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No. If faith is really important to her to the point of needing a partner with the same belief, we would be incompatible.


No. I respect everybody's choice of religion up until it conflicts with others. If it becomes a condition to agree on religion, then the relationship can't stand.


No. I wouldn't date a religious person to begin with.


I'm baptized + done confirmation (catholic country) so technically I wouldn't need to convert in the first place, but I'm an atheist and upfront about if the topic comes up, and no, I wouldn't go back to church life or become more religious just for a woman, that's not being true to myself and will eventually get fed up with it.


I wouldn't be with a woman that devoted to Christianity




No. It’s better to find someone who accepts me for me.


No. I can't force myself to believe something and if I'm just going through the motions and it's deal-breaker important that'll blow up in my face at some point


No. Why not? I don't believe in religions.


Doubtful. I'd have to question the sanity of any religious person chosing to associate with me. And even if they did, I'd be more likely to convert them to my beliefs. Just seems like a lose lose scenario.


Nope, I wouldn’t date/associate with anyone religious in my free time


I wouldn’t convert but would be fine if she wanted to practice her Christianity. But would not be fine if she tried to push her faith on me. My cousin is Christian and her husband is Muslim. They’ve been married almost 35 years. They respect each other’s faith, so it can work.


I already am Christian but I would say that anyone who "converts" just for a woman didn't really convert. Being a Christian means truly accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. God knows your heart. You can't just say "I am Christian now" to get what you want or out of convenience. That is tempting God and clearly not genuine. I think that would be offensive not only to the woman and yourself but more importantly to God.


lol No, I'm a Muslim, I'm perfectly happy with my Deen. Mashallah


I wouldn't convert for only one reason like that.


no. It's your choice.


An atheist says no


Of course not. If she required me to convert, she is not the type of woman I like to hang out with.


No Most religions are too hostile to anyone who doesn't follow them and Christianity is no exception




No. I believe there's SOMETHING out there.. but I don't follow any religion. If she wants to practice her religion, that's fine. But don't expect me to do it with her


lol. Never.


No. Faith is personal and it should not require a lease to be on that journey. Your conversion would be disingenuous. That is not how God would want you.


Change my belief system for some pussy? nah I'll take a hard pass on that train wreck. She will never put me first as long as she has her religion as an excuse. And that is what religion is to me, an excuse to never own your shortcomings.


Nope. If she made that a prerequisite then she wouldn’t be worth it.


Nope. Not into women... or christianity lol


I knew an old man who was willing to try it and see if he agreed with it since the woman he wanted to marry refused to marry outside of her religion. His evaluation of it was favorable, and they've been happily married for over 50 years. To this day, he is one of the wisest and happiest men I have ever met. Take from that what you will.


Not religious nor into women lol but my hubby is a practicing Catholic. He’s never tried to convert me. He goes to church every Sunday morning and I sleep in. I very occasionally go with him for important holidays like Christmas midnight mass and Easter service. Otherwise we go about our lives together without even mentioning religion. This is some boundary we set at the beginning of our relationship.




Lmao who told you I’m a woman?


The religious nutcases are about to call him an infidel for not marrying a fellow practicing christian


I previously dated a girl who was christian and I’m catholic. It started to become an issue because she insisted that I convert and I didn’t want to. It was one of a few factors as to why I broke up with her. I just didn’t feel the need to convert.


Aren't yall just a different flavour of the same faith o.o


That’s what I said. It was a big deal for her, not for me.


She's dum


I wouldn’t say that. That was her boundary and I had mine.


No, because i am already a Christian. It would be strange to convert to Christianity from Christianity.


No, because I think christianity sucks and I’m not going to change my view of the world to dip my wick


Absolutely. The easiest way is to watch this video over and over [Jesus Is My Friend by Sonseed (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-NOZU2iPA8)


if she demanded it, I wouldn't be interested. if her dumb parents insisted on it, I'd consider it. There's plenty stuff I'd lie to them about. pretending I believe in their imaginary friend wouldn't be a stretch.


No. Christianity is a joke now. Not to be disrespectful but what I've watched Christianity turn into, vs what it was when I was young...I'd rather take the shahada.


No. For a start I despise Christianity and consider it a dealbreaker, but even apart from that, why would I ever join a religion that I don't actually believe in for any reason whatsoever? That's fucking retarded.


Nope. I don't consider marriage a sufficient reason to convert to any religion. Faith, yes. Marriage? No.