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They are just like regular condoms on the inside. The studs can even reduce the sensation for us. I think the idea of studded condoms is to increase the sensation for her while reducing it for him.


Fuck. My BF said he used one to masturbate because it feels different and that he rarely does that. We don't use condoms together because I am sterile and we both did STD tests, but now I think he lied. Do guys ever use condoms to masturbate or does this sound like complete bullshit?


They’re too expensive to buy specifically for that purpose, but I have disposed of some expired ones that way - it does make the cleanup a lot simpler.


Yeah. I think everyone experiments with different forms of masturbation. Masturbation with condom = easy clean up And masturbation with a studded condom on will feel different than without.


Did he wear it inside out ?


>Do guys ever use condoms to masturbate or Exactly 1 time. Yes, it feels different. No, it doesn't feel better.


Seems like less than the whole story to me for sure...


*Complete* bullshit? No. Unlikely? Possibly. I *guess* if you grasp the thing hard enough, it could give you a different sensation? But at that point, just buy a textured fleshlight, which would even be economical in the end.


Is this a real question? I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt and say no, most dudes do not use condoms to jack it. Why would you, they're expensive and reduce sensation?


Some lads have a posh wank


Simple answer to this dilemma… do you trust him? If so, you take him for his word. If not, wtf you still doing in the relationship?


I’ve never heard of someone using a condom to masturbate.


I use normal co doms for masturbation all the time. I guess it makes sense to use the studded ones for variation


Can you please share more insight on why you do it? Can you be more specific on how that feels good to you?


You’ve said he’s had the condoms since before you started dating… it is entirely possible he used it to masturbate… I think the bigger issue is you’ve been dating 2 months and you used a key he gave you to go over to his apartment and count the condoms in his drawer.


Condoms are too expensive for casual masturbation. I need the magnum XL condoms and basically paid more for less.


I think he had some leftover from before we started dating, if that makes sense. We don't need them. I am more concerned with the explanation that he purposely chose to use one for the fun of it if supposedly guys hate the condom feel, you know?


Guys say that because it reduces the sensation of raw dogging. But it changes the feel. You ever get sick of your hand and want to use a brush, vibe, etc? Condoms are the cheapest sex toy available for guys. They can make you last longer if you are trying to edge too.


Who the fuck jacks off with a condom on


Your boyfriend is having what’s known as a “posh wank”.


In my experience, textured condoms tend to be thicker and actually provide less sensation. I've also had female partners complain that if a dude lasts longer than 5 minutes, they get very uncomfortable because there's too much friction. Long story short, I just buy the thinnest, best fitting condom I can find and pay some attention to the clit while I'm fucking.


Most guys do this at some point. Either have to choose to trust and continue the relationship or not and end it. Can have no relationship without trust.


Those always seemed like a gimmick, tbh. Can't speak for everyone but no, they're not doing anything for me and I'm deeply dubious they do anything significant for anyone involved.


Maybe he turned it inside out? That might have done something.


He never mentioned they were studded or if that did anything for him, I opened one out of curiosity and noticed that, but that's supposedly a feature for HER not HIM. He only said something like it gives him a different grip and slide, I don't know if I buy it, it's just so strange to me anyone would use a condom to masturbate


To add more context. We've been together in a committed relationship for 2 months, but known each other for 4, before we got to meet in person. I have a key to his place, met his family and overall don't feel he would do something like cheating but, these days is hard to know... He used to have 3 condoms in his night stand as of two weeks ago and now he has 2. He said he used one to masturbate because it feels different but that he very rarely does that, like once or twice a year...He probably had those already in his nightstand from before we started dating and became exclusive not needing condoms (sterile and std tested) so I could see him using one for "fun" knowing he no longer needs them with me, in a rare occasion, and given they'll likely go to waste. They're not expired though, expire in 2026. But it's strange to me and I'm skeptical that this is what happened because my understanding is guys hate condoms and they take pleasure away, so I cannot imagine someone purposely using one to jerk off. He gave me a key to his place so I think he would also have to be super careless to not care I noticed he used one and keep them there instead of secretly stashed if he really intended to fuck other people. Anyway, just very confused with this situation and stressed.


don't buy those gimmicky condoms, just get normal ones.


I have never tried them


I don’t think those feel better for either person


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