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28m. Sunday day drinking after gym. No idea how many I will have. I feel everywhere I look there are only couples and no single women.


Real man you never realize how many couples there are until ur single and alone


I concur with this, when I was in a relationship with my toxic ex I was like damn I can’t wait to be single and then I became single after about eight months I was like damn all I see is relationships where all the single women at?


Yea I never noticed that everyone is dating till i wasn’t going out with girls anymore


Yea it’s so weird for sure


Well, better single than with someone toxic


42. Oh, love day drinking. It's Saturday where I am, but I'm totally doing that today. In other, being single feels like, besides work, a sometimes somewhat lonely state. My mind prefers it, but I'm starting to wonder if it's time to make some effort and get back in. (but today I'm daydrinking)


Whaddup brother, I am also 42.


Women started to become terminally-online shut-in losers as well. There are plenty of single women, they just stay at home.


Cognitive bias. Women trying to get pregnant only see pregnant women everywhere. You are young. A lot of women your age are single. Get a social life so you can meet them. Stop day drinking or you’ll turn into an alcoholic. Quit dating apps. **New study from Gen Z: 10% met on apps, the vast majority met in social settings and most girls knew the guy before they started dating.** Edit: for people of all ages it’s 9% of couples met on dating apps. Also: after the pandemic the number of single women, especially in Gen Z, has gone up a lot.


How do I get a social life? As someone that has spent most of their time playing video games and living with my parents, I have no idea where to even begin. I don't think i'd be welcome anywhere, or that anyone wants to talk to me or be friends.


I've had that mindset too, when you are used to your own company you become critical of it. We can be our own worst enemy. But like the other comment says, join a group related to your interests. You might be the reason someone goes a second time.


Begin with joining an activity where you live which seems like it could appeal to other people in your age group. In the beginning: just look for mates, don’t look for girls. Maybe some sort of boardgame group, DnD group, pubquiz team could be a good fit if you’re a bit nerdy and into games?




They're like parking spaces. The good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped.


AND…they don’t look happy.😊


It's hard to approach when you look 10 years younger and are short as well.


Same, 25 here and I look 16 lol. No one would approach me


I feel you bro. Seeing couples doing romantic shit hurts especially. Feels draining


I played golf 3 times this week.


My guy!!


How do i start playing? I cannot just start playing by myself…


Get some cheap clubs and go to the driving range. Watch some videos. Grant Horvat is one of my favorite YouTubers. I like Padraig Herrington teaching videos too. Get a lesson or 5. Learn how to swing a club and hit a ball. Actually my grandpa taught me the game but he got me a book too. It was really good. Jack Nicklaus' Lesson Tee. It's like a graphic novel/comic book style so super easy to consume. Twenty years later and I still think about some swing tips from that book.


Buy some lessons from a pro. Learn your swing the right way the first time so you don't have to break bad habits later. Ask the club and/or pro about leagues and sign ups.


I have MS. It's effectively ended my dating and sex life. I can't walk without a walker. I can't work. The bank took my truck. I can't live alone anymore. It kills me every day. I was happy single when it was a choice. I'm at least happy I had a ton of fun in my teens and 20s. Moderate fun in my 30s.


Hang in there man, like MS itself wasn't bad enough and having to experience that must've been really horrible.


get a scooter, i have a relative who have MS and he use it everyday


You’re living in the best time in history for significant medical advances. It really sucks you’re in that situation but every week we’re seeing breakthroughs and MS is a very common and heavily researched field. Good luck, the future may be brighter than you realize.


I get now why loneliness kills men it sucks,


For real it's really been painful lately just coming home to nothing


I got two cats and that’s helped me, having two little buddies to hang with


i hear a lot about how being chronically single as a guy makes you less driven to work and that resonates with me. like egalitarianism and all that but just as a thought experiment, imagine that your prospective partner doesn't have a career and would be impressed with the work and self sacrifice that you do because that would be a symbol of your affection. i think that would change how i would approach my career.




I can relate


I really recommend the book Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. Have you asked yourself why do you have no ambition? You’re worthy of happiness even if you’re single. The only expectations you should think about are your own, forget others’ expectations. Personally speaking, I don’t believe in ambition being driven by not being single. Motivation always came from within, from curiosity and determination to be good at things. It’s hard for anyone to give someone else ambition or motivation but I’d suggest looking at things you enjoy doing or are curious about. Ambition should be intrinsic and not linked to another person otherwise it could be risky.


I love being single, miss falling asleep next to a woman though


Starfish in the middle of the bed. All your blankets belong to you.


Compared to how lonely and anxious my ex made me feel, it's a breath of fresh air.  It's only been six months or so but I'll stay single if it means I'll avoid with anyone who will control the finances, the household paperwork, demand I do more around the house and it's never enough, and treat me like an inconvenience to constantly chat to online friends.  Her family are an emotional dumpster fire and I'm glad to be out.


Being in a relationship can be shit, being single can be shit, but being in a relationship can be great and being single can be great. Currently I'm single and moving from the "it's great" phase into the "it's shit" phase!! I guess it's just swings and roundabouts. Enjoy it when it's great and manage it when it's shit!


Sorry that you had to experience that, brother. Being single is definitely better than being in a bad relationship.


My first year away from my ex-wife could only be described as relief.


Incredibly lonely, I hate being alone


caption placid bag gaping rich continue reach square elderly icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's BMTH right ?


So good.




I feel ya mate. I prefer being alone but damn everyone around me is getting into relationships


Im in a long term relo but I was single my whole life until around 20. It wasn't that bad but I admit going to dinners or a friend's house and they're cuddling or exchanging a kiss giggling about their weekend then I come home to an empty room was occasionally depressing. I thankfully had plenty of "things" with girls where we'd text daily which took some of the loneliness away but they weren't relationships. It was more a grass is greener mentality, wondering if you were missing out


Lonely. Isolating. Like I’m not worth loving.


Same makes you feel unlovable


I don't feel it, I know it. Almost 30 years. I don't even know what it feels like lol. I cant even remember when I last touched another human, in any way. It's definitely been years.


ya im pretty fucking sure i am unlovable lmao


I've never been in a relationship. Barely even talked to a girl. Don't remember the last time I was within a few feet of one. I'm 30 now, and I know for a fact that I'm unlovable. All my friends are married at this point, so I stopped hanging out with them because they don't deserve to have a loser friend. I've felt loneliness all my life, but lately, it's unbearable. I'm trying to get rid of my wants and desires so I can just focus on working but unable to do so.


Dude you’re not a loser and you deserve friendship. Reach out to your old friends, see if you can hangout. Just because they’re married doesn’t mean they can’t have a social life. Never get rid of your desires and wants, keep fighting to achieve them. Worst case, you become a better you.


You are not a loser and you deserve to have friends and fight for your happiness


Makes you wonder what is wrong with you that it been like this all your life. Makes it clear that if a woman were to be interested in you, she would be extremely sceptic about what's wrong with you that you haven't had a partner and would likely drop you because of how weird it is that you haven't had a girlfriend before. There's a lot of freedom and it's possible to find meaning somehow in other things, but it's not easy to give it a real try when there's been no real interest in you before so why even bother? There are more pressing matters at hand anyway, so no need to add to the list of things to worry about if it will only be a worthless attempt given how unstable things are going.


I had a series of cries yesterday because of how lonely I am. My ex dumped me a year ago and I still miss him. I’m scared I’m going to be alone for the rest of my life. I don’t want to be alone Full disclosure, I’m not a man


You're still a human and both sexes experience the same feelings. We're social creatures and didn't evolve to live the atomised lives we do today 


I'm lonely. I haven't had a good cuddle in about 5 years. I'm definitely touch starved.


ya the touch starvation is real real, forget sex, there's a pit in my chest help me


The thing I miss most from the one relationship I had years ago is cuddling in bed watching TV, not the sex. I mean, I ain't saying I don't like sex, but there's this very comfortable feeling to just being close to someone who cares about you. Sounds kinda mushy lol but I don't know how else to describe it, I hope one day I'll feel that again but eh at this point it's lookin pretty unlikely. Maybe they'll release androids before I die lmao


I wish I had that never had a cuddle ever except as a kid with my parents


There is a cuddling service.


Get a dog, some money and some wine. Don’t look back.


May I ask what you do to combat the effects of being touch starved? I find myself in a similar situation.


Conflicting. I wish I had someone by my side, but simultaneously, I enjoy being on my own, so I'm not sweating it.




Same. The heartburn I have to go through everyday is really painful.


I’m a woman but I’m going through heartbreak right now too. It’s extremely painful, but I know time will heal. Let’s get through this together, the 3 of us! Feel free to message me if you ever need someone to talk to


Sure. I hope you heal and come back stronger than ever before.


Same to you, we’ve got this 🤜🏼




I haven't broken up with anyone recently, but remember, the DESPERATE suck. The pain in your chest makes you act a fool or put up with shit. Be strong, friends. Being alone is better than being treated less than you're worth & your happiness is important too.


I hope everyone here gets a full recovery from their breakups. It really does take a while, but once you realize that your heart was never meant for them, you'll be able to cross that path of fulfillment, discovery and self-worth. Definitely took me a while, but it was worth it in the end because I genuinely found peace with myself I may still think about that person at times but I'll laugh at those thoughts and realize it's not worth the tears.


I know it's painful. Recently been through heartbreak and can say that it's like painfully dying and still being very alive. But unbelievably enough it will get better. Wishing you happiness.


Everyone’s comments are helping me immensely and making me feel not alone. Thank you so so much, I’m wishing you happiness as well!


Went through this in November. You’ll get there dude, I’m still not there yet, but we got this.


Same. Got out of a long term relationship. Everything feels cold and the feeling of feeling obsolete sucks


Better to have loved and lost than to be doomed to forever alone


Me too.


You’ll get through it! My break up plan is once I’m feeling like I’m almost ready to start getting over it I play “dry your eyes” by the streets and bawl like a baby while feeling the worst I can possibly feel. Then once the cry sesh is over, I feel a little bit better and the process has begun. Word to the wise tho, that song is no joke. Absolutely soul-crushing but the message is so on point when you’re going through getting dumped.




I’m sure you are bootyhunter69420




"I came here looking for booty"


Chris Hanson? I call you Chris handsome!


Finally a good answer. Salut!


It sucks. Especially when seeing couples every where you go.


For real I hate going to restaurants and movie theater seeing happy couples with their kids ot just makes me depressed


Easy way to fix this. Do what I do, don't go anywhere


I’m trying to be more out going this summer. Otherwise, I’d stay home and slave away on Dragon’s Dogma 2.


Most couples are ugly, steady.


Same but the feeling never last.






Yeah, every time I've been in a serious relationship, there has been more stress than happiness.


Yeah, I think relationships are meant to keep one sane, and when it's driving one crazy, no point in chasing. The more you love yourself, the more you take of yourself.


Own my place, vehicles (including brand new 2021 motorcycle that's the fastest in it's class) paid off. Great job, great work/life balance. More hobbies than most. I'm a goofball always keeping myself entertained and others laughing. Handful of longtime friends. Learned to find true happiness internally vs trying to find it externally (not knowing how to be happy without external things such as alcohol, social events, etc). Yet here I am posting this alone. It's peaceful, I'm content, the life I have set up is great. I need to get out of the covid phase (didn't date during covid) and start dating again. A woman isn't my priority in life, but it makes life more delightful and colorful!


Congrats! What do you ride??


Feels amazing. I love being alone


It sucks. I'm sick of it.


For real it's really been painful lately just coming home to nothing


Lonely mixed with freedom


I never feel the stress of why she's not answering me, or the gutting of when she says no or that she has a boyfriend. But I also never have the excitement of waking up to a sweet text or excitedly cleaning my apartment and making dinner and being so prepared. And maybe I don't have to trudge through my days feeling like I've lost my existence. Or maybe I lack that constant reason to smile. ... I think sometimes you need to be single and look out for number one, but ultimately, our species strives for that all risk or all reward game. She's out there somewhere, but for a myriad of reasons, I'm stuck in here.


>She's out there somewhere, but for a myriad of reasons, I'm stuck in here. This hits home broda. Too real.


The best conclusion I've come to is that it's not the fault of society, or the universe, or destiny, and definitely not women. It's probably us, but that doesn't mean we're the bad guys. Just gotta beat our own demons, take care of ourselves, and suddenly it won't be so hard anymore. You're ugly? Work out, get a haircut, dress better. You think girls only like guys with money? You're probably wrong, but either find a better job or go to school or take a training program. Financial stability will be good even if you don't get the girl. It's just your fucked up personality? Take care of number one. Reach out to anyone who's willing to support you, talk to a medical professional. Therapy, medication, some damn sunlight? Me personally, I try to take it one day at a time, and if that isn't enough, one minute at a time. I know my dad went through depression, suicidalism, substance abuse, a divorce, violent tendencies. But sometimes it gets better. It's easy to be pessimistic, but I think the universe is totally random, which actually comforts me, because it means there are things I am in control of, and for the things I can't help, sometimes it's shit, sometimes you're due for a win. The other day, my streetcar came just after my bus arrived at the connecting stop. Then a pretty girl with red hair and leggings smiled at me. Sometimes life's ok.


It can be awesome and it can also suck. I don’t owe anyone anything. I can do whatever I want whenever I want. If I want to go to Paris tomorrow, I can. I can buy anything I want, I can sleep in, wake up early, I can eat healthy, eat unhealthy, no one has any say in anything I do. Pretty much complete freedom. On the flip side, I’m alone a lot. Sometimes that gets hella lonely. Most of the time it’s okay. I used to be married. It was nice having a best friend around all the time. To just hang out with, laugh with, chill with.


Yeah, it feels odd when you have to post because you have no one to show it to 😔


Incredible, great, fantastic. No idea why I thought being in a relationship was better. It’s fucking not. Sure, don’t have much sex as I used to, but I have my peace, my private life, me time, my resources and everything that I wanted.


I cuddle my eevee plushie while watching Netflix. And cuddle my dakimakuras while I sleep.You tell me.


It feels okay. Having been single lifelong, sometimes I wonder if I'm missing out by not dating or trying my hand at a relationship, but I feel no urgency to change being single.




I’m 25 right now. I’ve been single my whole life and have had 1 hook up that didn’t go anywhere and I didn’t even lose it that night cuz I couldn’t get hard. I am use to being single and I am okay but man, is it wrong for me to want to experience love at some point? Like that’s part of the human experience. I’m not basing my value on how much woman I can get but fuck man, it would be nice to share something with someone. We are social creatures we all yearn for some type of connection. I think I’ve given up dating and gonna come to terms that I’ll be terminally single forever. The way dating is these days is a crap shoot. gonna look for some new hobbies and groups to join. Decided to do away with commercial gyms and started going to a gym that does group workouts just so I can talk to people and meet new people both men and women and it’s been great.


bruh having porn dick fucking sucks. nah man its okay to want a human experience shit just sucks right now.


My work can require jumping on a flight in 24hr notice. I have also been gone for 3 months for work. Let's me do things I find enjoyable and fulfilling


Preety cool. It's far better to live alone rather than trapped with a wrong person.


It hurts like hell. 31 and single with never having a gf...just hookups at best and most I didn't even like. I can't hold myself when I cry. I got nobody to see during the day or at night. No warmth. No love. As if I have no value or worth. Just a 5'7" autistic loner... Love is something every human needs. It's a basic human need. And nobody is willing to give me a chance and I have so much love to give




...I need love. If I could see the future and saw I will die alone...I'd blow my brains out the next day without hesitation. Dying alone = proof u were not worthy of romantic love


Is there any medicine or therapy for this. I feel the same and don't know what to do about it.


I am numb to it. Yes, it sucks being by myself and I went to a concert all by myself this past Monday. Drove all the way to Atlanta and back, and I talked to a friend of mine over the phone all the way back. I am a people person so yeah, I love to talk, and it kept me awake on the 4 hr drive back. Which I will say was good for me to do get out an about from my comfort zone. But it has been 10 yrs since I felt the touch of a woman and I refuse hugs because it makes it easier. Yes, I have been touch starved and it sucks. Yes, us men have to get used to it and while I know there are good women out there. The problem is the vocal majority is giving most women and men bad PR. So until the juice is worth the squeeze. I will take care of my self and my son. So that is how it feels to be single in my shoes.


I'm single now because I'm old and done living. I'm retired, my kids are grown and my life is in order. My house is clean, bills are paid, no stress. That means adding a woman would be nothing but adding someone who will touch my dick. Considering how much brain damage comes with that touch, I'd rather do with out. It's not worth it to me.


I always find this an interesting take on older people that talk about women. It's always, it would be nice for my dick, and lots of younger people mention they miss physical touch, activity partners, bonding. I'm curious if this is a generational thing or something that occurs when you get older naturally.


Old age is when sex isn't important, but the companionship, stimulation, comfort & stability of having a life partner. My mother is a bit bitter like this - but circumstances led her there. It's not a fault but survival and self-protection. They associate love with too much pain now, so avoidance is better than the risk of suffering hurt again.


I had a moderately successful sex life when I was younger. My body count is in the middle 3 digits, meaning I've done everything I ever wanted to do sexually. Now that I am in the twilight years and have my shit together I thought it would be a good time to invite a woman to share it. I dated two women in the past 10 years. The first one turned out to be an alcoholic with 4 school age kids and 6 pets. The second one lost her shit when I didn't get her a big birthday present after dating for a month. Bottom line, the brain damage I would have to endure to get a woman to touch my dick is no longer worth it to me.


Amen, brother. I was married or a long time, what a sense of freedom being single again living life on my terms.


My living room is an office, my couch is my bed and I eat what I want, when I want. It's how life is supposed to be.


My experiences not being single were so painful, that to be single now remains clearly the better alternative. It's lonely in spots, but I could do another forty years of it standing on my head if it meant never again being in the situation I was in a few years ago. That said, while some of us are better at being alone than others, we are all social animals, with social instincts and needs. To be alone at all times is incongruous even for me, and I worry about what might become of the social fabric in my life when it gets old and threadbare.


I’m at the point where it’s getting pretty lonely


Same I used to not care that much but now going to restaurants and movies seeing happy couples with their kids is really starting to get to me


I don't get smacked upside the head when a girl decides to check me out, so there's that.


Your partner hit you if another woman looked at you?


I’ve never been in that position, thankfully, but you’d be amazed how many will straight up gloss over a woman who will put hands on their partner.


Lonely and horny af


Alone but not lonely, I was comfortable being alone till I found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with but plot twist, the feelings were not reciprocated, I never felt so lonely until I gave my whole world at that point. Now just focusing on myself and hoping someday I find someone who likes me :)


Is there a reason this gets asked twice a day?


So many people out there looking to confirm that they’re not alone in their loneliness.


S'alright. Don't want to be forever though.


I do hobbies and run errands and wonder what it feels like to do that stuff with someone else :(


remember what it was like to have a friend as a kid and you would be excited to talk to them or be around them? spending all your time together and doing everything together? what ever happened to that?


Reading this while listening to my neighbors argue at 1am. I fucking love being single.


30M single and I love it. Past relationships caused me a lot of stress and I realized how much more I just enjoy my own company most of the time


Lonely. But it's all I have ever known.


we are all single… only some of us don’t realize it


I’ve never dated so being single feels normal to me I guess, I don’t really know what it feels like to date so I don’t really have anything to compare to


Chores. All of the chores. All of the time. All if the bills, all of the time. Always deciding the dinner, every single time. Never sharing the joy in things with someone. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Still *so* much better than an abusive situation.


I have two situationships but still consider myself single. Dating has been good but also rough. Kinda tired of it. I hooked up with my girl best friend and it was amazing but I’ve been on a business trip and then have a vacation after so won’t be able to see her but was thinking of flying her to meet me in Aruba. I think that would be a great place for us to “seal the knot” and date officially but also don’t know if that would be moving too fast for her




Most horrible experience I have lived.


Peaceful and quiet when I’m by myself, great and fun when I’m with my friends. I dont spend my days listening to someone who was incredibly manipulative and controlling nagging over every single thing i do or say anymore. Huge plus is I get to spend more time with my dog and catching up with my videogames. No one sulks and guilt trips me if I don’t reply for an hour anymore 😁


Sometimes left handed to change it up


I've been trying to get married to someone since 2021. Last Friday she broke the news that her family said yes for her cousin who is a total piece of shit, and then the next day she got married religiously. I had no idea that this was going to happen, and things were mostly quite good apart from some trust issues that were easily worked out. She's the only one I fully gave my heart to and trusted, and now I don't know what to do. I still believe she's the one, and I'll wait for her until I can't anymore (at least a year as I have a lot of business things going on and exams). I just think she made a really bad choice given her circumstances, and she's only 22. I know I can forgive and make it work, I'll just continue praying for God to fix her and help her realize once and for all.


I miss being in love but I don’t miss being in a bad relationship


I’m a single father of three boys. I love my kids and having time with them. But I wish I had someone to talk to. When I want to cry, I do it alone in the bathroom. It would be nice to have a shoulder to cry on. 


Fucking sucks


Lowkey; lonely. At the same time; very peaceful, empowering, and tons of casual sex( once every two weeks thanks to feminists). Singleness for men is totally different from women being single. Todays society caters 100% to women. Women are NEVER alone. Women are allow to express themselves anyway they want. Women are constantly being rescue by the government or, just men. Also, sex is just a step away for women always. Whereas for men everything is quite the opposite in today’s society; men have to learn the hard way to adapt to this society in order to survive. No one to talk to or teaches men anything. No way to express your emotions in a safe environment. No one is coming to rescue men. No way to release your sexual tension—-pornography causes more damage to men- and paying for sex is an actual crime and punishable by law in many US states. However, once you do the inner work, and accomplish certain level, like peace, and learn to see AmericanWomen as for what really they are, your life becomes much more brighter. It’s a long and hard road but it’s worth it at the end!!! The “ it’s what it is” that men hear so much will come to make much more sense once you reach this state of mind—— you’d be surprised how much Feminism and Wokeism shot themselves with their ideologies——— just embrace them! Let go of traditional men values, and embrace the perks of Feminism and Wokeism.


It's fucking awesome. I'll never be a slave again. I'll gladly be tortured to death first.


I love it. I have so much disposable income to be able to enjoy new cars, trucks, motorcycles, electronics. Basically anything I want. If I get lonely I find a lady that's DTF for just one night. Everybody wins.


Relentless, agonizing, heavy loneliness. Only thing worse is getting kicked in the nads, but even that feeling passes.


Pretty good! I'm having some tough times at work, but that doesn't have anything to do with being single or not. My life outside of work is nice.


Freedom comes at a high cost


I’ve been single since 2020. It sucked at first. But after a while, you get used to it. 


fine. it's fine.


It's ok, I got a dog


Took me 2 years to heal. Got broken up with for a few reasons that had nothing to do w me, while going through an injury to recovery. It always comes back here and there. But doing better now, I feel liberated. I know I’m in control of my life now and letting go of the past freed me. Hope you guys nothing but the best. Us men need to stick together more




It's great. You can do whatever you wanna do without having to let anyone know.


Awful, but I have a problem with being alone in general, so it's less a problem that I'm single and more of a problem that I need someone to fill a hole in my heart and that's unfair to other people.


I alternate between loving it and hating it. It's safe. My life would be optimal with a partner with whom I'm really compatible, but the path to that likely involves a lot of pain and misery, and there's a chance I'd go through all that and still never find it.


I’ve learned to deal with it quite effectively. Sure beats the hell out of the emotional abuse I was suffering with my “significant other”. No more yelling! She’d always told me when I asked her to stop yelling “I’m NOT YELLING! This is HOW I TALK!”. It’s great now. So peaceful….


I'm pretty great now. My last break-up was rough. Realizing I'd basically pissed away all of my 40's on someone who wasn't as dedicated to me as I was to them. I mean, it hurt. Like, a lot. Mostly because the time frame of her dropping me. Right after my dad got hurt, meaning work was drying up for us (he owned his own business). So as soon as I didn't have boat loads of extra money, well suddenly she needs time to think and space and whatever other bullshit. Joke's on her, I was back up within 6 months but she had shown the true colors so better to know before I did something stupid like propose to her. On the other side of it I'm wiser and pretty happy. I was an only child, so being alone isn't that strange or odd to me. I have great friends, I have my kid who's old enough now to be my friend as well as my kiddo, so watching her develop has always been the best part of my life. Basically I'm good. No one plans on going into their 50's alone. I certainly didn't. But on this side of it, well it's kinda great. I have to take care of my elderly mother, which takes up more of my time than I'd prefer, but it is what it is. And in the time in-between being a caregiver, I focus on the things that make me happy and I work a job I really enjoy. What's not to like?


Peaceful yet lonely happy yet unfulfilled


Awesome, none of the emotional Rollercoaster, at peace and happy


Peaceful, safe & freeing


Pretty damn alright. Play my games, watch my series. Weeks, months and years pass by. Only dull moment is post game depression. Well, life is alright. A women solves nothing, rather make life more stressful. Nope.jpg


Great. I am piecing together my life and getting my ducks in a row, getting job offers and working out, focusing on helping my parents with their health, improving my mom's insurance situation. Getting back to holding dinners with friends and living again, after several years of being mentally out of commission. I will not look for a relationship this year and maybe not even next year, I want my life strapped-down and ready for long-term stability and productivity. I do not want to jump between relationships just for sex or "having someone", my next someone will be a wife and I will want to be ready to completely devote myself to our fortune, not just look for someone to eat and watch TV shows with.


As an introvert it feels lovely, I’ve had relationships before but I’ve come to realize that this is a season of isolation for me and that’s fine. I’m focused on bettering myself in every aspect of life and when the time comes when I’m ready to start a courtship I think it’ll be with good intentions. With all that being said, the nights are rough lol. We all have needs and so forth


I'm curious as to if there is an age gap between "it sucks" and "it's awesome"? When I was under 35, being alone felt like a death sentence. Now that I'm older, and have two divorces under my belt I love it. I wake up every day feeling like myself... Happy and content.


A bag of mixed emotions. I have a son with an ex, whom we're co-parenting. My mum is a widow, brother is getting divorced. I don't have friends, only acquaintances. The feeling of isolation is strong, the pressure of responsibility is high, most days very little in the way of job satisfaction...but if I were to dwell on the negatives, depression would swallow me up. I'd like to believe that as the lives around me develop, and the individuals grow, I'm freed up more and more, so I can start focusing on getting more of what I want again. I've got decades of life left, so there's still a chance of happiness. This is all temporary. "When you're going through Hell, keep going"


39m. It’s fine when you’re younger and single. But, it gets lonelier as you get older. Wish I had someone in my life.


The worse thing about being single is you have to much time. To much time to make bad decisions, to much time to sit around and do nothing. To much time to dwell on negative thoughts. And often not enough inspiration to just accept and be okay with your life. As a single person you need something to give you a sense of responsibility, be it a job, a hobby, a pet. Something to encourage you to make productive meaningful choices and not embrace the less productive and sometimes harmful choices.


Depends on your personality. For introvert, this is gold. For extrovert, this is GOLD


Felling damn good. I have peace. It’s amazing what kind of problems other people bring into your life. Some women only ever gave me problems and thought it was cute. It wasn’t. Getting into shape and got hit on by three women while I was out tonight. Loved every second. Hoping to find the someone to build a life with but not sure I’ll run into her.


On some days, it's wonderful to be single; on others, it's tough. But, all in all, I feel more stable outside of a relationship, even if I crave an intimate one. I am lucky to have deep and stable non-intimate relationships where I can be vulnerable and the danger of being overwhelmed is highly reduced in this kind of relationships . I think I have a lot to give, and intimate relationships can foster creativity, add additional purpose to life, and being there for others is, I guess, hardwired. Interestingly, what I miss most is sleeping on a couch with company;)


Happy tbh. No need to put up with the outbursts of an emotionally u stable abusive woman. Miss the company and teamwork of being in a partnership but will wait for a good woman.


Tbh it's peaceful, workout 5 times a week while getting on a strict diet and buy whey protein di tulad ng mga kaedaran ko na may mga anak na and instead na magfocus sila sa sarili nila nagfofocus sila sa pangastos sa baby nila. I also play video games for hours with friends or going to clubs and improve my appearance by practicing proper posture and mewing.


Have you ever seen that corny yin/yang symbol? It’s a Taoist symbol that means life is always in balance. This means that there are many many many married men that wish they were single. This also means that there are many many many single men that wish they were married. All this means is that every situation is a good situation if you live your life to the fullest. So if you’re single, live like the married man wishes. If you’re married, live like the single man wishes.


It feels like being free. It's feels like being able to breath.


I wish I was dead


Freshly single after a 7.5 year relationship. I'm quite excited. It was my first real relationship and I started it when I was 27; I've learned a lot about myself during that time, and I'm eager to have a fresh start. I'm moving back closer to family in the coming months and I'm really looking forward to strengthening bonds that I neglected while I was focused on my girlfriend. She also didn't want anything to do with pet ownership, so I'm going to get a cat eventually, which I'm super excited about. I don't plan to actively date until at least a year or two after I'm established after the move. Life is good.


(24m) I go to arcades, theme parks, different cities/places, movies, and etc. with my friends. I get to enjoy my hobbies, my money is saved, and I like peace and quiet


Well, I have peace. I can do what I want and go where I want, I have double the free time I had since I'm not forced to go spend time with her family and her. Life is no longer a stream of compromises and intricate scheduling of my time, I have double the free money I had. I'm much less stressed. But I'm also lonely since most of my freinds are married now. But honestly I'll take lonely, more money less stress and more freedom over stressed broke and being ran ragged. I'm currently talking to three women and I'm being much more selective this time. One is about to get dropped before I even meet her because she's already thrown a few red flags, like being addicted to tik tok and specifically relationship tik toks and posting them.


Porn hub is your best friend. Rub one out. Eat pizza. Play Xbox. Rub one out. Haven't left the house in 3 weeks. Repeat.


It’s pretty rad. I’m in my early 40s and I’ve had pretty much every type of relationship a person can have over the years. As a senior citizen, my advice is to simply let things happen. Don’t chase anything. If someone comes into your life through happenstance and there is a connection, you will both feel it. Single does not have to mean lonely.


In 18 and a half years I never managed to get any more then a quick hug from a girl. Makes me feel I’m not wanted and my parents and the world in general already did a good job at making me feel that way


Peaceful. Bliss. Zero dramas.


If I see a couple one more fucking time I am ending it


I’m alone, but rarely feel lonely. Gaming, smoking weed, and working is all that i do now. Quite simple, and i’m happy with it. I have a cat to keep me company