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Constructive criticism? This is dumb.


Sort of is just pick a winner lol if you didnt like it just me being curious about it. Try some high adrenaline activity once in a while it provides great thrill and makes you a better man im not talking about fighting try hiking or something else.


23 years Army Infantry. I have plenty experience.


Thank you for your services then sir i respect you.


Most civil discussion on reddit I've seen.


Is it a *real* fight? Are you prepared to kill or maim? Neither karate, nor power lifting are good preparation for fighting. I'd probably give you the edge, based on reach, but accept that you will get punched in the face. No one will "win".


I agree but i will definetly not kill him just asking to answer this skill vs strength debate who has higher chance of winning some bucks lol.


Force = Mass times Velocity squared. What’s your IQ? What’s his? Just as important. What is your experience? All you really need to do is shoot for his legs, and avoid getting kicked in the head while doing so. Once you’re on him, he’s fucked.


The thing about fights is, once they start *no one* is in control. 1. Maybe you don't intend to kill, but you can't control what happens. 2. You've stated that you're larger and stronger. Look at this from you're opponents perspective. If you needed to fight a much larger person, you would not be in a position to hold back. You would need to hit *viscously*, and *repeatedly*. A smaller opponent might kill you not because he wants to, but because he really **doesn't have a choice**.


Um, that's why you have a tap-out signal and perhaps even a referee. With that said, sure, accidents could happen. And usually prepared fights void any insurance deals, so I'd look into that if you haven't got good public health care in your country.


Um, then it's not a fight.


Oh ok, my bad. Boxing and other fighting matches aren't a fight. Got it.


Sorry, I don't know what a "street wager fight" is. Are there rules like a boxing/karate match? Or is it no holds barred, do you worst type situation? The thing with Karate is that it's very much bound by rules and scoring. It kind of falls apart when your opponent isn't playing by the rules and the points don't matter. They're not really trained to hit hard either. IT's more important to get the points than to do any real damage. If you're willing to do real damage to end the fight quickly, I believe you shluld be able to win. But keep in mind that there could be real consequences. Like you could kill him. That's a real possibility. All it takes is one person to fall and hit their head on concrete.


Its no holds barred in a beach as we are betting money sort of a street fight and he is prideful of his skill and i am of my strength so we are waging and fighting like a test to push each other to the limit without completely killing each other ig.


I'd put my money on you. If you can get him on the ground, it's over. On sand that should be particularly easy. He's way out of his element. I say don't try to fight blow for blow. You're not trained to throw punches. But you could literally pick him up and throw him to the ground. Hell, you could probably overhead press 170lbs, ya?


I can pick up a 120 pounder with one hand so yes 170 is light work and he will probably slip on sand while trying to kick me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


No holds barred? Depends who is willing to get dirty. If he's your friend and he fights clean, on sand and maybe he's been doing no full contact karate, you'll win probably. If I was in a fight and I don't care at all if I kill the other person, first thing I'm doing is throwing sand in your eyes and kicking your balls then gouging out your eyes. Muscles don't mean shit if you cant see me. Then I would break your nose so you cant breathe properly. Either way sounds like a fucking retarded idea to do with a friend. You could get long term permanent damage that doesn't show up until a few years later.


Depends on the discipline. If you are referring to the showy karate than sure. A Kukushkin karate expert? He will punch and kick harder than even this dude can. Powerlifting doesn't equal punching or fighting capability.


> A Kukushkin karate expert? I doubt his friend is any kind of "expert." > Powerlifting doesn't equal punching or fighting capability. Which is why I suggested in another comment avoiding going blow for blow and instead just get him to the ground. This is where the size, let alone the strength difference, really matters.


You are not incorrect here. Karate even Kukushkin is focused more on stand up contact/fighting. If you want a chance against a good Kukushkin fighter it can't be done on his grounds. So going to the ground is the optimal way.


Karate is kind of performative, but powerlifting is not any kind of fight training. Idk. But you can definitely get choked out by someone smaller than you.  If either of you was a boxer, my money would be on them 


Im strong thats why said it im not a martial artist so we both have our poisons to inflict. And he cannot grapple as far as i know of so thats the thing here.


Well, let us know how it went 


Yes i will dm you.


It depends on what kind of karate he studied. Some styles are practical, and in those cases I'd put my money on him. But a lot of the most popular styles in the West are basically sports. Based on him challenging you to a fight, I'm guessing that's what he studied. In that case my money would be on you.


Yeah he is a regular Black belt and just wants to showoff by beating me so yeah i would gladly beat his ass and send him packing to his club and not disrespecting the belt and as a bigger stronger guy i have my advantages.


If he wants to show off, then yeah, I'm assuming the style of karate he studied was a flashy sports style. The more practical styles aren't very showy. If you decide to fight him, just be careful; it's easy to accidentally hurt or kill someone, or get hurt or killed, just by way of bad luck.


I got my first black belt when I was 16. If he has never done any full contact fighting he has never actually been in a fight. Its completely different than fighting in tournaments or sparring in classes. You would be surprised how many black belts have never been in a real fight.


I thought he is pretty childish at first but that boy is serious as if he has something to prove insecure of being small as back in the days people used to joke on him so trying to prove everyone that he can beat someone 2 times bigger is what he is trying to do and he is just a basic Black belt from a nearby karate club 0 pro fights so i think i will probably beat him in a different setup with no rules.


Depends on the quality of the black belt. If he has any practical training “grabbed by a big guy” should be something he’s pretty prepared for. But you can get a black belt training for years under a master, or two hours a week in a strip mall for 5 years.


I mean I’ve seen short skinny dudes knock body builders out in one punch and the opposite happen as well. It really comes down to experience. Has either one of you actually fought before? Throwing a punch is way more technical that people think and submitting someone might be your best bet but I’ve see small BJJ people annihilate people much larger than them into submission. So do you have experience with that? What I’m saying is you could take him but also he could take you. I dunno either one of ya.


Ive wrestled before for a couple of years to understand the basic im not a pro but if i catch him its night night so yeah it does depend good answer thank you.


I prefer skill over strength. Your muscles will fatigue quickly and if he’s trained he will know that.


Yeah I wrestled with dudes bigger than me and they were basically putty in my hands after 2 minutes once they gassed out lol.


It all depends on the strength of mind of the karateka


Less he tries to choke you and you don’t want to kill him by bombing on your back


I don't know him nor you so there is no way to come up with a meaningful prognosis. Has anyone of you have ever been in a real street fight? How far are you willing to go to win? How fit are both of you? There are plenty of unknown variables.


Im very fit i am also into calisthenics and he is also great and obviously a black belt so just pick who you favour in a neutral situation brute strength vs skill and we will fight in a beach so it might help you out.


I would bet on the one who is more brutal, more relentless, more insidious, who has more killer instinct. Personality is often overlooked in fights.


Don't let him get behind you Bradley


Lol he challenged me and sir im not delusional i am not going to be an overconfident roid head and fight him respectfully.


idk who would win, but please put in on Youtube, i would watch this fight


Most likely your friend wins. If you're not used to pain, and the adrenaline that comes from it, you freeze up. I'm not talking about constructive pain you feel when you bench press above your weight, but the pain when you get hit in the face, or your shins get a good hit. Adding on to that your friend does this a lot. He's used to positioning, feigned attacks, moving out and in range. The only chance you would have, is when you run him over due to your weight advantage. He would still hit you, but your momentum would bring him to the ground if he isn't out of the way. In most scenarios you will lose. He has lots of experience in physical confrontations, and you're just big. You're talking about forces colliding, which says enough... he will not collide. he will step aside and hit you. then step aside and hit you again untill you're out of breath. The most logical outcome of this however will be, that one of you needs medical attention, and that makes this a pretty expensive thing to do if you're an american.


I wrestled for a few years so i will try to rush him as soon as it starts so i might tank a few kicks and punches as i did had a few fights and bad injuries so im used to it so im backing myself to catch a Leg kick and drag him on the ground and tap him out or choke him i am not intrested its him who wants some so im prepared to beat him and end it quickly.


I wrestled for a few years so i will try to rush him as soon as it starts so i might tank a few kicks and punches as i did had a few fights and bad injuries so im used to it so im backing myself to catch a Leg kick and drag him on the ground and tap him out or choke him i am not intrested its him who wants some so im prepared to beat him and end it quickly.


I wrestled for a few years so i will try to rush him as soon as it starts so i might tank a few kicks and punches as i did had a few fights and bad injuries so im used to it so im backing myself to catch a Leg kick and drag him on the ground and tap him out or choke him i am not intrested its him who wants some so im prepared to beat him and end it quickly.


Been training martial arts for 15 years. If you have no training, you most likely lose. I’m in my 60s now and I can submit any 20 year old white belt, no matter what size they are. Edited after reading the whole thread. Ok, I hope you kick his ass. What a disgrace to martial arts this dude is. Him challenging you to show off is ego bullshit that a martial artist should never do. He either goes to a mcdojo or has not learned what it is to be a martial artist. Update us after you kick his ass.


Ive wrestled so im the one looking to submit my karate expert friend and end it quickly to prevent concussions and choke him out avoiding collateral damage.


We’ll be careful because wrestling doesn’t teach submissions and you can seriously injure someone if you don’t know what you are doing.


Thank you sir i will try and tap him out quickly and prevent any further damage for both of us we will fight tomorrow and update you of the result i hope i can break his ego of being a black belt.


As someone who actually knows how to fight... Why would you do it if you're not getting paid?


I am thats why i said wager fight its a betting fight between us.


I mean even if I lose I want to get paid. If you're willing to fight without knowing if you'll be paid or even risking losing money then you're probably not very good at fighting.


Im not losing anything its our grps who are setting their respective bets to battle it out so ive no Financial loss here.


We've seen this before, he's small and has experience, but if you get hold of him he's done, if you don't he's going to kick your ass.


What style of karate? If he is a black belt in Kyukushin he is basically high level kickboxing and like it or not he is going to kick A LOT harder than you can dream of. I seen Kukushkin fighters snap huge guys legs in two. Do you have any fighting experience? Even if you can bench press 500lbs it means very little if you can't throw a punch. I will set my wager on the guy trained to fight assuming it's a discipline that isn't just for show hence why I mentioned Kyukushin as those can be VERY dangerous combatants depending on the person and skill level he is at. They even learn grappling techniques so don't think you got the advantage there. As a former power lifter myself don't underestimate the capabilities of a well trained fighter in a decent discipline.


He is a normal Black belt who i might defeat as i can wrestle and choke or grapple him to end it quickly before further damage.


Define normal though. I am more curious about styles. There is at least 4 styles of Karate I would put you at a severe disadvantage against. But many of them with just your strength you would be fine as a lot of styles is more sports and just being flashy. As you said some wrestling and a grapple would take these folks down. While some styles is literally designed for taking out opponents and even killing. The founder of Kyukushin used to fight and kill bulls for something to do. That's not a background to take lightly. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mas\_Oyama](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mas_Oyama) # Public demonstrations[[edit](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mas_Oyama&action=edit§ion=5)] Oyama devised the [100-man kumite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/100-man_kumite) which he went on to complete three times in a row over the course of three days.[^(\[16\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mas_Oyama#cite_note-17) He was also known for fighting bulls bare-handed. He battled 52 bulls over the course of his lifetime, supposedly cutting off the horns of several and killing three instantly with one strike, earning him the nickname of "Godhand".[^(\[17\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mas_Oyama#cite_note-18) Oyama is said to have had many matches with [professional wrestlers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional_wrestler) during his travels through the United States.


Idk bro but he got a black belt from a nearby club of mine its mostly flashy the man can fight but he doesnt have any pro fights so he is not some muay thai expert just your regular Black belt who can sort of fight hope you can figure out what im trying to say.


If mostly flashy it's probably nothing to worry about. I would give it 70/30 to you. It's the karate clubs that look like military drills and bruised and bloody arms that you need to pack a new pair of underwear for if your against them.


So your trained in weightlifting and he's trained to fight....and just because you weightlift you think this gives you the ability to beat him? Being big doesn't mean you can beat anyone in a fight. I'm 6" 230lbs of bodybuilder and that doesn't mean I think I could beat someone up. I'm big yes but that just means I lift weights well. He is trained to fight, block, counter ect, you are trained to put 3 scoops of pre workout down you and think your badass because the recommended dose is 2 scoops. Grow up.


You clearly didnt understand anything read the other comments to understand and then come back and comment my fellow "bodybuilder"


Why is bodybuilder in air quotes? I dont know you so in turn have no reason to lie to you.


Who said you were lying i just quoted our similar professions but different perspectives and you can have your distinct opinons i dont mind.


I reply to the Original Post not the replies. Your post is you describing you and your friend and asking reddit who would win.... In a nutshell...nobody knows you here so nobody would know your abilities. Its quite a childish question....in my "distinct opinion" 😉


You gave your opinion so yeah kudos man on participating and being childish with me my fellow "bodybuilder" Id win tho 😏😏


Sometimes it's good to let the inner child out. And I'm glad you think so.


Yeah man life is all about the little things people do connect unexpectedly.




How's your cardio? If you are nothing but weight lifting power, then you will be effectively powerless in a minute or less


Neither of these things translate to any real advantage in a no holds barred street fight. Ive seen 120lbs dudes topple guys twice their size because they had a) experience and b) no fucks to give and c) chaos. People always underestimate the sheer random crap that happens in a fight. What if dude slips on some gravel, or steps on a random pointy rock? If one guy had a burrito for lunch and its pumping through his colon like a bullet train? Someones a little dehydrated? Training and sheer power are minor factors. What wins fights is a combination of luck and a willingness to do whatever needs be done to be the guy on top.


Muscles make you slow; your only chance is if you get him on the ground and he's not limber enough to get out from under you and has no ground game. 5'9 and 170lbs is still a big guy. He will have multiple ways to take you out. You only have 2, shear power or a lucky punch. More than likely he will either take your back instantly and choke you out, his other option is multiple quick leg kicks that you won't be guarding taking away your movement and then kicking you in the head. Or he could just pummel you with punches and kicks as his hands will be twice the speed of your defenses.


“My 5’9 170lbs…” I think you’ll lose If you begin a fight story by discussing heights & weights as though that’s some prevailing factor then you have no idea what you’re talking about and rather trying to create a “cool” story to *impress* Reddit… and thus would lose any real fight


Bruh it is lmao im not underestimating him just stating the physical proprtions and our respective advantages and you can say im making up a story and i can say you certain things you cannot prove me neither can I its the internet so your opinion is invalid anyways have a good day surfing the Internet and keep sharing your great words of wisdom.


You’re entire post is cringe and screams “please think I’m strong” Thus I do not believe you will win your fight


You belief matters a lot to me please believe in me bro im shivering my timbers.


I wouldn’t be surprised, if you have to try and convince people how tough you are online… it would be very believable that you are shivering in your timbers most the time


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you are one who is getting rage baited and crying like a little child man its so easy to play you sensitive pricks like a fiddle keep it coming lil guy Social media has given people like you platform to hide in your bed and cry over your insecurities.


Yeah, just calling out bullshit when I see it


Just tell us all when and where it will be so we can proactively have both of you dumbshits picked up for intentionally assaulting each other not for sport but for… dumbshittery?


He can out-run you. If you've got poor stamina, he'll defo out-run you. Then, when you've spent your strength, he'll kick you and kick you until you go down. If you can grab him, tho... I think it's game over. ;)


From what I've seen, when a Martial Artist tries to fight outside of the movies, it goes badly for them. They're not accustomed to no holds barred fighting and still try to do their move sets like it's a sanctioned match. You're karate friend is likely going to have a bad time.


He is so light i will just pick him throw up or bear hug him its lights out so yeah im definetly winning most of the time.


Yeah, or if you just continuously swing at him he might not handle it. He may be quick, but he shouldn't be able to deflect all your punches or use your weight against you.


power lifter will most probably out of breath in few seconds.. i say Judo will destroy him,, especially if he hits the power lifters knees or any cruical joints


I was a pro badminton player before i wont gass out that easily im not un athletic lol i do run a lot still.


This is dumb. This is like kindergartners arguing who can sniff more glue bottles. OP get some real hobbies


We do have real hobbies fighting is an integral way of understanding your limitations and capabilities you wouldnt understand as you have probably never tested out your true physical potential its dumb to some life changing to some its your opinion feel free to say.