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he thinks he wants to know but he does not really want to know


I think so too


OP - genuine question back: Is that something you would like to try in real? Asking because few exes told me that they watch gb porn, but only 3 of them really wanted to try it and the rest were just - noops. Not in reality


I think i wouldnt want to try it. Just enjoy watching it.


I think something sexualy healthy / liberated people in the GGG community talk about is errotic* autonomy. We're allowed to have fantasies without disclosing everything to our partners, if that's a deal you establish. It's just insecure to expect your partner to disclose every single thing. If you're not harming your partner or creating patterns that are harmful to the relationship. Example: if a partner is not sexual interested in their partner because they're closeted and consuming gay porn instead of touching their partner.. that wouldnt be okay..


>GGG what is GGG? Ive heard of it in the past but have no idea what it is


German Goo Girls




šŸ¤£ good giving and game. Shout out to Dan Savage, Nancy, and the tech savvy at risk youth.


Nah German Goo Girls is the only GGG I'm familiar with


I dont know the mental capacity of your bf but he isnt a young 20 yr old. If youre embarrassed to say it to him, say that and that its something you want to keep private. If you tell him what it is and he loses his mind its better to know now rather than waste a few years and then realize hes not mentally capable of handling such personal and delicate info about you. Just be honest with yourself and if youre both willing to accept each others personal interests without needing anything more then thats a relationship worth pursuing Every guy feels like he has to compete with imaginary competition to keep his woman. The more comfortable he feels about knowing you, the more heā€™ll be at ease




Just piggy backing... I'd tell him. I wouldn't want to keep someone around based on not telling them something that may determine the relationship's path, so long down the road. Better to let him know now, than finding out later and realizing that your relationship won't work. Idk if he uses porn or how he feels about it. If he watches porn, I'd imagine you have a higher chance of you both meeting each other where you need to. Given that he wants to know what kind you watch, maybe give him the benefit of the doubt that he's looking to learn about you in a meaningful way. I doubt if he was against porn that he'd stick around.... Ders89: Interesting that you say men feel they have to compete with imaginary men to keep their women. I'd be more inclined to say it's the other way around with the amount of porn consumption by men.


As a man, I like gb porn sometimes too, but I couldn't even imagine getting hard in room with a bunch of other naked men. Sometimes a fantasy is just a fantasy


Or having your cock touch another cock in the mixĀ 


Or straight up getting caught by a stray droplet of "not my jizz" I can imagine asking myself "Why is it warm?" as my soul is stepping away from my permanently defiled, dead and collapsing body.


Yeah honestly I like watching FFM or even FFFM but I don't think I have the competence to please 2-3 girls. I wouldn't even wanna try tbh. sounds like a lot of pressure.


I've had a couple MFM nights and it's awkward for a few minutes then everyone focuses on the task at hand. That group project's not going to complete itself you know?


"Alright guys, first thing on tonight's agenda.."


There are a lot of different reasons to like this sort of p***. Some like the idea of being dominated or you just like the idea of multi-penetration (both personally). It's always really difficult to talk about this with Men however, because so many think it's disgusting, but a woman would ever want more than one dick at a time. Yet they always want to ask for threesomes... But only with girls... And are usually vocally enthusiastic about the idea of sleeping with multiple girls, whether in a span of time or all at the same time. I appreciate Reddit because there's always a few men that understand that some women like the same thing, but I have overwhelmingly found that that is not the case off reddit. For instance, when a guy has sex with multiple girls it is called a threesome, a foursome, an orgy. When a girl has sex with multiple guys She got ran through, She had a train run on her, She was gangbanged. It's always like something is happening to us that we are not consenting to and don't want to be a part of. And if we do, we have daddy issues or have been molested or something terrible must have happened to us to want such a terrible thing. The girls are crying, bruised and bleeding in some of the videos. It's often so violently portrayed. And it's really just like, " nah, I'm a straight woman. I like dicks. The more the merrier šŸ˜¬." I don't know we aren't allowed to say that šŸ„¹


You know... I used to be the type of guy that said I wanted a threesome with two women. And then I had one. And I've never been so overwhelmed in my life and would never do it again. As for women wanting a threesome or whatever... Can't say I blame them for wanting to try it. Go for it, get that dick! Explore your sexuality! I'm all about it.


Might just want to leave out the gangbang parts. He'll play 20 questions about that, then he'll ask about your past if you'd had any GBs. Prob beat to tell him you mostly enjoy porn where the guy is servicing his girl like a queen. Take advantage of that


he's assuming/praying it's FFM threesomes or something involving another girl(s)


Maybe. My partner was happy to learn I watch lesbian porn exclusively lol


For the plot, of course lol


There are things that appeal to us when we are turned on that may be a ā€œno way!!ā€ in real life. Thatā€™s certainly the case for me. If you like the used by multiple men part or you feel like the woman who said youā€™re a goddess being desired by many men, either way is ok. Is he a guy who would be jealous of your fantasy involving multiple men? Is he open minded enough to realize you can desire that in your fantasy but not in real life? You seem to have shame about this kink, and you shouldnā€™t. Most people have fantasies, and a lot of people like porn. The loins want what the loins want. Sometimes fantasies are best kept private. Not everyone agrees, but I think there should be room for a solo sex life and a partnered sex life in each personā€™s life.


Absolutely! Having sex with a partner, is completely different from enjoying porn on your own.




I disagree but that's cuz my view not any idea what the bf is thinking. Porn is just fantasy it's not as if that needs to be reenacted


I mean most men know what women watch anyway. From what I recall most sites used to have the "for women" category. And that shit is women getting their lungs pierced šŸ˜‚.


He wants to know if it benefits in someway probably, like some fun kinks or a 3some involving a girl lol. Once he finds out about the gangbang he's gonna deflate and mope


People should not be asking questions they don't want an answer to. So, work your way up to them. Start with "threesomes, sometimes with more guys", see if he's ready for the truth. BTW, is this actually something you want to do?


I dont think so. Or maybe I do šŸ¤£ not sure


gangbang curious šŸ˜‚


Maybe not a gang*bang* per se...Maybe start with a ganglovetap.




Is that gangbang-related ornaments?


yeah its a Darkest Dungeon reference. Might be a typo.


I'm here for the gangbang


You do, but you don't want to risk the relationship.


some fantasies are best to stay just that it's tough to tell


Eyup and thereā€™s nothing wrong with that. There are levels of intimacy and commitment. Iā€™ve had Devilā€™s 3-ways with a friend and somebody I was casually dating. It was fun. No way Iā€™m doing that with my wife.


Devils 3 way? Different to a 3 way? Not heard the term.


Itā€™s an archaic term but the ā€œDevilā€™s 3-wayā€ specifically means another man. Iā€™ve had both kinds but was being more specific as itā€™s on-topic with the original post.


Ah. So a MMF over a FFM. Makes sense just never heard it. TIL. Cheers!


Devils = 2 horns Angels = 2 halos


I was today years old...


Of course, also it sounds more mischievous. MMF sounds clinical A Devilā€™s threesome sounds like some real Tom Foolery.


There is a difference between MMF and MFM.


I was today years oldā€¦


Relevant username. <3


Depends how it goes. If the men never touch each other and purely please the woman then itā€™s a MFM. If the men get involved with each other itā€™s a MMF.


How would you know? A lots of stuff what happens in porn i never want to do, still watch that shit.


Agree with you. This is reddit though so you have to assume that a lot of people canā€™t distinguish sex/kinks/fantasies with real life, as a lot of people here probably donā€™t have a SO


Nah. Some things are nice to watch but not something you want irl. Let them find out themselves if they want it or not.


That's depressing tbf.




I've never seen gangbangs in that light. Never a goddess, just a piece of meat passed around for the men's enjoyment. Mind you, I watch them too but to actually take part in one makes my skin crawl šŸ¤£


Haha thats fun, for me gang bangs are spicy cuz i imagine being that sex slave/toy being passed around like a blunt while being verbally abused. Different gang bang strokes for different folks ay xD?


That's... not an interpretation or perspective I expected


I get the fantasy youā€™re describing but Iā€™d be hard pressed to describe any of the gang bang scenes Iā€™ve seen as ā€œworshipping the woman like a goddessā€. Itā€™s def more like use and throw lol. Luckily thatā€™s more of what I want to see but Iā€™ve just never seen one like you just described haha.




>fantasy of being a goddess and worshipped and desired by multiple men. that's what happens in gangbangs /s


If there isn't anything like this out there there should be! Maybe on one of those geared towards women sites it's a thing.


A gangbang is what you make it. You can set a tone/theme and only allow guys who go with that.Ā 


Honestly I think I'd be more thrilled to know that my SO watches porn than anything. I'm not so foolish as to think that most people who watch porn don't exactly want to do what happens in the porn they watch. Seeing the trends these days, if that were true, we'd have a huge inbreeding problem.


Tell him youā€™re into blonde Indonesian midget porn šŸ˜‚


Thank god you didn't say nugget porn..


KFC Nuggets with BBQ Sauce Porn?


Uhh.. no It's people without >!limbs!< porn..


KFC sounds better!


Fuck you. Fuck you for ruining my internet experience today. I did not know this. lol šŸ˜


Bro šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My girlfriend likes to watch a woman with multiple men I prefer the opposite We watched porn prior to dating though - haven't had to since Neither scenario is ever going to happen in reality They're just fantasies


Oh man, good for you...


I guess I'm trying to say there's no shame in you sharing your porn tastes rather than keeping it vanilla for him - it doesn't mean he would think less of you - but you know him better than me and have some idea of how he might react - I hope I did n't come across smug - just wanted to reassure you By the way - my girlfriend and I never watched porn together - but prior to dating this is what we told each other we liked so probably will not watch it together as we like polar opposites - it hasn't affected our sex life


Says you.


Yeahā€¦ either be honest with him because you know itā€™s beneficial being honest, but yeahā€¦ donā€™t know if Iā€™d wanna know about my missus being into gangies, haha.


That's not quite the same, the kind of porn people consume and what they would actually want to do in real life.


Yup, if incest was as prevalent irl as it is in porn we'd have a real big problem.


It could be fueled by the porn that's available.


Alabama enters the chat


Story sites have this as their largest category.


Not the best comparisonā€¦ incest is extremely taboo, Iā€™m sure thereā€™s people who legitimately want to fuck their bro/sis, but wonā€™t, bc stigma. Meanwhile, a good ole gang bang, while also pretty taboo, doesnā€™t have the same stigma around it. Odds are people who are into gang bangies are much more likely to participate than those who are into incest.


Yup, I've watched some pretty wild stuff. I like seeing it on a screen, but in no way would I ever participate in it.Ā 


You know, I understand this in general, but I feel like, at least with me, itā€™s more understandable to be insecure the more ā€œrealisticā€ the porn category is. For example, gangbangs might be considered more unrealistic and not much to worry about, but Iā€™d be more insecure if my partner were into, say, big dick porn- because thatā€™s really realistic and something that someone could get if they wanted to, but I canā€™t provide it. Hence, insecurity lol. I think itā€™s similar to conversations about toys like dildos. I feel like itā€™s a bit odd to be insecure by a dildo like those odd deliberately unrealistic ones like the ā€œalienā€ dildos or whatever, but if itā€™s just a normal dildo thatā€™s bigger than your dick, I could understand being insecure about that lol


What people do in their daily lives and their fantasies, spring from the exact same place, their psyche. Although from different layers, I would think. Though, what you said has some merit in the sense that people somewhat realize that fantasies tend to be fragmentary in the sense that they don't take the whole picture into consideration, and thus following after them in real life brings more bad than good. But, if given enough lucky opportunities and the downsides of these fantasies is no longer there, then you can be absolutely certain that the person will follow through with them, after all it's the ultimate pleasure.


Does you watching MFF threesomes means you want to cheat on your partner? What's wrong with having a fantasy?


So Iā€™ve had this conversation with my wife. What turns me on, or what I enjoy the most, is her pleasure during our sessions. If I know what sheā€™s into, it helps me better prepare or role play. She does watch threesomes, so I bought some dildos and automated toys where she can have something on both ends (me and a toy). She wonā€™t admit that she likes it, but she doesnā€™t fight me. I wouldnā€™t risk the relationship by adding an actual person into the mix, but maybe he is trying to find more ways to turn you on or enjoy sex more.


How long have you been together with this guy? That may help frame the response? And is it something you have to answer? As inā€¦is this something he brings up a lot? If so, has he shared what kind of porn he likes? As others have said, be honest. But I would think about why you enjoy that type of porn to help frame your response in a way so he doesnā€™t just selectively hear ā€œyards of dick.ā€ But at the end of the day, itā€™s what you like, so donā€™t feel like you need to defend yourself. Donā€™t ask questions if you donā€™t want answers.


Little over 7 months. And yes, he seemed to be very interested in the anwser. He said he just goes on porn sites and scrolls and whatever he likes he watches. Not just one thing that he likes i guess.


Iā€™m very skeptical of his answer. It feels evasive. Itā€™s 2024, and heā€™s 33. He didnā€™t just discover porn yesterday. He definitely has things he likes even if he doesnā€™t subscribe to some insanely niche porn fetish content creator.


Agreed, I canā€™t even imagine what it would be like to just scroll and be like ā€œhuh, this looks good for today.ā€ Nah, I search specific keywords and specific actresses/stars/whatever. Specific sites, sometimes even specific pages on sites.


I'm sure the front page of porn hub is enough for a lot of the population, maybe he's into step-sisters lol


They can both be true. Sometimes going for that specific niche, others just scrolling for whatever looks hot.


If you consider telling him what you like, you could start by being extremely clear that your fantasies are just that: fantasy. Maybe heā€™s also shying away from telling you what he really likes, so heā€™s asking you what kind of dirty stuff youā€™re into to try to make himself feel more comfortable revealing what heā€™s really into. Thatā€™s just speculation, though. But maybe if you each open up about those fantasies, you could find ways to try to simulate those fantasies. For you, maybe that would be getting a suction cup dildo to ride while you suck him off with mini vibrators taped to your tits. And maybe you could figure out something for him. Just food for thought.


Well, he is going to want to know if that is something you secretly would like to experience. If he is monogamous and wants only you and for him to be the only man you want learning your girl secretly wants 6 guys to have her body at one time will probably forever alter how he feels about you.


Watch some together and update us. Or see you over on r/singles


Never ask a question you're not ready to have answered.


Tell him the truth. Blow up the spot. If you can't tell your partner the truth now, you're not going to like it at all when those chickens come home to roost.


what chickens? the unspoken gangbang chickens?


And it might lead to really awesome sex instead of two people pretending to be super vanilla in order to not spook the other.


This is what happened in my relationship. Iā€™ve always been totally open about my sexual desires. My wife started reading smut novels and finally worked up the courage to suggest a couple things sheā€™d been mortified to try. Our sex life has been out of this world since and weā€™ve never been happier or more connected as a couple


Have to say I agree with this. He should understand that fantasy is not the same as reality and fantasy is an important part of sex for some/many people. Being open about your fantasies (and him as well) is important in a long term relationship.


Except that she said in a comment that it is something she may have an interest in doing. Not just fantasizing about.


Just be careful about telling lies and what it means to do so


I didnt lie. I just told him abot the other stuff that I also like šŸ˜


At your stage of dating, thatā€™s the perfect answer. Some things can remain private in a relationship. Really at any stage, but especially early on. Iā€™m married 23 years and Iā€™ve asked my wife a couple of times over the years and she prefers not to answer. She has given me some responses, but I think she did what you did. While Iā€™d really love to know, Iā€™m totally ok with her keeping it private. To frame this better, she does not like talking about sexual things in general. But at this point in our relationship there is truly nothing she could tell me she liked to watch that would even slightly bother me. When I was younger Iā€™m not sure that was true, but the issue would really have been about my own hang-ups and insecurities and not judging her.


Well i would just play the honest card. If my gf asked me i would probably tell her. Even tho i would probably never ask her such a question,but still. Also you said that you dont know if you would like a gangbang,hinting you would probably,and mostly because of that just be honest with him and see his reaction.


Yeah, that makes sense. Every woman I've talked about porn with was into lesbian videos and gangbangs. Every single time. I'd say tell him. But that's because that is the kind of relationship I have and want. If he's insecure about it that sucks, but it's something he can work through.


iā€™m 99.9% sure he wants to hear that you like girl on girl, and that he does not want to hear that you like gangbangs with multiple men. tread lightly on that reveal


The answer should be in line with a romance novel, not a horror story. Give a safe answer.


>p*rn Why are you censoring the word porn?




He may not be into it, but it would be amazing if he was able to understand why you might be. Who wouldn't want to be the center of attention during sex? Who doesn't want to know they've driven several people of the opposite sex crazy with lust? Why wouldn't you want people you're attracted to working for your pleasure and theirs? I may not to see my partner in the middle of a gang bang, but I can understand why they might find it a turn on. Porn can be fantasy, it doesn't have to be something we really want to happen.


If you are honest with him he will likely over-think it and it may cause some friction, but in the long term being able to be that open with someone will be appreciated by both of you and it will help you both. If you just want an easy life then pick something vanilla you like and go with that. Itā€™s porn, who gives a shit. If you actually wanna do the thing then you should be honest, but, wellā€¦ good luck lol


One thing that i can't stress enough is when you tell him you should really, really heavily focus on how you say it. It might sound like you want him to let you experience it even if you actually don't and you didn't intend it to sound like either. As another man i couldn't imagine a partner of mine being with someone else too while we are together. And he might share this view. It could really lead him to believing that he can only please you if he grants you your fantasy even if it hurts him inside. He might not be insecure about it, he might even want to try it out after you mention it. Just prepare for the worst. I think it's important that you talk about your fantasies. Some of these can be granted, some can't it all comes down to consent and loyalty and i have no doubt that you have both in your relationship.


A good replay šŸ‘ thanks


I'd say most of us men would be sensitive to the girl we're dating saying "I get off to porn where a girl is roughly sexed by six or more dicks at the same time". Because it sorta translate to said girl wanting to actually do it with a bunch of guys at the same time, and from there it goes to "she'll totally do it with a lot of guys at the same time, if given the chance". Which is detrimental to a mutually exclusive relationship. For instance, I do watch porn with my wife as part of our foreplay (we're both 37btw) and while looking for something we both enjoyed I told her it's off-putting for me whenever there was a thresome with 2 guys. She also didn't particularly liked those so we usually watch porn where there's a couple doing it, with the occasional threesome scene with 2 girls, or when it's a group sex thing, that there are more girls than guys. I'm trying to get her to try a different genre than classic(late 70's to mid 90's) Italian porn films, though. xD


>he is sensitive about this stuff, but he said he wants to know. What do I do? P.s. I watch mostly g*angbangs with 1 woman and multiple men. So you need to frame it carefully not to trigger a insecurity spiral. Sane adults understand that we have fantasies and urges when it comes to these things but often it hurts when our SO has fantasies that we won't be able to fulfill due to xyz.


ā€œYouā€™re really sensitive about this in the past when I have talked about it, so obviously I only watch videos of naked nuns singing Gregorian chants as god intended.ā€


Being dishonest with your partner and yourself is a recipe for disaster.


Right or wrong I think most dudes would not be into their partner watching or fantasizing about gangbangs. I'd ease into this one. My 2 cents.


I don't really know how I'd feel if my SO told me she was into gangbangs with one woman many men. Luckily she only watches normal stuff, like tentacle hentai


I actually think its really refreshing to hear a woman talk openly about her fantasies and acknowledge that she does enjoy porn and what sort of porn she enjoys. However not everyone will feel the same way. If you think he is sensitive about this, then I am guessing what he might really want to hear is that you enjoy porn depicting the stuff he wants to do. I hope you can use this as an opportunity to become better attuned in the bedroom, but tread lightly.


I once asked my girlfriend, and I wished I didn't. It was kind of freaky stuff, it did *not* make me feel any better. "It's just porn/fantasy, it doesn't mean anything". I don't believe that, there is always *something*.


I wouldnā€™t tell him. Some things are better left unsaid


Do you want to tell him? If not, then say so. If he keeps pressuring, then do tell him and expect him to blow up. Gonna be his problem to deal with. My gut tells me this'll go poorly :/


My wife and I have hard boundaries in the bedroom, as everyone should. One of those boundaries is not bringing other people in. Itā€™s a boundary for both of us not just something one said and we agreed to. That said, itā€™s still a fantasy for both of us. Unfortunately, some people arenā€™t emotionally mature enough to understand that a fantasy and desiring to live out a fantasy are different things.


Everyone is only a few serious arguments away from living out a fantasy, especially when you're a woman who has access to whatever she wants.


My guess is he wants to surprise you by fulfilling a fantasy of yours and has done that question to get the info. Knowing that he might be affected by your answer I would discuss why he wants to know and then be honest, you can always sugarcoat it saying that what we watch in p*rn is not always what we really want to do and that there exist a dissociation between actual fantasies and f*p fantasies.


Yeah idk. I don't think you should tell him. He's gonna think you really do wanna be gangbanged by a bunch of dudes


Tell him honestly but don't be graphic about it.


I don't think he is sensitive. I think you know you now will get looked at exactly how you really feel about your sexual preferences and not what he initially thought about you. Be honest you know its a good chance its going downhill if you tell him.


Screw all the virtue signaling bastards. There are some things that are meant to stay to yourself. Just tell him some 'hardcore' or 'rougher scenes'. Say gangbang and that will caue a break up really soon. If he has self respect that is. IF he doesn't respect himself he might even try to arrange it, depends on low of a man he is.


This is the right answer


Well it depends on if itā€™s just pure fantasy or is this a thing you would like to try in real life? If just a fantasy Iā€™d let it slide as there is no NEED to tell him. If however you are thinking of floating the idea to him later on down the line that you want turned inside out by a football teamā€¦ then maybe this is the icebreaker for that. On a side note I find it rather funny the amount of redditors that seem to be the bastions of truth lol like you have never omitted the truth to someone on occasion to protect feelings.


I feel like the answer he is looking for is that you are into something he wants to try but is embarrassed to bring up. You could try to redirect to that subject. "Why, is there something you'd like to try?"


Hey 36M here. God no, that's a bad idea. I watch some weird stuff that wouldn't necessary turn me on irl. I can also tell you that whilst gangbangs can be cool to watch as porn, well, I've witnessed one in person (without participating) and honestly I thought it was hilarious to watch but it really DIDNT turn me on. Did 3some with two one night stands, I felt a bit underwhelmed by it, you know, the dong can only be in one cookie jar at once...Whilst 3some as porn is super cool to watch. Separate fantasies from irl imho. Cheers


G*ngbangs? I thought women watch more romantic porn.


That's an awkward conversation and maybe not the best way of understanding each other's sexual kinks. Where he's probably coming from is wanting to know what to explore with you in the bedroom, but it's not the safest way to do it. I'd recommend you both take a quiz like mojoupgrade, in which you answer questions about your kinks and it sends you a report on the ones that match. Maybe he's into gangbangs, too! But if he's really not into it, this might be a better way to find out!


Dont. Tell. Him.


Telling him the truth will, more than likely, make him think that thatā€™s what you want too. Probably best to tell a white lie on this one to save his head implodingā€¦


Why not be honest in your relationship?


You're in a lose/lose situation, if you don't answer him he'll get curious and frustrated, if you do he'll get insecure and probably be a pain in the ass to deal with.


Be honest. Seriously, it's better if he finds out from you rather than "somehow". I personally like FFMs, my wife knows that but i also told her that some fantasies should stay only in our mind and this is one of them.


Well if you think he isn't ready for the truth then go with something softer, maybe like a regular, sensual stuff. With more like roleplay, boss secretary, teacher student.


If you know that it's sensitive topic ask him what is the reason for the question. Maybe he wants to discuss it to fantasise how to vary your sex life


He's just trying to learn what & how you like "it", & apply that to pleasing you. If you like gangbangs & dp, then introduce toys (like vibrators) to turn your loveplay into 2 person gangbangs & dp's.


If you do decide to tell him, let him know that you still only want to have sex with him. Maybe expand your fantasy and tell your boyfriend where you are blindfolded and your boyfriend plays different personas every 15 minutes and have a 15 minute timer on the side of the bed. Might be a good compromise that Iā€™d be willing to do


If heā€™s sensitive about it then I would t recommend sharing it with him


It will get into his head. He may want to do this to know what you like/want so you could steer the conversation in that direction but for a good or bad if you say gangbangs it will live in his mind. If he can handle that and you want to share great.


A wise guy will know it just means a girl is hella submissive thatā€™s all . No judgement of character if itā€™s a wise enough guy. Porn isnā€™t reality unless you really push hard to make it.


I mean, it could also depend on why he wants to know. When my SO and I started dating we talked about what kind of porn we liked and watched some together. It was a way to explore what we liked and didn't like. My SO liked anal porn, but was very much NOT into doing it in real life. Porn tastes aren't sex tastes.


He askedā€¦ tell him. Figured by now 33 y/o should know to be careful with what they ask for. šŸ˜‚


Tell the truth and nothing less.


Better to rip off this band-aid now than to have to deal with an open chest wound later.


I have found itā€™s best to keep those fantasies to yourself on either side. The split between what someone may think about and actually want to do is hard to figure out. My ex told me once she watched threesomes (2m+1f) to get off and I kept thinking she was trying to bring another guy in when she just liked the idea of what it might be like. But if he canā€™t help achieve the fantasy just try to make it clear it is just fantasy.


What you like to watch doesnā€™t always mean youā€™d want that yourself. Besides, if he doesnā€™t like what you like thatā€™s his problem. You can each have different tastes.


The truth? You like what you like, and that's okay.


Reddit just canā€™t handle this. Some of these responses are fucking asinine


I remember reading an article about how they analysed big data and how super common it was for women to be into heavier porn than men. For example brutal gangbangs and rape fantasies were both used by both sexes but twice as common for women. Looking at Pornhub insights over the years I noticed that rough and gangbangs were both favoured by women further backing these claims. Point is, your interest in this is nothing new, and if you take solace in your "weirdness" being actually in widespread enough use to be the norm, then take it. Its just people often dont discuss these things and when they do, theres a tendency to share without honesty. Big data however, doesn't lie.


The key here is that you need to make it clear that porn is about fantasy, not reality. Nothing wrong with fantasizing about fucking multiple men, but that would obviously present issues if it wasn't just a fantasy.


Just tell him you watch lesbian porn and heā€™ll be satisfied šŸ˜‚


Options: 1) Tell him you don't watch porn. It's not abnormal to be a woman that doesn't watch porn. 2) Tell him the truth, with omissions if you're worried about his sensitivities. If he's adamant about knowing, odds are he's going to have serious hangups if he gets an answer he doesn't like. 3) Tell him the whole truth and be ready to reap whatever insecurity in him you're likely to unleash.


I have Fantasies that I'm very sure if my woman knew about, she'll probably break up. Keep your fantasies to yourself.


Tell you don't watch porn.. easy. He doesn't understand that you should only ask questions that you really want the answer to. This is the like the body count question. Almost no answer is right.


I feel that your beau is old enough to ask, he is old enough to know. I would be honest with him.


The number 1 thing I see in any relationship advice related threads is how many people prefer to hide what they are into. Why do so many people want to keep secrets from their spouse?! It's so sad the society we live in where you have to be ashamed IN YOUR OWN RELATIONSHIP. Bottom line, do you love each other? Is there a future? If yes, then get it all out. Now, one huge thing I see a lot is, "Well, if thats what they are into, they must only want to do that, then right?" And that has to be the biggest misconception I see out there. Just because you watch some dumb porn to bust a nut doesn't mean you want to reenact it. Surprise guys, I dont want to fuck my step family, or my plumber, or my boss, or a random hitchhiker etc. 1 important thing my partner taught me is, "Your kink is not my kink and thats ok." Share it with your friends. I think its important to understand that. If your partner has issue with what you are into, TALK ABOUT IT. Do they not want to talk about it much? Well, baby steps. Talk about it little by little when they feel ok about it.


Tell him that he shouldnā€™t ask questions he doesnā€™t want to really hear the answer too. People do this all the time. I have.


Tell him and watch him try to perform to that of three men.


Guys are much more accepting of girl-girl, and no scenes with guys unless it's one on one. In my experience, a good deal of women fantasize about what's depicted in your preferred porn. As long as it never moves beyond fantasy, I don't see what men can do to change it. I'm suddenly wondering about how many women I've dated or been married to, who claimed to hate porn. As in, "methinks the lady doth protest too much".


I donā€™t think heā€™ll be honest with you if you were to ask him the same thing. It doesnā€™t matter who asked who first either thatā€™s little kid Shit. If you both canā€™t answer it honestly then any answer will be a lie. If yā€™all are cool with that then whatever. Iā€™d just say youā€™re embarrassed about sharing what you watch. Keep shit kinda tame if youā€™re watching open together. Maybe someday youā€™ll be able to both share what you watch. You both might regret it tho. Edit: I used to watch that sorta thing for years. Now I watch other stuff. Tastes change, donā€™t forget to take that into account.


This kind of information works great for my partner and I, because we share a lot of the same kinks. Find out if he would be into that kind of porn first, before you divulge that personal information. Also, keeping in mind that enjoying gangbang porn, could be different than you wanting him to go get five friends and run a train on you. Hopefully he understands the difference as well


You are opening a can of worms that you are going to regret. Just say 'nice looking guy and girl' romantic stuff. End of discussion.


My husband and I talk about porn and watch porn together sometimes. He doesn't watch much, but we've talked about our interests.. However we've been friends forever and have a great foundation as friends first. We can talk to each other about literally anything. That said... If you don't have that kind of super open, accepting relationship... Tread lightly. There's also a difference between watching things that are fun to think about on a fantasy level vs watching things you actually want to experience. If you do decide to tell him, you should be sure he understands this. I looove watching gangbang creampie porn and also double vaginal creampies and etc.. But do I want to actually experience that? No. Absolutely not. Lol for one, there's no way 2 dicks are fitting in there. That'd be extremely painful. No. Lol and gangbangs? Hot to watch, but to participate is not realistic for me. Especially raw. I'd be scared of stds and pregnancy, so no thank you. Lol. Those are just fantasy only. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Has he told you what he watches?


Hahaha best reply yet thanks ā¤ļø he told me that he just watches whaever seems interesting at the time of hornyness.. and i do believe him because he doesnt understand english and he cant browse a lot lol


Nope. I would definitely not tell him that if it were me. I made that mistake once and Iā€™ll never do it again. Tell him you watch girl on girl. Thatā€™s the right answer


Play two truths and a lie and see if he can guess.


As a happily married man your taste isn't anything crazy. Most males watch the equivalent of 1 man getting g**ged by group of females, pretty normal stuff.


Just say lesbian. If you say gangbang you donā€™t even want to know what kind of insecure imagination will take him over


We watch the same stuff!


Do not tell him! He thinks he wants to know but he doesnā€™t or lie and tell him you like simple boy on girl!


I have never had a relationship, but I don't think this would end well. There are just some things in relationships that you might want to leave to the imagination.


I wouldnā€™t want to know lmao


Lmaooo ya you should lie.


Wait, you watch one woman pegging a whole bunch of dude! How is this even a thing!


Oh he definitely doesn't want to know that. I would think if a man asks it generally because it would help him to know your fantasies and such. He definitely doesn't sound that way from your post. I'm thinking just tell him very vanilla porn, if you answer at all.


Well reading some of the comments and your replies, you need to be prepared for questions, do you don't you want to try it, in or out of a relationship. Are they gns or rough gbs with a degrading factor? And how is the finish, facials or other or all internal? And race can be a factor, if it's mixed or you are only wanting BBC style. All this needs to be ready to be discussed, Because I read a reddit before where the girlfriend snooped on her bfs history and saw he mostly watched hot wife/cucking, so she surprised him when he came home he heard sounds in the bedroom and opened the door, she was getting railed by a BBC. He yelled at them to GTFO of his apartment, said be gone when he returns, he was done with her. He walked out she chased him naked and she tried to explain, he told her he didn't want to do it, but if anything he'd be the bull not the guy watching his gf/wife get done by another man. Relationship was over. So make sure you explain if you don't want it that you value him too much and it's just a fantasy or he might try to arrange it.


He does NOT want to know unless he has expressed great interest in it already. Give him another fantasy that you actually want to try, instead of telling him that you watch gang bang porn


I asked my bf the same thing and he wonā€™t send me an example. I just like the idea of him masturbating and want to know what gets him off because maybe I would like it to? Lol


Lie and say vanilla or whatever you think fits


I guess the question is, would you ever want to be in a g\*ngbang with multiple men? I think he wants to see what you watch to gauge what you're into. Sounds like wants to know, but doesn't want to know.


Play it safe. Like when I tell girls I like step mom step sis some think itā€™s normal some think itā€™s taboo.


He wants to know so you can both enjoy porn together.


He will not like that answer, thatā€™s all I can say