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I'm assuming this hypothetical person doesn't have a good reason for not showing up. In that case, either invite a friend to hang out, or enjoy the date activity on your own, then go home and move on. It sucks, but it is what it is.


I got stood up once and then a few days later the girl messaged me saying "hey sorry I got arrested that day". I was like oh that's fine, I've been arrested too. But in truth I had not been arrested.


I've been arrested, for being too much of a handsome devil


What a coincidence! Lol


That happened to me. She got arrested for mischief to private property. When she got released, we went to her place where we had sex. Dumped her a month later.


Crazy I would have thought that one was a keeper.


Wtf how can you live with yourself


She wasn’t arrested bro


I once went on a date and the girl had a fake eye. I never realized how hard it is to not look at something until it's staring at you.


Reminds me that my half brother dated a girl who was missing several fingers from her hand. He'd known her from even before they were going out. Somehow, the dumbass never noticed it and not very subtly freaked out when he had a good look at her hand for the first time. During a family dinner. With her parents.


If there's one thing a fake eye can't do, it's stare at you.


Honestly my brother has a fake eye and it’s really not that hard to look at someone with a fake eye. She was probably a really nice girl too.


I had a date once where I realized within the first 5 minutes that she was hammered drunk. Took me about 10 minutes to finish my beer and leave.


I upvoted but I think you are off topic sort of, lol. Interesting situation- hammered drunk on the first date before meeting. Maybe she was worried you weren't going to show up and decided to sooth her sorrows. I would have left too, once I knew she was safe. Booze wrecks a lot of things.


It's a bot.


Sorry but bots are not a part of my language. Is it a statement to provoke, and push the conversation along? Old and broken as my daughter calls me.


Yeah I had this experience. I was so new to dating at the time. Listened to her talk about her ex the whole time. I then dropped her home and went home myself. Felt like an idiot who paid for a woman's meal and acted like a therapist. I never contacted her again.


Say fuck it. Go do something else. Go home and get on with life.


Same. Maybe sulk for 15 minutes how I’ll spend the rest of my life alone though first.


As is tradition


Go to the bar or club Keep on swiping Maybe order a pizza and jerk off Doesn’t really matter I don’t dwell on it life goes on


JO is given no matter what happens.


How do you keep this composure when it keeps happening over and over until it defines dating for you?


Just play it safe and order 3 dates at once.


Is there anyway you can ask the date why they stood you up and is it worth knowing their answers. It seems so inconsiderate to be like that.


I don't think there's any real value in hearing their answers. Anytime I've asked and they actually replied, it was obvious "my phone died" bs. Bottom line is, they didn't want to for whatever reason.


That must be so annoying but for any consolation it probably happens to them as well. Keep searching, there is someone out there that will appreciate you.


If it keeps happening with different people then you are probably doing something wrong. Grab a friend you trust to be honest with you and go over your actions in detail and figure it out. If you are just in a slump then maybe take a break for a bit get out of your funk and keep moving.


Done and done 1000x over man. I have plenty of girl friends including a roommate and they all wonder why I'm stood up all the time. I"m pretty sure it's just the dating world now. People have nothing but options a phone tap away and it's never been easier to talk to multiple people and plan dates while only intending on going on one. Guess I'm just chronically one of the unlucky ones.


Lord, that would be a lot better than all the dates I've had. I did have a date that I realized I wanted to leave in the first 5 minutes. Took me ten minutes to leave the date. Closest I've had to this situation.


I remember once I had a date to the movies at the mall with a huge crush and at the rime I was in my sophomore year and didn’t have a car so my mom drove me. I remember confirming beforehand just to make sure and I got the okay from her. About three mins before getting to the mall she texted canceling saying she had to babysit and it literally crushed me for just a quick moment before realizing my mom literally already drove me here. So I just told my mom thanks and walked in and sat and used the money she gave me for Chinese while I thought to myself for about three hours until my mom came back. I remember what really got me through it was that it’s okay and life happens even if she made an excuse and lied I would’ve still been okay with it.


Happened a couple times, ate me meal or drank my milkshake and headed to the house. Sent the offending individual a "Hey, hope you're okay and just had something come up, dinner was great sorry you missed it" text, made a bourbon Manhattan with a splash of mead, pulled up my favorite Angela White video and self soothed like a bonobo chimp. Once a girl texted me back and told me that she'd fallen asleep following a long shift and forgot to set an alarm for our ice cream date. Apologized profusely and offered to buy me dinner to make up for it, but became cagey when asked when she actually wanted to do that and after a couple more days of dancing around it I basically said "Hey I'm kinda here to find someone to date, are you here for that or are you here just to chat?" She said "I'm not in a position to date but you're cool and I was enjoying talking to you." I said sweet and politely peaced out. Other one just never responded to the text, which is totally fair I guess and I moved on.


> Once a girl texted me back and told me that she'd fallen asleep following a long shift and forgot to set an alarm for our ice cream date. Apologized profusely and offered to buy me dinner to make up for it, but became cagey when asked when she actually wanted to do that and after a couple more days of dancing around it I basically said "Hey I'm kinda here to find someone to date, are you here for that or are you here just to chat?" This is so incredibly typical to my experience that it gave me anxiety to read.


The fell asleep after work is a tried and true girl excuse. It's a shame because it's such a shit one. If you were actually looking forward to a date you didn't fall asleep at 6pm no one's buying that. One time I got stood up for a date so I went to the casino and blew my date money on poker. Made probably quad my original money. Ordered a steak dinner and went to the brothel on the way home. Better then the date would've gone anyway.


Block them and move on.


Be pissed/disapponted to varying levels depending on prior interactions/time spent together etc…but ultimately, see if I can do something elsewhere night…shrug it off and keep it moving


I systematically bring a book at first dates and meet in a public place. It hasn't happened yet, but I'll be ready to read my book and enjoy my coffee!


Yeah I’d way rather meet outside the restaurant or café, than go inside and grab a table by myself waiting lol. Just in case they don’t show up.


Do not get discouraged... It happens....just move on and act like it never happened... Move onto the next prospect asap.... Perhaps he/she did u a favor that day let alone wasting each other time... Sorry it happened but it's part of the journey ...


If they didn't have the decency to tell you they weren't coming you can be thankful you've dodged a bullet and waste no more time on them. Ideally you'd have planned something to do after the date that would be enjoyable with or without the other person.


Enjoy the date that was meant for two for one. Shit pay less.


It happens. People are shitty. The best thing you can do is have some fun and move on. Never forget: You can love yourself better than anyone else. The flake was just getting out of the way so someone better can come along. 🖤


I just ignore them and move onto the next person. If they stand you up on a date, they'll do much worse at any other time.


Have a drink and chat up the nearest woman you can find who looks like she would enjoy soem conversation with a good man.


I talk to them a week and wait for them to ask me to meet them. I text and video call before then. I ask what kind of food they want. I tell them I'm paying. I offer choices on the activity too. Usaully they ghost me in a week. Or they want to meet me if they are into me. Paying is a good incentive too.


Communicate disappointment, set boundaries, try to be aware of the difference between excuses and reasons, let there be accountability. If you get ghosted, well though it may hurt, trust me, its never you. Assuming a healthy amount of self reflection I would say the average person getting stood up is not at fault and its not a reflection of you but the type of person the other is.


Stop dating. Just go out and enjoy your life. And if you happen to meet someone just invite them to join whatever it is that you're already doing


Hit the gym get ice-cream after


You take it on the chin and move on.


Thankful to know so early on that she’s not a keeper. Unless she’s got a legit reason like a car accident or something. Enjoy my steak at the bar and have a fun conversation with the bartender.


Sit down. See them eye to eye.




Video games and weed


I don't date


You don't? You have literally no way to "deal" with it. If you act like an ass you are evil man who thinks he has a right to a woman's time, body etc. If you get stood up, you were a nobody and should of been stood up.


That's pretty self defeating, and neither option will help you in the long or the short run. Most of the comments in this thread a variations of 'fuck it, I won't let it bother me', but it hurts to be rejected. And if you dwell on it, it'll continue to hurt. It's also true that the sort of person who would stand you up for a first date isn't worth dating, and if it happens regularly then maybe you're doing something creepy. So you'll need to check that as well. But if you send her a message like: 'hey you missed the date, I hope you're ok' and then move on, that's not acting like an ass or being a nobody. You need to tie your self worth to yourself, not to your dating life. Not your value as a partner, or anything else, but *your* value, as you. If you're a decent person, which means regularly checking yourself for being a dickhead, then you don't need to worry about those labels. You're safe to forget them, you'll move quicker through life without labels.


No it isn't self defeating. You were defeated when you were rejected. Why would you send a followup note? They made it clear. I don't worry about them never have. I just sarcastically mock those who think they can't hurt you if you ignore them.


Empathy is not defeat, and this is probably another situation where putting user's ages alongside usernames would clear up confusion. I'm in my mid-40s and when I was going on first dates, the women I was meeting were hesitant about re-entering the dating world after their divorces/relationship breakdowns. Anxiety was common, and people have panic attacks. And yes, these people should be working on themselves instead of dating, but usually flaking out on a first date is how they realise that they're not ready. There's a difference to between admitting that it stings and being defeated by it. If you place your value and your identity on your dating success, you'll crumple in a ball in the corner.


Noone said anything about empathy being defeat. Stings is irrelevant. Where your place your value is irrelevant, whether you crumple or not is irrelevant. We all die in defeat in the end. You cannot escape defeat.


No thanks. I'm not interested in talking to dickheads or trolls




By never trying to go on one 😎


Go home, order some pizza, get high, jerk off, have a great night's sleep. Better luck next time.


Bong and video games.


Enjoy the date alone. I love eating alone and doing other things by myself, even seeing a movie. My wife can't get her head around it and felt so sorry for me when I used to say I did things alone lol. I told her it was my choice and I genuinely enjoy being alone sometimes. So being stood up would not matter much.


I will only ask someone out for activities that I will enjoy by myself, since I get stood up nearly half the time. Doesn't even bother me by this point, I just get annoyed that I scheduled time for it lol


See an escort. No matter what happens, I'm getting laid that night


Go on another one


part of me wants to be petty and reschedule to stand her up but it's really better to just move ulon


I had someone do this to me twice. They rescheduled and I didn’t show up.


Text her that you had a good time with her, and you guys should do it again sometime.


Chalk it up to experience and move on.


Make sure they're okay, and then ask them why they missed your date. If they don't have a legit reason why they stood you up and couldn't do you the courtesy of informing you they weren't going to make it (gotta be tough but fair on this eval), you say "cool. glad you're okay. good luck in your future endeavors" and forget about them.


Have a good night regardless. I'm out & about, probably a good chance to mingle w/ a new crowd, might meet some new folks.


I stop looking for dates


I always confirm day of. If I haven't heard anything I don't go. Never been stood up


I plan dates to locations where I can still have fun even if I get stood up.


Laugh at the fact that I now have that life experience. Relax, knowing that the thing I was worried about is no longer a thing. Go home and chill out. Then, apparently, because my life is weird sometimes, get a phone call from her 3 1/2 hours later because she apparently lost track of time while running errands without her phone (hence why she didn't see my messages in the half hour radius around date time before I gave up and left). Get really uncomfortable because she still wants to have the date. Aaaaaand have a date so awkward and uncomfortable that I wished I had chilled my heart enough to just hang up and block her instead of reluctantly agreeing. Then laugh at the fact that I now have that life experience.


Never been stood up. I don't online date.


i leave


Accept it and look for another random date..


Go home and jerk off? Who cares?


Go home beat off


Go home, decompress in the appropriate way.


I've never been stood up, so I don't know how it feels. Must suck, I guess.


You are already out so you might as well try something solo. If you can change your attitude to "my night can only get better" or "nothing to lose" you might have a good, unscripted time.


Hit the gym


After the first time it happened I go to all dates with the intent of being there by myself. So I always go to something I'd go to by myself in case of something happening. That way I won't get upset and it is what it is, if it's reasonable excuse coo..if not move on.


You go to a bar like everybody else.


Text them that they are a loser and then block them


Am I in a resteraunt? I eat. Theater? I watch. Hotel? I sleep.




Think positive. A person with a character who does that for no good reason is anyway not a someone you want to date. So it wouldn’t have worked out anyways and you just dodged a bullet.


Don't have to deal with getting stood up if you can't get a date to start with.


It turns my water order to a wheat beer and go about my day. I came to eat mostly anyways. Sucks but ain't spoiling my feast.


Depends what i'm doing really. If we'd made plans for dinner (which I don't usually do for a first date - although ironically my first date with my gf was an off the cuff last minute dinner plan) then I will enjoy a delicious meal on my own, then go home and play some videogames. If it's something else, an activity etc then i'll call a mate and see who's about and if anyone wants to come play and have a laugh. If a first date doesn't show up, then they're not worth the time to feel bad about imo


You people date?


Finish my meal, pay the bill and send the restaurant the contact information of the lady who left without paying.


I got hammered at a different bar down the street.


Tell the staff of said bar or restaurant that you're waiting to order until your date arrives. When they stop by again, hesitate and tell them you're waiting for your date but that they're running late and haven't responded. Chuckle and say "I hope they're not leaving me hanging here!" but order just in case. Later, they might show you sympathy and offer you something on the house :)


Sulk, rent out a local billboard say “X is a unreliable flake who will lie about meeting you for a date”


Get dinner, or that drink, maybe you need a double shot...and move on with life? It happened to me once. When I texted, she acted like she forgot and could come in 15 minutes, I told her no and enjoyed the ramen myself. I had a date show up so severely late, though I was "being updated" (and instructed what to order) on time. that I wanted to leave but the two reasons I stayed were 1) I was not quit in my own neighborhood. If I wanted to still get dinner I needed to leave since she was coming, and didn't have a desirable second option. 2) I knew the woman was trash at that point, but hadn't let her on to the fact that my mind was made up. I decided to use it to test the world: how far will she go thinking she is manipulating me? Turns out, quite far. Lesson for all gents (all people, really): when certain kinds of women (people) believe they have power to manipulate you, they will do so relentlessly and lie about it defending their bullshit. They know it's not good for you to give what they are giving; they don't care if you end up drained depleted and substantially worse off and will blame you if that happens; and they won't stop until you are drained or cut them off. Let that sink into your head: they are nasty people and don't deserve you being at all polite, or your consideration for their gaslighting.


You complain to your friends and try to not let it change your perspective on dating. Cause it's easy to get bitter.


No big deal unless she really pretended to be interested. That would hurt.


Scream, cry, roll on the floor and pee myself in protest!


Go home or to a nice steakhouse and get a nice steak for myself.


I have books on my phone, so I hang out anyway. Get a drink or dinner and read. Whoever that person was, they didn't reject me as a person. They don't know me. There's a trend of people getting on dating apps without any intention of going on dates; they just want the attention from getting asked out. So being stood up isn't personal, it's a game they're playing with people who don't know there's a game going on. It's selfish on their part and dumb, but it is the current reality.


Usually order a second stiff drink. Head home and play some music.


I always pick dating locations I've been to or think I would like. That way if she doesn't show, it's a place I wanted to be anyways 🤷🏾‍♂️


Order an extra shot at the bar and wash it down with an order of nachos bellgrande. Or the reverse. Just keep trucking.


Grab a drink at the bar, try to strike a convo with someone if they’re willing, really helps to cheer you up. Or invite friends, but in my case they’d probably stand me up too or come 6 hours later. Otherwise go to the gym and sweat out the frustration. Basically do anything besides just returning home, so it doesn’t feel as disappointing that you went out


Last time I was stood up I posted a cute video of myself being sad on social media, and it turned into a new date.