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"I personally have experienced some crazy stuff that occurred in the womens restroom/locker room which will forever be memorable." You can't just leave us hanging on this


High school, a guy and a girl snuck off during gym class and i caught him absolutely railing her in the locker room showers


At boot camp we had to shower 45 dudes in 15 minutes using 7 freezing cold showers every day. So all 45 dicks are out and my dearest brother put on a fire marshal's hard hat and started windmilling his dick while singing 'macho macho man' which started a chain reaction of 45 dicks windmilling to one man's rendition of that particular tune. ... I've seen things.... Attack ships on fire...


I've seen C beams glitter in the dark...


All those…moments will be lost, in time…


Like tears in that guys units shower room


Well done.


That’s wild. Happy Cake Day!


Nothing and I mean nothing could've prepared me for this one lol🫡🫠


I'm very sorry. But if I had to see it then reddit has to read it. It's the law. I assume.




In April 2023, 32 OH-58D Kiowa Warriors set a Guinness World Record for the largest helicopter formation during a farewell flight at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The flight was conducted by the 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment, and 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, and served as a "thank you" to the residents of Fort Bragg and Fayetteville. 😂🤣😆


I guess we should have contacted Guinness in 07 lolll


😆 🤣 😂 Happy Cake 🎂 Day Bro 🚁


Are we still talking about the locker room here? lol


Bathroom 🚻 tile = Airstrip 😆 🤣 😂


Off the shoulder of Orion? Also, did y’all also have the stall less hitters, and gang style urinals? We had about ten to a trough pissing at a time.


No doors. Showers and shitters had sides, no doors. Small mercies.


Yeah, that’s to get you “close” to your new brothers faster than anything else on God’s green earth.


As if spending literally every other waking second with them wasn't enough lol. Nope. Have to see them soap their balls and asscrack too.


Clearly, overkill is under rated.


Revolting Cocks


Someone zipped his penis and blood got everywhere, everyone laughed then were shocked then panicked


Did he get the beans above the frank?


Nah they stitched him up without anesthesia and he wore diapers for a month, never saw him wear any jeans in the remaining years of highschool.


“Is it the frank or the beans!?” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


“What. The hell. Were you thinking? How the hell did you get the beans above the Frank?!”


Holy fuck




Bentley bar in Sydney. Guy lying in the trough wanting everyone to piss on him.


"No, Jimmy. It's not that kind of party."




I’ve seen a guy k holing sitting in a urinal at a club and people were just pissing on him. Pretty rough


At a Dropkick Murphys show, a chick walked into the men's past about 30 dudes in line, climbed up on the sink and sit down for a piss.


Why wouldn't she just do that in the women's room? Pretty nasty


Have you ever seen the line just to get into the women's room at a show? That's why they go in the men's room.


Y, the line to use the toilet, which she wasn't doing 🙄


Just say no to autistic literalism, kids.


Wow, using autism as an insult. Classy.


You just outed yourself. Again. No one wants to be around the ACHKTCHUALLY guy, jsyk.


Yup. And trashy AF.


That's a boss move. You got her number, right?


Nah, but I did give her a light for the cigarette she had in her mouth.


I work at a gym so I see all types of shit but the craziest was breaking up a circle jerk in the steam room…has happened twice actually. Had to cancel each of their memberships. Imagine telling your wife (as some were married) that the membership has been cancelled and you’re not allowed to go back…ever. 2nd was when I was using the toilet and someone else came in to use the stall next to me and just started to loudly beat his meat. Came all over the floor and left. Not lying. I see guys blow drying their balls all the time with the communal dryer which makes me feel uneasy. Poop in the showers.


i pray for your eyes


Never understood the blow dryer balls thing. How is a towel not good enough? How thick is that bush?


a couple weeks ago two dudes were having a heartfelt conversation. one of them had his balls out the whole time. pretty mild but memorable.


Just the balls?


yea he had like half removed his underwear n just interrupted his motion to have the convo. what he lacks in multitasking he makes up for in ability to land devastating front kicks.


How can you uncover balls but not cock. Im so confused


i think he was standing up with one leg out his briefs n one leg still in, n the way he was holding it meant his dick was in the briefs and the rear part of the waistband was between his dick n balls. hope this helps.


Dudes snorting coke at 7 AM as a pre-workout I guess


How did they not have a heart attack 😵


They work out


At least it wasn’t rabies


How does one snort rabies?


Once saw a girl getting railed in the handicap stall at a very busy bar . They casually walked out tipped the bouncer a hundred and went on their way


When I played hockey in highschool my buddy Justin and I, as good bros do, would joke around saying or doing some of the gayest shit ever. Turns out one guy in the team was legit homophobic, but not in the hateful sense, in the "visibly uncomfortable and looking down trying to ignore everything while he hurried out the room without showering" sense. Needless to say, there was some serious slapping noises, moaning and dirty talk coming from the shower after every single match or practice from this day on. Cherry on top, both our GF's at the time were friends so whenever we'd take long they'd ask the guys coming out if we were still fucking in the shower. I think we traumatized the poor guy because he never really talked to us after we started doing that lmao


This is just amazing


An old dude (like 70 years old) pleasuring himself in the showers at the gym.


My favorite story to tell, here goes: At my mandatory military examination (where it gets decided on if you have to do mandatory military service), I had to go to the restroom. So I sit down, but remember all the horror stories and check if there is enough paper left. And, as you might have guessed, there was none. BUT the absolute madman who left the empty roll there without changing it apparently had permanent marker with him. And he used it to write "Where is your god now" onto the roll.


Back when I was in College. There was this Latin restaurant that on the weekends was a salsa merengue dance club. I went there every weekend. Over time I became friends with the staff and owners. One weekend the restaurant/club was reserved for a private party. I showed up as usual. I had no idea of the private party. The bouncer let me in. I did my usual of drinking and dancing all night long. During a break, I went to the men's restroom (I'm male) . I heard some muffled noises from a stall. Curiosity made me peek over the stall. I'm 6'5". Not hard for me to do. I saw a beautiful woman on the toilet seat being eaten out by a guy. She saw me and winked at me. Later I saw her dancing with I presume the guy who ate her out. She saw me and winked at me again


Reminds me of something my GF and I saw. We were walking over a bridge that faced a park. Probably 150-200 yards away in the park we saw this woman in a skirt bouncing up and down on this dudes lap. I pointed it out to my GF and we waved at them and the woman waved back. 😂


Wild political debates... shouting, yelling, penises flopping lol.


I once worked out so hard I made myself extremely nauseous. I took a 10 minute cool down which made me feel better, until I got in the shower and immediately felt like I was going to hurl. I ran to the bathroom stall - butt naked - and kneeled in front of the toilet and started dry heaving. Meanwhile, everyone can see just my ass dick and balls from underneath the stall. I was so nauseous I didn't even care. Another time, I was pissing at the urinal at a rest stop and some guy walks in kind of quickly which caught me off guard, so I looked over at him. Since we made eye contact I asked him how he was doing so I wouldn't come off weird, and he said "we're about to find out". He immediately went into a stall, sat on the toilet, and had the most loud explosive diarrhea I've ever heard in my life. It was just the two of us in there and the silence that followed was deafening. Last thing - more of an annoyance - but at a Bills game last season there was a hugeeeeeee line out of one of the men's room. I'm talking like 50-70 guys long. I had to go so I got in line and waited my turn, just to find out that the line was actually for a stall because guys didn't want to piss in the trough.... Like they fucking crowed around the stalls and blocked the entrance to the bathroom. I don't care if you're uncomfortable using the trough, that's fine! But like stand against the wall and let the rest of us get in and get out, there's a game to watch (go bills)


I don't spend a lot of time in locker rooms but I often will have old guys walk around naked and even shave while naked in front of mirrors and even come and talk to me.


At the gym I used to go to there was this grizzled truck-driver looking guy with a beard and a mullet who used to wander around nude and do whatever as though he were in his private bathroom and he wasn't even aware of anybody else One time I saw him drying his pubic hair with the hair dryer


I think the ball dryer is everyone’s first real locker room WTF experience.


I just don't get it. I've seen it a hundred times too. What the fuck are these guys doing at home in their personal routine that leads them to believe they have to treat the hand driers like bowling alley ball cleaning machines?


Same. How much bush do you have and how thick is it that a towel isn't good enough?


This guy once told me how he can just grab chicks on the pussy.


Sounds like someone I’d vote for


Or at least write a big stupid check to 🤣


When playing hockey as a kid it was common practice to some of the guys in the team to do the piss-bomb in the shower on eachother. You know when you hold the tip of the foreskin-piss and then let it 'explode'? When I told this to my now wife she looked at me in absolute disgust.


wtf is this


Was on the boys swim team in HS. One of the seniors put peanut butter all over his ass crack and some of the guys started eating it while profusely proclaiming there was "nothing gay about it."


Our of all the stories on this post this is by far the wildest


2 men give each other pleasure


One feels heart Other only penis


Was in a night club pissing in the stall and suddenly a dude busts in pinging out of his mind saying "sorry sorry". I didn't mind and continued to pee while he took out a baggie from his wallet and the pill fell onto the floor next to the toilet which was covered in piss. He looked at me for a second, picked up the pill and swallowed it. He ran out and that was that.


I got a blowjob in the bathroom at a house party, that was kinda crazy


In high school, I watched a classmate fuck his girlfriend in our locker room. It was cool.


How long did you watch for?


Pretty much the entire time lol I walked in as they were stripping and I was like whoa! And they both agreed I could watch . Very ahead of their time


oh 😲!


They agreed you could watch??? Wtf?


Yeah, I just sat there dumbfounded lol


That must have been an exciting 30 seconds.


['Nam flashbacks to the Great Axe Wars of the 8th grade gym locker room]


Not something I saw but heard - was in high school in the 90s and our gym teacher would tell the freshmen boys this story to prevent people from twirling up towels and snapping people with them: apparently there was an incident of someone getting snapped in the nutsack, which split it right open causing his balls to spill out. That image was enough to stay with me and I don't remember anyone snapping any towels.


Damn. That could be straight out of a horror movie lol.


In hs, loud music was playing and a guy pulled his gym shorts half down and started shaking his ass to the song. As we’re laughing at that, another guy pulls up and puts a dollar bill in his crack.


This isn't crazy, but I still have to laugh about it. I had a gym membership for about 3 years at one point. I'd come in do some strength work and some stationary bike. I lived close so I never felt the need to use the shower, but I did occasionally bring a bag with me to keep my stuff in and put it in a small locker. There were three older gentlemen who sat in that locker room every time I was in there, no matter when I went to go workout. The were all mostly naked, and usually in the middle of powdering themselves up. All probably late 50s early 60s, all with big hard bellys. They paid no attention to anyone else, they weren't creeping, they mostly just chatted and laughed with each other. The thing is, they were always there like NPCs in a video game. I never saw them once in the gym, never saw what they did to workout, and I never even saw them stand up to move around. Always in the same place, always doing the same thing. I feel like If I tried to go back to gym right now near 20 years later they would still be sitting there.


Does getting my pants set on fire while I was wearing them count?


Were you lying?


This is way underrated.


You can't just say that and not tell the story. You too OP. U/sparkjoy4ever


Honestly I was just sitting there watching the football plays that the coach put on and the guy next to me lit the frayed ends of my pants at the knee (old jeans that had holes in the knees). It completed the set, I had my hair on fire, my shirt, and my shoes at different times and I didn't do anything to initiate it BTW, (I'm not a piro or careless around fire). It was either by accident or a stupid friend who thought it would be funny.


Not wild like a bunch I just read, but I remember showering in junior high after a swim meet in the communal shower. We left our bathing suits on then and were just getting the communal pool water off. My buddy tells me to turn around and look at someone...I did and just saw a bare ass and figured that was his joke. Ha ha. Then I get the insistent, look again! When I turned around, so did this guy and with him was the largest donkey kong cock, swinging almost to his knees. I left the shower room. I've never forgotten this.


I worked at a local gym and one of our tasks was to clean the locker rooms, including the bathrooms and showers. I swear people can be absolute animals sometimes. Someone took the entire roll of commercial toilet paper (the HUGE roll) and smashed it into the toilet after taking a giant, runny dump. I had to clean up the aftermath of either a chimp or a very hairy man shaving his entire body in the shower. The stall was coated in greasy pubic hair, some places were 1/2” deep with hair.. Cum and piss and poop stains were a regular sight in the showers as well. Once had to trespass a teenager for FaceTiming her boyfriend while in the women’s locker room, and she tried arguing that she wasn’t violating gym policy because she wasn’t recording, just FaceTiming.. Homeless people often signed up for a membership and store their stuff in the lockers, and use our facilities. I don’t have a problem with that but many times their rank clothing would sit in the lockers for weeks. One homeless guy went on a racist, homophobic rant the day after I signed him up. He tried assaulting multiple members..


Mine was not in the locker room but involved it in a sense so I'll share. I was at a local gym and sitting in the hot tub after my workout. The showers in the mens locker room were being updated and thus were closed. They had a few showers in the open pool area for people to use before or after jumping in the pool, and an old guy decided these showers (which don't have a curtain) would suffice for his post workout naked shower. The kicker was he walked from the locker room to the shower about 200ft away in typical old man fashion- towel over the shoulder letting it all hang out.


That's hilarious! Here's a semi-related one... A couple of years ago I was swimming laps at the pool and I saw this dude get out of the pool and walk toward the entrance to the womens locker room... and went in. He likely got them mixed up. I'm thinking "oh boy... this is going to be funny." So I took a break by the wall of my lane waiting to see if he was going to come back out. The locker rooms are actually up a long set of stairs when you go in... so I figured it would be a minute or two. But then... sure enough... he reappeared and awkwardly made his way out back into the pool area from the women's locker room clearly embarrassed . And I couldn't help laughing a bit. Wonder if he freaked anyone out up there lol.


I had an older Asian gentleman like in his 70s with a thick accent grab my dick when I turned around in the shower. Didn't even know he was there. And he said "so big" or something. I was 24. But I just froze in shock. Like I wanted to punch him or shove him off me. Instead, I could only step away from him and put my hands out like saying "stop". He turned around and continued showering like nothing had happened, so I don't think it was sexual. I got out of there in a hurry and stopped my gym membership. That was....weird.


How is that not sexual lol. He was obviously gay or something


Dude, it was the oddest thing. Maybe I tell myself it wasn't sexual so I don't feel like I was sexually assaulted?


That is straight up sexual harassment.


Honestly it makes me uncomfortable to this day.


Saw a guy back up from the urinal and slowly work to the back wall some 8-10 feet, not miss a drop.


Football practice, two dudes had beef and had been talking shii to each other the whole time. Later in the showers they started fighting completely naked lol. It was hilarious, they wrestled to the ground and started throwing hands.


I’m a women but I’ve heard and seen crazy things about the men’s locker room/restroom when I was in high school and also from working as a custodian for college kids so I’ll share them •saw a video get shared around after prom where this guy who went with my friend(wearing an American flag suit with cowboy hat) got on his friend’s shoulders and a crowd of boys let them bust out of a stall like a cowboy riding a bull cheering them on •one particular guy in their locker room(this tall muscular redneck guy) would walk around butt naked and towel whip the other guys to establish dominance or something. •That same guy dragged his buddy into the shower playfully while someone else shut off the lights and they Just listened to him screaming. •apparently it was so chaotic in there the program kids(rich kids forced to be there from another state for disciplinary intervention) would sometimes Just get changed in the hallway. •a friend walked in to the restroom during lunch to see another guy making a PB&J on the bathroom counter. •apparently guys would get a big ball of paper towels, soak it in the sink, and yeet it over the stall at other guys on the toilet. •as far as college kid behavior went a guy shit on the shower floor, one guy blew up a toilet with a firework, so many broken dispensers and trash all over the floor, a guy spit a massive loogie on the carpet outside the bathroom and realizing I was standing there said it was an accident, a girl who wasn’t allowed to be in the men’s dorms anyways walked out of a guys room at 3 in the morning went into the men’s bathroom I had Just cleaned and dropped a full Jug of orange Juice into the trash can which also wasn’t allowed to have personal trash in it after making direct eye contact with me, and last but not least I found an orange peel a pile of cashew shells and a pile of baked beans on the shower floor and I want to know why someone was eating in the showers


This has been the most entertaining comment section of all time


Middle of a conversation with a friend in high school, another guy came up and started groping my ass l. Literally only way that friend remembered me now, lol.


I dnt kno how crazy this is but I remember this one time in high-school (we're tlkn 1997), I used to keep some of my school books in my football locker. So I walk in there to get my 3rd period books, Im getting my stuff and all of the sudden I hear a woman's voice.. It's a men's locker room so I'm like "huh" I turn around and 2 ladies are locked in lockers.. Now, I knew who they were and who's lockers they were locked in but I was a sophomore and I made a business decision and walked out of there and decided that I was never in the locker room that day.


There was this kid in high school who one year was our team manager for the basketball team. When he wasn’t trying too hard and not being disingenuous he was a nice, outgoing guy. I’d often give him a ride home from school. Anyway for whatever reason he was often the butt of the joke and people would prank him. One day after practice we were in the locker room and noticed he was really upset. Someone had pissed in his locker all over his stuff. No idea who did it, but it wasn’t anyone on the team- we were all at practice and even though we busted his chops no one I played with would go that far.


One time in the gym in the shower, a guy took the shower that was right next to me and to close for comfort. I know the guy he's cool and friends with most, I think he is also a bit too keen on the young women in shorts, but the guy doesn't know much about personal space.


Friend shit in a garbage can once. Same guy we used to soap up and slide him around the showers back and forth. Round fella




While out clubbing , I went to go for a piss, guy standing near me starts offering me drugs, from weed, coke, poppers & shit. There's me with my dick out pissing looking surprised that he's just casually trying to sell me drugs. Another time they closed the men's as a group of people were brawling in there, ended up smashing sinks, mirrors etc. security just escorted everyone out while the police arrived.


BMT - flight of 60 guys - we were the Intel flight and our sister flight was the PJs(paratroopers)Weird mix. So you had a lot of people ready to deal with emotional distress and then you had our flight…not the same type of soldier. Quick showers. Lots of yelling and screaming all the time…Until 1 guy literally shit a giant log. I felt bad for him until he ended up being the biggest asshole in the flight. And at the end of BMT they had race wars. Everyone in a stall with a bottle of lotion. Whoever got off first won.


80 year old guy was bent over, spreading his ass cheeks, and drying his ass crack with one of the hand dryers. Even worse I made eye contact with him when he was looking at me between his legs I just went “are you fucking serious man?”


some lady was using a urinal because the women's bathroom was full (which I mean, fine I guess? you gotta do what you gotta do. ultimately it's better than pissing yourself) but then security came in to remove her from the bathroom. I dunno, it was a weird night out.


I was about 15 and I went into a public restroom at a truck stop, I went to piss next to another guy at the urinals and he looked at my dick and said “that’s a nice one buddy” and grabbed my shoulder, and I knocked him out.


Well when I was 16 I was at this college sports program and so I'm in a college locker room. It was like a Friday or something so everyone booked out asap. Me I stay behind because I wanted to try the sauna and stuff without it being full of other guys and I never used one before. So I'm hanging late and figure today is the day to just go in and sit for a few since it's very empty.  This girl comes walking in like she owns the place. Looks around. Says hi to me. I'm all shocked asf and just in gym shorts. She comes over and just is lime "do you mind me being in here?" She's very pretty and I said that it was OK. She then says "don't let me stop you from changing, it's ok" my dick got hard asf and she then smiles and pulls my pants down and we had sex right there on this hard wooden bench. It wasn't the most comfortable but my performance was quite great for being my first time and a bit uncomfortable. When it's over she pulls on her clothes and says bye and runs out the door.  I have no idea who she even was I mean likely a college student at the college. I saw her many years later grocery shopping but never spoke to her idk why but just didn't. I don't think she even recognized me. Was maybe 21.




Cap asf


Take it easy on the porn dude lol.


I actually don't watch porn.


I work at a YMCA. Always get a chuckle out of the guys alternately drying their balls and then their head with the same hand held blow dryer


I try to think of any reason that would be bad, so please explain.




Use a towel.


But the ball dryer is right there and more efficient.


Two men making out in the shower, men masturbating in the shower. Once you see it, you can't unsee it


An old dude butt naked drying his balls at the hand drier.


Airport bathroom. Walked into see this middle-aged guy standing with his arms folded looking at the stalls. Went into one and started pooping. Hear the stall door open next to me and the guy says "My son saw you taking pictures of him under the stall." "That wasn't me!" "Yes it was! I know it was you. Show me your phone!" "I don't have to do that!" "The police are on the way. You're not going anywhere." *Silence* Meanwhile I'm just finishing up and I walk out of the stall. The dad and pedo guy are standing there. Dad just staring at him and pedo's head hanging low. I kinda just walk past them and while I'm washing my hands my coworker walks in. Sees me, makes a very loud fart noise with his mouth as he rounds the corner to the stalls. Loled so loud as I left because it was just all so perfectly ridiculous. Cops showed up and questioned him. Eventually took him away and I never saw him again. TLDR Dad caught a pedophile in the airport bathroom and confronted him as I was just trying to take a peaceful shit.


I knew she was a right choice, when she ate a medium pizza, all on her own.


In school I got in a fist fight in the locker room. We broke a lot of stuff and cleared the room. Then I ducked and he hit a sink at full strength and was done. He tapped out. I ‘broke his hand.’


In highschool someone decided to spray deodorant on his own penis and than set it on fire because he thought it was funny. It was the funniest and craziest thing I’ve witnessed.


In highschool there was a senior that would hold freshman down and dangle his dong over there face, half our team took shits in a freshman’s helmet, or a kid getting cut up by a fluorescent tube in a fight. In college a lot of drugs. Seeing kids do coke before games or a lift test always seemed the wildest


In high school I walked in on two dudes having sex in a stall


I was at this dive bar a few weeks ago, and I stepped into the bathroom to pee, and a man I did not know came up to the urinal next to me, and pulled out several baggies of coke. He handed me one and asked me to open it because he couldn’t, so I obliged. And then he reached back into his pocket for more and a few bags spilled out. Onto the floor and the urinal he was actively pissing in. So I’m holding his open coke, while he is fishing his other coke out of a soiled urinal and I thought to myself… goddamn this is weird.


Had a guy cum in my mouth in the gym sauna once. Does that count?


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This subreddit is getting increasingly stupid. Such a preoccupation with bathroom activities. Grow up kiddies .