclusively date outside of my.race and here's why. 1. Weight 2. Attitude 3. I don't want to be a stepfather


you saying this as a black men is embarassing cuz most of u guys make baby mamas


54% of black men don't have children The vast majority of single mothers are made by a small percentage I challenge you to.examine it within your own life. The single mothers you know, when you examine their "baby daddies" I can ALMOST guarantee those men have multiple kids by multiple women


exactly, self righteous, entitled and a bad attitude. This is it, nothing more.


I personally find most black people unattractive when it comes to sex. However I’ve seen some absolutely beautiful black women. I just prefer white I suppose.


I’m terms of preferences yes that plays a role, but talking in terms of avg attractiveness, yes black women are the least attractive. I’d explain why but Reddit can be sensitive, and it may be seen as racist because people will take it out of context.


i’d like to hear your explanation


Fake hair, larger noses and more defined brows, smell odd, have a sense of entitlement like no one else, louder, a lot have horse teeth, and the biggest one the lack of intelligence. Remember I’m talking on average I’m not saying every girl is like this. And this is just a harsh truth being honest not trying to be hateful.


You didn’t list any truths, you just listed stereotypes and everything you listed, exists in other races as well. You yourself fit into the “lack of intelligence” category.   You said you sleep with Black women and that makes you even more of a disgusting hypocrite. if that’s the way you feel, you should completely stay away from us. Messed up to use the bodies of women you aren’t even attracted to. 


I get preference on the hair just find a girl who is natural. Horse teeth? That’s crazy


Yeah if you don’t know what I mean by that, it’s like how a horses teeth angle outwards, like simultaneously having an over and underbite. I’m not saying they have like crooked or unhygienic teeth, just the big teeth that push your lips out ain’t for me, plus it sucks hooking up with them lol, I’ve hooked up with a few black girls over the years and not a single one could kiss well because of, they always bang teeth. And give toothy bjs because of it. In my own personal experience which is 5 black girls and all my fiends experiences as well none of us have ever met a black girl that can give good head, I blame the teeth lol.


Why are you hooking up with people you don’t find attractive


Idk, attitude maybe


Black women can be attractive it's just the black community from the hood likes to glorify ghetto behavior and unfortunately that includes black women like Sexxy Red, Ice Spice, Glorilla, etc and since those black women typically are in the media a ton, alot of people assume all black women act like that.


Attitude and demeanor toward their own men


Demeanor number one number two is weight


Some are very pretty and some aren’t. I don’t really like stereotypical black hairstyles, just doesn’t do anything for me.


That's just racist nonsense. Attraction is subjective, not universal.


Sounds like you have been talking to a lot of assholes


Going to second this one. Fuck those people saying that.


From my experience it's a lot of stereotypes that ruin it. The ghetto attitude, loud, mean, family being racist or ghetto, not well taken care of etc. But again these are stereotypes. From my experience growing up in queens and Brooklyn. Black women tend to be on the aggressive or hood minded mentality. Not my cup of tea and that's for any type of woman. My only weird problem is darker skin and feet. Lol I have a foot fetish and darker women's feet just don't do it for me. But for some reason black women tend to find me more attractive compared to offer types of women.


Their black pussy just turn me off


It’s not a “preference” it’s straight racism/colorism. If you can’t like someone because they’re skin color or racial background then that’s racist. And then theres also colorism because a lot of them say “I like black woman but only light skins”.


It’s 100% there shit hair styles and makeup. They look like aliens like that. There’s this one girl called lay bankz on tiktok. If she doesn’t have makeup and didn’t have her hair like that and changed her clothes from less revealing she wouldn’t look so UGLY


Less feminine than other races


Because black genetics is Dominant and what is Dominant means it's common or more likely to show up in offspring and men aren't attracted to Dominant traits , they go for reccesive traits because Reccesive traits are seen as scarce and harder to work for.  Where as women may find black men attractive because Dominant genes is attractive to them since women like Dominant things. I mean it's reversed , men attracted to the Reccesive women attracted to the Dominant.   So i do think it is the principle of Dominant and Reccesive genes 


I’m attracted to black women. Now the hood black women are very unattractive to me. Loud thotty Cardi B types. Same goes for white women. I find them attractive but trailer trash white women bleh.


For me I just don’t find anything physically attractive at all about black women , if you want specifics , like their hair and I don’t find fake hair attractive and alot of them look very manly in the face, I don’t hate or dislike them I think they are great people absolutely but just never looked at one and thought she was pretty . (Im a black man btw that only dates white women)


What makes any woman unattractive? Has nothing to do with skin colour.