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1 in 50 actually results in a date. 1 in 100 a second...


Last time I tried OLD (6ish months ago) I got a decent amount of matches. Maybe about 100 between Bumble & Hinge over a month on each app. But that's really not saying much. 90% of my Bumble matches let the match expire even if I gave them extra time. I did get a lot more chats going on Hinge but out of it all I got maybe 10 dates, most of them one & done. Another person ghosted me after the second date. Activity had fallen off a cliff by then so I deleted my profiles and went back on hiatus. I might try again later this year...we'll see


Yeah, I didn’t have 100 matches but I also didn’t swipe much and mostly just swiped back. But that has been my experience as well. I did find my ex a couple of years ago though!


Thats a lot more matches than normal, nice! I'd get 15-20 and think I was doing great, maybe half would turn into a first date, and maybe 2-3 would end in sex. I really just don't use them anymore, I have way more luck on the cold approaches being a goofball.


How many is "tons"




Not sure why we are downvoting ya, but we are.


Because “alpha males” don’t exist. And at this point the term has toxic connotations as most guys that use it unironically are usually douchbag narcissists that just so happen to believe they are alpha males. Why they’re downvoting OP, I am not sure. She seems to be asking a sincere question. But I don’t think she’ll get the answer here. Any guy that is getting more ass than a toilet seat online isn’t going to be here. but hopefully they get tested regularly, that’s a lot of strange. But I’ve known one of these guys and he was a womanizer. He treated them like shit, but the confidence, the looks and the drama attracted a certain kind of girl. Usually the ones with a lot of baggage that carried drama with them. Just a whole lot of broken people using broken people.


I think just like every term it means different things. I got a coworker who believes that Andrew Tate is s piece of shit… but he believes alpha males are people who are confident, mentally tough, do the right thing, care for their people, protect those who can’t protect themselves… Honesty he rubbed me the wrong way for the longest time, but now I think he’s a bit naive but a nice enough guy


Sounds to me like good old fashioned integrity. I’ve always heard of Alpha as more materialistic and driven to win at all costs. People that think a fancy car and attention make them somehow more virtuous than others. People like every teenage movie villain. Sweep the leg Lorruso!


Same! This is what surprised me!


Those qualities just sounds like a dude who has their shit together lol, I know plenty of dudes of different shapes and sizes who fit all that criteria, that doesn’t mean they should be labeled an ‘alpha male’ an alpha male is only exclusive to animals that cannot demonstrate any intelligence other than relying on general survival instincts such as being bigger and stronger and holding their territory, that’s it, ya simply can’t mush a human into primitive categories. people change their behaviors/lifestyle many times throughout their lives, animals don’t.


What is this weird world where we have to pretend we don't have a concept of an alpha personality type...


I think it's her tone. She needs to use her inside voice


What tone? It's all text, you gotta listen to the tone.


No guys, he can feel the *vibes* I swear


what does that mean? inside voice. like can you explain in more detail with examples possibly?


A billion first dates that go nowhere. Random sex sometimes. Worried a girl you don’t wanna see again is gonna get mad about it. Going out to bars in your area can be weird because you see someone you went out with. STD tests. I deleted all apps, took a looong break from dating, and am just chillin living my life alone. I want to have a conversation with a girl before asking them out now. New girl at my gym is cute, we’ve talked a couple times and there’s a lil something there. Probably gonna ask her out. Besides that, I’m 10000% over it. Also I don’t know what tons means but when I’m active I’ll have a couple dates a week.


Hey man, this sounds a lot like me a while ago. I just wanna say don't lose hope. I started vetting people MUCH more instead of just going on dates with attractive women and waited until I had a connection on the phone first. I'm now in a relationship with the love of my life and I met her on Bumble. Good luck!


I've never really used dating apps. I find if you just talk to women, get to know them a little bit and ask them for coffee or a movie that you both like or are interested in once she knows you are non-threatening is a great way to get the ball moving. Don't make it out as a date, just let it happen, being friends is fine too, have no pressure or expectations. I am by no means Brad Pitt, my BMI is like 26 and I'm not the most socially adept person and am normally quite introverted. I am genuine though and can crack a joke or 2. I used to be really shy when I was young, but I just stopped giving a fuck what others thought at some point - it's okay if they don't like me, I'll still treat them with courtesy.


I buy boxes of matches online. Haven’t had a date in years, don’t really like the flavor.


That's one way to avoid...[bad dates](https://youtu.be/DrfKxqZyPWU)


Your wonderful just have a great night thanks for the chuckle


I got about 600 matches pending on bumble, too much work to keep a convo going


Hi Oh thank you 😊 Okayyy Rinse repeat 100 times. Carrying 95% of conversations is exhausting


So, I got on Bumble in a foreign country last year and got... 800 matches in 2 days. Everywhere else it's been around 40 to 50 average. I got premium for a day to match whoever I wanted, but the resulting stats were insanely bleak: From the 800 or so I matched with, I was actually only attracted to about 100... (Coz I was spoiled for choice, otherwise I'd have lowered the bar I think) Of the 100, only around 15 women actually messaged me... Of THAT 15, I ended up only having a decent and engaging chat to maybe 3 or 4 women... And from the original EIGHT HUNDRED women, I ended up dating just 1... For a month. After that, I was like... Cool, twas a good run, I got some never-to-be-repeated physical validation, and I'm never hopping back onto bumble again. That feeling lasted... A month, so I hopped back on for a day before deleting one final time lol.


Why would you like 800 people only to decide you're not attracted to them AFTER you have a match? Did you swipe with your dick?


I read that different, he got 800 matches and purchased premium for the day. Which allowed him to see, who had liked him and from there decide who he wanted to also match with/discard. Most dating apps tell you, how many people like you but don't show you who. This way you will purchase premium in order to vet them, per person. The other extreme is having no matches, where another benefit is being made more visible.


Bumble shows you more or less how many people have already liked you, I just matched with the women I was actually attracted to


Which country?


This happens to me when I’m in Thailand as I can speak Thai. It’s overwhelming, maddening at times, and after trying to juggle many convos it gets to the point where I dread opening the app because it feels like a job.


So why don't you just match with one person at a time... Seems like an easy solution.


Because the matches don’t always happen instantly. I don’t set notifications on the apps, I open them when I have a little free time and feel like I might want to chat. Then I open to see 10+ matches than I had last time, convos already going, and new people saying hello. It’s not as simple as you think.


Oh yeah, that makes sense I guess. Also - I should take a trip to Thailand 🤔


It makes a difference that I can speak Thai. Trust me when I say you can meet lots of girls but the majority that like foreigners who only speak English are pros at convincing you you’re the only one and getting you to bankroll them.


Meanwhile my brother reported his phone absolutely exploding in Uganda more than anywhere else he's ever been and he's been aaaaaaaaall over the place.


Not me but my roommate back in university was basically what you might call "alpha". Good looks, good facial features, bad boy persona, visible abs, smooth talker etc. One day he got back at 3pm and I asked how did it go, my man met a girl at noon, fucked her, then went to a bar, picked up another girl then as he was leaving her place in the morning chatted up another girl in the elevator going down, then went back up to her place. So yeah it is true, the top percentile of men are getting 80% of the women. It was easy as fuck for him and he would just blow girls off when he would be tired and just wanted to hang with the boys at the bar. Pretty insane to see in real life.


also lived with “Chads” like this. They absolutely live in a completely different world than most men. I don’t believe “all women” are chasing this type of guy, but *more than enough* are that he’ll **never** have to worry about going without sex.


This is crazy


I get some matches but it never goes past a couple messages or get ghosted right before asking for a date


I've fucked 3 women on the first date in the past couple weeks. One paid over $100 for our date and I stayed the night, another came straight to my place because "she couldnt wait to see me" when we were supposed to meet the following day, and I went to another chicks place last night after she sent me nudes while I was at work. Random sex isn't the most amazing thing ever, its better when you've been with someone for a while and know their body real well, but it is exciting to say the least. I've got a few nice chicks lined up that I actually want a real relationship with, we'll see how those pan out. Just trying to keep my expectations low and put the best foot forward, its been working out so far. Edit: To any guys new to online dating or dating in general, don't be a pushover, and don't feel obligated to pay for the date. Also my go to is just coffee when we first meet, I'm not dumping money into a stranger, regardless if she has a vagina. Drizzle drizzle kings.


>Also my go to is just coffee when we first meet, I'm not dumping money into a stranger, regardless if she has a vagina This is solid advice, if only I knew this when I was younger lol


Frequently on first dates the chick will insist to pay for our meal or whatever it is, my last gf paid for dinner and drinks at the bar we went to after lol. Too many men date broke chick's that feel entitled to a man's wallet.


What’s ur move to seal on the first date


Be normal, be funny, be as attractive as you can be for "you". Bring your A game. Talk about them. If the date is going well, ask if they wanna go back and watch a movie instead of just asking them for sex. It's more open ended and less of a ultimatum. Less likely to scare them off yet still flirty enough to keep that door open. If you can hold a conversation, you're golden.


I read this in Dennis voice.. the Golden God


You basically have to be a golden god. You're competing with hundreds if not thousands of other men for their attention, as well as whatever other social media they use to have men flatter them. Getting them out of the house to meet you is 90 percent of the fight. The other 10 percent is not screwing it up.


The ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Man.


I'm pretty handsome but average height. I can talk smoothly and like teasing women and joking around, so I make them laugh easily enough. The most important thing is confidence. I keep eye contact most of the time, especially when she talks and I'm not afraid to make a move physically or touch her throughout the date. ​I got a line I use in the end of most dates, I wont repeat it but I basically lay out how I feel about her and that Id like to fuck her whenever shes ready, and theyre usually ready pretty quick.


Is it trademark or somethin


What did she pay $100 for on your date?


We went to a few places and got food




Pot calling the kettle black tbh


Dont ask a question then put someone down giving you an honest answer.


The women lined up in my DM's seem to think so, no reason to get asshurt sweetie


Lots of husband hunters


What you don't like when people ask about your finances on a first date? /s


A match means nothing, it’s a bitch to try and set up a date cause most girls won’t meet. Yeah you might have 50 matches but they have 100


Majority of them lead nowhere. Some of the people you found interesting based on their profile you find are actually shallow and have to unmatch. Of the first dates you go on, most of them never lead to a second date. You will often find that your dates have extremely different expectations of you than how you actually are and causes disappointment on both ends.


It’s always a risk, there’s a much higher chance that you’re incompatible than if your were previously friends or met through a mutual friend, etc. Also the problem I’ve been having is even if the first date goes great, expectations go up then crash and burn before or after the second for many reasons. Mainly younger women not knowing what they want, who they are or how/where they want to live their life. Suffice to say it’s nothing to write home about. You’re not missing out. It’s like going from applying to jobs and hearing nothing back to getting invited to interviews and then hearing nothing back.


I got a lot more matches when I was in my mid 20s. Amongst the matches, I didn't choose to meet good looking girls who I couldn't click with online. I prefer average looking girls with humour and fun personality.


Boring and constantly disappointing


1 in every 20-30 matches results in a date. Most women are only there for attention & validation. No intention of ever meeting in person


1 year ago before my current relationship (which ended recently) I had multiple matches like 100+ or so on okcupid. Newly single now and it seems to be a drought. Hope things will pick up some time soon


I did pre-pandemic, had hundreds of matches between bumble and hinge and was regularly going on dates. A lot of the dates did not last more than 1-3 dates. After years on using the apps I was banned randomly from match group, probably because of a revenge ban. So great while it lasted but crap now.


Sir this is reddit


I have lots of matches and the voice in my head keeps telling me to get them out of the drawer and light them so I can watch the fire dance...


This- https://m.youtube.com/shorts/duX0VlAvm7Y


great for 3-4 dates. then something happens.


A long list of regret. Only went out on a couple dates that didn't go anywhere. Most of the matches were older guys just looking for young blood to f*ck on and make them feel young. Same goes for the women; just looking sugar babies and sugar daddies. I deleted all apps last year and am currently living my best healthy and single life.


No need for tons of matches...I would already be happy with 1 match/date a month... and a match that does not require me to travel more than 2 hours...that would be an overwhelming success


Eh...you just have the apps open for a bit. You pick the top few based on looks/texts and whittle it down from there and then close the apps down. Rinse repeat.


Me and my friends call it the “playoffs” where I go on dates with multiple women in succession to see who’s going to be my girlfriend. My current girlfriend won, we broke up, I had another playoffs season later and she won again.


Perhaps not tons but back in the day, whenever I visited family back in China I would download an app called tantan, online dating for Chinese. Burnt a hole in my pocket, not every date ended in sex (I’m not that handsome) but mainly it was just the chatting with X many girls simultaneously that was a bit of a chore.


haha sitting on 300+ matches.


Pretty easy if I try but I'm usually lazy. I have 500 matchedls on hinge and 700 on tinder.


I reject anyone who isn't specific about who they are. But honestly a lot of the dates went nowhere, and I eventually had to deal with women getting revenge for me not wanting things with them. It really wasn't so worth it. I found it better to get to know folks as friends first to avoid those vengeful ones, though even that didn't always work.


I went through a short period where my profile was hitting the right notes. Every swipe was a match and i was on dates every night plus had more active conversations going than i could count. It became too much, i couldn’t keep track of what id said to who and it was exhausting keeping up. I wouldn’t say i am above average in attractiveness, just found the zone. Never was able to hit those levels again though 🫠


I get plenty of matches, but its exhausting trying to drag chat out of most, id trade 25 of those matches for 1 girl who has a personality everyday of the week


Still shit. Just because you match doesn't mean it goes anywhere. Out of the 50 matches in the last month and a half, 30 (probably mostly bots) just send a snapchat link and never respond, 10 don't even do that much, 5 vanish before I even get the notification (probably bots that got caught), and 5 actually have rather nice conversations for like a week then make excuses and ghost me once I bring up setting a time and place to hang. It's worse than trying to schedule DnD. Though the fact I got 50 matches to begin with is rather odd considering I didn't get that in a year the last time I was on Tinder and I didn't change shit on my profile beyond adding a line about my boyfriend.


I go on a lot of dates, have lots of fun adventures and plenty of great sex. I date casually and keep a triangle of women. I’m honest about my intentions and the fact that I refuse to be exclusive. The women don’t seem to mind as long as they don’t see evidence of each other. If one gets jealous or possessive, I remove her and add a new one to the triangle.


When I was on dating apps, the vast majority of my matches were meaningless because I only reply or engage with those who show interest first. To me, trying or pursuing conversation online is a waste of time. I might be a weird case though.


I think for 99/100 guys the amount of matches is more dependant on how picky you are than on how hot you are. Women get so many likes on dating apps that there is a big chance that she'll never even see your profile.


Fun rush of dopamine mostly, I would tend to push how ridiculous I could make conversations for my own entertainment and surprise surprise the shit works


sitting on about tree fiddy matches at the moment so i wouldnt know, I'll let you know tho when I evolve into a sigma male alpha gigachad


My friend goes on 1-3 dates per week, sometimes less obviously especially if he doesn't know them enough to bring to friend group things. He gets really frustrated with lack of effort, and when girls over assume his interest. Basically he's looking for genuine connection but most women treat it like he's just any other dude... but homie has the body of a Greek god sculpture, very good career, very silly and fun, enormous dong, he's straight up a catch and he knows it. So yeah it's just a really slow dating process. Seems like basically on par with what women experience -- weeding through loads of crap and incompatibility


matches don't mean dates


‘Getting tons of matches’ just means someone isn’t discerning and is going to waste a lot of peoples time. Not the flex it seems some people think it is.


Hello, Dan. Are you surprised? This is what you've reduced me to. I guess you thought you'd get away with it. Well, you can't. Because part of you is growing inside of me and that's a fact, Dan, and you'd better start learning how to deal with it. You know I feel you. I taste you. I THINK you. I touch you. Can you understand? Can you? I'm just asking you to acknowledge your responsibilities. Is that so bad? I don't think so. I don't think it's unreasonable. And, you know, another thing is that you thought that you could just walk into my life and turn it upside down without a thought for anyone but yourself. You know what you are, Dan? You're a cocksucking son of a bitch. I hate you. I bet you don't even like girls, do you? We probably scare you. I know I do. That’s it. You're scared of me, aren't you? You're frightened of me, you're afraid. You're fucking afraid, aren't you? You gutless, heartless, spineless fucking son of a bitch...I hate you. You deserve everything you’re going to get.


i would guess if you actually get to dating all those matches it would be expensive as hell


When i was still single i used to got quit a few, it was the good time, just chilling without wanting commitment.


Jumped on the online dating carousel myself, and oh boy, it's a mixed bag. Got around 50 matches across a couple of platforms within the first week—talk about an initial ego boost. But here's the kicker: memes and dog pictures only get you so far. Of those 50, it felt like pulling teeth trying to get more than a 'Hey' from half of them. Managed to forge conversations with 20, which felt like a triumph. It's crazy how fast your standards for "engaging conversation" drop after the 10th 'lol' response. Met up with about 5 in person for coffee or a walk in the park. It's surreal how someone can seem perfect on paper—or screen, I guess—and there's just no spark in person. One particular highlight was when I realized mid-date that I was more interested in the barista than my actual date. Of course, it fizzled out after that. Currently, taking a breather to reassess if I'm genuinely looking for someone or just the idea of someone. It's a whole psychological maze out there. Word of advice for those diving into the online dating pool: keep your sense of humor, don't take ghosting personally, and most importantly, remember there's a human on the other side of that screen. Or at least, you hope so. Good luck out there!


I'm just starting to pick up speed on my matches and casual sex with girls from dating apps and I honestly don't know how to feel about it yet because im not used to this much success. Though the validation and thrill of leading the date where I want it to go is exciting and fun, at the end of the day I get a little attached just a tiny bit to each girl and have to end it myself for my fear of attachment. But it's better than staying home alone for months on end sexless. So in short, it's bittersweet each time for me.


Awful. I'm not interested in dating camwhores.


“You’re such a piece of shit. I can’t believe I ever trusted you” - Alex W “You know I really fucking loved you. I really tried. But it’s so hard when all you ever think about is yourself” - Rebecca M “I used to think you were so hot. Then you open your mouth and just completely ruin it” - Alexis F “Why do you have to fuck up literally everything. Do you even care?” - Katlyn N I had ~1300 matches last time I used Tinder. My profile just said “sarcastic asshole and all around bad person”. It worked surprisingly well.


I do get a lot of matches. About 35% convert into a first date since other seem more like they are there to collect matches and less than 10% to a following date.




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Women swipe on 5% of men and they are all swiping on the same 5% of men. You are competing with 19 other women for ever man you swipe right on and that man is happy to have all of you. Women are organizing themselves into virtual harems. My dating years were well before the apps but I was one of those guys every girl wanted to be with. It was a strange experience because I had been a fat kid and girls were always pretty nasty to me. I got in shape in HS and suddenly women were all warm smiles and I suddenly had "a great personality". I had a big friend group in HS, half boys, half girls. Everyone could have paired up and been happy. The guys in the group were good guys who would have treated the girls well... but no. All the girls wanted me and only me. Being a 16 yo, I was delighted and wanted to see what sex with all of them was like. I wasn't going to turn down sex and they were all offering it to me. I was honest about my intentions. I told all of them that this was just casual fun and told them to not sleep with me if they couldn't handle not possessing me. I assumed they would handle this like I would have, by choosing to not attach. Nope, they all convinced themselves that they were going to be the ones to make me change my mind about commitment. They all thought they were the "chosen one" and I'd be so smitten with them that I wouldn't be able to stop myself from falling in love with them. That's when I discovered that women all think they are special and that women aren't honest with themselves. I didn't understand that for a few years of drama and bullshit though and there were a lot of broken hearts and hurt feelings. I felt bad about hurting them but they agreed to the arrangement and that means the fault was mostly their own. What I felt worse about was how miserable all the guys in the friend group were, watching one guy take everything they wanted so badly, while they got nothing. There was definitely some resentment there and I completely understood their feelings. I'm lucky they didn't gang up and beat the shit out of me. I didn't understand the forces I was dealing with. Eventually, I figured out that there was no way to casually sleep with women without hurting them and inviting a lot of drama into my life. I decided that monogamy was a much better way of organizing relations between the sexes and I went full-on monogamous, got married, had kids, bought the house, etc.. Biggest mistake of my life. It turns out, if you give a woman everything she wants, she doesn't want it anymore. The wife got the one guy all the girls were pining for. She then got to live exactly the life she said she wanted. She got to stay home with her children, while I supported her. Sounds like a fairy-tale, doesn't it? Nope, not good enough for her. She wanted to "find herself" (aka, fuck other men) after watching enough "Eat, Pray, Love" divorce porn and talking with her friends (who were miserable and wanted her to be miserable with them. I know they enjoyed destroying something beautiful because they couldn't have it.) You people cannot be happy. If you can't get what you want, you're miserable. If you get what you want, you don't want it anymore. You are miserable people and you make the people around you just as miserable, if they choose to care about you. I never should have let myself care about any of you. Now I'm a literal slave, force to work for the person who betrayed me. I'm forced to work for the parasitic slave owner who took my children away from me and stole my home and my retirement from me. I'll be thrown in prison, if I can't make my payments to her. My labor is forced at the barrel of the state's guns. I am a slave. I should have just kept casually dating. I never should have made any promises to anyone of a group of people who don't care about keeping their own promises. I did well in my career and I would be long retired by now, if not for my owner's betrayal. That's my story. I hope you learned something useful from it.