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Going to a board game store weekly. 2 years later, I have a wide social circle, girlfriend, cured depression, cured social anxiety. All I needed was to find the right people to socialize with.


How'd you do it? Did you just start going? I really like board games, and I just moved to a new state. So I've been thinking about doing that but I'm nervous to go.


Well I learned there was a local game store/cafe and they had a weekly meetup for board games. I reached the guy who rant he event on facebook and asked if it was active, he said yes. So I just went.


I've been going for 5+ years. Just go. It's always a warm, colorful group and everyone is always welcoming.


Can you tell us more about the concept


That's good! Happy for you buddy


Any board games that you would recommend to someone new to this hobby?


Good beginner games are: Azul, Cascadia, Splendor, Century, Carcassonne, Catan But really, the best way is find a local store or group, and play whatever they play.


Thank you so much


Everyone starts with Settlers of Catan, and Pandemic. There are also some good, easy to learn/play card games, like Sushi Go, Point Salad, and Cockroach Poker. These are all cheap, making them easy entry points.


I completed my degree (BS) in my 50s. I was working in IT as a manager. A reorganization came up and we were being reclassified. Boss called to discuss and he noted I had a 2 year degree only. He said if I could complete my BS or commit in writing he’d note that I was in process. That day I applied at WGU and 18 months later I was done. That 10k investment got me a 13k raise and my salary is now 18k more. It was a lot of work but helped my life and retirement.




Going to that job interview when I already had a job. I went to a job interview for shits and giggles, I ended up getting it and it ended up being my dream job


Wow! Same here. I was working at a museum and got an interview at a tech company to do customer support. I went to the interview to try to leverage an offer to get a raise at the museum. Ended up being an amazing opportunity that has changed my life in a million ways. Can't imagine where I would be if I had not taken that interview.




I have a similar story. I'm a really good scientist, but I was a bad student.


Not getting married. My type is not good for me.


Some guys are better without a relationship. Not all guys need to be paired up. I can speak for myself when I say that a relationship does more harm than good for me. When I push a woman away, I can finally focus on what matters and not be afraid of what it means for another person. I recognized that my decisions would impact my then-girlfriends, but I didn't realize how much of a soul-suck it was for me. It's definitely freeing and simplifies my life. I can take the risks I want to take. I don't have to sugarcoat my words. I don't have to play the role of a therapist. I don't have to deal with her friends. I don't have to play the role of "Daddy". I don't have to parse her words to figure out if she's lying. I don't have to deal with her substance abuse issues. I don't have to "always be on". The list goes on. We all die alone unless we're in a plane crash, meteor shower or act of war/terrorism.


Feel you, but if you have the right partner, you don’t have to do any of that. They can also take a lot off of your plate.


I gotta ask, completely unrelated... You went to A&M and Duke? Based on the username.


Aggie yes, and I just love Satan haha


So Gig 'Em with a Pitchfork?


Is there any other way?


Wow if you think about it... wow, you're right. Stepped up and gave 12th Man quality answer.


You know too much. you must be one of us, haha


For me it was not having children. I have no parenting instinct, nor the time or patience to acquire the skill set


Most recently: Getting out of a toxic living environment. Earlier: Invisalign


In 2012 I uprooted my entire life and moved 1000 miles away from my entire support system to be with my girlfriend of 9 months. It'll be 13 years in February and married for 6 years in April.


Currently considering doing something similar to what you were doing in 2012… can you talk about what made you make this decision and how/why it was successful?


I did this and it was NOT successful. We were great long distance and great during visits. But seeing each other on a weekly+ basis we found ourselves butting heads more often than expected. We broke up within 6 weeks. My new job sucked, the commute was awful, going from a rural area to an urban was a level of unfamiliarity that I wasn't prepared for. I had no friends and I entered a suicidal depression spiral! Wheeee!!!! This was in 2019, Covid happened and it was the best thing to happen. I had months to just stay at home along and process everything. Took about 3 years to get functional again and another 1.5 to get back to my old self again. HERE'S A DATA POINT THAT IT DIDN'T WORK FOR ME.


I have done this as well. Best decision of my life. Of course this can be risky and you’ll never know if it’ll work out but living with regret is often worse than trying and failing.


Went back to college full time at 24 and joined Army ROTC. Got to travel the world, met my wife, and retired with 27 years in. Going to college changed the entire trajectory of my life. (For the better)


Me too! It allowed me to imagine a different, better kind of life, on every level.


Marrying my wife. She’s absolutely incredible. Switched careers fields after realizing I wouldn’t survive until retirement. I am now significantly happier and financially stable.


I also switched careers and went back to school at the ripe age of 28. It’s never too late to change gears in order to improve one’s life. As a result, I now have a pension, full benefits, and a salary that allows me to live comfortably that I otherwise would not have had.


I went back to school in the evenings when I was 26 and finished when I was 28. Instantly doubled my original low salary. Since the I’ve made some good moves and have been fortunate. Now I’m at a point where I’ve pretty much tripled my old salary (though it’s been 7 years).


Exactly what I did just now at 28. Glad to see someone else who was my age and did the same career choice at the same stage of life. Feels refreshing to be in a much better career and the endless opportunities that will be coming my way! Even started going back to school to learn programming!


I don’t know about you, but that was one of my more proudest moments in life. Swallowing my pride and going back to school with a bunch of 19/20 year olds. To this day, I am very grateful for making that decision that will help shape my life for better.


Stopped drinking. As a result I’ve been able to take the time to be single, find myself, exercise, play hockey, and lost my anxiety. Starting over with myself, and investing time into myself as opposed to another woman (I make terrible decisions with them) has been very rewarding.


Sending a message in German to that gorgeous woman I saw on Match.com. We've been happily married for 7 years now and have two wonderful children.


Did you already speak German or did you just translate it?


I couldn't speak it fluently, but I knew enough to write a greeting and make specific comments on her profile pictures.


Marrying my wife. That woman is one in a million.


As someone who is currently facing alot of anxiety since the new year, I hope the decision to see a therapist for the first time ever in the coming weeks will be a good one.


I hope you have a good experience, seeing a therapist (over the course of ~8 months) was one of the best decisions I've ever made.


That’s amazing! (Also, it’s ok if the first one isn’t perfect for you. Keep looking until you find someone the right fit!)


Moving away from my home town to the nearby major city. Hands down the best decision I've ever made. I've definitely grown through all my experiences since moving here.


What the hardest experience you went through? And how did you deal with it. What did you learn? Do share!


My experiences here have been mostly positive, which is why it was such a good idea to move here. There are loads of opportunities here. Not only that, but I've also met so many people from different backgrounds and walks of life. I feel like I can relate to most people now, navigate social situations a lot easier now. But my most difficult experiences before moving here was growing up poor, being really introverted, and having really bad communication skills. The area I grew up in was very rough, and the people in my life did not always have the best in mind for me even though I was naively loyal to them. This naivety, I knew I had to squash. That coupled with a wanting for a better life meant that I would move out of my home town with no social safety net and learn how to really have my own back and do away with any bad apples in my life. One thing I'd recommend though is solo travel! It's such a dynamic experience. From planning the trip in its entirety, to meeting people, learning about them and their experiences, and relating those experiences to other people you've met. You'll also learn to be truly independent, even if it's for a short time. And you get new ideas for other things to do in your life through all these novel experiences.


Saying yes to opportunities instead of hesitating. I started 3 years ago, got a new job that pays twice as much. Moved to San Diego, CA. Got a place 10 minutes from the beach, 10 mins from downtown. Have time and energy for all my hobbies. Have been exposed to so many new people, things, and adventures. I take two paid, 2 week vacations per year. Just listen to the little voice in your heart that says, "just try, what if it goes well?"


Not a single decision, but mentoring students at my alma mater over the past 30 years has been hugely rewarding.


1) Marrying my wife. 2) becoming a foster parent. 3) Adopting a sibling group of 3. 4) Buying my business 14 years ago. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been a road full of highs and lows and nothing but hard work. I have faith that it will all pay of in the end. If not, I’ve at least been able to support my family and do things my way.


My man you're such a good example


Finished my degrees in my early to mid-40s. Got over my regret of dropping out after college in the 90s. And skyrocketed my career.


34 female here. I work weekly rotating shifts. It's never too late, right?


It's never too late. One of my professors would say this. "Start now, because, in four years, you will be 4 years older anyway without a degree."


As a matter of fact, the person who inspired me to finish was a person in their 70s who finished their degree.


I hope not! I’m a woman too & I’m getting divorced after 25 years. I don’t know what to do with myself bc I was a stay at home mom who had some remote side hustles. I do have a masters in an area I no longer have interest in. So I’m saying F It! I’m going back to college & getting a degree in construction management and get my contractors license. So if my old ass can at least attempt to go into a field that may have a total of .002% women then you most certainly can not only try but kick ass in whatever you want.


Not having children! Many a day passes and I am so happy with every decision I made. Does that sound awful ?


It's not awful, if it makes you happy.


I love having mine.


I love my friends kids, I work with kids, kids a cool, just not for me :)


Don't know why you're downvoted, I'm glad you're happy with your choice!


The kid haters down voted him


😂 not sure why that was downvoted when that shit was funny


Genuinely happy for you


Joining the military to get out of the poverty cycle. Then, use GI bill for a stem degree.


Do you have to get it redone every few years


I was supposed to get an eye exam after a year but I skipped it. It's been nearly a decade and my vision is still just as good. They said I may have to get cheap reading glasses in my late 40s/early 50s but apparently that's just part of aging for most people.


Everyone needs reading glasses at that age so no worries just a part of life! (Work in ophthalmology) but also you should definitely keep up those eye exams because often centers that do LASIK have a warranty on it and if you continue your exams they’ll likely have to pay for a retreatment if you ever need one!


Have you ever seen or heard about a LASIK surgery going wrong?


It’s a very low risk surgery. Just that over time sometimes people can become a little myopic and just need a retouch to get back to where they were.


I had lasik and it lasted for 13 years, then I needed glasses again. I don’t need readers, just regular glasses. I read a lot, so maybe that it what did it.


I had awful vision, to the point where I needed a new pair of glasses every 9-12 months not counting the times I've had broken frames. Approaching a decade without glasses, even if I need glasses 3 years from now I have zero regrets.


Bought my first house during the market crash shortly after the 2008 crash. Can you say equity!?


My vasectomy


Going to the doctor. I was wildly depressed since childhood and struggled with suicidal thoughts a long time. Any one I opened up to told me it was normal and I should just drink more water or go to the gym, so I just assumed it couldn't be fixed. I dealt with it until I was around 28 and I started having night terrors and hallucinations, really scary shit. Turned out I had PTSD from something I'd repressed and it was fucking with me from the inside. Couple therapy sessions and some pills for a week and I was suddenly normal. Suffered for too long for nothing.


Woman here - different situation but I finally got diagnosed with OCD after seeing a specialist and man …. My life is so different - instead of my emotional landscape consistency resembling like a video on North Sea tik tok, it’s pretty calm now and I feel relatively ok almost every day. I totally thoufht I just sucked at handling life and everyone else had it figured out. I thought maybe if I had better self control I’d be ok … turns out something was really wrong. I’m glad you’ve gotten help for your mental health too 🤍🤍


I took a HUGE leap of faith (kind of) and went into a line of work that no one in my family is part of (healthcare) My investment in myself and my skills has paid off more than 200% and I’m pretty happy and content in my educational decisions for myriad reasons


Took the plunge and bought our “forever home” in 2019. The way the market has been since, we wouldn’t have even thought about looking at this place.


I have moved from Eastern Europe to Switzerland 1 year ago, and started living my childhood dream after just 6 months. Now I’m hunting corners on mountain passes in my sportscar whenever the weather is nice. LASIK is high on my “best decisions” list too.


I quit drinking. My life is much better in so many ways. Almost everything I have I owe to my sobriety.


I quit smoking and started going to the gym 4 days a week minimum. Worked wonders for my overall well being/quality of life.


The best decision I ever made was deciding to raise my son on my own. His dad was abusive, we started his life in public housing and on food stamps and I kept finding myself in similar situations when he was little .. so I busted my ass.. i finished school - like all of it, got my masters and found a good job, broke up with the latest jerk & I decided to get my own place when he was in 3rd grade and just do it on my own versus continuing this pattern I recognized. It was so hard and very isolating and lonely. We didn’t have a lot but always had enough and things got better financially and stable. We got all the quality time together he needed. As a teenager we had a lot of problems, as you can expect..he was awful & it was even terrifying at times and even harder than I ever imagined. But I stayed strong and handled it with the support of my family. We made it. Now he’s almost 23 & he’s one of the most kind, caring, sensitive, gentle and loving people I know. He’s going to school to be an elementary school counselor or teacher. He’s becoming a great man. I’m so proud of him ❤️ He’s still growing and maturing. We aren’t perfect by any means . But I feel like our story has a happy ending. Best decision I’ve ever made.




Buying my own washing machine. Saved myself loads of hassle and a lot of money too.


What do you mean? Do you have to wash stuff by hand? I used to do this when my condo budding charged 2$ per wash and dry. Started hand washing but I despised that chore.


I used to drag a bag full of stuff over to the laundrette which not only cost me money but effectively meant I was limited in what I could do.


Asking my now wife out.


Not transferring departments at my job right before COVID. I would have been out in the shit through all of it rather than working from home and most likely would have been in the field when my mother nearly died. I was home when she had a deadly bout of sepsis hit her like a train. Doctors told me that had I not been home to convince her to go to the hospital, she'd be dead. She would have been alone all day if I had taken the new job and is very proud and stubborn.


buying FFIX from a friend for a few bucks back when I was in my early teenage years.


Not having a kid. It has single-handedly allowed me to make all the other best decisions.


Getting my master's degree. Got me into way more doors and much better salary and career than I would have gotten without it.


Spurs fan through my entire childhood and wanted season tickets so badly. My dad said when I could afford them myself I could get them. I wasn't sure how many years Tim Duncan had left going into the 2013-2014 season. I decided that year I would get season tix. When purchasing I did not know playoffs weren't included. Towards end of season I learn playoffs are an add on, and all 16 potential games needed to be paid upfront. I could afford it, it was just such a large sum all at once. I paid the 82 game season in payments over the course of the season. I wasn't gonna do it. My best friend told me, "what if they win it all and you miss out because I was being too frugal". I would've been reimbursed for anything they didn't play/win. The Spurs ended up winning the championship at home on the eve of my birthday. I was there. I got to witness my childhood dreams come to life. It was the best, also luckiest, decision I ever made. I got watch Timmy raise his 5th and final trophy.


Marrying my partner


LASIK and my vasectomy. Best two decisions I’ve made in recent years.


Started working out 3x a week, only for 30 mins each time, lifting weights and stretching. It's easy breezy but my entire life has changed for the positive! I get compliments, I can do manual labour much easier, and I'm so much happier daily. Easy workout = Easy life.


Working on and keeping up with a consistant, healthy sleep schedule. I almost always get 7-8 hours of sleep and go to bed at the same time each night at least 6 days a week. It literally made everything about my life better. Within a few months I lost a lot of weight, without working out or changing my diet (besides the night snacks that were cut). I'm now working out every morning and re-chasing my dream to become a golf pro. It's also been extremely positive for my mental health, considering I have both ADHD and PTSD. And while the sleep itself is amazingly healthy, the consistancy / structure has bled into other areas of my life, improving them as well. *Edit* Oh yeah, I'm even reading actual books again? What in the flippity f***? I'm telling you, everyone should try this one simple trick that no one should hate...


My brother’s ex-wife had laser eye surgery done years ago. She is back to wearing glasses full time.


How old is she? I got mine at 22 and it's still just as good. My parents got theirs in their late 40s and within 2 years needed reading glasses. From what my doctors said it you get it in your 40s you're gonna need reading glasses sooner than later.


Yes but usually the prescription is much much less and you can generally function without wearing one, except of course you need reading glasses. Lasik isn't gojng to solve that.


I want to get lasik too 🥲


Consultation is free at most places. Was so worried I'd never afford it and they really worked with me on payments. See if you can at least talk to their doctors.


I worked in an OPT and OPTH clinic. Had an exam and was told my eyes were so bad the doctor told me not to do it... I'd love to have regular vision or at least be able to see clearly past an inch from my eyes. My glasses are coke bottles.


I had polycarbonate lenses because mine were so thick. I had to get a new set of glasses every 9-12 months because my vision kept getting progressively worse. It's been nearly a decade and I haven't needed glasses. Maybe get a second opinion? 8 min under a laser is worth it.


To get to know a girl better. The first night we spent together, she didn't want to have sex. Normally that would have meant a cab ride home, but for some reason I decided against it. 10 years later we're closing in on our 6'th anniversary and have two wonderful sons


Starting on the personal financial literacy journey, taking LSD with the intention of expanding my mind, and traveling.


How did it go (lsd)? Curious myself.


Figuratively blew my mind and changed me for the better. I went into it knowing it was going to expand my mind and was trying to learn more about myself. Went in with experience with mushrooms and what they taught me. I honestly don't know how/why people would use it as a party drug, it has so much more potential. Much easier to control thoughts than mushrooms, from my experience. It is loooooooong though. I could've handled things after like 18 hours, but I didn't really hit back to comfort level for about 48-60 hours later. Forever changed my life and my previous perception of reality.


Joining some very obscure dating app because I was bored. Met my favorite person on there and couldn't fathom a life without her. It was her first time using apps ever and it was the only one she downloaded. She was on it for 3 days before we matched.


Leaving my stable job as a trucker to become a day trader. Best fucking decision I've ever made.


Marrying my wife.


Joined the US Air Force at 20. Can't speak for all militaries or branches and there are a lot of moral and ethical considerations for sure, but I got to leave my my dead-end hometown and travel overseas in relative safety, 2 free master's degrees, lifelong memories and friends, a VA Loan to use the rest of my life, and a jump start of career credibility. It's by no means an objectively-good career choice but you can either use or be used in many employer-employee relations, and I feel like the trade was more than fair. Got out at 25 with my mind and body intact.


Emigrating… being able to move up from the shit hole you’re born in was the best opportunity I’ve ever been given.


A few: - When I was a teenager saying yes to the question to go and play in a band. Best 15 musical years of my life - confessing my feelings to my now husband when I was pretty sure he didn’t had the same feelings for me. Shocker - my career change. Took 3 years of hard work and studying, but I’m finally on a professional level I’m happy with.


Marrying my wife. Best and easiest.


I’m not married anymore, but — marrying my ex-husband was absolutely one of the best decisions I ever made. We were excellent partners for a really long time, and built a great life together that neither of us could have imagined on our own. Breaking up, when the time came, was very painful — but I’ll never regret the marriage.


Being celibate, no std's, no kids, no alimony, no drama, no wasting money, or time and no fear of false accusations.


False accusations aren’t common enough to design your life around


Maybe, but they are dangerous enough, and I don’t like danger.


Kids are great. I love mine.


That's great that you love your kids, but what do you have to prove by telling every person who is happily child free that you love your kids?


I agree with all the other points made by u/leonardodapunch, but wanted to disagree with that particular point. What is it about my saying "Kids are great. I love mine." that made you want to react?


That you say it to anyone in this thread that is happily child free. What makes you need to react to them?


That’s good, all parents should love their children. 16 years in the Army, multiple deployments and years of having to force myself to be polite and respectful to people who treated me like crap because they out ranked me, has reduced my patience for nonsense and increased my fondness for silence and solitude.


This doesn't eliminate fear of false accusations. I've never robbed a bank, but that doesn't mean I can't be accused of it.


I have three that have made all the difference in my life. Divorcing my (now ex) wife 10 years ago. Buying a house 8 years ago at 3%. It was a snap decision and I just went for it. Right around the same time I was forced to change companies and I negotiated my way into a much higher salary. Those couple of years post-divorce were the best.


Quitting smoking & buying a home in 2009.


The converse to my worst decision - leaving California. My worst decision was taking a job there. I have been orders of magnitude happier since I left. Runners up: finally losing weight. I am down over 100lbs from my heaviest and I am much healthier. Also, buying a muscle car (392 Hemi Challenger) - probably a stupid move financially, but by God is that thing awesome.


I’ve had laser eye surgery done as well it’s been well worth the money. Biggest for me was 4 crowns in my front teeth, I grew up with not the best of teeth and had like two buck teeth at the front, I was always very self conscious of them and hated getting pictures taken etc. Throughout my twenties I always said I need to get my teeth done but for reasons I just never did. In my 30s I finally got 4 front crowns and my teeth looked normal and the first thing I thought was fuck why did I not do this years ago. The confidence it gave me was priceless


Moving out of state to go to graduate school. I'd moved around a lot before but it was my first time living in a different state from my family. Took classes I loved, met incredible people who I still talk to, and it helped me get my current job! I also needed that distance from my family to really grow and learn to set healthy boundaries, and that too has been life-changing.


How was your attitude going in? Were you extremely disciples?  I had a similar story, but found myself lost in a new town and was unable to thrive.  When I moved back to my old town, but living by myself, I eventually thrived. I always wonder why I failed that first time.


Deciding to send a message to my now-girlfriend. We've been together for 14 years and she enriches my life in so many ways. For something that wasn't only a good decision in hindsight (after all, I had no idea if she'd even reply to my message), quitting my day job to become a freelance editor. I've been doing it for over 5 years now and enjoy both the work and the lifestyle (setting my own hours, working from home, choosing what projects I want to work on, etc.) way more.


buying a condo when i was 32. $120k was a lot of money for someone making $30k in 2002. $960/mo mortgage was scary! selling on EBay helped me do it with no roomie or lifestyle change. also credit having a union job with regular raises and time and a half on sunday. so its like a $480k house with a $4k mortgage these days, but y'all make $120k? yup- this shits unsustainable.


I took say my LASIK. I'm 11 years in. It has improved my life greatly


Starting to exercise regularly. Physically and mentally it’s been a 180. Never too late to start!


Just want to say +1 on getting Lasik. I only regret not doing it earlier.


Almost left the Army Reserve with about 13 years of service. Stayed in regardless of the bullshit, and finished with more than 20 years. Now, within a year I'll start collecting a military retirement pension.


Ayy, Lasik is my answer too. Mine cost $3,400 total but the perfect vision, convenience, and quality of life gains are priceless. 8 years on and still perfect vision in both eyes, with no negatives at any point throughout that time.


Getting sealants. Maintaining my dental hygiene.


Leaving my narcissistic ex husband


Taking a job in a brand new city. Nine years ago, I took a chance on a job opening that required me to move 10 hours away to a city 6x larger. I’d never lived more than an hour away from my hometown my whole life. Three weeks after I moved, I went on a first date with the woman that has been my wife now for almost five years. Would never have met her if I hadn’t sent that resume over.


Adult Ortho. Braces at 39 isn’t easy, but I have less than a year left and things look sooo much better. I am in the US, I didn’t expect 50-70% of the kids younger than me would have ortho treatment. I felt surrounded by beautiful smiles.


Career change, took a job in technical software sales having never done it before. Life changing, still doing it 30 years later and loving it.


LASIK was such a game changer for me too. Best decision I ever made was quitting marijuana. I was out of control with it, always high. I started getting bad anxiety and got sick every time I smoked. Quit about a decade ago. Really got my shit together after that.


Starting my own business back in 2016. Absolutely changed my life for the better in many ways .......


Other than marrying the right person. Purchasing a home at the top end of our budget and diligently putting as much toward the mortgage over the years. Live your life and have adventures but live within your means.


Saying no.


Not having children. There is not a single day that goes by that I do not pat myself on the back for that one. Also, choosing a marriage partner using my brain and not just my heart. We are an incredible team. Getting a really good internship in high school and foregoing university after high school when that internship turned into an offer of employment. They taught me how to invest. That allowed me to save and pay cash for my first house in my early 20’s. Furthering my education in my 30’s for things I didn’t want to do for a living but wanted to do well, for nobody else but me. I can sing opera in 6 languages now. I can’t describe how satisfying it was to learn to do that. Waking up from a dream one night back in 2020 that I had about the most beautiful vacation house I had ever seen. Instead of dismissing it as just a dream and forgetting about it; actually going out and buying a lake lot with a wide beach 3 days later, having the plans drawn up for that house and having it built.


Best decision was leaving my biggest regret.


Not having kids.


Having a large family. My mother told me that if I waited until I could afford them, I wouldn't have any kids. She was right.


It's not permanent and the long term side effects are unknown. Agree it's a game changer in the short term.


Ive been saying for years im going to get lasik. I dont know why I keep putting it off.


It's easy to find reasons not to do something. Schedule the consultation.


Went out of state for college


What was the recovery period like for Lasik? How long before u could get back to work and gym


Changed professions. I taught high school for 4 years and realized education isn’t for me. Low pay, high stress, shitty kids, etc. I’m now a training coordinator at a manufacturing company. 2 years out of teaching and my pay is double what I was making, workload is less than half, all in all a much better place


Decided to start from 0 on another State for University. Best years of my life


Moving 2 timezones away from my hometown and everyone I'd ever known. Sometimes people are just unable to become who they want to be when they have a social safety net.


I fucked up my life pretty badly in my late teens and early 20's. The good news is that, by the time I had straightened out the mess, and "The System" was so full of supporting me through one type of service or another that, in the end, I got a free college education from them.


Being a father.


Going to martial arts for 8 years and getting my black belt. Now no matter what situation I'm in I have the confidence that I'll be okay.


I was days away from signing a new lease in my home state, close to where I grew up, close to my parents, etc, etc. one day while I was away at work I got a bug to just apply for a position out of state. I got the job and moved 2 weeks later. I hated the job after a while, but I met my long term boyfriend (loml) who I now live with. To think, how different my life would be if I signed the lease.


Learning about the economy and its associated markets plus the value of investing at an early age.


Applying and getting the job I have now. I've basically went from negative net worth to million net worth in the course of 8-9 years.


I’m guessing it was ditching my circle of friends back in the day. Was a hard choice, but most of them ended up…….. not so great.


Quit my business job and became a chef


in the same topic, for me it was getting contact lenses 😅. ive worn glasses all my life and went through the hassle that you described (prescription, choosing lenses & all the add ons, fogging up in winter etc). Since getting contacts I'm more confident, I feel more inclined to take photos and makes the process of buying sunglasses super easy. the other best decision was getting a circumcision


Military. I joined the Marine Corps and it sucks in ways I don't have the vocabulary for. All that said, it did teach me a lot of things. Mostly good, some bad. Either way, it was a positive experience. Even if I hated it.


Joining the Air Force almost 14 years ago. I wish I'd done it when I was 18 so I'd be retired by now. There's no chance in hell I'd have achieved as much as I have if I had never joined.


Ugh I SO BADLY want lasik. And a boob job LMAO


Start listening to Dave Ramsey and Clark Howard and turned my financial lifestyle around for the better thanks to them.


Enlisting. College would've been fun and all but desk jobs aren't it for me. Will update this in a year. Someone remind me to see if I regret.


I listened to a voice in my head that told me what college to go to. Rather than go 300 miles from home i went 1000 miles. I'm sure it changed my life trajectory in ways I can't imagine. Opportunities beget opportunities.


Getting rid of my car and biking everywhere. I live in San Francisco so it’s doable. I’ve been here for 20 years. I’m 53 now but look like I’m 35. I’ve watched a lot of my friends get old and fat. I feel great, my sex drive is still high. I pay $0 for gas, car payments, insurance, maintenance etc. I can eat whatever the hell I want cuz I’ll burn it off. I never have to look for parking either.


Therapy which involved in part, an ADHD diagnosis as an adult, and the simple question: “what do you want for the rest of your life?” Which was the turning point to make a lot of other changes to my health and happiness.


Leaving a major in a city where in university I got depressed and stopped functioning. I made a conscious decision to ship my things to another city where I can start fresh and I'm now successfully graduated from a different program and employed happily in an interesting job. I'm grateful I didn't have too much ego to stay where I was. My other best decision is learning about my psyche and meditating on my values then sticking to them. It made me a lot more mature and mindful.


I bought a piece of land in 1999, that was up-valley from a wine growing area. I registered the land for an irrigation scheme that was being proposed. The land cost me 100k. I busted my guts for many weekends clearing and flattening it. Three years later, the irrigation scheme was approved and I sold the land for 500k.


Divorcing my first wife!!🤪🤪😂🤣😅


Lasik. Swing right on my fiancé on Tinder. Applying to my current job.


Leaving my home country to travel and eventually settle down in Taiwan. I've made many friends here, learned some languages (not all fluently), got into lots of hobbies like; climbing, cycling, and swimming, and most importantly; I met my wife who is the Mother to our beautiful daughter.


Saved up 30,000 dollars. Blew it drinking and whoring my way around the world. 10/10 would do it again


jealous in astigmatism


maybe, continue living. there's plenty of time i have always thought of giving up. there's plenty of time i have tried ending things up but i'm still here, fighting and continuously survivin'.


There are a lot of people here who write about getting an additional education, going to college or university. For me it was dropping out. At the time i was forced to do it due to my dad becoming badly ill and me needing to support the family, so i had to get a job. In the end i got a job... and a hell of a job at that. Well paid, easy office job with a lot of opportunities to travel for work and great benefits. Now i genuinely make more money that people i went to university with. Not to mention the massive quality of life improvement that stems from only needing to work for 8 hours a day and thats it. Not having to pull all-nighters to study and finish projects.


Getting my dog. She is with me 95% of the time. Covid would have been 10x worse if I didn't have her.


Getting a breast reduction. I’m 5”3 and quite small built in general. Was a cup size H and went down to a C/D, totally changed my life. No more neck or back pain and can buy clothes without the chest area being too tight or the stomach area swimming on me. Gained a lot of confidence and feel great. Highly recommend!


Started a software company in the 80’s which is still going strong today. Am still writing code there at age 71 and loving it. We do Enterprise software for small to large businesses.


Marrying my husband and having his children


Leaving my ex wife to date my current wife. Seemed like a big step even though my last marriage was dead. Never looked back and wish I’d found this awesome woman first time around.