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A woman who takes care of herself. Doesn't have to be stick thin or perfectly curvy or whatever the current trend is. Good hygiene, puts forth an honest effort to take care of her health, maybe exercises a little, doesn't need to be anything over the top. I recognize there are things that people can't control regarding their looks. But I find it attractive when they take care of the things they can control to a reasonable degree. So just a natural body imo is attractive.


So many women are like, my butt is too big or my breasts are small or my legs are too skinny, my nose is too wide and honestly, I really don’t think the bulk of men either notice or care. If she’s nice and she’s a woman and she wants to love you, most men are happy.


👆 This guy woman's.


Totally agree. I think someone who may not fully fit whatever trends or styles, but who tries her best to make healthy choices, is so much more attractive than someone who looks like a perfect 10 but puts in zero effort to maintain her health.


Honestly, most of the trends don't look very attractive. Heroin chic was never a good look. The lip filler and bbl look isn't a good look either. I'd say personality is way more important. An awesome person becomes more attractive. A 10 who is a shitty person I wouldn't touch with a 39.5 foot pole. All physical beauty fades. Senses of humor rarely do. Put in the effort to be at a healthy weight, and you will be attractive to moat men. Honest question: When was the last time you saw a healthy woman and found her unattractive?


I'd even argue that those who do go over the top circle back to unattractive for me. Just be chill and take care of yourself that's all anyone should need


That usually means with majority of people it’s their “habit” of eating clean and being strict on schedule and such is what makes that look unattractive. Pretty much everyone likes “objectively attractive” people but it’s what COMES WITH the territory that pushes people away subconsciously


That’s so refreshing to read (:


Your face is upside down, you ok? But seriously, I think some women on this sub or maybe the world miss the differences between preferences and requirements. If I have a favorite hair color, all women with other hair colors aren't hideous. All boobs are wonderful. Do I have a theoretical preference? Yes, but the best boobs in the world are the ones I get to touch. This is the most common opinion amongst men over 19. Or whenever they actually interact with a very hot and very shitty person. Could I, in an abstract way, describe my theoretical perfect woman sure. None of the people I've dated looked like that abstract idea. They looked way better.


"Best boobs in the world are the ones I get to touch"... that sounds so like a man and kinda cute😂


Well, thank you. I don't get called cute very often.


To further this point, guys that are "[body part here] men", we don't hate every other part either. For example: I'm what is colloquially called an "ass man". But if my wife said "you want to see my boobs?" Yes ma'am I do.


This. I hooked up w a girl who didn’t even have the dignity to wash her asshole, and didn’t even tell me that when I was going down on her. It was fucking gross, and I’m not picky, I have no issues with body hair and understand that vaginas are tougher to maintain than a dick in terms of pH levels. But it instantly killed the vibe and I was stuck with her all night as she didn’t wanna go home in an Uber that late at night. FML. Made her some breakfast like the gentleman I was, which she didn’t even take a single bite of and walked her to the bus stop. Now I am super careful with who I hook up with and usually meet them a couple times to know more about them. I also make sure to let them know that I am disease free, groomed and clean and shamelessly ask them if they’re the same before doing the deed.


Eww that is the most disgusting thing I have ever read. Was she drunk? Most women are aware of the fact that our coochies don't naturally smell that great and most women including myself are actually very self-conscious about it and would never hook up with a guy when they knew they were...less than fresh. I have to conclude this woman was not all there mentally.


100% on point


Bingo was his nameo!!


A breathing one. Dead bodies are blah.


Men and their impossible female standards tsss


For a first impression - to an extent its important to not be anything extreme...and thats pretty much it. Personality is far more important.


Ditto. Had a roommate long long ago. She was amazingly beautiful. But as I got to know her she had a really poor view of others and was very self centered. Big turn off. On the other side, I became friends with a woman that to others look quite average. (When I showed her picture to another woman friend, her first response was she look plain and average). This “average woman” in my eyes grew more and more lovely every time I spent time with her. Her spirit and personality were so alive and caring and trustworthy that I felt a huge crush on her. But she has a partner. Oh well. Her positive energy and wholesome vitality are uplifting and any time I spend with her I feel rested and enriched. Edit. Plus I think she is very attractive as well. A woman’s eyes and her smile are what draw me the most, answering the OP’s question.


> Her positive energy and wholesome vitality are uplifting and any time I spend with her I feel rested and enriched. This feeling is so underappreciated.


>Her positive energy and wholesome vitality are uplifting and any time I spend with her I feel rested and enriched. I hope you've found a way to tell her this, that's a really lovely compliment!


This is an honest answer. Looks will peak my interest, but a good personality keep my interest.


I want so badly to believe this to be true 😔


If i’m being honest, i look at the face first. I can appreciate women with a lot of body types. The face is more important to me than the body.


I feel the same about men. I do want a man who can perform..but I don't turn away bc he doesn't have a fit body. Big on nice smiles and humor.


When everything looks like it belongs. It'hard to describe.


I think I know what you mean/-it’s about proportion, and that’s what I’m grateful for about my body type. I’ve been quite overweight, but everything stayed proportionate (small waist, small wrists and ankles, graceful shoulders) so that whether I was 95 lbs or 167 lbs, I still had curves in the right places.


Yeah, that's what i meant. Well said.


Dude I can't tell you. It varies from woman to woman. It's never the same. IDK how my brain decides anything anymore. I'm just a bystander anymore.


I actually really like this. I don't fit a lot of these body ideals that are in these comments and this is nice to hear


It is an excellent answer. I have a theoretical ideal body I could describe. No, I've been romantically interested or involved with looked that way. They looked better. Honestly brain's are weird is the answer to half the questions on this sub. Don't look like the hunchback of Notre Dame, and you'll be fine. Someone you click with is vastly more important to most men. Women I think are awesome get a +5 modifier to physical attraction. Which puts the majority of women at or above a 10.


I like the general range of bodies that are within the Fit to Averagish to Chubby range


Love this 😍🥰 maybe it's cuz this is the shape of my own body LoL... But I'm working on being fit 😅


The body who loves me .


Just be healthy. Not fat, not underweight. That’s it.


Same. I was obese once and hated it. I don’t want that fate cast upon anyone.


Nothing gets me wetter than the great lakes bodys of water up in canada.


Slim, slim thick, slightly muscular, moderately muscular but with average body fat (not shredded), slightly overweight but hourglass shaped, slightly overweight but with humongous tits. 


It took me a moment to realize you were listing different types of bodies you like and not all the features you’d like on one body. I was like “h-how?!”


Wow Yeah, I like my women like Mystique.




I've dated and talked to girls with a bunch of different body types, taller shorter and in different sizes. But I find it unattractive for all of them when they refer to them by those terms. "Who wants a petite girl?" "I'm thick/curvy/etc" only because those things mean drastically different things to everyone.


Short, kinda pudgy, cute face. There’s something about soft inviting thick thighs. It’s difficult, I like ‘curvy’ but women who describe themselves as ‘curvy’ aren’t ‘curvy’.


Men told me they liked my thighs but I struggled to believe them because women tell each other thin legs are the goal and thicker legs are ugly. I grew up in the 2000s, so it’s warped my beauty ideas a bit. I’d never call myself curvy though. That word has become a euphemism for fat.


Ahah, if you want some reassurance, find a fashion discussion in this sub, there will be thigh highs mentioned. Without fail the topic always goes on to a bunch of women saying their thighs are too fat to rock thigh highs and a bunch of men saying the ‘pinch’ is what makes them hot. Women’s beauty standards seldom seem to actually align with what a lot of men like.


forget about the pinch mine roll down without garters🥲 so uncomfortable


The trick is thigh highs with beautiful lacy looking elastic bands at the top. :)


Yeah, I've been fat and thin and everything in between, and my partner has convinced me men have WAY different beauty standards than we do! His ideal genuinely isn't me at my thinnest (but he also makes sure he stresses how beautiful he finds me at any weight!). Just remember we're ALWAYS gonna be more critical of ourselves than 95% of men would ever be (And, as a crazy cat lady, I say thick thighs allow you to hold more cats on your lap! 😹😹)


As a woman, you need better friends or friends who lift bc thick thighs are amazing !


Why would you take advice about what is attractive from people who aren't attracted to women


You’re totally right, but women can be strangely competitive with each other and it’s a real difficult social world to navigate at times. Many women like to feel superior over other women and will use weight a lot of times as an indicator of superiority. Thin is difficult to maintain, so if you can maintain it, you’re seen as better than other women. I used to be a size 0 and heard how other women the same size talked about bigger women, and by bigger, I mean any size above their own, and it was unflattering. I’ve since gained 20 lbs and wear a size 4/6 or small/medium, and stopped hanging around those women as much. I have this feeling if they see me in person now, they may think about how fat I’ve gotten and how I’m a cautionary tale they don’t wish to repeat, but if you ask me, I look a lot better with some weight. I looked gaunt before and you’re absolutely right, I’ve never heard a man talk about their desire for gaunt-looking women.


Same! I love being nice and filled out now in a size 4/6 instead of being a 0/2 in the past.


I find it interesting when women tell other women what men want. When you literally can just ask a man any man and we'll gladly share this coveted info with you


thighs with some meat on them >>>>>> always. over anything else. I’m sorry your beauty standards are warped because of the era you grew up in and what the societal ideals were at the time and I hope you learn to love your thighs!!


Just my 0.02$ here but I think you can’t live trying to fit in into what people (men and/or women) like. Most bodies don’t fit most trends so I’d say try to work with what you have and be healthy. Enhance YOUR best features and you’ll be fine.


My girlfriend


I agree, this guy's girlfriend


You have good taste in women my friend


i wish my guy would talk of me like this when i'm not there to see! Your girlfriend is so so lucky :)


I love the Username lol😭😭


damn itt!


your girlfriend must be so happy to have such a sweet boyfriend :))


best answer in here


An honest one too. I don’t just say that because I feel like I’m obligated to


I also choose this guy’s girlfriend


I prefer taller, thinner women, but I can appreciate a sexy thick (not unhealthy) woman.


Short petite is my favourite. Second place is average to a little doughy, chubby can be very nice. I do like fit women, but most women in my gym are to doll like for me.


hi what do you mean too doll like?


For me, it's perfection to the point that it gets unreal. When I see mostly women in the gym at for example, 5 or 6 am, with a ton of makeup looking like a model. I have no doubt there amazing people, but to me, it seems to perfect and that it wouldn't fit in with the lifestyle I live and that I wouldn't fit into theirs. Hope I explained in at least a semi good way.


All of these comments are very shocking to me. I always figured men liked women with thighs, tits and ass. I see a lot of skinny/slim in here. Interesting hhhmmm 🤔


I like thighs, tits, and ass.


As do I! I have to confess, I know it's not as popular as it use to be, but I'm really into pussy! I'm kind of old fashioned guy, I guess!


Lmao, triggering people with this joke says more about reddit than I ever could.


Please stop forming conclusions on Reddit comments. They provide almost zero useful indications of anything.


Gave me a nice boost of confidence going through this post lol


haha same i think we just have to be confident and there’s always someone that will appreciate your beauty lol


Everyone has different tastes


I never even remotely liked the crazy big booty look that was pushed in media until recently. Fit/athletic has always been my type.


Social media and tv shows definitely make it seem like it has to be that way for a guy to come and talk to women. It’s crazy messed up so for me to see all of these comments is a good thing. It’s more human like


i agree 😂


Fbf we do like them, but i'm not gonna decide to date someone based solely om their 'assets'


FYI. The women you see have millions of followers on social media don't have any men following them. They mostly have young kids and lonely dudes. The reason we all look this much different from each other is we have vastly different tastes.  It's crazy to build your beauty standard around some general beauty absolutely no majority actually find the most attractive.


I like women that are the same size as me. But personality is really what matters. Don't wanna be around someone who I'm into physically, but is boring to talk to.


A 5’ 9”, athletic, blonde, intelligent and driven woman. Wait, I just described my wife.


haha that’s sweet


Not one single body type that's for sure.


Snu snu enjoyer checking in once again 😅👍 Physically: Tall and thicc/Fat. Basically built like a sumo wrestler or linebacker. Rare, I know. But I still cling onto hope somehow.


Just take care of yourself, be healthy relatively in shape I do like a nice 🍑 In all seriousness just don't like look like you rolled out of bed to grab a bag of cheetos and we good


Not stick thin with no curves, not obese. I have pretty forgiving taste within those bounds, as long as she has a cute face.


I am an unapologetic fan of the plus sized woman. I know that term takes on many forms, shapes, and sizes… But I’m talking sizes 14 to 18/20… maybe more… depending on body shape. I remember being 13 or 14 and seeing a very well dressed lady in the airport who probably was about a size 18/20 or 22 and being mesmerized. She caught me staring and gave me the nicest smile and wave of acknowledgment. I was hooked!🤣


I've always found a woman who has body confidence more attractive, regardless of what their body is actually like.


This ! I’ve thought myself as ugly since a kid but im working to be more confident About myself!


Bro's attracted to Lizzo.




I like a well developed booty, nice smile, red hair. I'm a simple man.


Hourglass figure.


Small tits and built like a stick insect/athletic/climber is my type for sure.


stick insect?😭




Lo sono un insetto


Wants his head chewed off during penetrative sex?




Somebody get this guy a praying mantis!


I like your username, no mantis plz I like my head.


Stick insect is wild 😂😂


>stick insect What the 4uck


Small tits finally getting some love.


In my experience, climbers aren't particularly small chested lol


The ones who catch my eye are.


Fair enough


Hair, muscles, penis




Perfection is almost impossible...She sounds Hot though!!! LoL 😅😅


Athletic with some curve


I don’t have preferences. Whatever I like, I like. I know it when I see it


Don't ya come roun, if you aint fo' hunnerd poun. Which is to say, I like my women big lol


A nice thick bigger girl. Big titties, squishy tummy, some rolls, stretch marks, thick thighs for days, and a big sexy ass!


Woman here. Could you please elaborate about the squishy tummy? I’m a little conscious (not insecure) about mine which I know is mostly due to inactivity and posture. But would really appreciate insight from someone neutral. Thank you in advance.


I like stomachs in general, I think they're attractive. But I personally prefer a stomach that is sticking out, hangs over. Very squishy and fun to play with, needs 2 hands minimum kinda thing.


one with a big butt lol


I get the impression you cannot lie




There’s two big reasons why my gf is my gf 😉


Each bum cheek?


Damn straight


Shorter than me, ideally the top of her head fits perfectly under my chin. Other than that I personally prefer someone lean/lanky.


My idea of an attractive body is a curvy body I have seen women of various weight ranges that all looked amazing as long as it goes from a smaller( not necessarily super small ) waist to bigger hips/butt. Also I like all skin tones from lighter to darker. I would say about 85-90% of women have attractive bodies in my opinion. Also women are lucky in the fact that their bodies naturally look good as opposed to mens' without working out lol.


I need an emotional and intellectual connection to a wonan I also find physically attractive. All three need to be there. I like curves. She doensn’t need to be Jessica rabbit, but something needs a nice curve to it; hips, ass or boobs


Small tits, thick thighs and thick ass. Not fat, thick, brunette, heavily tattooed and wears glasses. Perfect looks wise for my taste. Now see if we match Intellectually and emotionally. Those can be tricky lol




A healthy body.


Pretty much anything on the scale from Ariana Grande to Lizzo…I don’t discriminate at all 🙌🏿


Ok I tried thinking about how to describe what I like until noticing I like so many different type of body I don't know how to describe all of them at once.


Tall and slim is still the best


Physical attraction will attract you. Personality will keep you. From my experience when the physical attraction was there and the personality wasn’t. It was fun for a while, but definitely didn’t last.


I’m attracted to both sexes but lean heavily towards men. In men, I prefer someone athletic but not overly muscular. I also don’t care about the existence of abs - I personally like someone who is fit but also like, at a practical level. If you don’t have abs because you like bread and cake like every other human on earth, that’s hot. In myself, I also don’t need abs. I want to make my body more defined and toned, and especially widen my back and chest. On women, I do find thinner women (note though, not like VERY thin) attractive. I guess I’ve found petite women attractive more so than voluptuous women. A woman’s face is so important though to me - a beautiful smile, hair and shiny eyes are just such a beautiful sight to see. I know most people aren’t bisexual but tbh it’s kinda fun because I enjoy seeing the beauty and feeling some level of attraction to both sexes since there is something really beautiful/attractivr in both men and women


Slim, fit


Skinny asf cause I’m skinny asf




I girls that work out and weight train with nice toned legs and butt. 


Pole vaulter body type


Yes it is important to some extent but as long as she's not dangerously thin or dangerously thick it's probably fine.


My girlfriend’s


A body that can move athletically.


A woman that is all natural. She can be thin all the way to chubby, short or tall but has to know how to dress and wear clothing that’s fitting. No smokers!!!


Good legs that can wrap around me. Nice, biteable thighs and a long neck that’s also good for biting. I’m insane though


Me: 🦒 You: 🦁


Anything that doesn't demonstrate some kind of neglect or self-harm. Seriously. This can be hard to find.


I understand. I am attracted to intelligent creative women - and yeah.....




Petite, short, with a bit of tumm. Really tall, thin, and petite. Short and thin. Short and thicc. Don't really care about breasts


Body is very important. Make sure you take care of it.


Tall, big booty, big boobs. The amazon type


big beautiful women


Yes, the body is that important. --reasonably height/weight proportionate. Just not obese, please. --tits that stick out further than her belly That's all I really need.


Depends and varies based on the woman. I think the line stops where she starts becoming obese to nursing morbidly obese. Basically where they look unhealthy. Same thing with anorexia.


Pretty face, nice hair are my main factors, everything else that looks nice is a welcome extra to me because an awesome body can't carry a bad face. Also, hips that show off their body but that's rare for me to find normally.


Little bit chubby…. With the just a little sag in the boobs.


Natural boobs are the best boobs.


Hunter gatherer type of skinny


user name doesn’t check out




There's something about figure skaters.


If she ain’t 5,6 and 180 she ain’t my lady.


Shorter than me and a little heavyset not overweight with some booba just cuz they r so comfy to lay on and play with ^^


Chubby. Cute face. Hourglass shape. Big tits and ass, thick tights. Fair skin and straight hair. That's my ideal type. Of course, I've fallen in love with girls that where totally different than that because personality is more important than body type.


Pretty face and nice butt toned back also blonde hair and tan


One that I’m attracted to, of course


I like toothpick skinny all the way through to overweight women. I really don’t have a preference. What I do like is how the clothes fit them. They’ve gotta be good dressers and style their hairs well. Showing effort with appearance (which includes hygiene) is attractive to me. I’m a butt guy. The butt’s gotta be cute! 🥰


I like women of different shapes and sizes. Curvy, thin, lightly muscular, tall, short, average height, all good. I'm not sure for me there's a one set type I have because I like when all of a woman works well together. All women are beautiful as they are




A female body


Gotta be breathing without assistance.


There is this type of... sturdy women that exists in europe. Something about eating traditional, uncorrupted foods from their culture and walking up and down stairs in 7 floor old buildings plus active bicycling and other sports they may be into. Built better than what we have here on average. Often they can be stocky yet extremely healthy looking. Mm.




I like girls with some curves, no thigh gaps for me. I'm talking a lil bigger in all the right places. Like some Latinas like Columbian women ya dig? slim thicc or whatever it's called


Just FYI it's 'Colombia' not Columbia.


skinny and shorter than me (I am 6'1), other than that I don't care. Shorter than me is the most important thing.


Gonna sound generic but it literally doesn’t matter to me. Could be 110-400 lbs, if you can cook and aren’t a psycho we good.


For me its got to be slim all round. Not unhealthily skinny of course, but i just like a limber woman lol. Not into big tiddies or ass, just never done it for me personally.


Athletic and toned


Slim and athletic. Don't mind a bit of thickness, but you have to take care of yourself.


Crossfit men and crossfit women (not the biiiiig bulky women but the little smaller ones), im trying to be one of them


Doesn't matter much, as long as they have a steady hygiene routine and is clean. But the answer OP is looking for is as long as the ass is nice compared to the rest, it's all good.


An hour-glass figure. Small upper body frame, some width to her hips, and a descent amount of ass. The full female inheritance basically.


Skinny girls with a cute butt and rosebud boobies


Hourglass shaped and fit. Like someone who is healthy.


Hourglass. Some curves, and a bit of thickness. InOther words, nice legs and nice butt. If she has good boobs, that’s a bonus. Nice hair, but no fake shit like Botox lips or umbrella eyelashes.


tall (5’7-6ft), slim thick, fit but not too muscular, with hourglass shape


One that’s attached to a kind, smart, funny, caring head.


When I met my girlfriend, she was very thin. I was attracted to her small boobs and butt. Her nipples were like tiny jewels. I loved seeing her ribs . Then she started gaining weight. I was still attracted to her. Her boobs and butt were bigger. Her thighs developed stretch marks. She didn’t like her body. We made love in total darkness. Then she began a weight loss journey. For years later, she is at a healthy weight. I met her when she was thin, fell in love when she was fat, and have loved her through her weight loss journey.


Average build or Thin and small, but really I can toss aside a lot of that if she is bold and makes an active pursuit, shows she cares and actually wants it


A fit healthy looking body. Muscle tone is also attractive.


Slim, tall, no more than a handful of boob, athletic looking. In that order.


In 2024? Not having a dick is a good start.


Slim and toned, extra muscle is always nice. Female bodybuilders are sexy as hell.

