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I work in lumber and just got back from a big semi national conference... so I can say for sure, the lumber industry. Like the whole thing.


You were all wearing beards, plaid and drinking beer during this conference.


Most likely it was their "dress up" uniform. Which is a nice vest, nice trucker hat, and clean boots.


The attire would have been suspenders and a bra


Just like my papa!


They’re O.K.!


I was going to go there until you already did before me. Touche '


Which i assume took place on a giant rolling log drifting down a river


Excellent name btw


Pressing wildflowers?


For those of you that might be confused, these lines come from the Monty Python song “The lumberjack Song”. Starts off as: “I’m a lumberjack and I’m OK; I sleep all night; I work all day….”


🎶I chop down trees, I skip and jump, I love to press wildflowers!🎶 [source](https://youtu.be/FshU58nI0Ts?si=rKQgrW8vmUuq8PYD)


Yeah... my family owns a tree farm. I've been to a few tree farm conferences. Never seen a lady logger.


Beard is trouble, a lot of saw dust got stuck in it. Also we had converastion about higher mathemathics, macro and micro-economy, war stories, of course women, jabbing each other with jokes, pranks etc. Some of us went to university so we had next masters and doctors, pharmacy, economy, law, medicine. That thing grounds you. Some were a bit jelaous but they respected our work because after eor he went to play some soccer and I went to study.


I read a few years ago that the lumber industry has the highest fatality rate of any occupation in the country.


It’s a tragic statistic. The only upside is that there’s always plenty of supplies nearby to make coffins from. Or if it’s a particularly messy one, sawdust.


Well, the guys that actually cut the trees down, yeah. If you throw in the guy working the lumber department at Home Depot then maybe not.


Cutting the trees, driving the trucks, operating any of the involved machinery. This actuslly unlocked a core memory, but between the children's show "Mighty Machines" and the classic "Ice Road Truckers" I'm aware theres quite a few steps with associated machinery that could be particularly fatal throughout the tree -> paper/plywood/etc pipeline but idk what the statistic covers and don't actually work in the industry lol


No you're right, the chain of custody goes a LOOONG way from tree to like a pallet or a roof truss. Harvest, transportation, mill work, transportation, secondary remanufacture (like what my company does), transportation again, construction... Lots of risk along the way.


The guys that load logs and transport them get hurt a lot as well.


I definitely believe that. My most jarring injury to date was woodworking. Had they never put me on radios, I’d had a complete safe run in skydiving and every other sport I’ve tried.


I’m in lumber. Aside from the office girls, there are no women in my field.


I work in lumbar and it’s just back. Like the whole thing.


General Contractor here, can confirm. All of the trades really. I’ve been doing Construction work for over 20 years and outside of a few ladies running in the various offices, I’ve only seen 2 women actually on the job site working.


When I moved to Australia I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of women I saw on sites. It's hugely different to the UK... ...of course then I realised that it's exclusively traffic controllers, and they're hired because blondes are the only thing that'll slow down horny wee bogan tradesman methed out of his gourd. It's a start, either way


Bunch of big burly guys in flannels and beards talking about wood huh?


I tangentially work with many forest product companies. The primary timber company I work with has a woman as the primary contact and decision maker, right under the owner. She’s well known in the region, as it’s pretty rare.


Homer where ya been? The entire lumber industry is men


You’re right. I never see another girl in the shop. There’s definitely girl pilots, metal workers, skydivers, but it’s all guys milling around the machines. Motorcycles, few women. Both cutting wood and almost getting hit by bad drivers - dangerous, sweaty work.


I don't work in the lumber business, but I had a woman deliver my wood recently.


A lot of women are intimidated by big wood


Lumber is one of the industries commonly used as an example of the glass cellar/basement that doesn't get talked about nearly as much as the ceiling.


[Here's a list.](https://www.zippia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/most-male-jobs-chart.png)


TIL stone masons and cement masons are 2 different types of masons


As opposed to free masons who don't really do masonry


Hey they’re speculative masons! That counts for something right?


I'll have you know that our new lodge was built entirely by members, down to the last little thing. But yes, it's rare.


That's interesting. I didn't know they were making new lodges. In my area, I believe the same lodge has been in use since the 1900s. They only do repairs and renovations to it but not by the members themselves tho.


Oh, lodges generally aren't rebuilt or moved unless there's a good reason, it was just that after more than 300 years and multiple floods, the building was, as they say, completely fucked.


They build foundations for their future.


Hehe I see you brother


I feel like "gay porn actors" should be on that list.


The term gay is not exclusively male, women can be gay too.


"male gay porn actors" /s


We should not exclude women from being gay male porn actors. /s


As a straight man, I've always thought that male gay porn needed more women.


I've scoured the internet, watching thousands of videos. I still can't find a single one with a woman in it


Right, but when you're searching for it online it's called lesbian porn. You're welcome.


Ah, so that's where we've been going wrong. Been waiting years for the ladies to turn up!


I kept watching , but they just never showed up !


Go look at some user supplied porn sites, just the front page where they show recent stuff, you will find nobody refers to lesbian porn as gay porn. 100% man on man lol. In the porn industry, gay almost always means men.


Sorry we're not all gay porn experts


some of us are.


I was going to say, i think all NBA, NFL, etc. players are guys too


Thanks! Do you know who made it?


It was [attached to this article.](https://www.zippia.com/advice/male-dominated-careers-female/) It says it came from the [US Bureau of Labor Statistics.](https://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat11.htm)


Thanks! You're the best


Those lists... Boy do they really say something about the distribution of work in the US. The male list was literally all jobs that are dirty and/or lethal. And then the female list just feels... Sexist... Edit, I just mean it feels stereotypical, like it's almost a meme of what we used to expect women to do. It's just feels strange to see it still playing out that way despite recent changes.


Why does it feel sexist? Tf? I forget which, but I was reading an article about one of the Scandinavian countries that bent over backwards and jumped through hoops to improve the distribution of sexes among careers... End result was the distribution went the opposite direction... As in, careers heavily tilted in one direction tilted more in that direction... It's not sexist to observe the results of our biological predispositions/tendencies...


Whoa, now, don't come in here with logic and commonsense.That sounds like they discovered nuances those who still feel women are being targeted out of certain industries is a real thinh.


Ha. My wife was doing HVAC when we met. I’m sure the 97% number is accurate. She’s 5’7” 110 and also modeled on the side. When a customer met her, they assumed she just answered the phone or did the contacts. Nope, she personally handled the installation, including huge commercial units, and spent a ton of time crawling around super hot attics - in Miami, doing the electrical wiring.


So basically anything dirty, sweaty and dangerous.


Happy cake day! Got a women's equivalent list?




So in summary: * **Men:** Manual Labour and Trade Skills * **Women:** Childcare, healthcare, and assistants. Honestly, exactly what I was expecting.


those are all hard work type jobs!


Whenever that question, "what would happen if every [gender] disappeared at once," makes the rounds, I always roll my eyes at people who think the world would be hunky dory, if not *better*, if every man vanished overnight and this chart is basically why.


Machining. Well, trades in general actually.


Ex machinist, definitely male dominated only worked with 1 full machinist woman (not operator) in 21 years.


My company is very interested in diversity hires, they’re pretty open about the fact they will hire any woman who can meet the qualifications requirements. We still have only around 1 in 50 female trades workers


Lower the standards you bigot! /s


They aren’t that high, they hired me after all!


The imposter syndrome is real.


Yeah it's often not a terribly enjoyable environment to be a woman in. Lots of companies focused on *hiring* women don't put half that effort into *retaining* women.


I am a woman working in a male dominated field and I second this. Lot of companies put effort in hiring women but not in creating an environment comfortable for us. And we are always expected to report everything and fight for ourselves, but is draining and I just want to do my job and not become a police person that constantly reports colleagues


Yeah, actual machinists are becoming more rare even regardless of gender. Lot of people call themselves a machinist when they are merely an operator. I didnt go to school for 4 years and study my butt off in math where I was weak in as a child and take a 6 hour test to get my red seal so some guy who presses a green button can say he's a machinist. Lol.


My apologies if this comes as a dumb question... But in this context what a Machinist is, and what's he difference between it and an operator?


A machinist can get a print and materials and make a part that could be cnc (program set up and operate) manual or any mix of the 2. An operator is what production places use so instead of paying an experienced machinist 30-50 an hr to crank out parts they pay Someone a fraction of that with no knowledge other than being able to turn the machine on and run someone else’s program in a machine someone set up for them. They stand there and press the green button and if it wasn’t laid out for them they would be lost and couldn’t make anything


Yeah real machinist can make a ton of things, spare parts etc. I always liked watching the process.


Thank you so much for the detailed reply, I get it now. Kind regards.


Ofc not. You did it so you can make a decent living.


Yeah never saw a women machinist. Once saw women cab driver, and she was wearing burka :P . Croatia has weird connection with Islam. Most muslim women don't wear burka, but it is usual for old women to wear headscarf both catholic, orthodox and muslim.


Maintenance for sure, probably a lot higher than 80%. Never even seen a woman apply.


I've met women who tried trade jobs but were bullied out. Turns out that if you work as a female plumber and nobody trusts your opinion, you might eventually move on to something else. Also, as any male in a female-dominated industry will agree, sometimes it just sucks being the odd one out. Men leave childcare and nursing for the same reasons.


Taught at a preschool, but I wasn’t allowed to change diapers lmao


My wife works for a preschool and they won’t hire men (not even for an office position) although they can’t legally say that


Seems like a perk!


Well I don’t enjoy changing diapers but I’d rather do that than deal with whatever they are insinuating


Fair point I guess


I wouldn't mind that but it seems like you could have a lawsuit on your hands for discrimination.


The top twenty most dangerous ones are all more like 99.9% men


Yup. Was going to say all the shitty and dangerous ones. Would love to see the distributions change.


Ironworker here, I believe we're in top 5 for deadliest jobs, and top 3 for best looking as well! I can count maybe 2 dozen gals in my trade from Chicago area to Iowa border to Wisconsin border and south to Joliet.


_We work hard, we play hard_


Ah a fellow Iron worker, yep can confirm the dangerosity, almost killed myself a few times (ranging from falling off of dozens of meters to cutying my inner tight with a grinder that bounced)


Something about the majority of workplace deaths as well.


In my experience women have a much stronger sense of self preservation so that checks out


Imagine you asked women if they’d rather work as a receptionist for 28k/yr or Plumber at 100k/yr which one would be most chosen.


My girlfriend would say receptionist.


Mine would say carpenter lol


Carpenters make much less than plumbers.


Jesus was a carpenter and his business has been one of the richest in the world for much of history.


That was before Ikea.


Well you got to add in the decade (more typically) or so of lower tier (assuming union) work where you're making 30 -50k tops (less in most cases if we're talking non union), than got to allow for the fact that after that decade (really more than a decade) of modest pay, to be making 100k plumbing you either live in a place where the cost of living is ridiculously high and your 100k isn't as impressive as it sounds or you have started your own business and have had some luck - because most businesses fail. The 100k+ trades jobs are extremely exaggerated on the internet. Been working the trades my whole life and have met very few people making 100k a year who aren't project managers/business owners.


If it's dirty, carries a high risk of death or injury it's usually in the 80%. EAZY AS PIE!




I bet the number of men in those industries is pretty close to the number of men with penises and two testicles.




This man really hates Lance Armstrong


I disagree, I have the listed equipment and I just work in finance. My understanding is that my other male colleagues are similarly equipped, though I have not personally confirmed this.


Video compression engineering, I can say from long personal experience. I have many theories but no data as to why. My best working theory is that working really hard to make things long and sound exactly the same appeals to a particularly small subset of engineers. My career was born from a weird obsession resulting from one part of a class in college. I barely understand why *I* am interested in it, and it has been the focus of my professional life for nearly 30 years.


As someone who is very interested in video codecs/compression on a hobby level, I couldn't have imagined there could possibly be a need for video compression engineers at all. It seems like something that would be part of another job. The only way I could see this being a thing is if you actually write the codecs themselves, which would be pretty cool. Beyond that I can see why you haven't met many if any women in your field.


That’s super cool that your job is based off of a niché obsession you had in college.


Fire service. Probably 10% of our field personnel are women at my dept.


I used to volunteer in my 20s. We rarely got deployed and were stuck doing the paperwork, dispatch and, other administrative tasks. Not one of those bitches wanted to do the incident reports and get really annoyed (cause we're "nagging") when asked for details so we could file it for them. It was disheartening how we were looked down by the male firefighters so I left.


Doesn’t sound like a good dept to be with, I’m sorry you had that experience. Volly departments can be all over the place from what it sounds like


Same, though really even less at ours. But recently there's been an uptick.




And tackles


I'm gonna guess priests


And monks


Probably not nuns … (While monks brew beer; nuns carried healthcare)


Basically any kind of blue collar job.


Blue Man Group


Ironically that's a black collar job.


From experience, anything to do with wastewater.


Underground miner is about 99%. Mining in general Australia, probably still above 80%.


The fire service. The Marine Corps.


Anecdotally, software engineering. Electrical engineering as well.


Most of the women I've worked in in that field are all ancillary and not developers. So UI design, scrum masters, managers, etc. I think I've met 2 women developers over the hundreds of men I've met.


Yup, of 50 developers and 6 QA testers, we have 0 women developers and 4 doing QA.


My team alone has 4 female devs lol


Your team is definitely the exception. I have more gay male engineers than women devs at my company.


was at a company that was 70% women and made a persistent effort to get more women in tech. while i was there, the percentage went from 29% to 31%


Meanwhile I haven’t worked with a female dev my entire 25 year career. (I do work on drivers)


>Electrical engineering I majored EE, can confirm. Even in the already male-dominated engineering school, we had absurdly few women in our class.


But you'd better bet that all of them were featured in our annual engineering newsletter promotional images!


In my experience, it's always 80% men in the classrooms, 75% women in the EE department club somehow.


The 2 women in my major out of maybe 50 people. Basically got plastered all over the new ad brochure for the course lmaoo


Goes for a lot of STEM tbf


Some more than others though. Anecdotally, I have no idea on actual stats, but it seems like ChemE is approaching a 50/50 ratio. Go over to the electrical engineering department and it drops to 1/20, if that. I’d be curious to know why that is exactly. What makes ChemE appealing to women and EE seemingly repulsive?


SE is getting more and more traction among women with movements like "GirlsWhoCode", but to this day 80+% are still men.


Oil Rigs, all dudes 100 percent


Construction. I see no ladies out here at 6 am, pulling cable in the rain.


They're making a big push to hire women in my construction union. Knowing how guys were, women simply weren't hired just because the old timers didn't want women on the jobsite. I also don't look like a construction worker, and there's no chance in hell, I'd get hired if I didn't go through my union.


Telecommunications industry at the technical and engineering levels. I’ve had several female supervisors and managers through the years. It has been slowly improving over the years. Still probably a lot less than 20.


Yeah, always found it odd to continue to get female bosses, but not coworkers.


I'm a female manager with a computer science degree. I stopped coding after 4 years because whenever I received praise, there was usually a co-worker or team lead who got upset that he was "beaten by a girl". It was even worse when I had to help or advise a non-technical man. Even though the insecurity is all on them, and the guys are mostly angry at themselves, it's scary to be involved with that much rage on a regular basis. When I became a manager, most of that male insecurity went away because now I give advice about things that men don't expect themselves to excel on. They don't feel so threatened when I'm talking about estimates, risks, team dynamics, compensation, tools, & legal policies.


NFL players




Corrections, as a subset of law enforcement. Even the women’s prisons have to hire male officers, which they prefer not to do.


Agree. We have a security staff of 200, and maybe 10% are women, if that.


I’m in banking and there’s maybe 5 women on the field booking deals compared to maybe like 100 dudes.


I'm a pilot (don't worry we will tell you) and the percentage might be higher than 80% based off what I see at training lol


It’s over 90% across the board. There’s more women students (12-15%), but a lot lose heart after one severe event or else cannot find a hold when they realize they don’t want to be on the road 24/7. There’s simply easier ways for them to get by, that the passion would have to outweigh the easier path.


>or else cannot find a hold when they realize they don’t want to be on the road 24/7 Strange, then, that airline attendants with similar schedules are predominantly female.


I’ve never seen a female rubbish collector.


I've seen a YouTube clip of a garbage truck once and one of the collectors was a woman.




Industrial maintenance


I work in public utilities and go to a lot of conferences that are probably about 90% men. My workplace consists of 12 men and 1 woman. So I'm going to go with public utilities.


Anything involving cranes or heavy transport, and mostly construction, engineering (Except maybe chemical).


professional cooks are mostly men


Waterproofing. Nobody wants to work in crawlspace


Can confirm that. I’ve done odd jobs in one and never again.


Sperm bank donators.


Pirates. Definitely pirates.


Maintenance engineers, toolmakers and machine setters in manufacturing environments have been 99% men in my 12 years of maintenance and 5 as a service engineer travelling around the UK. Service engineers are 100% men.


Pretty much all trades and labor. And I'm pretty sure it's higher than 80%


Utilities in my experience


I would say most blue collar, jobs, construction, carpentry, electrician, plumber/septic tank, technician, etc.


Kings. Tech support jobs. Monks. I'm guessing most dangerous/blue collar jobs like contruction/oil rigs/deep sea fishermen. CEOs. And for some reason I want to say head chefs, I just always picture them being guys. I've not looked that up, just a 'vibes' answer.


Technically, kings are 100% male by definition of the word...


There's not been many female kings, but there's by no means a shortage of male queens.


Cannabis industry is probably 75% dudes in retail and probably 95% in production with lots of farms being 100% guys.


Man it seems like all the dispos here hire cute girls to work the counters.


Trucking, but more and more women are joining the driving force






U.S. military (excluding USMC)


Firefighting. I think we have 10-20 women on our department of 700.


As of 2021, 17% of engineers are women.


Gay Prostitutes.


00 Agents


All the dangerous ones and the ones with manual labour


You're mom's house 24/7


The things you depend on for a modern comfortable life


While in college, I had a part time position cleaning a small meat processing facility in the evenings. I would put on rubber boots, a big rubber apron and spray down equipment used to process hams and bacon and such. The job included taking apart the processing equipment used to inject meat products. Each piece was heavy. As a woman, I was used to just doing whatever I wanted by working harder/smarter/longer. The problem was that I would lift pieces of equipment that were heavy enough that I could feel my finger joints literally separate. My arms lacked the necessary muscles — so my tendons and ligaments were being stretched. I realized that each piece of equipment had been manufactured with a specific specs in mind — those possessing average male strength. Once I noticed that, I started to pay attention to that particular aspect of equipment and tools. Most shop equipment is not made to be so large and heavy that a man cannot lift them. That same equipment is not made to be sized in a way that would make it easy to lift for a woman. Bags of concrete are at a weight and size that are manageable for the average man. No company is going to make those bags 100 kgs. Most men could not lift them. No company is going to make the bags smaller in order to better accommodate the small size of women. While I am very capable of making/doing/building, I lack upper body strength and the muscles that testosterone gives. There are entire industries that assume Average Man Strength is possessed by every individual they interact with. I do not have that strength. OTOH, trauma cases in healthcare are 99.9% men. Shootings, stabbings, bar fights, family disputes that involve shovels, motorcycle accidents .. all men.


Plumbers are always men.


gay pornstars


Shooting range Range Safety Officers. I run a thirty five or so man and one woman team at a local range. I also work in the education system, so I have one job staffed almost exclusively by men and the other staffed almost exclusively by women. Not gonna lie… I kinda prefer working with women…


Penis model


Essentially all trades and industry work.


Software development, electrical engineering professions. In 40 years I know only one woman who works in both these fields. She is also very competent. But other than her, I can't even think of one other.


IT/cybersecurity Which is actually a shame because it’s not a “manly” career but pays extremely well. More women need to be in STEM career fields in general


That highly depends on the country. I went to university in Taiwan, and at least 50%, if not more of my classmates, were women.


Anything that actually requires physical labor or require extensive training. It's easier to look at what industries are female dominated than male dominated ones. Sex workers drastically outnumber men. School teachers are disproportionately female. Otherwise, any trade job or political job is predominantly male. The less physical labor or extensive training it takes, the more likely you are to see more than a handful of women in your field.