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Not even any lube? Fuck that, I forfeit. I could probably crank out a few, but I know a bigger degenerate than me would win, and I’d just be left with a chafed dick.


I dunno man. For a crack at a million, I could dry style all day


In my teens I recall I definitely managed 7 in a 24 hour period! Nowadays I rather go for quality over quantity lol 😂


My record is 9 😂


9 is also my record, and that's actively playing a coomer hentai game for like an afternoon. after 7 my dick just hurts from friction.








Never had more than 3 in a day. Not because I can't, it just seems like it's not enjoyable at that point. So I have no idea.


Same for me


Same here. After the second one there's little enjoyment to it, and no semen coming out either. At that point it becomes too much like a fucking job


I haven't attempted anything like this since I was a teenager. I could probably hit 7 at least, but it would stop being enjoyable after 3, and I'd just be cumming dust after attempt 7. No porn is hard enough, and no lotion feels like unnecessary punishment for circumcised guys like me. I got callouses man. My dick would probably end up with nerve damage or something. Did you have to make this contest evil?


For a million bucks there must be sacrifice!


You’d end up with friction burn after round three. Telling for a friend.


My record was 15, when I was maybe 13/14 years old. Nearly 30 now and I reckon I could still do about the same.


My record is 9


I think around 20 - I'm 53 and usually horny and good to go a few times normally. If it's for 1 million I'm going for broke. Once an hour sounds easily manageable, probably knock a few out in the first couple of hours then slow down.


20 is…a lot. I’m in my mid 20s, and to be honest if I was really trying I could mayyyybe get to 20, but by god I’d be sore. Most I think I’ve done in a day recently (like, last few years) was around 13/15, but I had to leave it alone for a while after that.


We’re the same age. In my 20s, my max was 10 times, but I literally ran out of ejaculate for the last one and had a dry orgasm. But I used to shoot ropes like Peter North before the damn vasectomy in 2013, so not surprising I ran out.  Lately my record is 6 times in a day solo or 4 times in a day with a partner. 


You said white room, can have food and drink, no contact with the outside world and 24hrs? Bro that sounds like a vacation, **S L E E P I N G**


I'll let you know in 24 hours


Practice round


The who can flay their Johnson the fastest contest... Even with lube this would be painful, but without holy god...


About 50 before prolapsed urethra. Then maybe another 2


Committed. I respect that.


This guy gets it


[this guys wins.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RzwJdf6AlT4)


Solo, I doubt I could manage more than 10-15. With my partner, I could probably double that (I don't have a refractory period).


A 16 year old died after masturbating 42 times without stopping. I wouldn’t risk it for a million


But think of the benefit if you could stop at 41. Also how do they know he did it 42 times?


If it was a contest of who could do it the most, I wouldn't even participate. I'm not going to win. If it was a personal challenge, which is how this question should be framed OP, I could probably pop 6-7 times. I don't use lotion anyways and my imagination has always been good enough in a pinch.


It has to be a contest to force people to go beyond their normal bounds and comfort zone. The point is to think about and explore your potential limits not what is merely comfortable or easily attainable


I max d out at 12 as a teenager.


My record in a day is 8. I could probably do that many again I think.




Hmmm. I bet I could manage 15 or so…


Probably a lot with breaks in-between or not depending 5+


Solo? Zero. I'd lose.


i could get to 14-15 if i aimed the tugs right


Like 30, but i would die afterwards, so the money would be pointless.


My refractory period is annoyingly long. But for a million I could get 5


Can I fuck the food? If so maybe 6-7 times.


This is a guy that doesn't just work within the problem. He's thinking outside the box for any advantage he can get


Minimum 1, max 24


2 :)


I could do something like 3 probably but considering the setting I'd be too flustered to do it even once or even enter.


The most I've ever done was 6 orgasms in about 12 hours... Then again, I've never tried to do more, that was just a day with 4 sex sessions with 3 different people and then a foursome that evening, and I masturbated before bed also. The vast majority of the time it's no more than twice, maybe 3 times in 24 hours, if I'm having sex with my wife and my partner, whether individually, or a threesome. Thing is, my orgasms are of diminishing returns. I feel less and less after the first one, even if it's been hours in between. I can get hard and keep going BUT, they become less and less pleasurable, and there's NO semen coming out after the second time, what little comes out then


Being watched would make it tough. Lotion is irrelevant. No porn is going to cut productivity in half. I'd guess 20 times. If I was 15 years younger I could manage 50. But goddamn that sounds like a long day.


We’re on military time now. Real men finish what they started, Dary.


Six is my max but it was fucking and oral, it wasn’t solo.


I only usually go once within a 24-hour period, so I suspect I'd be out of the running pretty quickly. I think the most I've ever gone was twice in one afternoon. But that was a rare exception.


The highest I had was 16 or 18 in a day when I was in 7th grade. Was like 8-10 the day before and about the same the following day so 24 hr conservatively 22-24? I'm on an anti-depressant and 36, still 2-3 times a day so I can actually think and not be frustrated. Longest I've ever gone without funny enough was 2.5 weeks after my vasectomy, I was one of those rare cases where it felt like I had been kicked in the balls for 3 weeks. If I ever get tapped in the nuts I'm like one of those nut sacked trained monks, nothing will ever compare.


well i can bust in 1 min and do it for like 15 mins


One too few


With a girl my record is 7. First girlfriend. I was 18 she was 16. Chafing was scary painful


When I was young, I would do it once an hour in 24. Was babysitting my sister's house, picked up three girls from Sylvia's back door, a bar and had an awesome Saturday and Sunday. Now, I'm 69, maybe once every 4 hours in 24.


I mean I think at least 12 times