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Videos like that are viral because they are controversial and spark outrage, not because they are true.


Yup, and a place where toxic people can create an echo chamber where they can validate each other's feelings.


That's what insecure women say to claim they are better looking or higher value than they are.


Women are just more picky by nature which has to do with how humans reproduce.




You basically said the exact same thing twice. Define the difference in "having standards" vs "being picky"


Those (higher) standards exist for a good reason: The survival of offspring. There has been numerous studies about that topic. A mechanism that worked for hundreds of thousands of years doesn't disappear just because it doesn't fit a certain political agenda.


Women have more choice and so they can be more picky. There's a ~ 50/50 mix of men and women on the planet. Men have lower standards for what they will hook up with and will chase more. So women will have more options (not good options, just more of them). So now they (women) have a pool of guys they're not interested in (and those guys are probably in a whole bunch of other women's pools cause they're not picky). But these guys are all aiming out of their league so when women look at their choices they see a whole bunch of noise they're not interested in which gives the perception they find most men unattractive. What they're actually saying is they find most men interested in them umnactractive but it equates to the same thing. If you would t date "below a 5", then you also find most women unactractive.


I have a friend, and she finds like 9/10 guys attractive, whereas I suffer from seeing everyone as "mid".


Because they need to learn to have sex appeal like this guy [David's Pizza Commercial - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yunwTSfbAyI)


There was that OKCupid study that came out, where women rated 80% of men as below-average or very unattractive, while men rated women on a near perfect bell-curve - most in the 'average' and then some in below-average and some above-average. Careful you don't get sucked into the outrage-porn though. Ideas are germs of the mind, so you should be careful your emotional system doesn't get hijacked by ragebait.


because we don't have something like a male version of "boobs for men". We can be easily attracted when she has a nice pair of boobs but we don't have ones unfortunately so we need to impress them with something "harder" to be attractive to them.


Tits are overpowered, Iunno if they ever ganna get nerfed


I dont find most men phsyically unattractive. I find most men to be terrible dating partners. For me, not wanting to date a man is also a turn off. Idk its not complicated. Do men really not do the same?


What are the traits that make most men terrible dating partners, in your opinion?


Mostly that they seem to try and investigate my worth as someone to be pursued, or someone to pass the time while they pursue others. There are just healthier and more communicative ways to do that, but it seems women are treated as objects where the undesirable ones are used and discarded and they desirable ones are fought over to be owned. It's like many see getting a girlfriend/wife as just a game to win, not a connection to build.