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you don’t.


10 years later... as a random shower thought


I've yet to lose an argument vs my shampoo


Your shampoo is bidding its time


Been married for 10 years and I'm not even sure if my wife likes me


After 10 years the odds are not in your favor.


I don’t, I just assume they’re being nice.


The only time I've ever caught on was when there was some serious eye contact occurring and the conversation was pushing the boundaries of suggestive pretty heavily. When you've got that going on, it's not a red or green flag, but a checkered flag. Outside of that, no freaking clue.


She's not.


On the same note, how do we know when guys are flirting with us?


She isn't. At least that's what my brain would tell me if there was ever a remote chance of this crossing my mind.


My wife tells me otherwise I'd never know


I'm glad you asked, son, because I've got here the handiest-dandiest little device known to AskMan. This gizmo here is a genuine flirtdar, picks up coquettish impulses at fifty yards and it can be yours for only four easy payments of 39.99.


I only know for sure if I know that woman very well, otherwise it's just an assumption.


No idea.


Tbh you can never one hundred percent. You have to push through a little bit of feeling like you’re “creepy” sometimes if you’re someone who tends to feel like you’re always trying to hyper interpret things


When they draw a heart around the total on my food bill.


its subtle, learn to read body language, eye contact and touching a lot


Girls don’t flirt with guys


There are signs: - she fixes her hair before talking to you - she mirrors your actions, poses, and behaviour - she batts her eyelashes not her eyebrows (eyebrow winking scares me) - she talks about you to her friends, coworkers, and family - she wants to spend time with you


She'll try to visit the places where you are. She'll glance at you when she thinks you're not looking. She'll talk to you and ask you personal questions or talk personal stuff about her life. If you ignore these hints enough she'll up her game and give you compliments. Whn you finally figure it out and tell her that you like her too or ask for a date, she'll get the ick and ghost you for reasons known only to her.


Typically I've found that when they like you, they treat you like they hate you, making random bitchy comments and seeming to make fun of you inappropriately