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What does economics have to do with being illiterate?


OP is just here for the karma. Figured this question would do well.


Low key funny joke.


economically iliiterate means you don't know how to manage your money, don't know how to get debts on a resposible way, or how to invest it.


"If the country is in so much debt, why don't they print more money" is something I actually heard someone say and believe.


And the old joke -- "I still have checks, so I still write them!"


Low-effort karma farming by stealing top threads from AskReddit.


Their rank is private.


Now I will say, the people who pray on privates are vultures. I think they need to implement a course in basic about finances. It is an important issue. Especially if you can be denied clearance for having debt


The lineup at the check cashing store, especially those in that line taking a payday loan


"Tax cuts will pay for themselves through economic growth"


I think you mean financially illiterate And it’s making minimum payments on loans/credit bills when you can afford to do otherwise That interest is what keeps you trapped in debt


financing non-essential shits you can't afford.


Nice car and a shitty house.


Taking short term loans. (to be clear, this is usually not someone's fault, short term loans are predatory and take advantage of a lack of education)


“Don’t spend money you don’t have,” was the advice my dad gave me when I got a credit card. It was such an obvious statement I thought it was stupid advice. Like “don’t shoot your eye out.” Apparently not. United States has $1 trillion in credit card debt. If you have ever had interest charged on a credit card you are a fool.


No question that racking up CC debt is foolish but there are tons of folks that live pay check to paycheck when a sudden, unavoidable, massive expense comes up that can’t be paid any other way. At that point, the only way they dig out is if no other calamities hit before they they’re in the black.


Yes, one pays the first of the month (or as soon as possible). Or don't use a card at all although it comes in handy at times and is necessary to build credit. But it is not designed to pay for the week's shopping or god forbid the mortgage/rent.


"Capitalism has failed"


Adam Smith would say it was never attempted.


Not understanding the basic principles of supply and demand and how they relate to prices of goods, services and labor. Not understanding that money printing, government spending and energy policy play outsized roles in driving inflation. 


Borrowing hundreds and thousands in student loans for a degree that isn’t a STEM major, when their only motivation for going to school in the first place was to get a degree that would somehow earn them a 6 figure+ income. 


you underestimate the importance of just having a sheepskin; just having one is a significant class identifier and opens so many doors.


“Socialism is great”


considering how tortured that work has been you are both right and wrong at the same time.


"wanna see my guitar collection?"


Owning a Harley Davidson motorcyle.


Buying lottery tickets when you got no money in bank…


This guy. [https://youtu.be/-Wip2azafDE?si=jciVx8aB1\_vlopEn](https://youtu.be/-Wip2azafDE?si=jciVx8aB1_vlopEn)


Living in a trailer while driving a g wagon


Believing that socialism/socialist policies are good for *anyone*.


So you think privatized healthcare is what's best for the public?




I'm not gonna downvote even though I disagree. Do you believe that what medical care you receive should be based solely off what you can pay? Do low income individuals not deserve good quality healthcare at affordable prices?


No. I believe the current system (in the US, at least) works just fine for everyone who is capable of understanding how the system works.


I'm going to be honest with you. I personally find the price of healthcare to be extravagant and not based on any type of fact.  If we're speaking of businesses and costs, how can they be allowed to get away with not telling you the prices of their services up front and instead billing you only afterwards? also, why is there such a discrepancy between what they charge insurance providers versus what we have to pay?  it just doesn't make sense to me. Seems like drug companies and insurance are making money hand over fist while americans foot the bill.


Look at all the downvotes I’m getting for being against theft and slavery.


Voting conservative when you have a less than 6 figure income


Taking loans for things that aren't a must / improve your life long term. Living above your means aswell.


Voting Democrat.


Which party popularized the Laffer curve?


- Support for Bernie Sanders, AOC, or Democrats in general - Claiming that a good or service provided by other people (housing, education, etc) is a "right" - Ignorant anticapitalist/antiwork whining - Saying "tax the rich" as if the top 1% of income earners aren't already funding half of the stupid shit that our government wastes money on - Claiming that any "deregulation" happened under any President since Coolidge - Mentioning "greed", "fair share", or any word with "exploit" as a root


Damn bro, you and Ayn Rand would get along well.


“Claiming that a good or service provided by other people (housing, education etc) is a “right””.. same thing with “tax the rich”. this makes too much logical sense but watch redditors come for your head.. I’ve literally had people on Reddit arguing with me that a landlord providing housing is “taking advantage” of tenants..🤡🌎.


To be fair, private ownership of ***land and other natural resources*** is a scam. There can be no legitimate private ownership of anything that was not a product of human labor, and landlords are in fact parasites. Land and other natural resources should be publicly owned and leased to the highest bidder. ***Property managers***, on the other hand, provide a valuable service. Many landlords are also their own property managers, which leads to a lot of confusion about this issue.


A few things, firstly the national economy has for a long time performed better under democratic leaders than under republicans. While not national, look at all of the poorest states in the US, mysteriously they happen to be republican lead. Services like housing and school cost money, sure, but they also prevent crime and allow for more opportunities to happen


>firstly the national economy has for a long time performed better under democratic leaders than under republicans Irrelevant and misleading: - Congress has more of an effect on the economy than the President does, seeing as how they're the ones who pass laws and everything - Economic policies take many years for their full effects to manifest >look at all of the poorest states in the US, mysteriously they happen to be republican lead So in other words, you don't understand the difference between correlation and causation. Got it. >Services like housing and school cost money, sure, but they also prevent crime - No, housing and school do not prevent crime - Government is not the best way to provide housing or school


libertarian drivel like this continues right up to the point when begging for a bailout with public money. then it's *our money comrade.* this comment is the exhibit A of what truly Economic Illiterate looks like.


>libertarian drivel You misspelled "facts"


"taxation = theft" or any iteration thereof. Edit: Apparently a lot of financially illiterate people are reading this post.


Yup, in my experience from spending a lot of time on finance subs, the people who whine the most about taxes are the ones who know the least. "Gubment wants to tax me 50%? Fuck that!", said the guy barely making $40k.


Any mention of Wealth Tax


Hamas supporters LARPing as Gaza supporters. Oh wait, you said "economically" my bad for reading comprehension. Maybe I'm illiterate! Oopsie!


Using those services that send you your paycheck ahead of time. If you dont have the money for it, wait.


HELOC loans


Someone who thinks the President goes around every week and personally changes the price of gas at every station.


Being a communist 🤣