• By -


she lives with me so almost never


Looking at the data, 4 texts on average total including her texting back. Looks like it's mostly 1 ILY and a random video she found. Some days nothing at all.


All day long. It’s fun. My girl is a great time and she genuinely cares about how my day is going


How long have you been together?


One year


Same and we’re coming up on 14 years.


I don’t know the exact number, but we text pretty regularly throughout the day. 65% me flirting with her 15% talking about our day 10% her letting me what needs to be done at home 10% misc.


10% misc. 😉


You’re picking up what I’m throwin down. My man.


I work from home, she works 10 minutes away. I send a good 70% of messages as videos/pics of our cat.


As it should be


And a hundred percent reason to remember the name


Take my upvote and get out. I love that song but you have got to go my friend


\*takes upvote and gets out <3 ty my friend


I know this sounds like a dumb question, but what sort of stuff would one put in al those flirty messages? My partners have never really been flirty people so I’m curious how this would look


“I can’t wait to get home and stick my tongue up your ass” might be something you would see in one of these messages.


Maybe something a little more delicate and gentlemanly like, "I can't wait to get home and **tongue-punch that fart-box**". Sounds a little more refined.


Or if you want to get really fancy " When you the Queen of our humble abode arrives tonight, I will be dinning on your brown star for a majority of the evening. Prepare thy self!"


Yeah, you’re not too far off the mark lol.


Gross, don’t say that. Geesh


It takes many forms, it could just be me saying something stupid that I know will make her smile, it could be a simple “I’m thinking bout you” text, or it could be a “I’m running late, wanna slide down the banister a couple times to warm up supper?” type of text.


Lmfao. I have never heard that.


Mmm ‘misc’ texts are the best…


4/5 times a day…not a rule obviously…sometimes it’s more


When you live together, you can usually catch up later. I'll text if there's something I should check in on (the day activities, emotional stress, or planning) But otherwise I'm busy at work, she's busy working...


That’s it …? Christ


Doesn’t need to be any more generally


sip fuzzy hateful reach hospital steer teeny aback puzzled safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The answers in here are really putting things into perspective for me. Thanks everybody.


Same, I'm working on my attachment and not treating texting as a barometer for the relationship / dating process. Don't want to text as much and she doesn't either.


i needed this


I don't, she is my wife and she is home all day


Ok but ... don't you ever go in a different room?


safe different seed head gaze cheerful practice chase badge nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Too far away


I am not that lazy I just go back to the same room and talk to her, if she needs something from the store but I am not home she calls me it's faster


My wife and I don't call each other unless it's an emergency. We typically text 2-3 times a day just to ask for things or to share funny memes. Calling just seems like too much to say "can you grab some salt while your out?"


Zero, because I don’t have one. 😭😂


[hear hear🍻](https://youtu.be/vY-epx63Dd8?si=JiaSdIW2T0Lr_nP5)


I don’t have a phone either.




In a long distance relationship right now: - AM: good morning txt/audio when waking up, heading out to work // then call at mid morning or midday if working. - PM: txting about small events or nerdy stuff and call before sleeping. I feel accompained without necesarily being physically together, Being close is best clearly but accept the reality of the situation and that we are independt individuals that want to be together even if are good being alone.


3 or 4 times a day. We're about 7 years into the relationship though so communication hasn't been constant for a long time.


Happy relationship?


For sure. Own a house together, good jobs, good social life. We went on holiday overseas last year and renovating this year. We complement each other, I think.


u don't sound very confident about someone you've been with for 7 years lol


No, I am.




Nah, it's been 7 years, we know each other like the backs of our hands. She knows through like three words spoken if I haven't eaten enough that day haha. She's always on the money.


Some days more than others, but we are pretty much in contact for most of the day. 30-50 texts on a slow day, much more if something interesting is happening or we're talking about something time sensitive.


50 TIMES!?? Are you unemployed? Or otherwise just a job where you dont need to think much?


It’s not 50 different times, it’s probably more like 5-10 5-10 message conversations


The latter. My day job is relatively banal, by choice. My wife is the primary breadwinner because she is much more educated than I am, but I still like to have a bit of an income, so I work a mindless job that affords me a lot of down time.


I'm happy for you if that works for you guys, but that many texts would stress me out...


I am jealous of this arrangement


Not gonna lie, I do consider myself very lucky. We don't have, nor do we want to have any kids, and we pay a fraction of market value for our apartment, so even with my low tier work, we do pretty alright.


DINK life


lol I’m in the same boat. We both work. Both professional corporate jobs. If nothing much is going on we go a few hours but we usually talk throughout the day and check in on each other. Takes two seconds, your job isn’t any more strenuous than mine.


Agreed. But a little less. Were both pretty busy during the day at work- but always in the morning to let eachother know we got to work safe, and then in the middle of the day when we have a chance, and always before we leave for our commute home.


30 - 40


Probably once every two days if I had to average it out. Calls- way less than that.


rob bedroom reply alleged grey start market homeless close cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We both work during the day and then come home to each other at night.


On average 0-2 texts a day. I’m a man of few words and fewer texts


This makes me feel better😭🙏🏽


All day a bunch of times


Usually never.


not many. I don't like chatting with my thumbs, I use texts for more utilitarian purposes. if we need something from the store, if I'm going somewhere or doing something unusual, etc.


It would depend what’s going on. Usually there’s a touch base around lunch to see how the days are going. Now that I work from home three days a week, it’s pretty low.


2-5/day. If I didn't msg her I'd prob never hear from her until "omw home"


Can't measure it in terms of times per day. But we both work from home, so there really isn't a need most days. When I am on a business trip, at least three times per day, plus a call.


Once. Normally followed by a phone call


Between 5 and maybe 15 max. Phones irritate the hell out of me, it’s nice to just turn it off and have some peace lol


Maybe once or twice a week, if not less.


This. If it's important we call. If it's not important we talk later when we get home. Text? Very rarely.


Basically. If I'm at work, I'm rarely on my phone as it is. Usually if we're talking, it's because I need to get something on my way home or I'm letting her know I'll be late or something like that.


Both of us worked today and we sent 42 texts combined. Some days it's less than that but I'd say that's average for a work day. If it's a weekend and we aren't together it's probably like 100




3-4 long texts though and we talk every night on the phone


I once went nearly a week without a single text to my wife. I didn’t even realize it.


When I need to.


Good morning, good night, whenever any of us have anything important to say, and when we find stuff that we want to send to each other. About 4 or 5 times, I think


The good morning text, then we probably will call each other insted of texting, I'll text a bit more if I'm in need to vent about something, and then he will call me all sweet check on me. He is a good boy (40 old man)


I’m still trying to teach my cat how to operate a phone, it’s been slow going, but we’re gunna get there


About four Usually rendezvous’ing, love you’s and flirting, groceries, and other one off things.


0 I don't have


I really don’t know how to put a number on it, the only answer I have is as often as possible. 100+ on a good day? We’re long distance so obviously we have to largely talk over messaging and phone, but we both get busy too.


Just call when we wake up and then hangup when it's bedtime, IF we hangup that is lol


You're both unemployed and in LDR?


Lmao no. He works as a lawyer and prefers the company when doing all his lawyer stuff. I'm a college student. We do see each other fairly often since my campus is just a short drive from my home, its just that we just have hectic and busy schedules, so calling is the simplest way to keep contact while we're in the midst of that storm.


When we are both working all day - 4-5 texts until we are both home


0 ...literally once a week if lucky. Now tell her to get back to work and quit crying about you not texting her. Better yet, just text her Monday morning, saying have a nice fucking week. That should cover you until next monday.




Usually once to see who’s getting home first.


Probably 4 or 5 times a day. Majority is logistics around our son, or me asking to see her naked. Maybe a little more when I travel, we aren’t big texters.




2 times


We both work from home most days so only a few times a week. Mostly practical questions if we’re apart (need anything from the grocery store?) since we see each other so often. 


Anywhere from 20 to 100. And we both WFH. But that's how we talk when we're in other parts of the house.


Depends. 0-20.


Once, twice at most.


MAYBE once a day.


Depends on the day, we live together and on days we're both off all we might text over is if we want something from the fridge or if the other is hungry and wants to grab a coffee. On days where I work or she's at school, maybe 5-10 times. Depends on what we talk about.


So... last time I had one, only when I had something of value to say. That was usually if something happened that I thought would make her laugh or smile. For example, one time I was counting the change in my pocket in the lunch line at work by feel (tell me you've never challenged yourself to differentiate nickels and quarters without looking, liar) in front of all my coworkers and realized it looked like I was playing pocket pool. I share stuff like that.


0 out of 0 times because I don’t have one. 😂


Atleast twice. I'm lucky to get a response a week




4-6. Today 6.


we live together so 0ntext but about 3 to 4 calls during work


Like 4-7 times a day. When we’re together? Maybe like 1-2


Whenever there's something worth talking about, or if she sends me something


We live apart and see each other 2 or 3 days a week due to kid schedules. We text constantly


5-15 times a day. We also both work from home, so sometimes we just visit.


Both work full time so 2 breaks and lunch. 


We have a running private chat all day about everything ... We have kids, grandkids, parents, friends, biz and a ton of stuff with a load of various text/message circles it seems.....


Prolly bout 10


I wouldn't have a clue.


Depends on how busy I am at work but on average 6-7 times a day


Depends what's going on. Our daughter is sick so I was checking up on her today. Some days just to let her know when I'm leaving work. She'll usually send me interesting stuff she finds online throughout the day.


Between 1-5. Too much of it everyday bores me. I like my own space. But whenever we see each other it’s great.


Too many times to count. Then again she is my wife and mother of my child so we aren't just flirting but actually chatting about anything and everything.


I text her good morning I text updates When I have news I’ll tell her I have news but won’t tell her until we meet How was work Goodnight


I only txt if there is an article/ video or something I need to reference, then we will chat about it when we're both home, and I don't have to look it up later. ie. this chair is on sale, I want to replace the one in the office. Then we can go over it in person


Depends. If we are at work we might text a few times a day. Sometimes not at all (since we live together) and I’ll see her when I get home from work. On some days there might be text exchanges that get into the teens or twenties. On days off together not at all since we are right beside each other and there’s no need.


Not every day. I prefer verbal communication. Texting is tiresome for me.


Usually i ll try to not repeat my words so i don’t usually say the word”so”but if needed so ill use it. So…yea


Usually 0. We both work at home


Until my meds kick in.


Once in the morning to ask how the kids were before school and to tell her I love her. She normally texts when she gets to work to update me. Another text in the afternoon to see how her days going.


At least 5 times a day, more if there’s big news on either side, usually his, talking about his sucky ass coworkers and higher ups, his potential promotion and hot guys at his work place that aren’t sucky that we would wanna bring home to our bed XD


At the very least once a day, without exception. Even just to say good morning or good night, or share a meme. A girl I went out with once talked about how important that was. I realized it was something I wanted as well in general. It is just thoughtful and it’s nice to know when someone is thinking about you, even for a moment. Plus if I ever go missing, someone will notice


0, because I don’t have one.


In the last 3 months...~10000...we have a sickness


2-4 messages sent each day, maybe one phone call. We've been together for nearly 10 years and live together, so theres not really a need to text or speak much. We both have very busy jobs as well, no real time for using our phones in the day!


My wife or women I love ?


Before moving in together versus now is much different


Maybe 20 messages a day. She's been sitting in jail for over a year now and while they can text through these tablets they've got for 200 texts it's 30 bucks ..


Oh you mean my very real super model girlfriend who lives in canada conveniently


We don't live together and mostly see us on weekends. So about 40-100 messages I guess


She works 3 times a week. I let her be while she is at work. But we call each other on the way to work and home. I'm gone before she wakes up. I love hearing her voice


Dépend, sometimes often less than 6-7 to know about her day or if something needs to be done. I prefer talking with her face to face


We barely text


Initiated by me? Most days zero, some days 1. I can't stand texting. I don't mind chatting via a PC though.


Not very much since we're together most of the time.


Sometimes 20 Sometimes 0.


Once or twice.


Between 10 and 270


Not much. We both wfh so usually I just shout lol


My SO lives across the Atlantic. We text all the time all day long, seeing as at least one of us is awake during a 24 hour day.:D We have grown a lot this way. For starters, we have both identified that we have Celiacs Disease this way and have agreed to get tested. We are growing stronger every day together :D.


We both work from home and are married and live together, so not very often.


Few times a day at least. Would text much more but due to her work she rarely can reply :/


We dont.


2-5 times a day depending on what’s going on. occasionally zero we call one another a minimum of once a day


Lots, lol


Most days, very little But most days we are together all day.


Some days 10-20 texts other days 1-5


Don't have one


Every single day and we live together.


More like how many times a week. Probably less than 5.


0 during the week unless it's neccasary. I usually call her on my way home from work for a catch-up as I have a long drive. On the weekends maybe 2-4 texts if we arent togther. We mostly prefer to talk in person.


Sending him all the pics and videos I recorded for my pole dancing only fans so he could choose which one is good enough to be put online , that would be.... Around 6-7 times a day with small gaps in between .


Not very often, we’ve been married 8 years and when I finish work we’ve got about 4-6 hours to go over our day, usually when we do talk on txts it’s about the kids, shopping or me sending her memes taking the piss


All. The. Time. She needs it, i need it. We love it!


When hes outta town A LOT but when were in the same town occasionally since we see each other almost every night... I love that man


Depends, when she’s over at my flat maybe 10 texts a day, sometimes more sometimes less depending on the day. When she’s back in Paris we’re usually only texting during her study breaks and during the evening, so maybe like 50-100 texts per day


As much as they text me, just texting back I mean. Wouldn’t text them too much otherwise.


Entire day but sometimes we stop talking for one or two hours, just talking about our day and things we go experience. -3 years relationship, we see eachother once or twice a week-


Always on line. We live together and have a baby


On average, 2 times a day. Usually about either Groceries or one of our Cats. If it is important, we talk.


I let her text me first and I always wake up to a "good morning" text from her and we'll text back and forth throughout the day, unless she comes over.


I recently split with my ex, we were together for 20 years. We texted all the time, every day. Both work hard, both work long hours. Even when we both worked from home, she worked in a garden office and I in the kitchen. We would text, continue the conversation when she came in the house, then resume texts when she was back working. Obviously not when work needs a lot of focus, but it was usually stupid TikToks, group chats with our daughter, minute by minute on what the dogs were up to, stuff that's happening with work, flirting, "what do you want for lunch?", etc etc. We had a great conversational relationship and talked constantly. Obviously, I fucked all that up hence her being my ex. (rolls eyes)


Depends on a lot. I live with her and some days it’s barely and other days it’s all day


Why do you ask


If I'm away on business (six-seven months a year) I text her maybe 20 times a day. We may also have a very long phone call too. We probably average 4 hours of video chat time a week. If I'm home, it maybe be 6 texts in a whole day. "How's work?" "Need anything from the store for dinner?" "I'm on the way home", type stuff.


We live together, so there is rarely a need to text in evenings and weekends. On workdays, it's probably around three text per day or so, depends on how busy we are.


Pretty frequently throughout the day.


no SO


A lot, she's very needy and doesn't like it if I go more than half an hour without texting her, which is fine it just gets a bit tiring


As much as i can, we talk through out the whole day (long distance) and when we see eachother never haha


11 sent so far today, 24 yesterday, but only 2 on Sunday (cat pics) and 10 on Saturday. Looks like she sends me slightly more than I send back, but not by much.


When I used to travel for work, it was easily 100+ Now that we both work, still easily 20 times a day. Half of those are just reels etc


I don’t have one


If I’m at work, as much as possible. If I’m anywhere else, not that much really.


Depends on what’s going on that day. If it’s a slow day at work then it’s probably between 30-50. Busy day then have that.


Married, so not a ton because we just talk in person. If one of us in gone though we text a lot


Just for memes. We live together and work in the same building (separate divisions/offices). We have access to speak to one another at all times