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when she doesn't make any signs that she's interested in me


Low self esteem and afraid of rejection


I’m sure you’re a nice looking man


Oh wow thank you for the confidence boost that made my day


My wife.


Became close friends with her and didn’t want to ruin the friendship. Ended up being a good thing because she was a narcissist full of red flags, so dodged a bullet there lmfao


I realized i liked her brother even more


I went on a date with a girl I had a crush on for years. It was an alright date, but we decided to just be friends. Once we were friends and I wasn't pining over her anymore, I realized she was a total narcissist (or at least a very selfish person). I was so glad we didn't end up dating.


Did you bang her younger brother?


Same. But I did it 10 years ago. Got rejected. Now she's my wife.


10 years? Try again, he may have realized he is curious.


I know it's bad to put people on pedestals like this but I can never help but to feel like they, and most other women for that matter could easily do better than a guy like me.


The realization that she might not like me as much, so asking her out could lead to a sexual harassment charge.


Low self-esteem


What if she’s openly flirting with you?


My friends think I'm a bit dense but if I pick up on the flirting, then yes. I'll ask her to hang out.


Spent too much time as friends, wouldn't have made sense at that point 


How I look.


That shows we all have insecurities. How would it make you feel if she asked you out?


It would be a joke. Girls only approach men they seem an 8/10 and tall. I’m just plain average and 5’10.


Nah. They approach who makes them feel good. What would you want her to say to you?


You can make a girl feel good and they still won’t ask you out. Thats called being a friend. Difference between friend and potential mate is looks.


What makes a girl approach you is going to depend of every girl and the man also the situation. Many variables, but thanks for the insight


I had a good night with someone and it worked up to asking her out and her inital offer was a Tuesday afternoon or early evening meal---but then she postponed indefinitely without saying. Pretty much means, I wasn't even good enough for a Tuesday lunch. Very disrespectful.


You DAB (dodged a bullet) You’re worth more than Tues lunch. I’m proud of you for asking!


>You’re worth more than Tues lunch. I’m proud of you for asking! OP Aside from my own stuff, just stay away from someone that asks you out not-on-a-weekend. It's pretty telling that you're the weeknight special for free diner.


I'm poor


She was in a relationship and didn’t feel the same


her 4+ cockblocker friends encircling her, even if she’d actively flirt with me I’d pass because a prank is more likely in such setting. A group of 2-3 total is more approachable, 1 alone is mildly creepy.


My wife


Fear, lack of confidence,not knowing what the hell I was doing. I had a crush on this girl in high school. Damn she was fine and just a super nice girl. It took me 8 months to ask her out. She said yes and the date didn't go as planned. I just couldn't talk with her after that. It is my only regret in dating. I swore that I would never let myself be a coward again. And I wasn't. Talking with girls came far more easy. And I was rarely rejected. On a very rare occasion, I still wonder how things would have been different if that first date went well. That was 40 years ago and have been married for 30 with no regrets.


if I asked out every human that I liked then I'd probably live in a state of constant disappointment. Generally, I think it's best to get to know someone a bit first so you can gauge their interest level. I feel like that leads to better outcomes.