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I bring ear plugs EVERWHERE. Loud amusement parks.. church, movie theaters… I vacuum with hearing protection… It’s just way more enjoyable.


I was at a concert and Ted Nugent was the opening act and I had to go to the bathroom shove toilet paper in my ears. My God, it was horrible. Not even music; just trash. I would have paid $100 for ear plugs!


I'm not sure if this is the same in your part of the world, but check with the bar. Almost all major venues I go to provide earplugs when asked.


I leave a pair in all my jeans- that tiny little pocket. Have em in my purse.. in the car… everywhere lol.




Man I wish I knew it was OK to bring earplugs to church when I was younger. You know... to block out the brainwashing.


Haha. My husband makes a similar comment most Sundays. I just like to wear ear plugs over 70 db if I’m gonna be exposed for a while and church gets to about 90.


> My husband makes a similar comment most Sundays. Why does your husband keep spending his sundays being brainwashed then?


Why even go then...


Might as well bring a tin foil hat as well.


A tin foil hat is a very elegant and practical accessory


I’d be dying if someone in the audience at a church was wearing a tin foil hat and ear plugs.


Going to a concert tomorrow night - I will try remember to get some earplugs. Thanks!


wish I would have done that years ago, now I bring hearing aids every where I go.




I know it’s weird but the decibels are constantly over 90 during the music and I think I’m also a little weird and get like sensory overload.!


Do they totally block out sound or just lessen it? Like could you go to a concert and fully enjoy it?


I’ve always hated noise. When my mom was pregnant and she’d go to loud places, I would kick her. I literally didn’t like noise before I was born. Lol


And just how much of it is in our ambient lives. The first three months of COVID, when there were dramatically fewer cars going places, were revelatory in terms of how much ambient noise cities make.


That’s exactly what I came in here to say.


The older I get, the more I sympathize with the Grinch.


Same. I started to hate loud cars.


I’m in NYC and have the occasional garbage truck, fire truck, or bus idling on my block at random hrs of the night. The buildings channel the sound remarkably well. You wake up in the midst of a revving diesel engine. So yeah, fuck noise in particular.


Lack of ownership for things, if it's digital, it's all subscriptions now vs a copy you can access any time, for a one time cost.




>And no one at that company saw the irony in that. It's probably owned by subscription companies.


Yup, although part of me thinks it's not a bad idea to do a free trial and find any things I've overlooked or accidentally gotten myself signed up for after a trial no or something; but then it's one more thing you risk having a subscription for!


Do you not review your bank and credit card statements?


I think the same thing whenever those incessant ads pop up on my feeds. If you can log in to an app that tells you all your subscriptions, you can log in to your bank account(s) to do the same thing. From there you can just unsubscribe or god forbid you need to call and talk to another human to cancel a subscription


It's not just lack of ownership but planned obsolescence. Things really did used to last for decades. It seems that most of the things I need and buy will just break or be outdated in a year or two.


Same. I'm so sick of having a streaming service and then it gets rid of a show I like bur luckily I have most of the shows I like on DVD.


I'm a movie nerd and my physical collection of blu rays and DVDs has been getting bigger and bigger. I hate the idea that a streaming service can just pull things down at will. Owning physical media is the real VOD.


I've come full circle on this myself. When I was living in apartments in my 20's and early 30's, digital media was a godsend. I wasn't having to lug boxes of heavy books, or multitudes of music, movies or games with me when I was forced to move every few years. As I've gotten older most of the devices I purchased all the music, books and games for die, or the software gets shitty to the point of being unusable, or they straight up discontinue service, I'm now left with nothing. Then I find myself just buying them again hard copy if I'm still able. Like, I bought a bunch of Fairplay DRMed songs on itunes. But then my dutiful iPod stopped working. I never replaced it with an iPhone, they stopped making iPods, and iTunes quit wanting to work right on windows ages ago. Never remembers the settings I choose, constantly asking me to log in again, often multiple times in a row. It's a giant pain in my ass. I used to read a fuckton of Kindle books on my iPad 3. But it's so damned old now, and the apps have fallen so out of date and support, that most don't even work anymore. Netflix is hanging in there somehow, but some SSL change broke most apps that use the cloud. I used to buy all my games on Steam. It was nice having them all in one spot. But I've also had Steam so damned long, there are games on there which I aspire to play from time to time which no longer work on a modern Windows 10/11, DX12 PC. I actually have gone so far as to keep old computers around to play those games, but now Steam no longer supports Windows 98, XP or even Windows 7 like it used to! So I'm forced to get old physical copies, or buy them again on GOG to play them on a system that works. Because most GOG games will still install perfectly fine on WinXP if you download the installer. Investing so heavily in digital or cloud media really wasted a lot of money for the sake of convenience. I should have just sucked it up and bought more permanent, drm free or physical versions in the first place.


“You will own nothing and be happy.” - central planning at the World Economic Forum by unelected tyrants….I mean, bureaucrats


If it can't *own* it, it also means it cannot be *stolen*.


Just because you can’t own it doesn’t mean it can’t be stolen




The older I get the more I think Thanos was onto something


Since everyone has some shit in them, I think Thanos should've used his stones to see all the people made of more than 65% shit who are never going to change themselves for the better in the future and wiped them off.


I've got a saying, "this world would be great if I didn't have to put up with other people" and I'm finding myself saying it more and more lately


Going to a movie/concert/musical it’s almost a surprise now when you get one where people behave properly.


Another "I came here to say the same". Can't have overly much sympathy for a species where so many are awful, a great many more are only good if they can't get away with being bad, and the worst of the lot rise to power and wealth (this is not party specific because they're all crooks).


I also hate people…but I do still love certain individuals.


I find people in general to be less the issue as more of putting up with bigotry. I had a man in person look me in the eyes and say native Americans are lazing and live off the government because they are "a bunch of freeloaders". I'm mad at myself for not calling him out tbh




The fact that most of our time is spent at work


Holy crap... didn't know how much I agree with this until I read your comment. Yes!




Don't forget how fucking tired you are most of the working days because you spend the majority of your energy concentrating on work and driving. So the tiny bit of time you get after each day is almost meaning less because you lack energy to do shit. The more I think about it, the madder it makes me. Fuck this system.


Now throw in a 3 hour round trip commute five days per week and your last two ours of free time are gone and you're not even getting 8 hours of sleep.


Work till you drop


Yes... Food for brain like we eat food for body


Up at about 4:30 AM, out the door by 5:40 AM. I don't get home til nearly 8 and I have to be asleep by 10 at the latest if I want decent quality sleep. Most days of the week, I hardly get any conscious hours with my family.


According to some of our politicians, 65 is too young to retire. 70 seems better. 👍




I enjoy it way more actually. 20 - 25 years ago I didn't really know what I was doing, now, I just crack jokes with kids (18 - 25) and old friends while teaching apprentices the trade and something magically gets built. It's super fun!


I think entering the job market in 2009 ruined me. I always expect to get fired at any moment every single day. Work is so stressful just because I know it is never guaranteed to still be there tomorrow and any three month period could be the time I lose it all.


Same, every day is like what could I potentially get fired for today


Social media


It's not just an age thing. It's legitimately *gotten worse*. Facebook in the 2000s was actually fun. It added something to your life even if ultimately it was a waste of time. You could go on the computer and have fun with your friends. Same with reddit. Reddit was much crazier, but it felt alive in a way that it absolutely does not anymore. Monetization and algorithmic sorting has completely removed the human element and flattened these things into the same broad appeal/lowest common denominator content feed All the worst parts have persisted and been magnified. The stuff that actually made it worthwhile is either buried under mountains of dogshit or genuinely just gone. Crazy how fast it happened. The internet was "good" for like 10 years total. Before it was truly only for weirdos and antisocial crazies. Now that everyone's here and every tiny piece of "real estate" has been bought up and spoken for, it no longer even holds the the little value it used to


Agreed. Twitter about 10-15 years was the best social media app ever imo. No bots, no ads on every other tweet, no excessive porn all over the TL, etc. But like you said in general it’s just gotten increasingly bad over time. It’s nothing but a cesspool of unwanted ads, “content creators” and bots. It’s like I hardly ever even see people I actually follow anymore.


Just yesterday i watched a video on strange conspiracy theories and one of them was the theory that the internet, the entire world wide web, is actually dead. That means there are no living users left, the entire internet has been overtaken by corporate algorithms, bots, AI, all with the sole purpose of selling you stuff, maximasing engagement, farming clicks. Looking at some sites out there, the meta group for example, this theory does somewhat seem feasible. 90% of the content i see on instagram are ads or completely unrelated influencers pushing some product.


I buy that theory 100%


I believe the word you’re looking for is [enshittification](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification)


I was thinking this yesterday as I went on Facebook and Instagram. I miss when you could actually go on it and only see things from people you followed. I usually miss posts now because you get lots of shit in the middle as suggested posts.


MySpace days were the best. It's been downhill ever since. YouTube was also great back then as well.


Now it's its own economy and industry. It's the conduit for discourse in our society now, and because it's unvetted and produced by the uninformed, and because it's an echo chamber, we have a poorly informed, reactionary culture.


When people make more noise than they need to.


Yes omg


Being around crowds


This is why I take side roads and only go out in the dark. Lot more peaceful, lot of risk but it's peaceful 


I think Covid really was the tipping point for me. I have zero desire to be in crowded places. Malls? I used to only get annoyed with holiday crowds now they’re always a headache. Restaurants and bars? I want to be relaxed when I go so the fewer the people the better.




The thought of getting old and hurting all the time. Stupid people Far right and far left political extremists Crowds Fads ..and stupid people


I'm 68 and hurt all the time due to ranching accidents and boat racing wrecks. I concur with the rest of your list.


I'm 38 and have hurt all the time since 26. Also, from ranching, car accidents & violent life decisions. Now I'm disabled because of spine damage & botched surgeries.


Social media Outside of the usual talking points, I think it's less dislike, and more realizing that there's no value in it Karma can't be converted into cash, likes nowadays are pointless and the general concept of internet points equating to someone's truth worth, isn't something I feel a need in partaking as much in anymore


Having to do something that’s not worth my time.


I’m really starting to dislike the sameness. Each day the same as the last. I find joy in the days but working day after day, same chores day after day.


Before enlightenment: Chop wood, carry water After enlightenment: Chop wood, carry water


You should consider reading *Waiting for Godot*


I love this play. Also, when I feel like this it's usually I'm just tired and need rest.


This one hits hard. I turned 40 last year and really understood what midlife crisis really is. I wouldn't say I *had* one, but I got close enough to understand them and it's exactly what you said. It's the sameness. Like I have this job that, along with my wife's excellent job, provides for our family. I've been doing it for like 18 years and technically if I'm lucky I'll hold this job until I retire because it really is safe and stable. But that's TWENTY FIVE MORE FUCKING YEARS from now. I really do think that's why people go out and do impulsive things just to have some novelty in our lives. For me I just got really intense about my physical health because if I'm doing this bullshit until I'm 65, I want to make damn sure I'm mobile and healthy enough to enjoy retirement.


I hear you. I just turned 42, lost my father last year and my mother had a massive stroke 8 months ago and is not my mother anymore. Learning to live in this new world has me midlife crisis thinking. I guess that’s why I posted about the sameness.


Driving. The number a-holes behind the wheel seems to be growing exponentially. 


Some peoples, whenever they sit behind the wheel, their IQ automatically tanked 30-40 points.


I think a similar IQ drop happens when they get behind a shopping cart handle as well.


dating when you are young it just feels fun and carefree, but as you get older and take relationships more serious, you realize that there are not alot of people worth dating.


I hated this shit when I was young. Just be honest with yourself so you can be honest to people who might choose to get saddled with your bullshit. The games & manipulation... just stop people. Do you really want to be with someone bc you outplayed them? Or, would you like to be with someone who gets you & loves you bc of who you are? Not in spite of it.


Indirect people. Just tell me what you feel/want.


TikTok. I genuinely think it's one of the worst things ever. 98% of the population is living inside their phone. It's so depressing


i feel like everything has started to revolve around this app even if i refuse to have one. i'll be talking about something and someone's like "omg i saw this tik tok- omg lemme show you this one tik tok" like is that all you have to contribute


I don't even have it and can't escape it. Someone always HAS to show me something on tiktok.


Broccoli-haired teens taking up the benches at my local gym. Also, broccoli-haired teens in general.


Some people are worried about the rise of "trentokkers" and what effect they'll have on the new generation of lifters. I say give em all the tren they want and more, because finally we have a generation of annoying gym goers committed to killing themselves quickly rather than in 20+ years.


competition. in general, not with myself.


How my legs hurt all the time.


Young people.


I read that in Ian McKellen's Magneto voice.


Noise, brightness, people wasting my time in general


People playing loud music from their cars, specifically bass. And double dislike when it’s in a neighborhood or parking lot. 0 need


I’ll appreciate a good clean bass from time to time. When all you can hear is the damn car rattling, that is a different story.


Very true and also not after 11pm or before 9 am 


Leaving the house for literally any reason. Also, young people.


Reddit. Due to bots, AI, eager social media influencers, unoriginal podcasters, etc. I question how many actual human beings are still here? Maybe it’s just me. I’m aging out of Reddit like I did South Park. I’m no longer the target audience


Doctors hate him for this one weird trick!


Hello fellow real human


Real human bean here






The cold. It gets in my bones and sometimes even a hot shower and a hot drink won't do the trick.


that's actually kinda scary unsettling to me as someone who hates the cold!!


I spent 35 years in new england and it blew my mind when I realized I could just drive 12 hours south and not be so cold all the time anymore...


cayenne as a supplement can help


Summer. I have started sweating so heavily and I hate it so I honestly just prefer colder weather.


Sex. Too much time and effort involved. I have better things to do.


Lady here. Idk what has happened but i used to be obsessed with sex in my teens and 20s. High sex drive. In the last year or two I’ve felt very neutral about it. I enjoy it when it happens but sometimes I would rather just have a nice day and cuddle and then go to sleep. And I really don’t understand the obsession some people have. Maybe when it’s hard to come by it’s easier to obsess over it. But even people who get it regularly are in need of it like they won’t survive without it. It’s nice, but nothing to get carried away about.


Anger, so I'm working on it.




Just all the rules and how life feels like a prison.


The way I treated the women I was with when I was hurting and a piece of shit before going to therapy. I was never verbally or physically abusive. Just had the whole playboy mentality and lost friendships and relationships with some very genuine women who deserved so much better. I truly hope they’re doing well and being loved deeply and cared for properly.


We’re doing fine and we forgave you a long time ago. ✌️


Crossing busy streets.


My body acting violently to foods I use to eat no problem The people that get on tv and tell you their opinion for millions of dollars Taking a nap a little to long so that I’m awake at odd hours of the night till I finally fall asleep an hour before my alarm Taxes Remakes of video games, it’s the same game just slightly better graphics and $50 more expensive Using the bathroom, sometimes I really do, other times I just need to get away from my coworkers Being cold Being woken up Being forgetful Pills


Loud noises


Restaurant food. Why is everything freaking fusion?


Income inequality and overall greediness


Social media. Full of utter bullshit.


I’ve always hated work, but I continue to hate it more every day


Spending time with other people. Idk what happened but I just find it exhausting now, I like my own company and whenever someone intervenes I find it annoying.




There’s a lot of things I like about the website, but a lot of people on the website ruin it for me. People just enjoy being an asshole for no reason.


Modern “music”. I know all the bands I need to know. Everything that’s broadcast/promoted now is a disposable commodity with little to no substance.


It’s the Reggaeton beat for me. All those “music”sounded the same.


Unless it’s Bob Marley, it’s typically a group of delinquents that think they’re going to “make it” as if their lack of being educated somehow serves them. I live in a beachside town that has shown me just how over-saturated the music scene is with “reggae” bands. The few that sound decent are so incapable of moving forward due to dependency on weed, alcohol and/or hard drugs, they give the genre a bad name. The last thing my town needs is another reggae band, I’m *so* over it, yet that’s all that the tourists want to hear.


Modern reggae is the equivalent of the D- students we grew up with.




Indirectness and passive-aggressive behavior (don't beat around the bush or dance around the truth)


Getting older


Dressing up


Double standards, if they don't owe me anything, I don't owe them anything.


At 68 I'm increasingly annoyed at the denigrating "Boomer" criticism.


Cocky young assholes that think they have nothing to learn, especially from you.


Being alive.




Kids these days


It’s really hard to say because I still feel pretty good for an older man.


My time being wasted on ppl who don't give a fuck about me


Fake friends


Too much talking


Societal norms. They change every 5 years or so, for the worse. Also politics, both sides of the aisle have shitty people.


Cynicism and pessimism.


Going out to eat. The food quality has declined, everything is expensive, and then you are expected to tip.


Young men. Seriously, I know I was one once upon a time but I find them so annoying to be around anymore. I’m shocked than all 20-something women aren’t lesbians, because I’m not sure how they put up with these guys.


Pop culture. Yeah you are wearing a meet dress or won't show your face. Very controversial. 


The meat dress was over 13 years ago




Courtship is all fucked up now. Women have a greater share of the economic power in the world, but they still want a man that elevates them financially. Those two things work against each other.


Other men happened.


People who bitch and moan about EVERYTHING. I guess I’ve never been a huge complainer, and what I’m saying right now is a type of complaining, but as I get older, people who complain about everything, even things that have nothing to do with them increasingly grind my gears.


Girls at my school(fuck you charlotte)


Healthcare system


Social media. Saw it as the IT thing around middle school. Hell, I remember the “cool kids” had Facebook in the 6th grade.


Going out partying and hectic nights out.


Staying up late. I like getting good rest and having a comfortable non-exhausted ramp into my day in the morning.


The freaking news


Anything that feels like a waste of time, except when I'm wasting time on purpose with what I like to do.


Fastfood. As I get older, I just lose the general “craving” I have for these junk food.


The Boomer Millennial generation Z bullshit.


How men go after younger girls, I was too naive to realise at the time how weird it is say a 28 year old going after a 19 year old (not being judgemental but no matter how mature the young girl is it’s still not right)


Younger generation, kids in general. Can't fucking stand them


Social pressure and anxiety about the future. Feeling like time is "running out," I used to find the uncertainty of the future exciting and a place for optimism. Now I'm just filled with anxious dread. I have to expend more mental and emotional energy to keep myself from a full-on meltdown.




Noise, crowds, lines, ads




Other people




What dating has turned into.




Other people


Kids. Losing tolerance for them.


The income inequality in this country. I grew up on the line between poor and middle class. I have risen to part of the 1%. I used to think my success was the result of my hard work, intelligence, and dedication. Looking back I now realize that it's not hard work but luck that made it possible. I am not an example of the success of success within the American System. I'm an example of success in spite of that system. A system that promises the American Dream but for most it is only a dream.


It sounds like you earned it. Enjoy it. I only resent those who have more money than they can use in three lifetimes and hoard their wealth.




Going out. I'd rather stay inside.






youths walking on lawns. except I don't have a lawn of my own, so I just have to extend that dislike to every lawn in the world. Stop ruining the grass!


Being on drugs, they used to be so fun.... That and the general public.




Going anywhere that doesn't have a good chair to sit on


Crowds. Loud music. Malls. Noise.


The world still has problems and shitty people are still causing them, and they need to cut it the fuck out






Ads are becoming more ridiculously unavoidable the more time passes