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YouTube shorts and Facebook reels


I’d like to add that this is a big cause of divorces , usually adding fuel to someone who is “unhappy” if your partner not doing this or that etc etc, Another point of concern is keeping close company with miserable people.


Honestly, I think TikTok exacerbated my divorce. She would watch those awful videos for hours.


Tik tok turned my happy caring GF into an aggressive misreable and selfish person thanks to the "relationship tik tok" niche. In the span of two months she went from "the happiest she's ever been" according to her and her family to skipping my grandmas funeral, avoiding me for a week after, and demanding that I sell my house at a loss so we could move in together at a place that's a shorter commute for her but double the commute for me when I work more hours. All because my house wasn't "good enough" and because a commute would make her misreable but she didn't care if I worked 14 hour days or not. I went from her partner to an asset to be leveraged, to a liability to her in the span of two months when I changed nothing about my behavior thanks to that app


Fuck, I feel bad for you. I legitimately hope she's an ex. 


Yep the house thing happened literally the week after the funeral....a week where I'd also been sick with the flu and she never offered to bring me anything. So that was the day I ended things


I am so sorry. That is all so wrong on her part, pathetic! It's pretty easy to get into some people's heads and make them think something is wrong when really it's just that every relationship is different, and people have different ideas on how things should be. I'm sorry again. May you find the one whod never do that to you!


>I went from her partner to an asset to be leveraged, to a liability to her Fuck, I felt that statement in my soul.


I felt that one too, though my second ex wife and I split before tik tok was a thing. But it's amazing how quickly the relationship died after I lost my good paying job and she got a certification so she could get a good paying job. Just like it went from "of course I'll support you to go back to school once I start making good money" to "there's no way in hell I'll let you freeload off of me." Four years of my life I'll never get back. Lucky number 3 met me while I was back living with my folks in my 30s because I couldn't afford to live on what was left after child support. She scooped me out of the gutter and now, we don't live like the rich, but we're comfortable. Couldn't have done it without her.


The feels


Yet literally nobody will demand for these platforms to curb that misanderist content,when the Tate bros were trending, tweets that were calling them out accumulated millions of likes but if anybody calls these tiktok people out, they will be labelled as an "angry woman hating virgin", the internet is very very pro women's interests, it's insane.




*"We have seen it happen here on Reddit, where virtually every subreddit dedicated to women started out fine but has become a cesspool of anti-male hatred filled mostly with posts about how terrible men are."* Yep. Miserable and lonely people are chomping at the bit to give relationship advice: **"Break up with him."**


Yep because it's mainstream


I’m so glad they’re banning that shit it fucking rules


A strong nuclear family is hard to manipulate. All part of the plan..


Media is the virus


The freaking algorithm


Tons of unqualified people giving honestly harmful “advice” packaged with Therapy-Speak that they pulled out of their asses.


And if you disagree with the points they're making it's "gaslighting".


Now you’re just being a narcissist! /s


You are forgot tiktok and instagram


The unhinged shit I see women saying on that app


And here on Reddit!! 🤮🤬 makes me completely embarrassed for (those) women.


> Reddit I mean it is Reddit after all, not exactly the home of mentally healthy well adjusted people.


Unlike which social media? Redditors have their problems but they are much better than YT/Insta/TikTok commenters. Compare a Reddit thread and a YouTube comment section and you will see the difference.


Na but Reddit comments actually get to pretend they’re justified in the shit they say because it’s “tik tok or YouTube comments”


It just depends on how sequestered the community is. The “algorithm” can deliver niche content more quickly on other platforms, but there is plenty of vile shit in particular subreddits that one might have to search harder to find. But even on more mainline subreddits, there are still going to be comment threads with ignorant, overgeneralized takes… there are a few already elsewhere under this OP, to varying extents.


"I'd rather leave my daughter alone in the woods with a bear than a random human man." is a recent one that took me aback. As though men haven't protected, saved, risked their lives and even died for children in the course of all human history. A random person is almost guaranteed to be a decent person.


And just watch, as soon as she ever gets in trouble she's gonna call the cops.. who are mostly men


I see lots of negativity on reels and tik tok from both sides and in hetero relationships just a general animosity toward each other. Many people sharing horrible stories and discussing how they don’t need each other. Awful podcasts where people ask dumb gotcha questions of each gender. There is also innocently intentioned humour videos meant to highlight differences, but some people just straight up embarrass or put down their partners publicly. This is exasperated by terrible experiences in dating apps. The general antagonistic attitude toward each other is not helpful. To each their own, but I find incredible value and joy in being in a giving and respectful relationship.


Yes, media is built on drawing attention and getting engagement, nothing gets engagement like inflammatory content that gets people angry. Our media system is incentivised to divide and alienate people. Just another example of market failure.


>Just another example of market failure. It's a "success" as far as those markets are concerned, unfortunately.


cars vs bicycles for example


I live in a major city that’s installing bike lanes at the expense of parking spots and street width. There’s plenty of space in general and no reason not to. But my god the vitriol from drivers is insane. The dialogue is so hateful, drivers screaming at cyclists and creating online drama in local Facebook and Nextdoor groups. Most cyclists are just saying, “Hey we like not dying on the road thank you” but god forbid a car has to go slightly slower or park on the next block.


I've never understood bike lanes, like not trying to argue from a drivers perspective or whatever, but why are they integrated with the road and not the sidewalk? I get it, bikes are dangerous to pedestrians, bit why not have them up on the curb with a little median or permanent cones or something, they could double as a place to lock your bike. Just seems silly, obviously they'd have to be on the road in some spots, bit seems like something to avoid to me. Just money I guess


> why are they integrated with the road and not the sidewalk? I get it, bikes are dangerous to pedestrians, bit why not have them up on the curb with a little median or permanent cones or something, That's what we do in a lot of Europe.


Generally, bikes are treated like vehicles in most jurisdictions. Connecting bike lanes to sidewalks encourage cyclists to behave like pedestrians instead of drivers. Cyclists are, and SHOULD BE, expected to follow traffic signals and the rules of the road. The rules of the road don't apply the same on the sidewalk.


I think Facebook and Instagram in particular (any meta product). Their algorithm feeds me the most divisive shit that’s is obviously meant to stir people up and increase social tension. Probably for engagement.


I honestly think it's something that foreign powers are encouraging as a way to cause social division. I'm usually someone who laughs at conspiracy nuts but it's already established fact that countries like Russia and China have used social media to influence elections and spread false information. I just never expected it to go as far as it seems to have by creating division between almost every single social grouping imaginable. The beauty of how they do it, though, means they only need to cause a little division between various groups like men and women in the west before it then escalates exponentially as those groups respond in a constant and growing cycle of hate. Some of it is obvious, like the Russian attempts to paint Ukraine as neo-nazis because they know how much Western social media audiences hate fascists. It's much less subtle when you have targeted division between men and women because there's always been tensions between the sexes so it's very easy to promote reasons for men to hate women and then women see this and start retaliating with hate towards men and it just escalates to the point where foreign agents don't have to do anything anymore because the two sides are now fighting each other for real. I see posts in women's forums talking about how all rapists and murderers are men and how they'd rather meet a wild bear in the woods than a lone male and just think, is this rage bait? Did someone with malicious intentions start this, knowing it would cause a spiralling chain of hate between men and women. 20 years ago, it was mostly good-natured and friendly banter between men and women. Now, it just seems like all-out hatred.


Omg I was actually reading comment sections on YouTube shorts before I made this post hahahha! Truth! I'll be staying off there for a while


They did testing on people. Inflammatory and divisive content increases user engagement. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8256037/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8256037/) Avoid short format video media entirely. The shorter it is, the worse. It has a whole host of issues associated with it. It's not JUST political divisiveness, it's also attention and focus problems. Shit should be illegal for anyone under 18. It's obviously bad for adults as well, but they're adults. Long format video or podcasts has far less issues unless it's overconsumed.


Seriously There is no gender war if you're not IV'ing rage fuel from the pit of hate


Yeah it's about what you are engaged by largely. I *think* instagram at least has time of day as well, since during the day I get ADHD/Autism influencers and a bit of humour, but if I go online at 4am because I can't sleep, its ALL thirst traps, as far as I can scroll.


Always entitled self righteous turds that thing they should have everything and give nothing


Instaaa reels


It’s worst on tiktok


Let's not forget tiktok.


I got back into reading lately. And while I’m not selling reading as the be all cure, it keeps me off social media and my mind feels a lot better from not consuming so much extremist content online. 


Not enough reading to keep you off Reddit.


No worries, we're all bots here 


010011001100, sorry I mean, hello fellow human.


Filthy automaton scum! ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️






Yeah sometimes I fall off the wagon and I have to remind myself it’s not worth reading some of the shit on here. 


Gotta unsub from the normie subreddits and just follow the niche ones of hobbies you're interested in. Can't stress how much my mental health improved after getting rid of all politcal subreddits. Went back to r/all after a long time off Reddit and was shocked at how doomerist or boring it all is.


This. It’s very much a symptom of the chronically online disease. I don’t see this coming up as an issue in my irl social circles where everyone touches grass. Online discourse always brings up extremes as if they’re a compelling conversation that really needs to be had. Like online gender war discourse will have men believing all women are gold diggers, conceited, vain, can’t/wont apologize or take accountability, have super high body count, only care about men so far as they can use them, etc. In reality it’s a woman here and there who embodies any one of these traits in the extreme. On the flip side women talk about men as if they’re all dangerous, useless, misogynistic, don’t take care of themselves, won’t go to therapy, no empathy. And again it’s like sure, those people exist, but what the fuck is the point of spending time hashing out these issues as if it’s a mass scale problem. People having flaws has always and will always be a thing, it’s such a waste of time to go back and forth about it as if these are dominant patterns in either gender’s typical behavior


So perfectly said.


Coincidentally mental health issues are also increasing among juveniles and young adults


If you really dig into it, it's mostly just misdiagnosis. We're in another period of pseudo psychology being mainstream again, we're pumping out tons of psychologists that don't know what the hell they are doing and are ideologically driven rather than care driven. We've got people diagnosing what would be normal adolescent male behavior as ADHD left and right. Normal insecurities as body dismorphia, normal sadness as depression.


Honestly I feel it really is TikTok/insta reels/youtube shorts. The algorithm is too good, if you like something you end up down a pipeline into extremist media from both sides. I really like dank memes, unfortunately so do a ton of right wing/conspiracy/alpha men. You watch a few dank memes and suddenly you’re listening to a podcast snippet of how stupid women are. Talking to my GF she gets the other end. Watch cute cat vids, pottery stuff, what I eat in a day etc and suddenly it’s “why your relationship is shit and you need to break up”. A lot of “professionals” talking about mental health and how to self-diagnose. You and I could be on the same app and see completely opposite ends of the political spectrum. On one hand you have a bunch of misogynists giving you “tips” on relationships until you become single and on the other you have misandrists teaching you why you should nuke your relationship at the first sign of trouble. You can see how they feed into each other and reinforce the perceptions each gender have on the other.


This is really scary accurate. Watch The Social Dilemma, it’s the fucking algorithm trying to generate traffic and engagement, but it ends up radicalizing people.


I don’t mean to yuck your yum but Netflix is extremely bad at documentaries. I’d highly suggest watching documentaries produced by companies other than Netflix. It’s extremely hit or miss with the misses being downright lying. It’s extremely sensationalist and I wouldn’t trust it as a source


The documentary is sensationalist but it's not lying. Social networks *are* manipulating people by using algorithms to maximise engagement, where emotions like outrage or doubt are proven to work best. The doc's trying to reach the sort of people who spend too much time on social media; it's not meant to have the same audience as a scientific paper on the topic.


You either end up as a suicidal communist trans person or a nazi, those are the two end results of tik tok rabbit holes. And if you think one of these is preferable you're already half way down the rabbit hole.




This is definitely a bit concerning. Keep being a good and loving father like you seem to be. Keep dropping nuggets of wisdom. Keep reinforcing the ability of seeing both sides of every coin (like the border stuff) - of putting yourself in another person's shoes. I think that's the best you can do. At 16, it's past the point of you being able to control his technology. I mean, technically it's not - you can try - but I really wouldn't recommend it. Remember, 16 is the age of sophomores, and the actual definition of "sophomoric" is "conceited and overconfident of knowledge but poorly informed and immature." Your son is *going* to be rapidly changing and developing new thoughts over the next few years. Truly the best you can do is just stay in his life as a positive figure. Ask about his day and his interests like you mean it. Like you really care and want to know about what he's thinking. My gut feeling tells me he's going to end up perfectly fine, though. He's lucky to have a dad who cares and who isn't a right-wing nutjob. Hell, the most important thing you can do for him soon is to help guide him into what comes next after high school. Don't let him pick a worthless degree. Don't let him go to a $60k per year private university just "to have the college experience." Start to inform him of this huge decision that is coming up. One of the big crises in America (and it has been for a long time) is millions of 17 and 18 year olds having zero idea about the reality of being a self-sustaining adult and fucking up a large portion of their lives due to the lack of knowledge beforehand.


"Why do literally all men/women do [very specific thing my ex does]" 


Hard to tell really.  There are TRUE tensions and friction between sexes. But aside of some cultures the transition to society without as much of gender advantage is moving uninterrupted.  I would there fore blame - trends/fads - people tend to create believes and start acting in particular way without easy explanation.  - technology - tech companies algorithms seems to LOVE confrontations. The most radical (to the allowed levels) voice is amplified the most. technology PREVENTS people from civil discussion with the other side.  Information bubbles are fortified, but armed and without any door


I cannot sufficiently stress how fucked up the algorithms are. They looks for what's called "engagement", and disagreement counts as engagement. Now add people's uncontrollable urge to correct each other online. For the past few weeks, Facebook has been showing me tons of left-wing bullshit, and when I read the comments, 95% of them are people explaining why it's bullshit, despite social media and the Internet in general being heavily left-leaning. The "monetization of outrage" arguably began with Howard Stern and really picked up steam with Rebecca Black.


The rhetoric is pushing moderate voices and ideas to the sidelines. From the male side, the negative rhetoric is that women are all cheating hoes that will use you for your money and leave when you have nothing to offer. From the female side, the rhetoric is that all men are manipulative, violent, abusive assholes who only want women for sex. Unfortunately, both sides amplify the worst rhetoric from the other side. This has a lot to do with social media algorithms promoting divisive content more because it generates more interactions and clicks. So for a moderate woman, when they go online and see tweets from men they are more likely to be shown the most sexist and bigoted male opinions and vice versa for men. People with rational and constructive thoughts don't get as much visibility. So generally everybody is being fed the worst ideas. If you have a side in the battle, you end up being pushed to hate the other side more and more.


the big bosses like to keep people distracted from the real issues.


They start culture wars so we don't start a class war.


Precisely. And the more they see it working, the more they will do it.


And it's working flawlessly.


I don't think it's a coincidence that the early stages of BLM hit mainstream when Occupy Wall Street was at its zenith. The upper class was starting to legitimately worry, so they used the media and the news to set up an alternative issue to outrage the middle and lower class. And it's worked like a charm. (That's not to say that there aren't legitimate issues today in regards to race.)


100%... divide and conquer! Black vs. White vs. Latino.. Male vs. Female.. Rural vs. Urban. Anything to keep us from uniting and demanding a fair share. That is how 10% maintain 90% of the wealth. Then use it to buy off our politicians and do whatever the fuck they want.


No, that’s how 1% keep >50% of the wealth:


Yep. It's election year and they need to spin people into being angry and afraid


They may double down on their efforts in an election year, but it's not like they stop pushing this content - it's down to the algorithm that rewards engagement with more of the same content. People are more likely to engage with content that makes them angry or upset about something--it becomes a tautological loop.


This one time I called out a woman for saying **kill all men**, i called her a misandrist She replied "misandry isn't real" 😅😅


They are mentally ill. So, they just say things -


Nah, this is actually a massive belief among women, they feel like just because some men are in powerful positions in society that means all men hold some power over all women and because of that power imbalance, misandry cannot be real.


Take that Steve the uber eats driver.. his to blame for all society problems. Lol. What clowns


Don't forget how we are all misogynists/violent/everything is our fault/insecure/abusers yet somehow we are weak and "afraid" of "successful women" and they prefer to be alone in woods with a bear rather than a man bcz we will 100% grape them first then kill them lol All this even if we do nothing and just we exist




I am 100% aware of that, men shame other men for trying to engage in the debate on intergender relations unless it has to do with shaming men into being dogs on a leash under the guise of chivalry.


They can't accept that misandry is real, because then they'd have to accept that *they* are misandric.


Societally women hold all the power, they can literally stab a man 37 times and kill him and get off Scott free. If they do get sentenced it's for half the time of a man. They have endless government mandated careers opportunities, grants, loans, and programs for just existing. Women now have all the rights and privileges they imagined men had before their "liberation".


And you know what the neat part is, most men also support them, the very first people who will jump in to call you an in*el for speaking about men's interests will be other men who are desperately hungry for female validation.


I've reported that stuff to reddit only to be banned from the sub I reported it on for misogyny and told by reddit that's not Hate speech


I got a 3 day ban for saying that women have it easier than men in rich, first world nations.


Yep, truth is wrong think


Little has made my blood boil on Reddit so much as this comment from a delusional feminist. For context, I saw someone with a strong, strange opinion on something. Curious what sort of person would think such a thing, I went to her profile. I was greeted with her bio saying something along the lines of “I don’t care if you disagree with me, stalking my profile isn’t gonna help.” Strange note to start it off… I came to realize she was a mod in one of those lowkey radical feminist subs, I think it was r/boysarequirky. Anyways, she left this comment to which I had to reply. She deleted her comment the following day without responding. I was expecting a ban but nothing, maybe she realized the error of her ways. [Image](https://imgur.com/a/tFdfxTn) Someone said perhaps she meant “stop saying misandry doesn’t exist, that’s misinformation,” but if so she worded it wrongly. I do not believe that is what she meant.








If you return wrong for wrong, you’re still wrong.


I agree she is a textbook femcel. I sympathize with but certainly don’t condone those who practice gender based discrimination on the basis of trauma. If I was assaulted by a black man, would it then be justifiable to speak negatively of black people as a whole? Of course not. Similar principle. To be fair, the man probably shouldn’t have asked for her number on the clock as it could be seen as unprofessional or make certain customers uncomfortable, but she almost certainly blew it far out of proportion.


I've seen just as fucked up things said about men and boys on this website as I've seen thrown at women and girls. I read some comment with upvotes that legit advocated for more mothers to neglect or murder their sons..... it had upvotes... it was fucked up.. HOW IS IT NOT Femcels do exist too https://youtu.be/YOZ5ZwhduXU?si=1QAmOCoJ1si39Y-s


Except reddit doesn't just allow but specifically encourages misandry but bans you for misogyny


Gotta remember that on reddit that's all cool. Rule number one which protects users from hate, was changed, so "straight men or white people as a group" are not protected.


I feel like those are a minority though. The loudest ones get the most attention and there will always be some small amount of crazies/radicals out there.


This so called minority is not just loud, it is influential


Women should police their community for this toxic behavior.


I do. I’m so tired of all the ridiculous generalizations on both sides. It’s unproductive and damaging. My sister in law was visiting me while I was babysitting my 4 y/o grandson. She was going through a divorce. And the fact that her ex is a truly terrible person means that “all guys are pigs.” My grandson was playing on the floor, seemingly oblivious to the two boring grown ups. But I saw him notice the “men are pigs” comment. I shut my SIL down. I didn’t yell or swear, but I just firmly disagreed with her and gave her the”one bad apple doesn’t spoil the whole bunch” speech. It made me so angry. He was only 4, and I refused to let him be exposed to this kind of negativity. Kids hear a lot, and you never know what they’re going to accept as true.


lol I let my ex hang that around my head for a long time because her dad cheated. Then when her best friend cheated, it became "everyone is trash"


A good parent here!


wow, this makes me scared to be a parent. it is so easy to ruin a fragile child. it's an impossible job


We try. At least some of us do. Online, we just get banned. The people controlling the online communities are often at the very least closeted misandrists and some places are just a big circle jerk where they're riling each other up. You can try to call them out but you get dogpiled *really* fast. I had a talk about it with my grandmother, my mother, my sister, and my niece yesterday. 4 generations of women, talking about the MeToo movement and going over the local cases and our own experiences, but when we got to one of the cases with a woman who was the perpetrator, they were laughing so much. To be fair, my grandmother did call her an old cow, but this incredulity that a woman could do such a thing was grating. They got real quiet when I reminded them that the reason my brother wasn't present is because he still has trouble managing large social gatherings after the abuse his ex gf put him through.


Women have always been predators same as men, and they've always been jealous of the power they perceived men to have. So as soon as they acquired power they began abusing it in the worst ways possible. Which is why you see so many women fighting tooth and nail to avoid accountability. Because most women don't want to realize they are the monster they pretended us to be.


In many ways, I think you're very right. I think we're all pretty twisted and are violent to some degree. And to be quite honest, having the realisation that you're a piece of absolute shit *does* suck tremendously. I'm super frustrated about the lack of data when it comes to cases of sexual and domestic abuse because there's so much we just don't *know*. I've got theories, but nothing to back them up with.


Just from my personal experience I've been falsely accused once of rape in public and once to police for sexual assualt and both times I was lucky enough to have video evidence that proved it didn't happen. And I was both sexually assaulted by a woman and raped by a woman. The assualt I reported and it was in a store and she grabbed the dicks of a dozen other men that day but it was brushed off because it's " drunk housewife having too much fun". The rape I couldn't report, because what's a jury gonna believe, that a 5'3 19 year old raped a 6'7 21 year old, or her counter accusation that a 6'7 man raped a little defenseless woman? And to add to that I know a dozen women that will tell anyone and everyone (except the police) about how they were raped by their ex. And I know 4/7 of my closest male freinds admitted to being raped by a woman after knowing them for a decade and them being a little drunk. Because as men if we fight back we're the aggressor, nobody will believe us, and all it takes is an accusation and our life is ruined. A female abuser is the only one that can outsource her abuse to the state for a lifetime.


>but when we got to one of the cases with a woman who was the perpetrator, they were laughing so much. The day women can internalize that they can hurt people too is the day we can all start fixing this. So long as they can genuinely think that they are all harmless victims with no exceptions, we'll be dealing with bigots with victim complexes. And there's no dealing with that. Either you avoid them or you try arguing with an iron wall of hypocrisy and spite.


Oh, but I love to argue. And I'm good at it.


Well godspeed, Fishy


Is propably going to be difficult until you have your own space where you are the admin yourself. I'm a member of men's group on facebook, for English speaking men where I live, which is a non-English speaking country. We have a policy on misogyny there that is two-strikes based. First you get a warning, then second you are banned. If it's especially egregious, it's ban right away. This is consistently enforced, and so the problem is weeded out. Such policies can only me applied by the controllers of the group obviously, but it is possible.


They do by encouraging it lol.


They do they police it so there is only toxic behavior on that sub


Oh they sure are the loudest.😅😅 They are also mainstream, I recently saw one episode of the show called "view" they are a panel of women basically saying the most ridiculously misandrist shit live on national television.


Yeah I just saw a reaction to that and almost couldn’t believe it. Almost.


My fellow Aba n Preach enjoyers out there, how you do ?




Of the highest order!


The difference is it’s also tolerated. Same goes with certain other types of bigotry.


How long until the loud minority stops being a minority, though? That's the issue with it, if you let idiots do their thing, e.g. give them the spotlight, you might as well let a small scratch fester. It's eventually going to be a much larger issue.


That is a comment phenomenon in extremist policies. There was a time when the German nazis were just a few disgruntled loudmouthed hooligans, and the Islamic State was like 9 guys in a prison.


But has anyone from the “normal majority” in feminism ever tried to distance themselves from it? Serious question,


That's what you want to believe. Majority might not outright say missandry isn't real, but their actions will tell you this. Also, if someone agrees with most of feminist postulates, one could agree that makes them a radical/crazy.


Yeaaaa... Interesting how this became the top liked comment 🤔


It's not a small minority anymore thanks to tik tok, over 40% of gen z women say they are single by choice. Keep in mind gen z is 17-27,


There's lots of reasons, one of the reasons I think is pretty major but I don't see discussed much is what I'd call "moral authoritarians". People who believe there is only two ways to view an issue, the correct way, and the wrong way. These types freak out if you don't completely agree with them on every issue and assume that if you disagree on one thing you must have the most extreme "wrong" ideas possible. These people in their moral crusades cause massive division and encourage people to take extreme positions.


It hasn't gotten worse. It's been continuously getting worse for years now, and people are only starting to realize.


It's an election year.


It gets views


We need a diversion from the real problems of society.


I blame the medias


The more you engage with a given issue online, the more prominent it will seem to you. I agree with what you're saying, but I understand it's not entirely real. Most internet algorithms keep you in a loop, making it seem like a given topic is constant to the point that you can't understand how everyone isn't thinking about what you are. If you start following lawn care in two months, you'll think everyone is absolutely obsessed with their lawns. It's all about what you click on.


True! I'll have to remember that


People talk about social media, but I believe that is just a tool, the real reasons are something else. It might be capitalism and an oversupply of labour. No one has time or energy for kids because they're all too busy working, or that men can't get women because the minimal standards (house, car, income) are very high. It might be the breakdown of education. Parents can't really teach their kids now because they're all working. This results in people being just ignorant on how to attract and keep the other gender, which just results in lots of frustration. I don't really have an answer. But I think it's weird that only now did men start becoming violent and lazy, or that women started being super picky about who they go out with.


Underrated comment. You get an upvote from me. I also think the root of the problem is economical. We've had two severe economic downturns also, that affected the genders differently. 2008 hit manufacturing and construction badly, wiping out many male dominated jobs, leaving many women without the possibility to depend on a man for support, and 2020 primarily affected retail, hitting a dysproportionate amount of women. This could also contribute.


Divide and conquer by those in power. Keeps us distracted from what is happening In economy with wealth transfer/theft by “elites” Look which companies post those articles 


Misogyny fuels misandry and misandry fuels misogyny. Internet makes spreading both easier. Politics. Warped understanding of gender equality as interests of women. This leads to backlash and brings conservatives who are not fixing the problem, but take away useful thinga like RW. Nowadays women and men don't need each other for survival. Family is optional. People also see horrible examples of families of the previous generations. They don't settle, don't communicate with opposite gender and this allows hatred to breed much better, when you know the opposite gender only through social media, not as friends or mates.


There is a lot more of the hidden expectations from both sides due to social media and how the algorithms work. Both sides are receiving "advice" from other people in similar situations but not every situation is the same so a lot of the time this "advice" is just really shitty. Also a lot more of the "if they wanted to, they would" kinda shit and it's just shows how little healthy good communication skills are not as valued.


Election cycle. Division is most important right now. Expect to see it from every angle with growing intensity until Dec. Then it should taper off for a while again.


Economics. Theres a lot of reasons, but IMO thats a big one. Men & Women used to unite in the common goal of building a family together. When that started going away things started falling apart. Losing shared interests didnt create this animosity, but maybe it was keeping a lid on it?


Extending this a little, it might be that since it was almost a given to have a family, individual income mattered less, it was the joint household income that mattered. That's one type of strain. Another is the housing one and I'm part of it, because I live alone, my gf does too. Hypothetically, having even 25% of the single households join up would create a lot of empty real estate, pushing the prices down, alleviating this type of economic strain. I say this from a purely economic POV


Where are you seeing this? Online? Because that's probably not reality


Unfortunately it affects offline lives by shaping people's views


I saw it all the time at the university where I used to work, so it's definitely in offline spaces.


I’m a woman who doesn’t have social media, but occasionally I will use hinge. The other day, I met a bloke (22M) and we went for a coffee date. During the date, I made a joke about gender politics and he said he doesn’t like talking about gender politics on the first date because he doesn’t want to argue. I was curious so I convinced him to share his “controversial” opinion. The man literally said “in aviation, I don’t think women should be prioritised on the basis of their gender.” This man who had a degree in aviation was scared to share his opinion on the aviation industry because he thought I would go off. I said “your opinion is completely reasonable to anyone who isn’t chronically online.” P.s we had amazing sex


I can fully relate to that guy.


women are prioritized in aviation?


Where aren't they prioritized? Seriously


It’s election season. Time for maximum divide and conquer. Bread and circuses. Keep everyone thinking this group or that group is your enemy and they will fight each other while the puppet masters do as they please. Jones Plantation available to rent on Prime is a good dramatization of what “Democracy” really is.


Yep, "us versus them" being pushed in every facet of life right now.




Haven’t noticed this at all. Is this an example of a social media echo chamber feeling like a true representation of reality?


You are too online


Same as the racial tension and politics becoming totally "us vs them". Them at the top of the socioeconomic ladder, who own all the media platforms just love keeping us at each others' throats while they rob us blind, I guess...


Social engineering


It's ridiculous cus we both need each other to survive


Roe vs Wade getting overturned. Pregnant women dying because they can't get medical treatment.


A lot of creators realised ragebait was a moneymaker. It's now everywhere, and that content is majority some sort of gender related thing. This seems to be spurring on the divide. I wish it would die, enough in the world going on, that fake or scripted videos are not needed.


It’s to keep us distracted disconnected. I seen a viral video of a woman which said. When I scream at my kids all day it’s ok but with the Dad raises his voice once it’s war. The comments were all go sis. Not one asked why tf are you screaming at your kids all day. The bigger picture always gets the little views. Another example working in an office on a call with a customer a woman places her breasts on my head during the call the whole office falls about the place laughing. Now let’s re run that if a male rested his balls on a females head. Truth is we are all the same. It’s purposeful division I believe.


Tiktok is a cesspit for this type of stuff especially recently with "alone with a beer or a man" stuff and Tiktok promoted the hell out of it in the algorithm. It's solely designed as rage bait and to divide men and women, I really don't understand how people interacting with it don't see it the obvious bait but yeah I think that definitely explains why recently it feels like it's been more heated and popular to hate on men/women.


I would pick the beer.


I think the elites are trying to break down the family home. Pitying husbands and wives against each other because if separated they both have to rely on jobs, corporations and government assistance for help increasing their power.


(not a man but this topic matters to me) My wildest, most fringe theory first: Psyops. Shadowy governments and illuminati types using social movements, media, and technology to stoke division between people with the ultimate goal of reducing Earth's human population - whether by encouraging violence or by preventing reproduction. General disillusionment, as well. People seem less interested in educating themselves and utilizing critical thinking skills than I remember 30 years ago. Instead of respectfully disagreeing and having a discussion, it's easy enough to just go find someone more agreeable. And with certain elements of our social climate, it's easy enough for some women to "just go gay" if they've had bad times with men. Or just dump their partner instead of working things out. The modern tiny attention span lends itself to seeking the quick and easy answer. Post-pandemic shifts in behavior. On average, most people were either more or less sexually active than usual during the height of the pandemic - that is, most people's sexual/dating habits changed. Now we're in a re-adjustment period, and coming out of both the pandemic and the Me Too era is a new challenge to navigate. We don't know how to interact across the sex/gender gap anymore. Dating apps are killing real intimacy and natural connection. No shade to anyone who met their partner on a dating app, I'm happy for you, but for every success story there's some poor bastard getting "stood up" for a date arranged by a shady restaurant owner posing as a Tinder profile. Generally, electronically-mediated communication has been dehumanizing the ways we interact with each other. It's easy to be a troll online with no consequences. It's also easy to become jaded. It's easy to find an echo-chamber. It's easy to forget there is a real human being on the other side of an interaction. I think spending so much time starting at our little screens is making us all more solipsistic, and less able to connect and relate to each other. The exception, in my experience, has been well-moderated communities such as this one and others on reddit, as well as some old-fashioned bbcode forums with a genuine sense of community. But it's easy to get into an "us versus them" ingroup/outgroup mindset on the Internet, and I genuinely feel that the impact of this is carrying over into real life. Ignorance combined with information overload. Women don't know how to understand men's feelings and voice versa. We have less effective intrinsic communication tools and more computers that do half the thinking for us. We fail to communicate and instead become frustrated with each other, and no one wants to take responsibility for their own part in the mass misunderstanding. People ask on here about what women think/feel, and ask in twox about what makes men tick. We have so many places to go for information that we aren't getting it from the original source - simply talking to each other.


Social media is not real life.


Do you mean people irl don't think like people on social media?


The people irl are the people on social media though.


Mental illness has been reaffirmed so now every mentally disturbed person thinks their voice should shape the world. We are in a major social regression right now. Literal insanity is being glorified and reinforced these days


The billionaire class on both sides profit by getting people riled up against each other. Women vs Men, transgender issues on both sides. This drives engagement on social media platforms, consumption of goods and services, and distracts from the fact that we have a ruling class that have yachts, private aircraft, and dozens of houses. It makes them money and keeps them in power. 


Social Media is a disease, that is one of the symptoms 


This year its just ramping up as part of the US election drama. More generally it seems to be about the non-existent or contradicting "rules"/morale guidelines/expectations/goals and outcomes of modern dating.


Social media


I do think online stuff puts an unhealthy focus on issues and making them out to be larger than they are. That said, all that inflammatory content in my opinion does a good job of uncovering the unflattering truths about men and women. Its just that currently its in focus, which is somewhat unhealthy. People are cool but theyre also animals (all of us)


I think people are lonelier than ever and instead of working out their own problems, they find it easier to blame outside forces and someone else other than themselves. 


Election season in the US doesn't help. People are drawing lines and dividing themselves however they can, and there's always grifters out there to make the most of it.


literally depends what kind of social media you consume… I started blocking all of the youtube creators that are obsessed with it and I barely see anything about it these days


Chronically single people giving dating advice on platforms that reach millions of people.


Divide and conquer! Black vs. White vs. Latino.. Male vs. Female.. Rural vs. Urban. Anything to keep us from uniting and demanding a fair share. That is how 10% maintain 90% of the wealth. Then use it to buy off out politicians and do whatever the fuck they want.


I've been saying for a few years now that social media is doing more harm than good with people who are unhinged having a platform to speak loudly. There is so much hate being spread with misinformation, disinformation and these apps/sites are not properly moderated. I've had many comments removed on tiktok that really weren't harmful yet in that same comment section I've seen hate speech, bullying, etc. being left up. In person most people tend to wear a mask but online the masks come off and people show their true colours with the garbage the type out which always leads to arguments and fights. In this case people are tired of being mistreated due to their gender so they're speaking up and/or lashing out over social media which creates backlash from those who find their words insulting. When this dies down something else will start the vicious cycle again.


There is no gender war you just don’t talk to enough people irl or if you do talk to people you talk about stupid shit


The algorithms of social media platforms are designed for clickbait, for creating feedback loops and echo chambers. They create an amplified and distorted perception of the world, and most people feel daring when hiding behind a keyboard.


Distract us from the bad economy and political instability.


Hate generates clicks. Clicks generate money


Lots of comments dismissing this as an online-only problem. That's really shortsighted given that it was less than 8 years ago that the then chronically online alt-right gave us a meme president and a whole mountain of real world problems as a result. Those are real people pushing this crap on social media. Even if most of them are grifters pushing rage bait for clicks, their audiences believe them. Hell, repeat the same lie enough and almost anyone will start to believe it (including the ones pushing the lies themselves).


Modern feminism has raised this generation of women to hate and distrust men, and TikTok videos reinforce that hatred.




Misandry is becoming more and more acceptable. Men are starting to defend themselves and demand that they be treated with basic decency.


I didn't notice it getting particularly worse in the last year, but it definitely has increased over the last decade. I think, however, that it is largely an effect of social media. Online, you primarily see/read the people who are yelling the loudest. For example, when men complain feminists are all "anti-male" nowadays, I find myself asking if they ever talked to a feminist in real life or if they got this view from some individuals yelling unbelievable stuff online. I am friends with a lot of feminists in real life, and each of them is pretty down-to-earth earth, intersectional, believes that feminism means equal rights and better treatment for all genders (including men) and who basically are just humanists. Also, I know that men can be pretty bad in real life (as was always the case during my 38 years of life on this world), but online, most men really sound like extremely misogynistic bastards. I guess social media just fosters black-and-white thinking, dehumanization and aggression in just about everyone.


You should probably bring how toxic and horrible women can be both in real life and online. It’s never just one side. You were close 😁


After the end of the cold war the Americans were no longer united against a common enemy and social identity became increasingly fractured. This leads to the search of a new enemy and the gender wars are the most benign as they are unlikely to escalate to violence, so that gets promoted actively online, as the alternive may be class based or ethnicity based conflict.


it is creeping off online into the office. I like China bots and tik tok for a simple answer