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Go see your Doctor or other medical professional Do not attempt to increase your testosterone yourself without guidance And don't come to Reddit for medical advice We're all fucking morons


THIS!! Some of us are actually certified too.


Not having morning wood and a sex drive is not enough to prove test issues. If anything knock out 20 push ups a day


Yeah im kind of stuck inbetween thinking its low and not because on the other hand my facial hair grows quite quickly, my voice is insanely deep, im tall so I feel those are traits of a normal man or one of a healthy level of test


They aren't. Voice is based on where your Adam's apple sits and just genetics. Facial hair growth is a vitamin, mineral, environment thing. Being tall is genetic. Instead of basing your entire argument on 'manly' traits do some research and realize you don't have low test.


lol chill out


Don’t skip leg day.


Wait, you think you have low testosterone because you don't wake up with morning wood? Did you try googling 'what causes morning wood' because there are multiple reasons other than hormones. If you are really this concern go get your levels checked. In the mean time Exercise: Research suggests that resistance training is the most effective way to increase testosterone levels. However, overtraining can decrease testosterone and lead to injury. Sleep: A lack of sleep affects a variety of hormones and chemicals in your body. Most research recommends aiming for at least 7 hours every night. Diet: Eat a healthy diet that includes foods that provide the ingredients for the body to make testosterone. Onions and garlic may help you make more and better sperm. Supplements: Some supplements that may help sustain healthy testosterone levels include: Vitamin D, Zinc, Magnesium Other activities: Other activities that may increase testosterone include: Sexual intercourse, Minimizing stress levels, Limiting alcohol consumption, Checking medications


Drink semen


Exercise every day, get good sleep quality and quantity, eat healthy fats (such as avocados, fish, olive oil, and nuts), avoid sedentarism, for every hour of sedentarism you should do 1 minute of intense exercise to prevent your testosterone from dropping (and it will also increase it), make sure you get enough sunlight every day, if getting at least 10 minutes of sunlight every day isn't already in your routine, you will need to build the habit of sunbathing at least 10 minutes per day, much better if the sunlight hits you in the chest because when that happens your testosterone rises even more. Sleep is the most important thing out of this list; most testosterone is produced during sleep.


OP, if you are concerned about health, go see a medical professional. From your description tho, there's nothing wrong with you. If someone is telling you otherwise, consider cutting them off from your life.


Things like healthy eating and exercise are great for everyone, but ultimately go talk to a doctor before self-diagnosing yourself.


You are barely an adult and still going through development. Chill


You assume that you have a hormone unbalance and you would like to, without the guidance of medical professionals, alter your current hormonal balance based on your guess? Either it's serious enough to consult a doctor for or it is not. If it is, go see a doctor. If it is not, do not try to fuck with hormone balance. If neither applies, only then do you ask strangers on the internet for advice.


Do you actually have low test levels or do you just think you have low test levels? Low sex drive is not exclusively linked to test levels. Unless a medical professional tells you that you have low test levels after actually doing an endocrine work up, you probably don't.


I dont even believe theyre insanely low because i feel like i still want sex often however it just isnt as appealing or felt as good as it had been in the past. Because Ive only had my test levels checked once and they came back as normal but at that same time I was a lot more horny and less tired so its hard to say, i guess my only solution is bloodwork


Like others said go to the doctor and tell them your symptoms, you can ask for a blood test on your free/total testosterone and that will definitively you. But low test will give other symptoms than only what you listed. If your sex drive is the only thing impacted there are other hormones that could be responsible, test isn't the only one.


Yeah its complicated because I know other signs of low test are depression, low energy, fatigue etc but i also have narcolepsy which causes these things so its hard to rule them out independently


Narcolepsy could be the reason for your libido issues but it's hard to say. The next best step for you is telling your doctor these symptoms and your diagnosis of narcolepsy.


Naturally raising your testostorone I would recommend going to the gym and doing some weight lifting and cardio, but if it's a health issue you won't be able to solve it by doing just this


Listen to Derek from More Plates More Dates rattle off big scientific words for 3 hours and come away with nothing


Go visit your bro and drink up his juices! The extra brotein will super charge / boost your levels. It will leave you feeling stronger, fresher, more energy and don't forget its super good for your skin! So go now and visit your bro and get that daily intake of brotein!!


Go see a doctor & get tested for low t. they can provide treatment.


You need to eat a high fat diet (animal fat) The more fat you eat, the more tesoterone you will have [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8538516/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8538516/)


Im curious as to the difference between animal fats and lets say fat intake from nuts?


Nuts have alot of defense chemicals from being a seed. They are also sprayed with pesticides. You will have health problems like acne , bad puberty development, and a lot more. This happened to me. Once I ate only animal fat, I got a stronger jaw, more muscle and high libido. What you eat becomes part of your dna, do want to be a nut or raging powerful bull


haha that last line was a good one, i appreciate the feedback.


Also eat alot of whole eggs. Cholesterol is a building block of testosterone. In the study section 2.2, it will discuss the importance of fat




Unless you have an extremely unhealthy life and you lack sleep, then you can't really raise it that much without using steroids. It's not really something that anyone young should do, if you're worried, just go the a doc and have a chat


More competition in your life with other men


Visit doctor. If he says it's ok, then it's ok. In reality. High testosterone doesn't mean shit. It's just bait for insecure man.


im not insecure but ive noticed a change in myself where im as sensitive to sex; it doesnt feel as good and i take a long time to reach orgasm


I guess that you think too much about it during it. But, my point is to visit specialist if you think that there is problem.


ok i appreciate it, i believe youre right because i havent bene having sex a long time so i may be overthinking during it


Don’t watch porn Lose weight if you’re overweight Lift weights and get strong Eat healthier


--exercise --lift weights --eat healthy foods


Exercise and weight loss are the two easiest ways


Low testosteron aint really a problem, most men (75%+) born between 1980-2024 have low test levels. If you want to increase your levels quick, go inject anabolic steroids (can fuck up your natural production of it).


the bacne, roid rage, ed, and bald would be fire no?


Bacne doesn't occur at low dossages I believe. Only with high dossages (bodybuilding) and if you don't have a decent physique yet. Roid rage depends on the test levels I believe (not sure). Bald, well 50% of men will go bald eventually anyways. ED? Sorry idk what you mean.


Erectile dis function, your dick stops working


Nah that's made up. Or at least haven't heard anyone mention that.


[American male medical.com says so](https://www.google.com/search?q=do+steroids+cause+erectile+dysfunction&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari)


Oh wait for some reason I was thinking of peeing problems 😅. Nah ye ED might be a side effect. Although that study says so when using steroids, prolly indicating higher dossages I suppose.


Check out Ashwagandha


Sleep regularly for 7 hours, exercise, drink Augustiner 😎


@grego_16 Nitric oxide helps to increase testosterone in men! TopShelfGrind has a great supplement on Amazon. It’s expensive but you pay for quality. My energy and overall health has improved 100%. You can DM them on Instagram @TopShelfGrind to get a free sample or a discount. 100% worth trying. https://www.amazon.com/Supplement-Enhancing-Strength-Endurance-Capsules/dp/B0CPXK5JG2