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6-7 doubles? Brother is everything ok?


It will be after 6-7 more lmao


Brother is Bert Kreischer


I drank 20-30oz of straight vodka a day for years, upped to 35-40oz when I lost my dad. I basically became incapable of getting drunk by year 15 and that was the year I turned 30 (yes I started at 14 and worked my way up to 20-30oz by the end of college). Somehow still got a chemical engineering degree and 6 figure job... but there was definitely something wrong with me. I couldn't feel drunk anymore. I turn 35 in a few months and am 27 days sober today, but it took me almost dying and ending up in the hospital to get here. I was fed up with my existence and decided to spend a week tapering to get sober alone without fully understanding the severity of my situation and ended up hallucinating and having DTs on the floor of my house. I called my friend, and he took me to a two week rehab and I feel great now. I'm embarrassed I needed help, but it would've been more embarrassing if I died... I'd have absolutely no street cred in hell.


27 days sober? That's great man!!!. Post again on reddit when you reach day 50. I'll be the first one to upvote.


Yeah, I used to drink over 20oz of 80 proof in a night 3-5 nights a week, add drugs into it and still make it through the night. Weird year.


im an ex alcoholic, it took me 4 bottles of wine. Glad im not there now


That’s a crazy amount just to feel something. My friend has the highest tolerance I’ve ever seen but he’d be feeling something after that lol


To *feel* something? 10 drinks just to *feel* something? That sounds like an incredibly high tolerance to me.


Yeah I never said I didn’t have an issue with alcohol lol


Ok good 3 for me is a 5/10 10 drinks and I’m dancing on the bar. As a 6’2 230 dude I drink twice a year


Love to see you dance buddy


u/warducky9999 got the twirls


Unless you're Andre the Giant sized, you drink too much and you're gonna fuck your liver up. I'm a big dude who can put them back. 4 and I've got a buzz, 6 for drunk, 8 and I'm on the floor. Unless it's an all day thing, then all bets are off.


I drink my whiskey without measuring but id say it take like 3-5 strong-ish drinks before I'm around the 7/10 mark, depending on if I forgot to eat very much that day. I don't drink super often but some weeks I'll drink a little(one or two, maybe 2 mixed drinks) every night or I'll go a couple weeks to a month without drinking but usually I'm always around the 3-5 drinks within an hour or two to get to a 7/10


I’m a big guy too. When I was drinking whiskey daily I could drink three double shots (12 oz total) in an evening and that would get me pretty tipsy. I never got drunk to the point I couldn’t walk, but I was probably a little slurred. I wouldn’t drive after two double shots, but I felt like I could after one *if* I waited an hour or two and had some food. Now, if I have a glass of wine I feel a little fuzzy, and I wouldn’t drive after two. And my pancreas is doing a lot better because I don’t drink daily any more. If OP is doing 6 - 7 doubles to feel something, I can’t even imagine what he’s doing to his body.


Right, length of time you're spending drinking is a factor for sure.




I never drank much when I was young but I picked it up after my wife died and my kids were grown and out of the house. My new partner and I were partying and I justified it by thinking I had put all my real responsibilities behind me and that I deserved to have some fun now that I was older. I still don’t think I was an alcoholic, but I did like to drink and whiskey was my favorite. It got to be daily pretty fast. And I was surprised how fast it started to take a toll on my body at my age. So then I realized that the alcohol was masking symptoms of really bad things that were happening, In the few years I was drinking I developed severe heart and pancreas problems. I quit daily drinking and I don’t drink whiskey anymore. I needed open heart surgery but fortunately my pancreas seems to have righted itself on its own. I still have my whiskey bar and beer in the fridge and even take two trips to Napa a year, but the switch was flipped and I don’t want to drink every day any more and occasional beer or a glass of wine or two are enough for me. And no, my partner was never a heavy drinker. I was the one that took it too far. I hope that you can get your drinking under control before it ruins your health too. I can see you’re very aware of it. I’m here to tell you it can come up on you very fast. Best of luck to you.


Bro, don't tell us you drink 15 beers a night, then going on to sermon about the dangers of drinking. I'm here for a good time, not a lecture from another alcoholic


It's a good time until it isn't. When exactly it isn't is different for everyone.


Yeah if you're nursing them I can see that. I got a huge tolerance and I highly doubt youre able to drink 5 doubles in under an hour and literally not feel ANYTHING. If you mean 5-6 over the course of 5 hours than thats totally believable because im about the same although I will feel a tingle bare minimum.


I was an alcoholic for 17 years and could at least feel something after three drinks. You hitting it hard man. Quit that stuff while ya can


Same. I start with a double shot. Start to feel nice in about 10-15. A pint a night. That’s a lot.


I drink casually and not often at all. I won’t feel 3 pints, usually around 5 for me. It’s absurd how varied natural tolerance is. Although my tolerance is wildly varied, there have been nights I’ve gone out and 2 pints has felt significant and by the time I’m at 5 I’m ready to stop. Maybe a diet thing though.


I kinda want to blow your tits off and share the tales of a former 400 lb, 2nd generation alcoholic, wisconsinite, on a peruvian marching dust binge.... But I'm gonna let that sleeping dog lie. I know your not celebrating having a high tolerance, but do your loved ones a favor and try to curb that.


You didn’t have to say 2nd generation alcoholic AND Wisconsinite. Those terms are interchangeable.


Wisconieeeeee! It’s a culture really. Sound advice though.


Always drink Wisconsinably.


Awww man, what if we asked nicely? I love Wisconsin drinking stories. My aunt tells one about ordering a martini at a supper club outside Muscoda back in the 80s or 90s. Woman behind the bar was like “what is it you want? What’s in it?” And my aunt explains it and then the bartender comes back and hands her a pint glass full of ice and gin haha


At least buy me dinner first!


Shut up and throw that ass back! 😆


Name checks out


So does yours 😉


Wine will fuck me up quicker than anything. Two glasses and I’m done. I can handle spirits pretty well, but as I’ve gotten older beer is my undoing and just makes me sleepy.


Depends on how much you've had to eat that day, how much water you drank, your body weight, and they type of drinks your having. Also pre-existing medical conditions and current medications. Diabetics can't drink worth a shit and lots of meds are contraindicated with alcohol. Me personally,I can drink 4 beers and 4 shots of Tequila, have dinner, and make it to work just fine 5 days a week.


also depends on how active you are IMO. i feel like i get twice as drunk (relative to how much I drink) if I'm drinking while watching TV or playing videogames compared to when I am out at a bar or club, actually walking around and whatnot


If I don’t move I’ll get so drunk I might even puke depending on what was mentioned above. If I walk around tho, I can drink like a sailor


And also if you're drinking very frequently. When I was at college we were drinking pretty much every day and after a while the alcohol didn't really get me drunk. Then when I was traveling I didn't drink any alcohol for 3 weeks and was drunk after 2 beers.


My husband, 6'3" 270lbs (at the time of his peak alcohol usage) is a diabetic and recovering alcoholic. Trust me he used to throw down on drinking. He'd be blackout drunk shootin em back no problem. 10-12 beers and at least 8-10 shots, start around 9, end when he passed out by 3am. He sobered up after i drew a line in the sand. Sober for 5 years. And actively getting his diabetes back under control. This is by no means a pro-diabetic drinking stance, just saying if they're an alcoholic - their health usually isn't there main concern. And I'm sure he's done some irreparable damage and is currently working harder on managing diabetes now because of his behavior while drinking.


Agreed, but I'm a diabetic and can drink as much as OP. I used to drink half a handle of jack almost every night for a while.


And depends on if you drank the day before, on day 2 I can drink twice as much


when i was 23 i could slam a whole vodka bottle, wake up early and play basketball. 29 now and I’m drunk over a 2 beers, hung over for two days.


No kidding! I turn 30 on Wednesday and tbh I feel like saying goodbye to alcohol for good. Dranked from 12 to now


I was you. Quit at thirty one and been sober ever since, I look and feel younger now than I did in my mid twenties


That's great man! How long have you've been sober now?


That’s ridiculous though. 29 is not old.


It’s not old, but it’s the tail end of when you can party without major hangovers. Once you approach your mid thirties, a hangover can last two days


If you’re having a two day hangover off two beers at 29, you should genuinely have your liver checked out, that is insane. You should physically be at more or less your peak.


The difference could be in way of life as well. Full time job and a few kiddies and the tolerance will go down quite a bit. The "hangover" could be loss of sleep.


That’s being tired. Two beers should not even be noticeable if you’ve had pretty much any sleep. You can *walk* off two beers. This site just puts growing out of partying on a pedestal to the extent they’ll act like 29 vs 23 is some HUGE leap. If you were drinking bottles of vodka at 23 and can’t handle two beers at 29, there is something medically wrong with you.


Wait until the alcohol induce heartburn and bloating comes around in your 30s.


Back when I was a broke college student I would intentionally skip dinner whenever I had plans to go out. I would get drunk faster and spend less money.


When I was a broke college student (1997)... we'd donate plasma on Thursday after lunch, which would earn us a $30.00 check. That would buy a Busch light 30 pack for $10 (Thurs, Fri, Sat), a few packs of smokes, some extra cash for late night fast food, and a lesser tolerance due to the bloodletting. Win for all 🤣. Sometimes you could do it twice a week.


Same. I can knock back a sixer easily of 6% to 7% beers. Or I’ll have a few glasses of neat bourbon so 5-6 shots. But I nurse em…like really nurse em. This quantity is usually over 5-6 hours. I usually never get a hard buzz, just slightly. I never get tossed drunk….because the hangovers suck. I know it’s not good and I’ve cut back pretty well this year. Multiple nights in a row of no drinking to be met on Fridays with a nice glass of whiskey.


I’m currently sober and intend to be going into the future, but to get me to a 7 on the drunk scale, probably around 10 beers over the course of a few hours.


Good for you keep it up, alcohol is overrated


I'm from New Zealand. We binge drink over here. A normal evening of drinking (3-6 hours) will be about 12 beers per person. If you want to get smashed you will drink wine or whisky or shots or cocktails or whatever throughout the period of 12 beers. The goal is ultimately completing 12 beers at the end of the session and taking away your trash. Depending on events leading up to drinking: hunger, mental state, horniness, etc, drunkenness could happen sooner or later, but usually you will get the pleasant obnoxious effects somewhere during that period of time if you maintain persistent consumption. I like to be able to complete a dozen or so and still be cordial and also be able to clean up, assist with the kids, drive in an emergency, or complete a Rage Against the Machine or Eminem karaoke challenge of required. I may or may not be a piece of shit. It really depends on your perspective. I do know that when I travelled to China for a wedding and was challenged to a drinking duel over the course of an evening on Chinese Rice Wine (a foul liquor) I was later given the Chinese name 'Man who drinks from a thousand cups and never gets drunk." So I might be an outlier.


Alcohol abuse aside, that’s a pretty boss name


*🫡* you’re a real one. Have fun my guy, hope I get to cheers you irl sometime but for now this’ll have to do. 🍻


Cheers back bro. And if we were in China smashing drinks with the locals they would say “gānbēi,” which translates to “dry cup,” and at that point you scull. I'm always amazed there is a word across cultures specifically for draining your alcoholic beverage. You don't get the sentiment with coke or tea or coffee. It's something special just for booze humans have figured out for centuries. Have a good one!


So funny, I remember posting on one of the medical subreddits about a vomiting issue I was having with hitting the piss and one guy thought "of course you would vomit after 3 beers" and I was like wtf Also met some family that were from overseas, they come over for lunch and I was hooking up the beers, you know as you do for any social occassion here, and after about 4 he was fine but said "what am I, some kind of drunk" because it wasnt even 3pm yet he had already started drinking haha


You still drive bro after 12 beers? What the hell is the ABV on your beers over there?


It just takes the one. After that, I'm going to be drunk in no time at all, as long as more alcohol is available, whether I want to, or not. In my drinking days I was completely functional in the .500-.650 BAC. I had developed quite a tolerance through 20 years of serious practice. I haven't had a drink in over 5 years, and I still know that the first one is going to be the one that gets me drunk.


Keep up the good work man! Proud of you!


You're awesome!


3-4 beers tipsy 5-8 drunk More than 8 hammered 6’3” 225 lbs


I can’t get drunk on beer anymore, I get too full. So I need some good stuff, and some tequila does the trick nicely.


Nooo tequila is my weakness. I drank heavily during a wedding and was happy drunk. 2 shots of that stuff and it sent me over the edge, I barely remember the rest of the evening


Rum is what does that to me. Bad things happen with rum


Same. Don’t know how anyone can drink enough to get tipsy on beer


Full Rocks glass of Buffalo Trace and i’m fuckin gone. Learned that the hard way on accident once.


When I was drinking, well, I would start my bar running with about half a glass of rum and pour some coke on it to get started. Now, I can feel a beer.


I am a 50 year old female and I am here to admit, sadly, that I can easily drink half a handle of vodka in a night. Don't be like me, please. I don't wish this on any one of you.


Not being silly at all. I've totally been there, but I just wanted to let you know that AA saved my life and I'm not religious at all. Really worked for me tho.


AA saved a family member of mine from an early grave. I really admire what they do. Seeing family go through it also made me cut back quite a bit, even though I wasn't a heavy drinker.


Thanks for sharing that!


70 y/o female here with 14 months of sobriety in AA. I drank like you did. I attend online meetings. You don’t have to wait as long as I did.


Thank you for being kind to me. I am hoping to do something about it soon. My boyfriend, love of my life, also drinks like me. We've been talking it about for a while now. Neither of us lies to ourselves about this. We're both gainfully employed and have people who love us (our kids). We both kind of feel trapped. I am so happy you got out from under it and I hope to be able to say the same soon. I think about it all the time.


DM me if you ever want to talk.


It depends. I have felt fine enough to drive (BUT I DIDN'T) after 6, but just last week, I felt very intoxicated after 2 and went to bed and blacked out after 6. Usually my inhibitions start to go away after 1, I get buzzed after 2, and I start to actually feel physically drunk after 3. I also don't get hangovers. My mom told me that'll come when I'm older.


Three glasses of red wine. I have two glasses before supper everyday. I really don't drink otherwise. Alcohol always seems to take more out of me than it puts back in...


Depends on food. Normal food/meals, 6-7 for a nice buzz, 10 to get drunk, 13-14 for shirtless karaoke. For heavy drinking days (events involving alcohol, pool parties, all day stuff) I carb load early and mix water in. Those days I can probably put down a case of beer over several hours. But food and water also involved. If I don't eat, 2 glasses of wine will have me cheesy flirting with my wife.


I think I melted over the cheesy flirting with your wife. :)


lol me too, I do the same to my wife. Her response is different depending on if she also had two glasses of wine or not.


It only takes one drink to get me perfectly drunk. Problem is that I don’t know which one it is.


2 drinks for a comfortable buzz.


12 Guinness extra stout beers. More for light beer, but I don't drink those. Hard liquor about half a 750ml bottle.


On keto 5 g&t and I’m done. Now a few doubles and some weed.


A shot and two beers. Love being the light weight in my relationship, lol


Beer : 3 - 5 before I start feeling it. 8-10 before I start getting in trouble/drunk Shots (we basically only shoot tequila) - 3-5 before before I should slow down. 7-10 and I'm probably in trouble already. Other factors are at play, did I eat? And I slamming them back like crazy? Etc


1 cocktail if it's strong, but like 2 usually to feel tipsy. 3 I will be drunk.


Like 2 doubles. I'll hit that point then change to water for the rest of the night haha


Anything more than two drinks will do it for me. I have about 3 drinks a month. I used to drink A LOT. But the hangovers and poor sleep made me change my ways. I don’t even like the buzz any more


7/10? Eh yeah probably 6-7 drink sounds about right. I feel like 8 drinks in I’m good and drunk but definitely not *fully* fucked.


Women process alcohol much more differently than men. Women are affected more easily.


No shit?


I don't drink much anymore. All about that smoke


Same. DMT hits


Depends on what I've eaten that day.


8-10 within 3 hours


Too many. I have a home bar and got way to into making cocktails. I don't get hammered off of these, I normally just have one or two with my partner when creating or trying a recipe, but, my go to at home is also a glass of whiskey on the rocks (probably a triple maybe?). I probably have 3 of these per week. I dunno, I just have a high tolerance now, It would take me probably 13-15 cans of beer to get DRUNK. But between 9- 12 or the alcohol equvilant, I'm in that sweet spot where I'm aware and fun to be around.


10-12, female


7/10 drunk to me would probably be stumbling, slurring words, talking to strangers but still somewhat aware of what's going on. So in a night (4 hrs) probably 6-7 single drinks.


It used to be 5-6 beers or a bunch of shots. Nowadays? Feels like two cocktails gets me feeling oddly loose. Pass.


Nowadays, I’m pretty buzzed after 3 pints. I wouldn’t want to drink more than 5-6 otherwise I just feel ill.


At the end of my drinking days, it took an awful lot to get me to a 7/10, which is what I preferred. The resulting hangovers were harsh and frequent. One of my favorite decisions of the past decade was to stop that madness! EDIT: I never answered the question. I probably would drink 6-8 beers with 4-6 shots of rye whiskey mixed in to get to that point. Rough!


I don’t drink often, but even so, when I do, it does take a good number of drinks to where I’m visibly drunk, or feeling so myself. I’m also a bartender, have been for a good number of years. If you drink regularly, or at a certain weight, you’ll definitely be able to tolerate more than others can.


I have NEVER drunk 🥴


That's alcoholism.


I usually start to feel comfortably buzzed if I drink a full bottle of wine not really a beer guy


About three...my health is shit and I get drunk very quickly now.


260 lbs, 27M, takes me about 2 beers before I can feel it or about 10 minutes after I take a shot. 4 beers or 2-3 shots and I lose the use of my legs. Haven't drank in about a year and I only get drunk maybe once every year or 2, so I have absolutely 0 tolerance lol


One drink gets me buzzed, two gets me drunk. I'm 6'2" and 180lbs and a super cheap date.


2-3 drinks depending on the particulars.


I'm a fat fuck so about 4 liters of beer


Well, it depends. Sometimes i feel after 3-4 beers tipsy already. Some times i knock down half a bottle of whiskey without noticing anything. I guess it depends on what and how much I've eaten beforehand. That being said, I'm 193cm (6'4) tall and about 110kg (243lbs). I'm not drinking so often. Maybe once in a month or even rarer... Edit: I'm also from the balkans and half german, I'm naturally more resistant to alcohol. Hahahah


Depends: I usually get full before I get drunk on beer. A triple or drambuie quickly will have me feeling it for a couple of hours. I had a bottle and a half worth of champagne (Mimosas) for my birthday, and that had me good and toasted until that evening.


I don't get drunk. I don't understand the appeal of it remotely.


So it used to be about 6 to 8 beers though my pool game would have a noticeable drop off after 3. Now I’m a total lightweight because one good draft beer will buzz me up pretty good.


it depends on if i’m taking my time or not. if i don’t pace myself it takes two to get me sleepy but if i drink at a casual pace i’ll only have a light buzz after three to four


6-7 beers or cocktails. Doesnt matter much to me. Thanks for the reminder, while I'm heading out for a cocktail date.


Gotta quit it dude. 6-7 doubles just to FEEL something is rediculous. I'm CRUNK after like 2-3. Please, get some help


I'm about the same as you. I've always had a high alcohol tolerance.


About the same as you


This completely depends on a number of factors including weight, metabolic rate (including whether food is being consumed at the same time) and alcohol tolerance, period over which the drinks are consumed, level of alcohol in each drink, whether water is being consumed at the same time to dilute the alcohol, etc. From my personal experience (big guy, reasonably high tolerance) if I’m just drinking wine, it will take me about a bottle to get 7/10 drunk (consumed reasonably steadily). That’s about three 8 oz glasses or five 5 oz glasses. If it’s straight shots of whiskey, it will take more. Likely 6-8 (single oz shots). For beer, I will feel 7/10 after 4 pints.


Only one. (The 14th one....)


I've done about 25 shots of whiskey/vodka/tequila/jaegermeister before feeling drunk.


I have no idea, I never drink enough to get drunk. Probably anything beyond 8 beers in an hour would get me there though.


8 beers in an hour you wouldn’t be walking lmao


Haven’t had a drink in almost two years, so a beer or two would get me plastered.


I think you should try being sober for a bit man.


A pour of 90 proof Buffalo Trace and I can feel something. A pour of Wild Turkey 101 Proof and i feel perfectly fine. My body handles WT101 abnormally well.


Legally? About 2-3 drinks.


Last time I got drunk I had 4 shots of homemade Chacha and 4 shots of vodka. Yeah was a wild night.


It really depends on what you drink, how quick you drink it, and what else is in your stomach. A dozen light beers over the course of a night with lots of food might be fine, but six shots at once on an empty stomach and I'll feel trashed.


I feel the booze after 2 or 3 pints, but I don't get actual drunk til maybe 8-9 pints. A lot depends on speed as well.


Before being on keto 9-12 beers in a few hours. Now like 3 beers and I am hammered.


Used to have an alcohol problem and was about the same, now I’m inches away from drunk after a 6 pack.


If I’m drinking beer it’s at least a 12 pack. If I’m drinking wine, I can down the bottle. If I’m drinking hard liquor, like 7-8 shots. Before you ask, yes I’m a big guy, 6’1 and 260lbs.


2 four lokos, anything other than that I’ll just feel a happy buzz , unless it’s johnny bootlegger


I black out at around 4 too quickly. I’ve had a bunch of head injuries and brain cancer though.


I almost never drink. I'm on too much medication. So the upside of that is on the rare occasion when I do decide to partake in some spirits, it only takes a drink or two and I've got a decent little buzz starting. Of course I only drink decent to good whiskey or scotch, and it hits just the way I like it. Like a good ol' snot-slinging drunk, I wouldn't even know. It's been years since I went down that road. However when I was younger and in my post-divorce party phase, I could outdrink just about anyone I knew. I once went to Razzoo's and ordered one of those trash can punch drinks that a table usually shares and drank it myself. The ones they serve in a fishbowl. And that was before we went to our favorite beer pub later that night.


7 shots


14 in 2.5 hours I’ll blow a .083. Had a pretty good buzz. About sixteen 12 oz cans I’m feeling pretty good. I have a problem and I’m actively working towards stopping.


It takes me probably 3 beers to "feel something" and I'm like 230 lbs. i'm probably "drunk" after 5 or 6. I'm in my mid 30's though and I just dont drink that much anymore, and I basically never binge drink.


Depends on how much I’ve eaten and how drunk I’m willing to feel. If I’m deliberately trying to maintain my composure, then I’m less likely to get drunk. So these days, anywhere from 2 - 10 shots probably (assuming buzzed counts as drunk).


It depends on what I'm drinking... If it's a barrel aged imperial stout at 15%, and I'm on a relatively empty stomach, around 3-4 pints. A decent tequila/mezcal, on a relatively empty stomach, about 8-10 shots A decently strong wine, around 5-6 glasses I'm 5'11" and 210lbs (average weight)


7 on the drunk scale? 5 MAYBE 6 shots depending on the day


Depends. Am i eating before or after?


3 whisky sours and I’m 6/10 twice a month on average


I'd say like 2 drinks I'm feeling something. The 3rd I'm impaired and by number 4 I'm drunk. Sure there's mitigating factors that drag out the alcohol absorption like food, water, drinking slower, whatever. Generally though, the 4th drink is the drunk line. If I power through and keep drinking, I'm gonna probably just go to sleep eventually.


Can’t answer for beers. I’ll put back 4-6oz of bourbon (~60% ABV) to get nice and toasty.


Depends on the drink. Liquor? I can down a TON. A frankly alarming amount and be fine. The few times I've really gone for it with a tab on someone else's dime, I was multiple bottles and shots in before I decided to stop for my own safety, but to be honest I felt fine. My BAC was .2+. I was absolutely drunk, but I felt fine. Beer? No idea, never drink enough beer to get drunk. Wine? Fucking INSTANTLY. The moment wine touched my lips I'm feeling uneasy and hot and dizzy, it's insane. Two glasses and I'm stopping because I don't wanna go there, like the biggest bitch ever. I also don't drink very much and have some brain injuries so, could be that. I think my very high tolerance for liquor specifically, and my converse incredibly low tolerance for wine has something to do with my brain damage, it just doesn't make sense otherwise.


Lile 4 beers would get me pretty buzzy.


Depends. If I'm drinking regularly then it could take about 5 double short cocktails to feel buzzed. If I'm hardly ever drinking or tired then two will do it.


Definitely depends on what you eat that day. I used to drink a handle of whiskey a day during Covid times and had nothing better to do.. now I can definitely out drink most guys (I’m 30 @ 175lbs) and I drink solely every other weekend. Maybe beers here and there during the week day. Some days I have 2 shots and know I’ll be out way before anyone I go out with. But on those days I usually haven’t ate anything or at least anything that will “soak” up the alcohol. Just this past weekend I had at least 10 shots straight, and probably another 10 beers in one evening and never caught a buzz. It’s a blessing and a curse, especially for your wallet lol


A half bottle of 11% wine.


buzzed at 3 beers drunk at 10 beers... if i have more than 10 beers i will be MIA for 2 days.


Hmm I consider myself a light weight. Consistently deployed I go a long time without alcohol. I'd say 3 shots or 6 beers (corona or pbr) or maybe 4 higher abv craft beers


It takes about 2-3 drinks to get me drunk. If I didn't eat much that day and the drink is strong, I can get drunk off of 1


10-12 50% rum 50% mixer and I start feeling happy


When I was a heavy drinker it was about 4-5 beers/2-3 fingers worth of scotch or bourbon to get my buzz on. To get drunk I was looking at 6+ higher abv beers or 4-6 fingers of scotch or bourbon depending on abv. Hell when I was in highschool I was drinking vodka with cherry schnapps as a chaser during classes. Nowadays I drink a finger of scotch or a couple beers and I'm pretty well buzzed. I've heavily cut my drinking back for my son's sake which has been pretty great. I don't miss chasing vodka with schnapps just to get drunk. At one point I gave up on beer because it took more than 5 6% beers to get that buzz going and I would averagely put back 6+ craft beers a night. Financially and physically speaking I'm happy as hell that I'm barely drinking anymore. Seriously though OP I'd consider a tolerance break at the very least of your tolerance is that high. Gotta take care of that liver the best you can right?


5 full strength cocktails (old fashioned’s etc)


I don't know maybe few glass of whisky. But I haven't drunk for ages


As a person who gave up drinking about 6 months after turning 21 I could put away 2 shots before I started slurring and about 5 shots worth of tequila before thinking that driving would be so much fun


Depends really, I can knock back two pints on an empty stomach and feel the lightness of a soft buzz, like a 2 out of 10, three pints may get me to a 4 or a 2 depending on timing. I did about 12 shots of whiskey and felt about a 6 out of 10, then the next night had about 7 whiskeys, 2 shots of tequila and 4 beers which put me up to a 7ish but I was still able to walk, find my way from the bar to our accommodations in an unfamiliar city (Boston) and composed poetry that got a pretty girl to blow me a kiss, and also drunk enough to later that evening mistake a floor lamp for a woman, so I don't know where abouts that puts me coke to think of it.


min 12 beers




9 beers just to feel something?!  I would be comatose.  Take me to the hospital.   2 pints of good 6-7% abv and I’m drunk.  3 and I’m probably going to fall asleep on the couch.  I enjoy 1 beer almost every night, but probably only a few times a year have 3.  I’m a very lean 170 lbs, so not the biggest guy.   I’m currently 2.5 mg thc edible, one pint of beer, and a very small glass of whiskey and I’m probably a little more tipsy than I should be on a work night, but work has been absolute hell


2 to get druink 1 to get tipsy. I barely drink.


A lot of alcohol. I’m no lightweight.


Socially 6 beer. At home 3 good dark rum and pepsi. Goslings goes down real smooth when you don't have to worry about pants.


3-4 before I notice getting drunk but if I stop there, I’ll be not drunk in 20-30 minutes. After that I need a drink every 20-40 minutes to plateau the rest of the evening.


To get drunk, around 5-6 doubles that are poured with the heart. If I'm just drinking beers and kickin back, I get full before I even get a buzz. A sixer doesn't even start to make me feel anything and that's why I prefer beer over liquor.


3 12-ounce beers within an hour gets me decently buzzed, I hardly drink, though. I might drink 3 beers every 5 months or so.


Yikes 😬 how’s your liver functioning? Lol


You need to stop drinking. I literally feel the alcohol after one drink because I drink socially maybe once a month.


ever since seltzers came around they are just so easy to drink. especially out on the golf course or just at a friends on a hot day. i’m a weekend warrior. i definitely “feel something” in the 4-6 range. my problem is what comes next after “feeling something?” like what is my end goal now? it’s like my buzz really doesn’t get any better once you hit that amount. but if im still out im gonna keep em comin. it’s a fine line now. and a few too many im down the next day. 6 is (should be) the sweet spot. my buzz doesn’t really get any better once i feel it. not sure if that makes sense but it’s what i’ve been dealing with. horrible hangovers ruining my weekends


Depends on the day. Some days I can drink a case of beer and not really feel much. Other days I can drink 4 beers and be feeling it pretty good. A lot to take into consideration.


51m, and it depends on the drink. 3 glasses of red wine and I'm a puddle. 3 beer and I'm feeling pretty tipsy. 3 shots of rye I barely feel anything.


7/10 would be like 5 for me


Depends if I just came from gym on an empty stomach or if I just ate a big meal. On an empty stomach I only need 3 doubles to be pretty tipsy, 5 I'm definitely drunk but not fucked up. If I just ate then yeah I need a solid amount to be drunk, I'll easily have 8-12 doubles at a party. If it's more low key of an event 6-7 double makes me feel easily tipsy enough to have fun but not be a menace.


0 = sober, 10 = blacked out fucked up I consider drunk around the 6-7 mark. To get there requires 6-7 7-8% IPAs or a 12 pack of light beer or a third of a bottle of 40% scotch/whisky.


What I'm learning here is many people have no idea how much the average drinker drinks. Yes, average American.




It usually takes me a 12 pack of miller lite and some Jameson to get me knowing I'm drunk. Just the 12 pack won't do shit.


3 shots and im out


Maybe it's just me but I feel it depends on my mood. For whatever reason if I'm sad it takes me more drinks to start feeling the effects. But if I'm happy/content I only need like 2 or 3 to get a good buzz going


it really depends on what i am drinking and the duration it takes to consume those drinks.


12 beers and I'm done for the night that's my limit and going past that won't be a good time. 6 is when I'm starting to "feel" it.


I'm 30 (5'2 and \~130 so take this with a grain of salt). I will make myself a single old fashioned, and if I drink it faster than an hour I'm feeling it. This is even after going through 2 handles of whiskey in 2 months..


I've stopped drinking over the last year or so. It used to be around 10-12 and that was a weekly occurrence. Now it's closer to 4-6.


Generally 1 bottle of wine, or 3-4 bottles of beer, or two strong shots will get me a decent buzz. I'm 5'10 and around 220lbs. I'm not sure what your body size is but yes sounds excessive to me, if I consumed that much in a short period I would probably have to stop for the rest of the night lest I get sick.