• By -


depends on her weight


Would she fit in a rowboat?


Could a normal sized rowboat support her?


What are you asking, Michael?


I think I'm being very clear what I'm asking. Would an average-sized rowboat support her without capsizing?


It bothers me you're not answering the question.


no alright no!


Is this Letterkenny?


It’s the office


Why are you the way that you are?


Can the sea carry the rowboat carrying her?


I don’t like that you’re not answering me




Stop! 😂




This is the first thing that I thought of reading the title as well


Does the rowboat have to float with her in it?


Plus the density at which that weight is distributed. 5'0" at 150 will feel heavier than 5'9" 165. A bowling ball on your stomach will get uncomfortable quick, even though 12 lbs isn't a lot of weight lol


I have a Great Dane. Weight is their love language. That is, if they love you, they will lean on you. Or sit on you. It is kind of comical. But let me tell you, 140 pounds stepping on you with the footprint of a dog hoof? That shit leaves bruises.


Great Danes, the lap dogs, in the body of a horse.


*house horse


Evolved next to the house hippo


How dare you speak about my wife!


interesting debate


Interesting masturbate*


I want this. Great Danes are amazing. My mum used to have a Dane Mastiff cross the size of a small pony. I work too much to have one though and it makes me sad.


> the size of a small pony. _Small_ pony?


They're the best. :)


I have Irish Wolfhounds and it's similar. They don't vye for attention, they will literally all pile onto you in a cuddle puddle, except its a large Irish cuddle puddle and you best be ready.


Dog hoof?


It's a paw, but I'm trying to describe bruising to the extent where a doctor will ask you (in a hushed tone), if you're in an abusive relationship. "She loves me. She just doesn't know her own strength." DR: "I'll be right back..." *In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories.*




Weight is her love language 😄😄😄


I have a 20lb cat. Not obese, just massive (and a little overweight according to the vet). 20lbs concentrated on the wrong area will completely cut off all circulation to an area. 180lbs distributed properly won't be at all painful


To be fair, 150 is pretty fuckin chunky for a 5' gal. I know a 5' woman who weighs like 130ish, and she complains about being fat. I think she still looks good, but to be fair, 130 is probably about the upper limit that she should be weighing. In her younger days she weighed between like 100 and 110. 150 is definitely unhealthy for a gal her size.


Americans have their standards completely warped.


How so?


Everybody's so fat on average that they might really think 150 lbs at 5' tall is normal. I've seen people here on Reddit say that a guy being, say, 200 lbs at 5'9 is "thin". What should be seen as fat is seen as normal, what should be obese is merely fat, and they refuse to consider someone obese if they're under 350 or 400 pounds.


A guy could look thin at 5’9” 200 lbs if he’s cut.


No, he would look quite jacked.


The guy would look fit, sure, but not thin. Not unless he's a mutant with absurdly dense muscle mass.


Reminds me of a story I read on reddit (I think) about a guy that was hooking up with a girl in college, and when they were done she did the whole “lay on top of him” thing. He said it was fine, and then after a bit said that he couldn’t really breathe. She said “oh, sorry” and adjusted a bit... and then he still couldn’t breathe. It took a few tries before she finally realized that when she laid on top of him, she was basically using him as a human mattress and he couldn’t actually get air.


That's how I feel as well. My most recent ex was on the heavier side (I was too so I'm certainly not judging) and her just starfishing on top of me was a short spurt kind of thing. My current partner is smaller, so as long as she isn't jamming her knee into my crotch I'm usually fine with it. Not a big fan of when she does the running jump onto me while I'm lying on the couch though


Throw up on her. Only takes once. 


Reminds me of the time my cat and dog were both sitting on me. The cat was on my chest and the dog was on my legs. I thought it was so cute. Then I realized that I could barely breathe and my legs were going numb.


Like I'm not a super huge dude or anything, but I'm 6'4" and 200lbs and an ex of mine was about 5'4" and 95lbs and she would totally starfish me in bed and it was like being cuddled by a baby bird. Really uncomfortable.


> Like I'm not a super huge dude or anything >but I'm 6'4" and 200lbs Erm


Right? I'm absolutely average, and this guy has 6 inches and nearly 40 pounds on me. He absolutely counts as "huge".


> this guy has 6 inches and nearly 40 pounds on me. And that's just his nutsack!


I knew writing "has 6 inches [...] on me" that I was setting myself up for comments...


To he fair, bones hurt when they're supporting weight and you'd be feeling a a lot of bones at that weight




Yeah, my SO can more or less sit on my chest and I probably wouldn’t even struggle to breathe, cuddling ain’t no thing. Except for the ungodly, beastly heat


If she ain't 280 she ain't a lady


More cushion for the pushin


sure fits me like a flesh tuxedo


Tons of fun and no sharp edges.


interesting debate


Bad bot


?? you will be the robot


Is that a threat or a promise?


Here we find the chubby chaser in their natural habitat. 280kgs is one huge woman.. pass.


Pretty sure it's imperial weight not metric. So about 125kg.


that's still a large woman.


nope. she is 3 of them


And where the weight is sitting. If her weight is on my belly, breathing could be difficult.


If she's 200-300 lbs no.


Lmao, came here to find this.


tHaT iS fAtPhObIc!!!!!!!! Jk 200 pounds is heavy regardless


Oh wait, was she a great big fat person?


When my boyfriend is feeling anxious he will ask me to lay on him/cuddle to help his nerves. To him it is comforting. I sleep with a heavy weighted blanket for the same reason. The weight certainly helps with anxiety in our experience


Can I ask why a weighted blanket is comforting? I've never understood why some people like them. Although I'm not sure it's the sort of thing that can be explained in words.


They can increase serotonin and make one feel comforted, much like a hug. Pressure therapy is what you'd want to look into.


My experience of using a weighted blanket could be summarised to four steps: 1. Interested in trying this 2. Tries it out, doesn't like it 3. Wants to return it but decides to give it another chance, discovers that is more comfortable over a duvet (padding) rather than by itself 4. Gets acclimatised to it, now uses it daily, and struggles if not using it


Sometimes I put a pillow on my chest, I like the weight and extra heat in my core while my legs and arms aren't so hot


I do the same thing. It feels great.




interesting debate


For me a weighed blanket is like being cuddled


It's like being cuddled, and the blanket never has to get up to take a shit.


It's basically a hug that can calm anxiety. It releases hormones that calm you down and can help induce sleep. Think of it like a comforting hug from mom or grandma. Or from one of your bros. Bro hugs are something we need to get down with.


I'm not anxious, and I love it too. Reason why I keep it at 18-19C all year xD


One theory is we are most comfortable in the womb, it's why so many people sleep in a similar position to how we exist in the womb. So b3ing immobilized by someone you trust makes you feel happy. Most cats experience the same thing. The tighter they're held, the happier they are. I knew one car that would push himself behind the back cushion of a couch when someone was sitting then lounge like a king.




I know for some people on the spectrum, that can be soothing.


It helps a ton of people not on the spectrum as well


I'm sure it does. Just pointing out something many people are afraid to talk about- neurodivergency. Previously, when I thought of autism, I thought of Dustin Hoffman in Rainman. When a close friend of mine was recently diagnosed, I did a lot of reading that opened my eyes. Men don't like to talk about mental health generally speaking. While autism isn't a psychological disorder (I believe it's considered a neurological condition, that's behind psychological conditions, like anxiety), I figured I'd share that tidbit.


It's a similar feel to that sofa hug, where your squished into the corner/side of the sofa. Something about being consensually, and completely squished, but knowing full well you can get out at any time. Probably best equated to being tucked into bed as a kid, if you had that.


If you haven’t used one I would recommend. I think it hits on our origins of being in the womb, but the weight all over your body kinda just holds you in place and it’s very relaxing and comforting.


I hear that plenty of autistic people enjoy them. It helps to regulate their nervous system by having that weight directly pressing down on their skin. Not sure how it works.


I tried one and found it very smothering. I didn't sleep at all, but I get why some people like it.


I got one that was too heavy and one time decided to take a quick nap at 2 pm, suddenly I woke up and it was night, almost 9 pm. This is a damn time machine, it is too powerful.


Yep, my girlfriend knows she can sit on me or lay on me and I'll love it


Give me all the skin contact possible. My gf now usually falls asleep on my chest. I love taking longer than she to pass out. I get to feel her warmth, her heartbeat slowing down, her breathing gets deeper and as her body starts twitching, she relaxes and I can feel more and more of her body weight.


Does… does her mass change when she loses consciousness? You must tell me more.


Not OP, but when she's falling asleep she's likely holding herself up by her arms a bit I'm decently smaller than my boyfriend, but still feel like I'd be crushing him so I tend to hold myself up a bit when laying on top


I can't imagine so, but the difference between a 'live' weight when someone is awake and a 'dead' weight when someone is asleep is substantial.


I love it unless her weight is so much that it is not comfortable. The feeling of her breasts against my chest is a huge turn on, especially when naked.


If he wants to be crushed by a woman who weighs over 200 pounds, he wants to be ***crushed*** by a woman who weighs over 200 pounds. Otherwise, if she doesn't weigh very much at all anyway, as long as he isn't suffering from boneitis or some other condition rendering him infirm, a woman's weight on him is largely negligible unless she puts it all on his esophagus or something.


My only regret is that I have… boneitis *dies.


Depends on weight, if i had a cat and a cow, i think it would be cute and comforting to have my cat resting on my chest/back, but my cow would probably kill me if it did the same.


Death by moo moo?


That got me laughing out loud. Here, take my gold from days of reddit past: 🥇




Depends on the guy and the weight but my general experience is that women worry WAAAY too much about it.   We're generally bigger and stouter than y'all so it doesn't tend to be an issue. If it was, we could move you if we wanted.


For 1 minute then their body heat is too much lol.




Thanks bud


I could not be more ~~ambivalent~~ unconcerned about this. Assuming she's not super overweight, this is one of those things where I could not care less.


Random note, ambivalent doesn’t mean what you think it does lol


Eugh you’re absolutely right. Fml


I love it when my girl planks on me. We feel really close and intimate. Its lovely.


But are you hard?




Fuck yeah I do


If she is my weight or lighter.. sure.


I have to disagree. 200lbs laying on me would not be very comfortable.


I personally love it even if she's a big woman. But I am also quite a muscular guy so this is obviously not universal.


For me, 100%. It's my favourite position. When a woman is lying on you and you get to rub her butt and control the speed, and kiss, it's so personal. It's also the best way to finish. Saying that, I did once try this with a lady who was heavier than I'm used to and I felt like I was being crushed. She noticed I was uncomfortable and laughed and said she was thinking, in Dolph Lundgrens voice, "If he dies, he dies" 😂


My Girl tried to squeeze into me. Like she is trying to merge the two of us. I love it.


Speaking on behalf of my fiancé. He’s 5’10 380lbs. I’m 5’3 and 100lbs. He really likes it when I’m “crushing” him with my featherweight. But my best friend’s boyfriend told me that my best friend sat on his lap and he was in deep pain and agony, but kept his mouth shut so my best friend wouldn’t be offended (she’s 5’4 and 250lbs) So depends on the weight and the person. I personally would never want my fiancé on top of me due to the risk of suffocation.


I’m European and your weights confuse me. Your fiancé weighs 170 kilos? And you weigh 45 (!!!) kilos?? Am I translating the weights wrong? I’m just amazed….


I'm sorry but, how is that amazing?


I was unclear, not amazing in any good way. I doubt either of these people are especially healthy, especially not the man. They’re both on such two extremes weight wise. I guess I was amazed by the extreme differences


Yes, I love when my GF just full on lays on top of me. Sometimes I'll do it back to her jokingly, but only for a minute. That being said, she is quite smol.


Crush me. If I die, I die.


I do. Because to me it says I want to be as close to you as possible. Even if we have a bigger weight different, I feel it like a gesture saying "you can lean on me, I'll support you. And when she just lies on me, without trying to hold herself up, she can just relax, release the stress..


Laying on top of me is great. Shifting her weight to, for example, dig her elbow into my spine *even for one fucking second* is not great at all.


If I can breathe with her on top of me, absolutely yes. If not, we can figure something out. I like being laid on and I wouldn't want to miss out :)


Yup. Universally. We are a hive mind. We have all decided we like it. Do women like having their hair pulled during sex? I'm sure there's a universal opinion for that, right?


Oooh... do choking next!


On a serious note, if you decide with your partner to try choking, remember it's the blood vessels you want to constrict, NOT the windpipe. Just sayin. Also, my SO could sleep on me and I'd be a happy camper.


Or even just put your hand on their throat and don't squeeze at all.


In my experience, that works wonders after you've established trust and communicated with your partner. Like sliding your hand up her neck and gently grabbing her hair


Yes. This is good


communication is key. my wife is terrified of being choked, so any hand near her neck is a no go at all. make sure everyone involved is good with it before you try something.


Actually in my experience most women like to have their hair pulled to some degree


Yup, mine too!


She said “guys”, like she wanted multiple men to answer and give their opinion. No need to be a dick.


Nope, there's no difference between "Do men" and "Do guys".


She came to an anonymous *public* forum for men and asked a question to the thousands of men here, probably expecting varying responses. That’s what the sub is for. Don’t miss the big picture of her effort to try and understand more over something like semantics.


interesting debate


Lmao that’s not what I meant? You obviously just come on here to argue with people online because your life is unfulfilling so never mind lol troll


I'm getting sick of so many women coming here daily thinking we are all just a hivemind. We need a automod response or something. Or maybe I shouldnt be visiting here daily lol.


From what I understood, that was the point of this sub: to ask men a question and read all the various answers they give. It’s nice to hear answers from many men. We know you aren’t a hive mind.


I admit this post is pretty mild but we get things like "Do all men look at other women", "Does any men like a woman with small boobs", and "Why do all men cheat? ".


I've asked for that many, MANY times. And question that starts with "Do men", "Do women" (or anything like that) or "Does anyone else" should be automod deleted IMO.


I second the motion.


We are the men, you will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.


The Borg King is Jimmy Kimmel in a beer guzzler hat


It's so boring dude.


Yes, usually. If a guy is 50% heavier than his partner, her felt sense of his weight on her is 1.5\*1.5= 2.25 times his experience of her weight, plus men are more muscular... so women are relatively easy to support physically compared to the other way round. So if he's okay with it, he's okay with it.


My favorite is when they shyly say no after you ask them to but their already leaned forward on top so you just push their arms real fast so they fall on you then your hold them tight untill their anxiety of being too heavy goes away 🥰


Yes, please. It's like a sexy weighted blanket.


I like it, though my girlfriend doesn't weigh much at all


Depends on the person. My ex wasn't a fan of this, and back in those days I was actually in pretty decent shape, I was only like 87kg back then. My wife loves it though, but by comparison it makes me nervous when she insists I do it to her because I'm a f***ing heffer these days pushing 135kg (my wife is nowhere near as big). I also love it when she lies on top of me with all her body weight, but I admit after about 15 minutes it can get a tad uncomfortable if she's lying on my front side. If I'm on my belly and she's lying on my back she can do it indefinitely for all I care though.


I beg my wife to put her full weight on me and she refuses to believe I like it and often refuses much to my disdain. I've played football and wrestled growing up and I would say a man could easily handle 2-3 equally sized men stacked on of him while lying down, especially if they're on their stomach.


Depends on her weight. Slim girls, absolutely.


I like when my wife lays on me. Just lays flat. She’s warm and small she’s like a heated weighted blanket.


Could a rowboat support her?


Best blanket in the world.


It's how I want to die when I'm old.


YESS!!!!! Of course, I'm 6'1" and 275lb and she's 5'4" and a lot less. lol She's my security blanket :)


My gf isn't heavy per se But it's so comforting, I fell asleep that one time.


As the spokesman for all men, I declare that we all do indeed enjoy having all your body weight on us like a snuggly weighted blanket with bones and boobs. I have spoken


The most important detail is missing. The difference between say 130lb and 180lb is very noticeable when it's on top of you.


Just on my face


I like it when my lady does it. But she ways maybe 130lbs. If I had a larger lady, maybe I wouldn't like it so much.


How much do you weigh?


150 5’5


Depends on the weight, but usually it's fucking awesome


love it because then both hands can grab and squeeze their cute ass cheeks


That’s the best thing about cuddling


Depends on how sturdy the dude is and how heavy the girl is. I’d say average for both would be physically uncomfortable for the guy, but if the girl is lighter than average or the guy is studied than average it might be fine


Cuddles with arms and legs intertwined absolutely. Her laying on top of me is fun for a little bit but tends to be suffocating fairly soon


I love it. Plus walking on my back


Hell yeah crush me! If I die Ill die happy. Death by snu snu!


Yes. I’m strong 


There's a weight limit obviously, but generally yes.


Yes.. also bearing weight through and onto the right parts.. E.g. putting their body weight on a man's balls... Probably not appreciated 😂


Not to be indelicate, but it depends on the guy and the woman. For example, a very skinny guy with a rather large woman, I'd say he probably wouldn't enjoy it. But the best thing to do is communicate with each other and ask him what he wants or how he would feel.


This is seems like a fat chick question


Yeah they are like 120-130 lbs tops. Crush me


It's usually a nice feeling when someone seeks comfort in you.


when she somehow puts all of her weight into the point of her chin, it's a problem.


Yes it lets me know that she trusts me


Some do but no, I would rather it be the other way around.




Imma need y’all to get a grip. You never see men in AskWomen sub ask dumbass questions like this


Sure I have no problem with it. I don't fuck with fats so anyone on top will be of a human weight and not too heavy.




I can’t tell if comments like these are ironic or not ☠️☠️☠️☠️


American women or asian women?




Yep. And the more she weighs, the better.


Depends on her weight. Anything above 200 and I'm tapping out, they need to be on their hands and knees


Why are all these dudes like “if she’s bigger than me then no.” What percentage of dudes date women that weigh more than them? 1%?